The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 253

Chapter 253: tragic little widow 6

Closing down smoking halls is a first-class good thing in the eyes of ordinary people.

The smog flooded, and many men stopped working for a mouthful of opium, no longer had a family to support, and people were completely ruined. However, this thing is widely popular, and people also regard smoking big cigarettes as a fashion in the smoking halls on the streets.

Tobacco shops opened one after another and made a fortune, but how many families did they destroy?

“Sister Xia is a real hero!” The people were praising her. Some people gathered around the smokehouse, waiting to see the smokehouse close.

When shopkeeper Leng stood at the door, someone asked him when the door would be closed. He ignored it, and only gave the person who asked the question a negative glance. He used his terrible eyes to force the good people back, and went back to do his job. Business.

The door to the smokehouse was open, and everything was business as usual.

Shopkeeper Leng was lying on the Taishi chair with Erlang’s legs crossed, thinking about how to deal with the difficulties.

The smokehouse has an elegant name called “Drunken Tonight”. Drunk Tonight is a well-known smokehouse.

The two-storey compound courtyard has a total of 12 large houses inside and out, up and down. There are private rooms and private rooms. At its most lively, it can accommodate nearly a hundred people to enjoy together.

The most tonight is not only to allow people to smoke big cigarettes, but also to sell big cigarettes.

How many people have moved their homes to a smokehouse for a puff of cigarettes. Money poured in like water. This is the most profitable business!

This cigarette shop also has a business, that is, selling news. There are a lot of fish and dragons here, and there are three religions and nine popular styles. Smoking a big cigarette is comfortable, and any kind of information can be easily set out.

Because of this, although the shopkeeper Leng did not enter any Pao Getang entrance, he also had a certain status in the arena.

But now, Xia Junxin wants to smoke a house in a word, how can it be so easy?

She not only cut down his cash cow, but also cut off his source of information.

Not only is there no money, but also the status in the future.

“Hmph, if you want to step on me to make a name for yourself, there is no door!” Shopkeeper Leng couldn’t swallow this breath, he would never sit still.

Shopkeeper Leng invited his buddies, and he ordered in a low voice, “Go, tell the people in front that this smokehouse can’t be opened, and let them all get out of the way. The business won’t do. After that, go home and smoke a lot of cigarettes.”

The guy was taken aback, why did the shopkeeper come out like this?

“Shopkeeper, didn’t you want me to die?” The shop assistant flinched.

These drug-addicted guys are trash on weekdays, but once someone dares to stop them from smoking, they can instantly become the most terrible mad dogs. They are having a good time now, won’t this chase people away and get beaten up?

“It is said that it was the order of Sister Xia of the Qingyunhui, she would not let the smokehouse open.” Shopkeeper Leng instructed: “If there is any problem, let them go to Xia Junxin!”

There are many big smoke halls, but there is only one with drunk tonight. He has the best and purest stuff here. He has money and can still monopolize good products. Smokers who can’t smoke good cigarettes can’t find good things and have to fight with the culprit, Xia Junxin?

The man rolled his eyes and realized that Shopkeeper Leng was using a knife to kill.

How terrifying is an addict who can’t smoke opium, he actually lured people to Xia Junxin. This is really cruel enough.

“Okay, shopkeeper, don’t worry, I’ll do it right.” The man agreed. .

He is begging for a living under the shopkeeper, listening to the shopkeeper. As for Xia Junxin’s life and death, it has nothing to do with him.


The guy quickly informed the smokers who were drunk tonight about the closure of the smoke shop, and successfully guided the fire to Xia Junxin.

A large percentage of people smoke so much that they lose their temper, and they don’t respond at all. However, the few grumpy addicts rushed out with red eyes just as Shopkeeper Leng had expected, asking Xia Junxin to settle the account.

The people who were drunk tonight did not stop them, and the people on the street had always avoided this group of people.

The few frantically ran the streets until a group of people blocked their way in front of the road.

This team of people has big arms and round waists, strong and sturdy, and they are not easy to mess with. Only the special leader is a slender, delicate and beautiful woman.

Crazy addicts pick soft persimmons, and they rush in the direction of women.

The surrounding people couldn’t help but worry.

Of course, it’s not the beautiful women who are worried, it’s these crazy madmen who smoke a lot of cigarettes and smoke out of their lives.

This beautiful woman is none other than Xia Junxin.

Xia Junxin, who has become a rudder master, has a more dignified imposing manner and sharper eyes.

Some people may not recognize Xia Junxin, but the bright hunting knife on her waist is a token of Zhou Fusheng of the Liangjiang Association. Zhou Fusheng’s life was ruined in her hands, and the hunting knife became her trophy.

The addicts attacked frontally, and Xia Junxin kicked them in the face.

The white embroidered shoes stepped on the faces of several people, and they stomped on the ground, as if they wanted to step on the ground.

“Xia Junxin, Xia Junxin is right.”

“This is Xia Junxin? Zheng Erye’s wife?”

“Now call her Big Sister Xia.” Everyone whispered.

People of the day are coming, and they all want to watch the fun.

“Tie it up!” Xia Junxin ordered. She didn’t mind being watched from a distance by the people.

Several muscular men swarmed up and **** the crazy people one by one.

“Eldest sister, what should I do if someone is arrested?” the subordinates asked.

“Don’t worry about it.” Xia Junxin didn’t care about their lives.

Xia Junxin took a few steps forward and looked up at the “Drunken Tonight” sign.

“Pick the signboard!” Xia Junxin ordered.

The guys were very obedient and cooperative. They quickly took off the signboard, and they were excited to chop the signboard into large and small novels.

This made the big move, of course, to recruit the cold shopkeeper.

He lost his usual demeanor and started scolding directly.

Xia Junxin didn’t care about him either, the scolding was completely inaudible, and he just led people to the smokehouse.

“The opium in the smokehouse will be collected and destroyed in a centralized manner. Anyone who sees a big cigarette will be driven out. Regardless of their status, they will be driven away!” Xia Junxin ordered.

“Order!” Xia Junxin’s subordinates responded with a resounding voice.

For a time, the chickens and dogs jumped inside Zui Tonight, and all kinds of curses kept coming.

Some smokers who were unconvinced and made troubles attacked the guy who was doing the errands, and Xia Junxin came forward to clean up the people with extraordinary force.

She drove the smoker and the shopkeeper Leng out of the courtyard together.

Shopkeeper Leng, who thought he could handle it with ease, started to jump, so he sat in front of the drunken tonight’s door, crying and making a fuss.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

The people were gone, and smoke, opium, and other drugs were concentrated in the garden.

Xia Junxin completely burned these things with a fire.

Thick smoke rose and filled the entire courtyard. The smell of opium in the air is particularly irritating.

Boss Leng didn’t lift it up in one breath, it’s all his goods, so it’s gone. How does this turn him around?

“Drunk is gone tonight, let’s turn this yard into a martial arts hall or a bookstore.” Xia Junxin planned.

Opening a martial arts hall can strengthen your body, learn knowledge in a bookstore, and listen to it for free if you are interested.


good night~~

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