The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: tragic little widow 1

The fireplace was burning, and the library exuded a sleepy aura.

Jun Xin yawned, but she was still awake. She was lying on the sofa on the first floor of the library with a compulsory book in her arms and a stone in her hand.

This is a gray, irregularly shaped, hard-textured small stone, ordinary, without any features. But it is indeed very special, and its existence is of extraordinary significance.

This is the first thing Jun Xin brought into the library from the small world.

This is an experiment, a conjecture of Jun Xin.

She once tried to destroy the library with psychic power, but it didn’t have any effect. So she tried to find a “weapon”. The things in the library must not be used against the library, so she wanted to bring it to the library from the small world.

Junxin gathers spiritual power, condenses the power into a small ball of light, and pours it into the interior of the stone.

With a sharp shot, the irregular stone was fired into the library wall like a cannonball.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise.

After the huge explosion, the library shook violently, and Jun Xin heard the sound of bookshelves collapsing and books falling to the ground.

Passing through the vastness of disgust, Jun Xin saw a small hole in the wall he attacked.

This is the result of his stone.

She could see the scene outside the cave, which was a deep black. But in the dark, there seems to be a faint fluorescence. Those lights are like stars in the night sky.

Jun Xin sat up from the sofa, he wanted to see what happened.

However, the hole healed at an extremely fast rate. The confusion caused by his attack was also restored in an instant.

Suddenly, a heavy pressure descended from above. This invisible pressure was so powerful and terrifying that it was so overwhelming that Jun couldn’t breathe, and every bone in his body was crushed.

The library was angry, and it was his punishment.

However, this attack, these pains did not intimidate Jun Xin, but made him extremely happy.

His attack is effective! He found a way to deal with the library.

It’s just that he is not strong enough now to conflict with the confinement of the library.

But one day, he will break out of the cage.

“You must be patient, you must be calm! Don’t be impatient, don’t think about taking shortcuts.” Jun Xin repeatedly told himself.

He found a shortcut to cultivation in the previous world.

Absorbing the energy stone of the interstellar world can increase the spiritual power at the fastest speed.

He had thought many times about making the power stone a booster for his growth, but in the end, he resisted the temptation.

Although it is a small world thing, the risk is still very high. He didn’t know what the relationship between the library and the small world was.

Junxin’s goal is to escape the library’s control safely, and there is no time limit to achieve this goal.

It may be a little slower to practice alone, but it is better to be steadfast.


A thick, strong hand grabbed Jun Xin’s throat. Being strangled by the neck, Jun Xin fell into a state of suffocation and hypoxia. Her eyes were blurred, and she couldn’t see who was attacking her. She couldn’t exert herself either, her whole body was weak, and her forehead hurt.

There is a strong smell of wine in the air, and a strange smell of sandalwood.

Jun Xin’s consciousness is not very clear, the situation is very bad.

“Little brother and sister, be honest.” Someone threatened: “Second brother is gone now, you are still popular and spicy after you leave. If you don’t follow, I will send you and second brother to the underworld after I taste your taste. meeting!

The man smiled smugly, rudely tore open Jun Xin’s shirt, and his sweaty hands wandered freely on Jun Xin’s body.

Someone was crying outside the house, and they were banging on the door frantically.

“Brother, you can’t do this!”

“Master Rudder, please show mercy!”

On the contrary, these requests for help stimulated the perpetrator. The man’s hand went down wildly, and he bowed down to Jun Xin. A stinky mouth stuck to Jun Xin’s face.

Jun Xin instinctively raised her hand, she wanted to push the man away, but she really had no strength, and only got ridiculed by the man. She wanted to use her mental power, but for some reason, her mental power was also scattered and difficult to condense. Is she drugged? The strange smell of sandalwood lingered on the tip of the nose, and Jun Xin knew that it was this smell that caused the disaster.

Situation crisis!

At this moment, a sharp and shining knife fell against her cheek, and a blood stain appeared on Jun Xin’s white and tender face.

The pain of the face being split, and the **** breath, let Jun Xin get a moment of sobriety.

“Xia Junxin, don’t toast, eat or punish!” The man further threatened. He laughed more and more wildly.

The resistance of the virtuous woman made him extremely excited.

As soon as Jun Xin gritted his teeth, his weak hand pulled out the sharp blade beside his face and chopped it down at the man.

Blood splattered and stained her face.

The man’s tragic howl, he rolled from Jun Xin to the ground.

Jun Xin vigorously propped up his body to pursue, and aimed at the man’s neck and continued to chop.

This man is burly and muscular. Once he is given a chance to fight back, he will definitely not survive.

Your heart is ruthless. She still doesn’t know what happened, but there is only one thought in her mind – can’t let him go, can’t let him go!

She exhausted her strength, one knife, another knife.

Finally, the man stopped moving.

The man’s head was cut off by Jun Xin.

Blood splattered the whole room, the **** breath covered all the smells, and the sandalwood scent on the tip of the nose was covered.

Jun Xin felt that her consciousness was recovering, her strength was returning, and her vision was clear.

She sat on the mahogany stool and rested.

“Master, please go around the second sister-in-law!!”

“Boss, you can’t do this, it’s breaking the rules!”

Outside the house, many people were crying, and they were still begging the helmsman to be merciful.

The rudder… This title is very Jianghu.

Jun Xin lowered her head to look at the corpse, and then looked at the loose door that was not locked at all.

She finds it ironic.

If people outside really can’t stand it and want to save her, the door will be kicked open, right?

“They are all afraid of you.” Jun Xin kicked the corpse and snorted disdainfully, “Fake benevolence and righteousness.”

The shouting and wailing continued outside the house.

Jun Xin was not in a hurry to go out, her blood-stained hand lifted the teapot on the table, and she poured herself a cup of tea.

She is waiting for her body to fully recover and accept the plot by the way.


The original owner’s name is Xia Junxin, a tragic supporting role in the novel “Black”.

“Black” is a serious literary novel with the background of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. From the perspective of Zheng Yunshan, the robe brother, the story tells the fate of the gang members who wandered in the rivers and lakes.

The beginning of the story is a dispute between the hero Zheng Yunshan and the leading boss Zhou Fusheng.

They are the top two tasks of a Pao Ge organization. Zheng Yunshan is the second in command and the deputy helmsman. He was born in a scholarly family, and insisted on taking the Qingshui route, prohibiting the activities of burning, killing and looting. And Zhou Fusheng, the bandit started his career, he has no taboos. The two couldn’t fight, and the conflict became bigger and bigger. In the end, Zhou Fusheng plotted to kill Zheng Yunshan and pushed him into the Yangtze River.

Zheng Yunshan was blessed with a great fate and did not die. He went down the Yangtze River and was rescued by good-hearted people. In order to escape the pursuit, he went south to Shanghai. During this period, he dealt with gangs, bandits, knights, and warlords from all over the world, made countless friends, and did several famous things. When he arrived in Shanghai, the name of Pao Ge Zheng Yunshan had already spread. He also successfully established a new organization in Shanghai, and has a lot of ground.

The novel follows in the footsteps of Zheng Yunshan, showing the customs and life of people in the chaotic world. The author wrote about the goodness of the people in the rivers and lakes, and wrote about their chivalry. Of course, he also showed the ignorance and evil of these people. The novel is wonderful.

Zheng Yunshan was caught in a gang struggle and was chased, murdered and forced to flee, but in the end he gained fame and fortune. He was rich and powerful, and he became a family in Shanghai and took a concubine of Qifang. The original owner, Xia Jun, had an unfortunate heart, that is, Zheng Yunshan’s original wife, who was forgotten in Bayu when he fled for his life, and had a miserable fate.

Xia Junxin, a miss from the official family, has been married to Zheng Yunshan for three years, and has a daughter. They have a good relationship.

When Zheng Yunshan fell into the water and “died”, Xia Jun thought of organizing the funeral. Zhou Fusheng was very angry at the funeral, and in front of everyone, he dragged Xia Junxin away and raped him. And because of her fierce resistance, Zhou Fusheng ruined Xia Junxin’s appearance. People get it and throw it away the next day.

What will happen to the unclean widow with a young daughter?

Zheng Yunshan’s relatives occupied the family property on the grounds that she was unclean. Xia Junxin and her daughter were kicked out of the house together with no money on them. Having no choice but to return to her parents’ home, Xia Junxin’s pedantic magistrate father gave her a white silk ribbon and asked her to hang herself. If the county magistrate refused to take in his niece who was less than two years old, Xia Junxin would have hanged himself.

She struggled to survive, begging on the street for a living. But she was humiliated every day, and no one dared to help her.

On the day of the funeral, so many people watched Xia Jun’s heart be humiliated, and no one dared to come forward to save people. After her humiliation, the group demeaned her, made fun of her, and looked down on her.

There are a few poor people who sympathize with Xia Junxin, but they are afraid of Zhou Fusheng and dare not help.

Xia Junxin and her young daughter did not survive the winter.

Zheng Yunshan, who escaped from death, had a good time in Shanghai and married seven concubines to enjoy the blessing of the whole people. Xia Junxin, however, experienced all the misery of others, and died of starvation with her daughter, and corpses lay on the street…

This is a serious literary novel, and of course the story will not simply end at the peak of Zheng Yunshan.

In the end, Zheng Yunshan went to ruin, his family was completely destroyed, his concubine died, and he ran away.

His downfall had his personal factors as well as the reasons of the times.

The feudal dynasty was overthrown, the government of the Republic of China was established, the warlords scuffled, the enemy invaded the war of resistance, and the civil war…

The gang that once dominated one side, but the gang symbolized by the warlords gradually declined, until they were completely banned after liberation.

Of course, in the latter part of this magnificent novel, the second half of Zheng Yunshan’s life has nothing to do with the role of Xia Junxin.

Her mission – to reflect the tragic fate of women in the past, was completed in the first winter of the novel, leaving the scene early.

As a serious literary novel, “Black” is very good, and Junxin appreciates it very much.

But when she entered this novel and became the tragic character of Xia Junxin, Junxin wanted to talk to the author with a knife.


In the time of a cup of tea, Xia Junxin’s state has completely returned to normal, his mental strength is concentrated, and his arms and legs have strength.

There were still people knocking on the door outside the house, and some people shouted: “Heaven!” “The rules are broken!” and so on.

This group of people really annoyed her!

Xia Jun frowned and his eyes were cold.

If it is said that Zhou Fusheng is the murderer of Xia Junxin’s mother and daughter, then the group of people watching the show outside the house and some broken mouths are all murderous knives.

Carrying Zhou Fusheng’s head, she walked a few steps forward, and opened the door that she couldn’t explain.

After a few crunching sounds, the sun shone on Xia Junxin’s face.

It was quiet and no one was making noise.

“Yeah, why don’t you shout!” Xia Junxin mocked.

No one dared to make a sound.

Xia Junxin was covered in blood, and he lifted Zhou Fusheng’s head in his hand, as if Shura were alive.

Who would have thought?

Brother Pao organized the Liangjiang Association to run rampant in the land of Bayu, but the elder brother Zhou Fusheng was beheaded by a little widow!


A new world has begun~~ This time it is about the story of the female pao brother.

I added some unofficial extras to the last world, and I’ll put them in the words of the last chapter later, if you are interested, you can take a look ^_^

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2020-05-09 21:44:12~2020-05-1023:17:23~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 385225551;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: I have 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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