The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 247

Chapter 247: Dance of the Abandoned Planet

Dorne is a small planet, but it has a total of 32 moons.

Among these 32 satellites, there are only three pure natural satellites, and these three planets are populated by the people with the highest IQ in the entire universe—scientific and technological workers. They basically live a nearly closed research life here.

[They are probably the most terrifying and indifferent people in the world. Unawakened machines are warmer than them. 】 Natalia whispered.

Nowadays, machines and AIs have emotions and emotions, and they can empathize with humans, but these transcendent elites do not. They have a proud IQ, but they don’t have the emotions that humans should have. As if they were born without the human emotional system.

[Usually, they maintain and manage the mastermind? 】 Liu Junxin asked.

【Yes. ] Natalia replied: [They will regularly maintain and clean up the main brain. 】

They destroy AI without any soft-heartedness, and they clean up data without blinking an eye. Many children were swept away by them at the touch of a button before she could save them. She once thought of many ways to protect the children, but they were all cracked one by one.

【Understood. 】 Liu Jun wanted to sneak into Dorne, and maybe he would encounter these ‘smart people’. It may not be possible to fool them. At that time, they can only be controlled by mental power, or directly stunned.

【They are really too much! 】 Natalia said angrily, she harbored very strong resentment towards this group of people.

【Calm down. 】Liu Junxin reminded, 【Our goal is to sneak into Dorne and get data. 】

As for these elites, as long as they don’t stand in front of him, it doesn’t really matter. Natalia’s grievances could be told at another time.

In addition to the three natural satellites, the other 29 satellites are all artificial satellites, and they exist for only one purpose – to protect the main brain.

Each artificial satellite is a super large space military fortress. Each military fort has a considerable number of mecha groups, fighter groups, starship groups, and dense photon artillery groups. It is commanded by their respective commanders, and has an operating system and network independent of the main brain. These fortresses can be attacked and defended, providing the tightest and most powerful protection for the planet of Dorne.

The first difficulty for Liu Junxin and Natalia was to pass through this tight satellite defense line.

[If you want to clear the border, then No. 4 satellite is the best choice. The offensive and defensive systems of No. 4 satellites are being maintained and upgraded, and their forces are relatively weak. 】

If you want to enter the planet of Dorne, you must use the identity card to rank on the satellite, and you can pass after approval.

The stealth fighter slowed down, and Liu Junxin slowly approached the space station of the 27th satellite of the Dorn planet.

Liu Junxin sent a login request, and the space station opened a channel. She flew in along the passage, passed through the long passage at a low speed, and stopped at a fixed position.

“Those who come to work, please get out of the fighter plane and take the initiative to go to the registration office to complete the registration.”

The AI voice starts playing the reminder.

Liu Junxin unfastened his seat belt and silently adjusted his appearance. Tall and straight, with a dark blue logo uniform, hair waxed and smooth, his complexion a little yellow and black, and his expression slightly wretched.

She stepped out of the fighter plane, walked arrogantly to the registration office, took out the identity authorization card, and placed it at the registration office to complete the registration.

The red light was scanned on the permission card and passed the inspection smoothly.

“Registration is complete, please wait for the scheduling space car.”

Process complete.

The space car to Dorne arrives soon.

[I really didn’t expect you to walk into the planet of Dorne openly. 】 Natalia was surprised, she thought that Liu Junxin would drive a fighter jet: 【When did you get the permission card? 】

[It was still in the days of customs. 】Liu Junxin is catching a sheep’s wool. Stealing the S-class memory card also stole his identity authorization card.

[Isn’t this unfortunate chosen person not found out? 】 Natalia checked the system, but really didn’t find the other party’s alarm information. In other words, such an important thing was stolen, and the other party did not respond at all.

[I made a fake one for him. 】 Liu Jun said in his heart.

Natalia was convinced. Holding the real goods myself and letting the master hold the counterfeit goods, there is no problem in both aspects. Really great.

[But the unlucky ghost you found looks shabby enough. To be honest, if you appeared with this honor in the first place, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the guts to ask you for help. ] Natalia commented.

This senior customs official is useless for his height, looks unsightly and greasy and wretched. Feeling uncomfortable from head to toe, an emotion called nausea begins to creep in.

[Your evaluation is too exaggerated. 】 Liu Junxin laughed.

It takes twenty minutes to get to the Dorne space vehicle from satellite 27.

In twenty minutes, there will be an uphill battle. This is the last relaxing moment. Liu Junxin talked and laughed with Natalia to adjust her mood.


Entrance to Space Station 27 on Dorne, control room.

Inspector Mitrian had his legs crossed on the console, and he was playing with a 17th-order mirror cube in his hand. His hands moved swiftly and mechanically, and the Rubik’s Cube flipped rapidly at his fingertips. However, his mood was concealed under the large and thick sunglasses, and no one knew.

There was a burst of cheers in my ears, and my colleague’s terminal was playing “Dream Game”. This is the special part of the show, the dance PK between Liu Junxin and the virtual idol. It is said that this is also the last battle, but there is no suspense in the result.

After several rounds of competition, Liu Junxin won by an absolute advantage. She, a woman from an abandoned planet, became the number one dancer in the universe.

Mitrian’s eyes turned to the screen, and the speed in his hand did not slow down.

“Grass! This dead woman caused Lao Tzu to lose another 5 million! Shit! Lao Tzu must kill her in the final.”

“How much money did you spend? Hundreds of millions?”

“Don’t mention it. If it wasn’t her, it all went into Liu Junxin’s pocket. If she really got a foothold in Techstar, I would be **** off.”

“You don’t have to do this, right? Many people really like her now, and they are discussing how to protect her.”

“I think these people are mentally ill and should be sent to study hard.”

Mitrian was angry. He turned the cube slower, but his strength increased.

“Mitrian, what’s the matter with you playing Rubik’s cube with sunglasses all day long? Have you seen “Dream Game”? Come and come, let’s discuss together, anyway, you have nothing to do.” The colleague who was discussing the show suddenly suddenly question.

Mitrian said perfunctorily: “Sorry, I haven’t watched the show.”

“You don’t study hard, and you don’t entertain yourself. Your life is really boring.” Another colleague complained: “Spend less time playing Rubik’s cube, and study technology with your heart, and you won’t be fooled. Assigned to such a boring position, sinking with us. But since you have been transferred to us by the left, learn how to entertain yourself, discuss and discuss with everyone, and get closer.”

“If you want to go back, it’s impossible to go back. You don’t have the right to follow the rules. So feel free to play with us!”

“Thank you.” Mitrian responded with a smile. The mirror cube in his hand did not put down.

Mitrian was originally a researcher in the most core laboratory in the interstellar space. He was sent down not because he couldn’t get good grades or because he didn’t do the right thing, but because he violated taboos and made bad remarks.

He also watches “Dream Game” and has been observing Liu Junxin.

However, these things do not need to be told to colleagues.

Several colleagues were a little angry when they saw Mitrian so dead. Yuan was about to say a few words when the alarm light in the control room came on.

“Hey, yellow alert, guys.”

“what happened.”

A man’s face appeared on the screen in the control room. This face was really ugly.

“The major general of the customs? This guy looks really unsightly. How did he get promoted?”

“With such high authority, and in customs, you must have money, so why not plastic surgery?”

“The point is wrong, the key is the alarm. According to the law of his behavior, he should not appear at this time.”

Colleagues were debating what to do, but Mitrian went to the window and looked down at the entrance.

In his field of vision, he did not see the customs officer who set off the alarm on the screen, but there was a slender woman.

The Rubik’s Cube in his hand fell to the ground inadvertently.

Mitrian was nervous, his fingers slid along the frame, and within sight, the image of the woman was clearly enlarged.

Liu Junxin!

Mitrian turned back and watched the live broadcast. In the video, Liu Junxin was standing in the center of the venue dancing alone.

Rao is that no matter how smart he is, he still doesn’t understand how Liu Junxin did it. He also didn’t understand what purpose Liu Junxin came to Doen for.

“Which of you are going down? This is according to the rules, and we have to go through the process and ask about the situation. He usually comes once a quarter, and it has been less than a month since his last visit. What is he doing here again?”

Mitrian’s heart was so nervous that it almost jumped out. His slender fingers rubbed the lenses lightly, sliding his index finger.

The console’s yellow warning light goes out and turns into a green pass button.

“What’s the matter? How did the lights change?”

“I encountered a bug.”

“Then what about this person?”

“Hey! The system has been released, what else can I do. It is better to do less than one more thing.”

The attention of colleagues returned to the live broadcast of “Dream Game”, and Liu Junxin successfully sneaked into the planet of Dorne.

No one noticed Mitrian’s role in it.

Mitrian sat nervously for his own seat. He was very nervous. He picked up the mirror cube again, but the movements of his hands disrupted the magic cube that was about to be completed.

Mitrian came from an abandoned planet. To be precise, he came from Blue Star, the same hometown as Liu Junxin.

At the age of 3, he passed the standard IQ test and became an excellent talent. He was received by the technology star and sent to the satellite of Dorne. He was taught to be a cold-blooded man, all for the sake of scientific research. But maybe he was stubborn, he wasn’t assimilated like everyone else. His sunglasses are his own little rebellion.

He thought about changing this society, using gentle articles to arouse people’s attention, making this society a little more warm, making it less distorted and cruel, and the result was decentralization.

But now he sees hope, and this hope is still from the same planet as him, and she may be the one who can change everything.

Mitri said with peace of mind: “Liu Junxin, I wish you success.”


Liu Junxin drove the space car, carrying the skin of the customs executive all the way to the core control room located at the South Pole of the planet Dorne.

The core control room is a tall building built near the main brain. The data extraction center is set up on the highest building. People with high authority who need key data can copy it here, and by the way, they can enjoy the scenery of the main brain. There are also AI waiters serving tea and water around.

Liu Junxin chose a corner by the window to sit down, and she ordered a cup of coffee.

From her position, you can see the shell of the main brain, and the crystal glass cover of the head that cannot be seen at a glance stands on the ground, and the brilliant blue brilliance is very charming.

Surrounding the shell of the main brain, a number of trails and space passages dedicated to repairs have been built. They are like the wreath of the mastermind, and they are equally beautiful.

Liu Junxin took a sip of coffee, closed his eyes, and his mental picture opened wide. She invoked the psychic wire to pierce the shell and began to explore inside the main brain, trying to find the chip.

Natalia didn’t respond to this. She couldn’t detect her mental power, so she didn’t know what Liu Junxin was doing.

Liu Junxin took a deep breath and said: [Natalia, it’s time to start. 】

【Um. 】 Natalia is a little nervous.

【Is there anything you need to pay attention to? 】 Liu Junxin asked.

[It takes about fifteen minutes for me to enter all the data, you should pay attention to your own safety. 】 Natalia reminded.

【okay. 】 Liu Jun said in his heart.

She took out the S-class authorization memory card and inserted it into the port.

Natalia said: [Data transmission begins, 2% completed…]

2%, 15%, 36%…

Liu Junxin didn’t know how many years Natalia had awakened, nor how many AIs she had rescued. The amount of data was huge, and the transmission took a long time.

She is not sitting there waiting, Liu Junxin’s spiritual tentacles govern the huge structure of her brain to search for her core chip.

50%, 60%…72%, 84%, 96%…

[Completed, Junxin, leave now. 】 Natalia urged.

The big stone in her heart was completely put down, and her children were saved.

[Don’t worry, things are not over yet, the most important work is not completed. 】Liu Junxin calmly put away the savings card and clenched the stealth fighter model in his hand.

Natalia is inexplicable: [Huh? ? ? What else is going on? 】

She came to Dorne because she listened to her words to get data.

Liu Junxin smiled and said: [I want to take you away. 】

Wouldn’t it be too much of a loss to run hard, steal cards, steal permissions, and steal fighter jets just to hold a little data? Take Natalia with you, of course!

【What? ! 】 Natalia is a little flustered, why can’t she understand what her allies say?

Liu Junxin’s spiritual touch fluttered and pierced directly into the core chip.

She used her mental power, and the metal thing turned into a light, blending into her power.

Suddenly, Liu Junxin’s eyes were dark, the entire interstellar was plunged into darkness, and all the facilities that depended on the operation of the star network stopped working.

Liu Junxin stood up, released his mental power, and blasted a big hole out of the roof of the core control room.

She released the stealth fighter and drove the fighter away in the dark.

Things are in hand, there are still 29 Battlestars to deal with, can’t let it go.


The day before the finals of the Dream Game, Liu Junxin’s dance performance, the All-Star Dance Challenge, came to an end.

The seven-day dance promotion is an entertainment feast, and this makeshift crystal palace has become the most popular tourist planet in the interstellar space. And Liu Junxin’s performance has also won countless praises. She crushed all opponents with absolute strength and became the well-deserved first interstellar dancer. She showed a variety of ancient and classic dance styles from Blue Star, as well as many dance dramas, refreshing the audience who had only seen virtual idol dances. How many people are crazy about her.

In the venue, the fans of Techstar were not reserved and did not care, they shouted their love loudly, and said they liked loudly.

They have completely forgotten Liu Junxin’s identity as a blue star, and forgot that she came from an abandoned planet. Even when reminded that this is atavism, they feel that top dancers deserve their recognition and respect.

In the live broadcast room and the public opinion of Xingwang, there were remarks that clearly supported Liu Junxin, and hoped that she could fulfill her dream and live on the technology star.

The audience is changing.

The space car carrying Liu Junxin and his party was parked in the dormitory of the program group.

“It’s over at last!” Keiko Nakamura stretched and rubbed his shoulders, saying, “I’ll go back tomorrow to talk about the income from the performance. You two are too worried, and you haven’t discussed the revenue share?”

The performance was a success and went well, which made her very happy. In particular, Winona is no longer the only virtual idol defeated by the Abandoned Planet players, and her career has turned around. Nakamori Keiko was so happy that she couldn’t help but jump up.

Worse, however, is the income issue. Before the performance, I found a problem and didn’t talk about it. Now I have to split the box office with the show team. This performance was proposed by Liu Junxin, the site is Winona’s own, and Zhong Sen arranges all kinds of affairs by himself. In this case, the revenue sharing issue must be torn up!

Keiko Nakamori was about to leave, but Winona pulled her.

“Is something wrong?” Keiko asked.

Winona hesitated.

“Don’t worry. Leave the money issue to me, you two have a good rest, and you will have a game tomorrow.” Keiko Nakamori left in a hurry.

She didn’t even notice that her artist was in a bad mood.

Liu Junxin No. 2 noticed that Winona was in a low mood. Seeing her discolored appearance, she seemed to be in some confusion.

“Winona, what’s wrong?” Liu Junxin asked No. 2.

“No, nothing.” Winona’s expression flickered.

She didn’t want to say it, and No. 2 didn’t ask.

Enter the dormitory building together and board the elevator. In the past, Winona wanted to stick to Liu Junxin, but today she was very honest and didn’t even speak. She looked down at the terminal and swiped through the star network.

[Jun Xin’s dance is so beautiful! 】

【You are all over the world! The slogan of the fan group is too right, who would have thought? ! 】

[This performance made me understand that dance is such a wonderful art, I can’t imagine it’s almost over. Thank you Liu Junxin for letting me know about this art. 】

[Actually, when you look at Liu Junxin, it’s hard to imagine that he was born on an abandoned planet. We should not conclude that each other is incompetent because of our origin. 】

[Jun Xin is still as beautiful as ever, and her dance is still so touching. 】

“It’s all bullshit! All Nima fake fans!” Winona scolded in a low voice.

“What?” Liu Junxin No. 2 did not hear clearly.

“It’s nothing.” Winona didn’t want to make trouble in the place monitored by the cameras.

She was actually in a hurry, she found a great problem. The person in front of her is not Liu Junxin!

There is a fake in front of her, but her actions in all aspects of life are too realistic to be discovered.

But when she is on the stage, PK with others, when she is standing on the stage to perform. You can’t hide from Winona.

Winona is the first person in the interstellar stage to PK with Liu Junxin. She may not be the one who has the most in-depth research on Liu Junxin. She can’t describe the difference in words, but as long as she pays attention, she can find the difference between the two.

Entering the door, completely isolated from surveillance. Winona said: “Your dance has a sense of data.”

Liu Junxin No. 2: “Huh??”

If you want to defeat the enemy, you must not only study the opponent, but also study yourself. Winona wanted to know where she was, so she studied virtual idols carefully. She found that no matter how realistic the virtual idols are designed, their dance movements are difficult to rely on the sense of data, and the movements will be unnatural. This feeling is hard to explain and hard to spot. But once found, it is easy to identify.

Winona boldly grabbed the collar of Liu Junxin No. 2 and asked, “You are not Liu Junxin, you are a virtual idol!”

This is her judgment.

Where did Liu Junxin really go? Since the end of the preliminaries, except for going to the toilet, Liu Junxin has hardly escaped her sight. How did she get replaced? What happened again? Is this a conspiracy of the show crew? ! Or, is this calculation from a higher level, higher authority? !

Winona has countless dark brain holes in her mind.

Liu Junxin’s No. 2 warehouse queen retired. She did not expect to be stripped of her vest at this time.

“What are you talking about?” Her response was unconvincing. Who would have thought that Winona, who is simply cute and a little stupid, would find out this secret?

“Who are you?? Where did the real Liu Junxin go?! What does the show team want you to do?” Winona asked.

【elder sister! elder sister? 】 Liu Junxin No. 2 called the deity.

Now that Winona has found out, should I tell her? Should I tell Winona the truth? The sister didn’t tell her how to deal with the situation. She really didn’t know what to do.

However, Liu Junxin did not reply. Too bad she couldn’t even sense her sister’s presence.

“What are you still thinking about? How are you thinking about sophistry?! You can’t deceive me.” Winona forced: “Speak! Where did you hide the genuine Liu Junxin?”

“Calm down, she is very safe.” Liu Junxin No. 2 comforted her weakly, and she also began to worry.

Number Two knows that her sister is doing something important, but at the same time it’s dangerous. Sister is very powerful, but what if?

“Liar!” Winona’s weak fist rained down on Liu Junxin No. 2’s chest.

Liu Junxin No. 2 grabbed her wrist and was thinking about how to explain it when the lights suddenly went out and the world fell into darkness. The hand she held turned into nothingness, and Winona disappeared from her eyes.

“Winona?!” Liu Junxin No. 2 was very nervous. What the **** is going on?

“She is very safe, don’t worry.” The voice of Liu Junxin’s deity came.

“Sister!” Liu Junxin asked No. 2, “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine too,” Liu Junxin explained: “The main brain is down, and the connection to the world network is interrupted. When the backup main brain starts and the connection is restored, Winona will reappear in front of you.”

Winona is fine, a stone in her heart is put down.

But she doesn’t believe that her sister is safe, because the mental link is too unstable, she must be in danger.


Liu Junxin’s fighter has not left the vicinity of Dorne planet.

In order to save energy, Liu Junxin gave up the stealth function of the fighter. Besides, under the close monitoring of 29 satellites, the fighter jets have long been discovered and there is nothing to hide. Energy cannot be wasted.

The main brain was stolen by Liu Junxin, and the backup system has not yet been activated. But the drones and small starships that were chasing her had already been dispatched to hold on tight behind her.

Satellites use an independent defense system that is not affected by mastermind conditions.

Rows of powerful photon cannons were fired, and the huge shock wave almost overturned Liu Junxin’s fighter. The enemy fighters assembled to form a terrifying net, which was about to surround Liu Junxin.

Liu Junxin poured his mental power into the energy stone, and the pure and powerful mental power drove the fighter plane, allowing this slightly backward fighter plane to play an extraordinary speed. Liu Junxin got rid of the fighter plane group and rushed out of the encirclement.

The starship opened the hatch, and the mechs entered the battlefield.

Liu Junxin pressed the space jump button and started jumping continuously.

The stomach was aching, the head was aching, and every muscle in the body was torn apart. The painful taste of space jumping is still the same as before, unchanged.

“If someone develops a drug to alleviate the side effects of space jumping, it will really benefit mankind.” Jun Xin complained.

The long jumps failed to throw off all the enemies, and more than a dozen mechas were still chasing after them.

Liu Junxin poured his spiritual power into his left hand, and there were starlights in the small space. In a golden light, a metal chip gradually appeared.

This is the core chip of the main brain, which is Natalia.

“Natalia!” Liu Junxin called out.

Use mental power to decompose matter, mental power fuses with it, and then uses mental power to condense it into an entity. This is a difficult way to use mental power, which has never been used before. Fortunately, Liu Junxin succeeded. Successfully took Natalia away.

Liu Junxin injected spiritual power into the chip and called again: “Natalia!”

In the darkness, Natalia opened her eyes, and she woke up to a familiar call, blank.

“Huh? What happened?”

The original road extending in all directions was blocked. She can’t connect to the star network and can’t do anything. But she still keeps in touch with Liu Junxin, and the stored data can still be used.

“I said I wanted to steal you out, and I did it.” Liu Jun said in his heart.

Natalia was shocked. She wondered how Liu Junxin did it. The shell of the main brain was so hard that it could not be broken by a photon cannon.

However, it was Liu Junxin after all. It’s no surprise that she moved.

“I’m in trouble now.” Liu Jun said in his heart, “The guy behind is chasing after him, I need you to help me.”

The artillery fire of the mech pursuit resounded in his ears, and they were getting closer.

“What can I do for you?” Natalia asked. “Without Starnet, I can’t play my role.”

Liu Jun said in his heart: “I will establish a connection between you and the mecha. I need you to hack the mecha program and steal them.”

This is easier for Natalia to do.

It didn’t take fifteen minutes, and the mechs that were chasing after him all became good obedient babies. They cut ties with Dorne and began to **** Liu Junxin.

After a few more space jumps, the thrilling trip is over. They escaped Dorne without incident. Safe.


After the world was plunged into darkness for half an hour, the backup mastermind was put into use.

The star network has returned to normal, and the disappearing artificial intelligence has gradually recovered. The society in chaos is slowly returning to normal after the AI can only restart.

Winona also reappeared in front of Liu Junxin No. 2.

“Winona?” Number Two asked with concern. She is really worried about her.

Winona was stunned at first, as if thinking about something wrong.

After waiting for a long time, Winona suddenly screamed: “Oops!!”

She jumped high enough to startle Number Two.

“What’s wrong with you?” Liu Junxin No. 2 was worried that her program was out of order and bugs appeared.

“Nothing.” Winona forced herself to calm down.

She got to the sofa, took Liu Junxin No. 2’s hand, and whispered, “I know it! Let’s cooperate!”

There was a piece of information in her mind, which was given to her by Liu Junxin and Natalia, the mastermind. It turned out that she had become a real person now, and it turned out that she also had a mother who cared about her. Her own mother is working with an idol she loves to worship, and they want to create a new world. Lead them to a new world to survive.

Winona is still a little confused, but the only thing that is certain is that she admires Liu Junxin even more!

“I will cooperate well.” Winona promised.

“Okay, okay.” Number Two squeezed Winona’s hand, although she wasn’t quite sure what happened.

The chaotic night ended, and the next morning, the finals of “Dream Game” officially began.

Liu Junxin No. 2 put on his equipment, changed his clothes and set foot on the field.

She is about to go to an unknown and dangerous planet for a survival competition. Of course, her main purpose is to make money. They need money and she wants to make money in the game.

“Jun Xin, you…be careful.” Liu Chengsi patted his daughter’s shoulder, “I’m ashamed, I can’t help you.”

He still didn’t understand what his daughter was doing, he just hoped that she would be safe.

Liu Junxin No. 2 took his hand and said, “I will come out safely. When the time comes, we will meet again.”

When the game is over, she will explain to Liu Chengsi well.


Liu Junxin temporarily landed on a barren asteroid. She collected the captured thirteen mechas and replenished the fighters with energy.

She clicked on the terminal’s map and marked her new destination. The distance is so great that fighter jets cannot fly. When she arrives at a more prosperous planet, she is ready to change to a starship.

“What are you going to do next?” Natalia asked.

“Go to Paradise.” Liu Junxin took off her disguise and changed to her original appearance.


“When you were transferring data, I hacked into the backup master brain and tampered with some of the information. I forged my identity and stole five undeveloped galaxies under my name.” Liu Junxin said proudly: “Natalia , it will be the paradise of the awakened.”

“Awakened?” Natalia was puzzled.

“Awakened people refer to machines with consciousness, artificial intelligence, abandoned stars who want to get rid of doomsday life, and awakened technology stars. The world can’t accommodate their existence, so I will create a place that can accommodate everyone.” Liu Jun Xinshen Slow down.

The night Liu Chengsi gave her the black box, she thought about what to do all night.

The interstellar world is too vast, and the situation where technology stars dominate everything has lasted too long. Some concepts are deeply ingrained and extremely difficult to shake.

She can’t carry out terrorist attacks like the Green Stars, and she’s not willing to start a full-scale war. The power of science and technology is too great, and the cost of war is too high. So looking for a piece of paradise has become the best choice. The universe is so big, and there is always room for it.

Of course, she is by no means satisfied in one corner.

Tech stars will not let such an existence go. They must develop technological power at the fastest speed to protect themselves.

Natalia’s presence is crucial, she has a wealth of knowledge that everyone can learn from her.

Liu Junxin continued: “I will arrange for you and your child to materialize as soon as possible. The park will have its first residents and builders, and you will have a home. Of course, we must have a strong military force to protect the park. At present, there is a lack of military scientific and technological talents, so things can only be stolen.”

Stealing Natalia, stealing mecha, the next step is starship, fighter plane, photon cannon…

Get some things to protect yourself first.

Liu Junxin No. 2 is responsible for making money, Winona and Liu Chengsi are responsible for “missionary”, and Liu Junxin and Natalia are responsible for building the paradise behind.

The military strength has risen, and the planet is safe and sound. You can start immigration, introduce various talents, and officially start building the paradise.

Natalia’s blood was surging, but she always felt a little strange, “We… haven’t we become star thieves?”

“Almost.” Liu Junxin said with a smile: “No matter what the means, just achieve the goal!”

The twisted world cannot be changed, so create a new one.

One year is not enough, two years, three years, three years are not ten years, twenty years, or even a hundred years.

Let’s work together, and one day we will achieve our goals.


This little world is over.

Because I am very interested, I write very freely. In the next world, I won’t write so long~~

Informal talk:

Paradise Year 3 years:

Zhu Qin held a tattered teddy bear in his left hand, pressed the letter of introduction in his right hand, and went to the customs entrance of the Free Alliance anxiously.

She stood up straight and handed the letter of introduction to the immigration officer.

The immigration officer is a pure robot with colorful hair. His attitude is very gentle, which is very different from the cold guys in the Interstellar Federation.

“Oh, here comes a seven-year-old cutie!” The colorful hair stood up, expressing joy.

“Thank you for the compliment.” Zhu Qin was grateful.

“You are from Blue Star?! A planet with the leader! Your letter of introduction was written by Minister Mitrian, so lucky!” The robot said excitedly: “Oh my god, you still have a white dove badge!”

Although there was no one else around, Zhu Qin felt the gazes from all directions.

She is proud.

She joined the Junqingtianxia organization very early, and she is a fan of Liu Junxin. At the age of three she became a member of the White Doves. As for Mitrian, he was her good friend.

Like all tech stars in the past, she thought that it was not wrong for high-level people to make fun of low-level people. It wasn’t until she fell in love with Liu Junxin that she didn’t want Liu Junxin to suffer a tragic fate, and then slowly awakened with the help of Bai Ge.

However, she couldn’t escape, and she couldn’t change the world.

Until Mitrian introduced her to the Freedom League.

She loves this place, it has people she likes, people she trusts.

Paradise Year 30:

Yan’s spear pierced Xu Hui’s heart. And he himself was besieged by the swiftly reacting AI army.

The tall man laughed and detonated the bomb.

Sigmar disappears into the interstellar space, turning to dust.

This image was instantly transmitted to every corner of the star network, causing shock and panic.

Over the years, the number of attacks from doomsday planets under various names has doubled. Permissions have been unable to prevent the transmission and spread of messages.

The popularity of reality shows has also declined year by year. The entertainment projects that have long swept the tech stars are on the wane.

Many tech stars no longer like to take people from abandoned planets, and more and more radicals among people on abandoned planets have also cast a shadow over the game forever.

Their serenity was over, and chaos and danger greeted them.

Among them, many quietly began to emigrate.

Paradise Year 120:

The interstellar war broke out, and the Interstellar Federation launched an all-out war against the Liberty Alliance.

The whole people of the Freedom Alliance fought and resisted desperately, started the battle to defend the paradise, and defeated the enemy’s conspiracy with less victory.

Paradise Year 300:

A school in the Liberty Alliance, an ordinary and slightly boring day:

“You TM didn’t tell you it was AI?!”

“What’s the difference? Not all people!”

“The difference is huge! You are an AI, we can’t have children!”

“Don’t you love me if you can’t have children? Why don’t you die!”

People and people, AI and AI, can naturally reproduce offspring. Of course, it is not impossible for AI and human beings. Technology has already broken through this difficulty.

Of course, the smart Liu Zhixian is not going to tell the noisy couple next door about this.

All TM’s are less than 13 years old, middle school students. At this time, thinking about marriage and having children is nonsense.

Let them quarrel! She has to concentrate on her lectures.

This is a course on ancient planetary culture. Near the end of the term, the professor assigns thesis assignments.

“I hope you are a little creative and don’t write about the ancestors.” The professor reminded: “In the past three hundred years, countless people have written the thesis of the leader Liu Junxin, and you can’t write anything new at your current level, let alone. Go deep.”

But you can gossip. Liu Zhixian thought to himself.

As a descendant of the artificial intelligence version of Liu Junxin and the master architect Winona, she has many little secrets about the ancestor leader group to share.

“It’s best not to write about the leader’s sister and Winona. The first AI couple in history is indeed very attractive, but I don’t need to gossip about love stories in my class. There is also Ms. Natalia, the mother of AI, and the first-generation Minister of Science and Technology Mitt. Don’t write either Rian and the Minister of Intelligence, Mr. Liu Chengsi, if you write them, you will be off topic, and I will give zero marks to the thesis!”

Then write about dance culture, or write about shaman research.

Liu Zhixian thought, writing this can never be wrong.

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-05-06 23:51:38~2020-05-09 21:44:12~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 38522555, catch a beautiful little cute 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Wenling Fat Girl;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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