The Wife is First

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Little assistant

On March 21st, Ao Zheng, the king returned to the court.

Jingjing stood on the magnificent hall and looked at the faces that were familiar or strange in front of him. They only felt as if they were separated. That year he was kneeling in the middle of the hall, listening to everyone counting his guilt.

The Shangchu Shangshu participated in the sale of salt, and the Ministry of Industry and the Shangshu participated in his great construction. Even Yushi also participated in killing and deceiving the people. But more is to participate in the deception of the monarchy, the intention to rebel. I have seen the faces of those people one by one. Mao Guogong is the old man of the four emperors. Yongchangbo is the next brother. The two books of the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Industry are the emperors, and the rest are followed.

The relatives on the other side are naturally to be suppressed. As for the two Shangshu, Jing Hao has set his sights on the ambassador of the Ministry of Housing, who is standing behind the syllabus of the Ministry of Housing. He was willing to say a fair word to him, except for his brother. This is the little assistant. He was a clear-flowing school, and he was not a rigid man. He was a new champion in five years ago. His career was promoted to the assistant franc, but he did not advance again until Jingxi’s accident. Perhaps he could bring this person over and replace it with Shangshu. Bit.

Jing Hao was thinking, the brother who stood next to him suddenly touched him with his elbow, and suddenly looked up and found that the father and the ministers were watching themselves. Yu Shi Fan Jie was standing in the middle of the hall.

“The rumors of the four emperors.” Jing Yan bit his teeth, his lips did not move, whispered to him.

The scene is clear, step forward: “Children think that the words of the foolish people, but the chat after the meal, is not enough.” The answer can be described as a law-abiding, Hongzheng Emperor turned his attention to Jing.

Jing Hao out of the road: “The ancients cloud , , . The reputation.”

The brothers’ answers were quite different. Obviously they didn’t know beforehand. Even if the informedness had not been discussed, Acer was satisfied with the nod. “Jing Yu, what do you say about yourself?”

The four emperors Jing Yu out of the ranks, squatting in the next step: “Children’s fears, only because of the tribute to some fresh sea fish before the East, cut into thin slices of raw food is delicious enough, the children feel more delicious, do not want to be in the middle of the government The misinformation of people has provoked the storm of the city. The children are guilty.”

The time of the four emperors entering the DPRK was short, and they were responsible for the tribute of the Fanbang tribute. The rare things overseas have naturally gained a lot.

“The royal family is the best example of the world. Your every move will naturally be noticed by the people. How can you be so obsessed with the appetite?” Acer is a little angry, and the royal family is most jealous of what is too paranoid.

“The four emperors really have a good fortune. These rare things have never been seen before.” The great emperor Jing Rong said with a smile, making Hongzheng’s brow wrinkled more tightly, except for the tribute of Fanbang. The emperor, who has no right to enjoy it at will. The meaning of the big prince’s sentence is quite profound.

“The father of the king forgives sin, the fisherman also got two only at the mother’s back, really did not gluttony!” Jing Yu stunned the big prince who was not too big, and explained his head.

“Hey!” Acer is screaming, and there will be such rumors in Beijing. In his opinion, it is the result of the good things of the four emperors. As for the tribute, it should be thoroughly investigated.

In the end, Acer was decreed, and the four emperors were forbidden for a month. Although this punishment is not serious, in the heart of Acer, a bad impression has been formed, which is enough.

This rumor was passed down by Jing Jing. Originally, he wanted to cover up his own rumors. After the disappointment, the four emperors and the followers did not expect to develop into such an effect. It was really a surprise. Quietly glanced at the expressionless brothers, suddenly thought, perhaps when they decided this “topic”, my brother has already considered.

When they went down, the two brothers did not say a word. They looked at each other and looked at each other. Jing Hao, while feeling that his elder brother is more suitable for that position than himself, while thinking about going back to his own house, Wang Hao said something about today, and then touched it…

“Wang Ye, go directly back to the palace?” asked the driver to open the curtain.

Jing Hao thought about it. When he got up early in the morning, he ate a bowl of porridge and a pancake. He thought about it: “Go back to the restaurant and have breakfast.”

“Wang Ye, the relish building will not open in the morning.” Yunsong reminded.

“Nothing, just go.” Jing Hao put down the curtain and leaned on the soft pillow to close his eyes. This soft pillow is specially enshrined by Mu Hanzhang. He feels that Jing Hao will get up early and sleep, so he can sleep in the car for a while.

The Huiwei Building does not really buy breakfast, but the boss here will come to open the door to clean up the shop early, and prepare breakfast for the returning family.

The family minister is named Xiao, the name is far, and the word is constant. Speaking of it, he and the second emperor’s mother–Dingnan Hou Xiaojia are the same ancestor, but they are already distant relatives of five servants. Xiao Yuan is a high-ranking person and has been reluctant to climb this relative.

The back room only opened a door. A buddy swept the floor alone in front of the door. Jing Hao walked back and walked in.

“Hengzhi, you are back.” The tall boss dressed in a blue-blue blouse came out of the kitchen and had a small steamed buns in his hand. After seeing Jingjing, he stunned and immediately laughed: “The guest officer is embarrassed, and the property has not yet opened.”

“Mrs. Good,” Jing Yan said with a smile. “I am Xiao Yuan’s colleague, come to him to discuss things.”

Mrs. Shi Lang frowned slightly, let Jing Hao sit, and gave him a small dumpling in his hand, and a bowl of glutinous rice porridge came out.

“Mrs. is really a good craft, I also married a man, not as clever as a lady.” Jing Hao ate a steamed buns, thin as white paper, the mouth of the skin is instant, fresh meat with soup, bite On the last bit, suddenly the lips and teeth stay fragrant.

“I don’t know much about literacy. I only cook. I respect the lady who has great wisdom. I can’t compare it with those who are rough.” The boss smiled.

Jing Jingyi, this person actually knows his identity, and immediately smiles: “Mrs. is really smart, I don’t know how to call it?” The male wife is different from the female wife. After all, it is still a man. Others can directly ask their names. Not an offense.

“Wang Ye is too polite, the grass people surnamed Zhou, single name a word.” Zhou Jin quite a hearty personality is very attractive, and can not help but talk a few more with him.

Then, when Xiao Yuan sat back in the sedan chair, he saw a prince who had nothing to do with himself. He ate his own soup bag and drank the rice porridge from his own restaurant. He chatted with his wife, only I feel the blue-legged jump of my forehead: “Wei Wang has seen the King of the King!”

“Haha, Xiao Daren is back. I am passing the road and I am coming to your house for a meal. This buns are delicious. Xiao Daren is really good.” Jing Hao said to put the last soup bag into his mouth, Ula Said, “Dr. Zhou, is there still?”

“Yes.” Zhou Jin smiled and turned and went to the kitchen to take the steamed buns.

“What is the lord’s thing?” The little servant with a white face is now darker than the bottom of the pot. This person can’t understand the number of rituals in the end, and dare to call his wife “Chou Da Ge” in front of him. Should they not know each other before?

“In fact, there is nothing. I heard that Xiao Daren and Mrs. Zun’s feelings are very embarrassing,” Jing Yu paused. He looked up and looked around, and went to Xiao Yuan’s ear and lowered his voice. “This king wants to ask you about it.” How can we make the male wife no longer afraid of the bed brother?”

Xiao Yuan glanced at it and looked at Jing Hao’s quite sincere face. The corner of the drop-down mouth slowly rose: “It turned out to be the case, then the prince is looking for the right person…” So, the quiet and obscure assistant, Suddenly, he became the ceremonial ceremonies, and he talked with Jing Jing about the topic of “How to conquer his wife.”

When Zhou Jin came out with two drawers of buns, he saw the two men coming together and snickered from time to time. He shook his head helplessly, and looked at Xiao Yuan, who was full of excitement and turned red. The kitchen commanded the small workers to clean up the ingredients of today.

Sometimes the friendship between men is established in an instant, such as Xiao Yuan and Jing Hao, when the breakfast is gone, the conversation between the two has become:

“Hengzhi, you will let Zhou Big Brother take the time to take my family out and walk away, I am afraid that he is suffocating.”

“The prince is assured, wrapped in me, can you remember the methods I told you?”

“Well, if you do, I invite you to drink.”

Jing Hao was satisfied with the departure, Xiao Yuanmei swayed to the kitchen to see his wife.

“What have you been talking about with the king? The face is red.” Zhou Jin pinched his chin and carefully licked it.

“Hey!” Xiao Yuan opened his hand and said with anger. “I still want to ask you, what did you say to him before I came back? Why did he leave you called Zhou Da Ge?”

“Let me tell you when I kiss.” Zhou Jin hugged him to be a pro.

Xiao Yuan was busy pushing the lady who had raised her head, and said with anger: “You don’t tell the truth, punish you for wearing pink clothes tomorrow!”

“I don’t have water pink clothes.” Zhou Jin reluctantly said that every time he did it, this person would ask himself to wear a variety of colorful clothes, so that everyone in the capital knows that the boss of the aftertaste is weird.

“I will buy it for you when I get off the job!” Xiao Yuan waved his hand and went to the Ministry of Housing in a good mood.

“I didn’t do anything last night…” Zhou Jin muttered a sigh, and immediately smacked a smirk. Since you have to wear water pink, you can get enough tonight.

Jing Hao returned to the palace, thinking about the various methods that Xiao Yuan introduced to him. He went to the East Court. Just before the small study, he heard the sharp voice of Mrs. Song of the side: “The rules of the palace are like this, even if it is Wang Hao. This precedent cannot be broken, otherwise the palace will be chaotic afterwards.”

“However, it is a temporary residence for the next person. Their use is only from my sub-existence.” Mu Hanzhang’s voice is still mild, but he has heard that he has faintly brought some anger.

“Wang Hao said that it was really light and light, and he was blunt. Wang Hao was married in the eighth day of March. There is no such thing as a case in this month. Where does the body buckle from?” Song Ling’s incompetent voice sounded a bit sharp and made it In a good mood, Jing Hao instantly picked up a fire.

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