The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 7 - First World (7)

A huge alien spacecraft is floating in the sky, surrounded by densely packed humanoid machines. It can be said that it is surrounded by impenetrable air. At this glance, at least billions of machines are equipped with Weapons that bombarded a building.

Shi Qing stood in front of the transparent glass and looked at the forest below.

Yin Mingzheng came over from behind him, expertly enclosing the boy in his arms, and he sounded a low magnetic voice with a low smile, “What are you looking at?”

“Look at the forest.”

Shi Qing pointed down to the forest that looked like a microscopic view from the height. “My mother star has only one mother tree, no forest.”

Yin Mingzheng also looked down, and with his excellent vision, he could clearly see the occasional zerg races of different shapes among the lush trees below.

He sank in his heart. This forest was clearly a human territory before, but now it has fallen into the hands of the Zerg?

Shi Qing raised his eyes and glanced at him with a faint expression. The smile on the corner of his mouth became sweeter, and he drilled into the man’s arms again, as if a little leopard with a humming and coquettling, stretched out his white and slender fingers to be serious True count: “There are still 17 years, 11 months, 17 days, and we can have a baby.”

The mournful sound of the system also sounded: “In twenty days, we will be thrown out of the world by the world consciousness. 】

[Host, we have all been here for ten days. Yin Mingzheng’s rejection is still eighty. How can this be played? 】

Shi Qing: [You can play with a drop of water. 】

[What to put? 】

The system was thinking about what water to put, and when it saw its big brother host dragged on Yin Mingzheng like a bone, it stretched the sweet tone, like a mentally handicapped request: “I want Go to the toilet and put water, Mingzheng will accompany me. “

Yin Mingzheng didn’t think that Shiqing’s request was very mentally handicapped. He had become completely used to Shiqing’s coquettishness in the past few days. Following the teenager’s mind, he picked him up and carried him to the toilet all the way.

In this kind of time to kiss and hug, the weight of this young clever ghost is not like the tonnage of the overlord when he bows hard.

There were no toilets in the spaceship. The mechanical races did not need to eat, and naturally they did not need toilets.

After Yin Mingzheng arrived, there was a toilet here, and for a few days he promised to stay on the spacecraft, Shi Qing also built a set of human excretion system to himself just like him.

But he still ca n’t eat human food. He usually drinks a lot of oil, so he only needs to urinate when going to the toilet.

Anyway, this is just a means for the alien teenager to please Yin Mingzheng in order to get close, but it doesn’t have to be exactly like humans.

When Yin Mingzheng accompanied him to clean the toilet, he saw his face full of joy and ran to the sink to wash his hands and dry. It was as if the child had completed the task assigned by the teacher, and ran to him with a white palm Come up and look for praise.

Since Yin Mingzheng promised to stay, Shi Qing’s face was smiling almost every moment, flying around him like a tireless bird, in order to get close to him and learn With everything.

Shi Qing started to sleep like a human, and every morning, when Yin Mingzheng woke up, he could see a teenager with closed eyes and long curly eyelashes slackly sleeping in his arms.

Every time when humans need to rest at night, the alien boy always ran to the soft bed first, and the seal patted his tail on the bed with his long legs, waiting for Yin Mingzheng to “sleep” with him.

—Although he won’t really fall asleep at all.

This was also discovered by Yin Mingzheng later. Shi Qing studied all his things tirelessly, but basically only learned the surface.

When he opened his eyes one night, when one side saw Shi Qingzheng opened his eyes and looked at him, his heartbeat almost missed a beat.

“why are not you sleeping?”

“I don’t have a human sleep system.” Shi Qing blinked, and he leaned forward to Yin Mingzheng to look at his parts.

“You’re awake, let’s go through the program.”

Because an energetic little goblin was pestering her own procedures, the next day, Yin Mingzheng, who was always on time with the biological clock, went straight to noon.

Yin Mingzheng said nothing on the surface, but since then, she never got up after six in the morning.

Shi Qing looked in his eyes and sang with the system: [He was afraid of being assimilated in my garden of Eden for a long time, alas, man. 】

He also deliberately broke the water, knowing what Yin Mingzheng thought about it, and he had to pester him every night. Yin Mingzheng refused with a good voice, and he softened his voice, shameless, like a newborn kitten Look like a mother and arch into a man’s arms.

Yin Mingzheng had no choice but to obey him.

Over the past few days, the eyes of the once heroic human hero had two large dark circles directly on the eyes.

The system looked at the host of Le Bu Si Shu and felt despair.

He finally realized one thing.

His boss is afraid that he is not patronizing the beautiful man, and forgets the task directly.

Not to mention, according to the character of the host now, it is really possible.

As soon as he wanted to be loyal to his ears, Shi Qing tangled with Yin Mingzheng, and then the system had to start the mosaic brainwave.

There is no way, there is no fun on the spacecraft, it is enough to eat and drink. As the saying goes, think about it warmly, such a big sweetheart is in front of you, Shi Qing will not be wronged.

After so many rounds, the system is already Buddha.

On this day, Yin Mingzheng was sleeping, Shi Qing was lying on his chest, and he drew a circle around his heart with one hand. If others see this picture, they will only feel beautiful.

In fact, the surface is pure and pure, and the eyes are clear when the car is driving towards the system: [Look at my sweet chest muscles, elasticity. This is a typical dress that is thin, undressed and meaty. Ah beauty. 】

System: [Dao Kedao, very Tao …]

[What are you talking about? 】

The system Buddha Department (despair) smiled: [I downloaded the Tao Te Ching at the headquarters, and once in a while, calmed down. 】

Shi Qing: [Your system is quite tasteful, oh, sweetheart is awake. 】

As soon as Yin Mingzheng opened his eyes, as usual, the alien boy gathered over the next second and squeezed into his arms slimily.

“It depends on Ming Zheng’s small parts.”

The system looked at the mosaic full of screens, calmly and calmly: [Name is pretty, very famous …]

When it was unable to extricate itself in the Tao Te Ching, Yin Mingzheng finally pulled the teenager off his body under the pretext of having breakfast.

Shi Qing couldn’t eat human food, but he wanted to do the same thing as his partner, so he ordered the humanoid machine to take a glass of clear oil, bite a straw, and sip Yin Mingzheng with a sip.

His taste system is mechanical, and he doesn’t feel the same when drinking various oils.

For example, today’s cup, the smell of Buddha jumping off the wall.

Yin Mingzheng’s face as usual petted and laughed and watched the teenager drink oil. Seeing that he was full, he wiped the corners of his mouth with a paper towel, showing a good companion.

Sure enough, after he did this, Shi Qingwang’s eyes were soft and able to turn into water, and he revealed the overbearing little leopard’s expression to occupy the prey, lying on his partner’s knees, from below Watch him eat up.

Yin Mingzheng freed her left hand, as if to soothe the kitten, and stretched out her hand to brush the soft hair of the teenager.

“Time clear.”

After eating, he watched the humanoid machine respectfully lower his head and carry the plate down, while wiping the corner of his mouth with a tissue in his right hand, he asked softly, “Can’t you really fall asleep like a human?”

Shi Qing shook her head. “The one who wants to do a sleep system.”

Yin Mingzheng lifted the boy and smiled at him: “Be one, every night I fall asleep you can only keep me, I can’t bear it.”

Hesitation on the alien teenager’s face showed, he always did not hide his mind.

The man looked at his eyes and drowned, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m afraid you’ll run away.”

Shi Qing hesitated for a moment, or told the truth: “What if you run away secretly while I’m asleep.”

“How could it be.” Yin Mingzheng’s eyes were darkened, but her face still smiled: “I don’t have permission to get out of this spaceship. You fell asleep, and I can’t run away.”

Seeing Shi Yan’s eyes have perseverance, he smiled broadly, circled the teenager in his arms, and patted his back to appease: “Okay, okay, don’t sleep if you don’t sleep, anyway, you are a mechanical race, there is nothing to sleep. “

The boy was lying in his arms obediently, listening to the heartbeat of the man and whispering, “If a sleep system is added, a human heart is connected to the brain waves. If the heart is injured, I will also be injured. This is a weakness. , Mechanical races cannot have weaknesses. “

“It’s okay, I just mentioned it smoothly. Shi Qing can’t sleep. I can stay with you without sleep. It doesn’t matter if you sleep a few hours less.”

“Really ?!” The boy was really happy, his eyes narrowed, and he gave the man a bear hug with a soft smile: “Ming Zheng, how nice you are! I like Ming Zheng the most!”

Yin Mingzheng hugged him with a smile, and patted Shi Qing’s back, his eyes were dark and do not know what he was thinking.

From this day, the man really did not sleep.

When Yin Mingzheng woke up after sleeping for only three hours on the first day, Shi Qing was still very happy and excitedly entangled him all night, but by the next day, Yin Mingzheng’s spirit started to be not good. For three days, his expression began to hesitate, often unable to respond to Qing Qing’s words.

Shi Qing let him sleep, and he insisted again, saying he wanted to stay with Shi Qing, lest he be bored when he was asleep.

There are fewer and fewer smiles on the teenager’s face, and the eyes full of pure joy always seem to be filled with a layer of sadness.

Finally, on the fourth day, Yin Mingzheng opened his eyes and did not see the alien boy. He got up and asked the humanoid machine next to him: “Where is Shiqing.”

“The king is in the lookout cabin.”

Yin Mingzheng went to the observation cabin, and along the way, those humanoid machines that could easily make a wound on him were respectfully resigned.

He is the companion of the king and has the greatest authority besides the king.

Finally, the man walked to the observation cabin, and he could see the scene inside, and he stayed in place.

In the silvery white, above the throne, the juvenile’s chest opened, some robotic hands were running in front of him, and then a mechanical heart was put in.

-Bang Bang.

The next moment, the mechanical heart beat in Shi Qing’s body.

His skin began to heal naturally. Soon, the boy opened his eyes and showed a big smile at Yin Mingzheng, his eyes full of joy:

“Ming Zheng, I have a heart too. I’m like you! We can sleep together in the future.”

Yin Mingzheng looked at this scene, and then half a ring, she barely squeezed a smile on her face.

“Yes, we are the same.”

But he knew it very well.


He is human and Shiqing is a mechanical race. This is a fact that can never be changed.


That night, Yin Mingzheng opened his eyes in the light yellow light.

He slowly got up and looked at Shi Qing lying on his side.

When she slept, she was very sweet, her rosy lips slightly raised, her eyelashes drooping, like a little prince who knew nothing about the world.

One hand was also resting on Yin Mingzheng’s body.

Yin Mingzheng looked at his sleeping face with complex expression, slowly raised his hand, the power was wrapped around the palm, aimed at the young man’s heart.

As long as he hits, the mechanical heart that just learned to beat will stop beating.

Shi Qing, the alien who has been preventing him from returning to the human base, will also die.

He died, and all the humanoid machines he made were paralyzed.

Yin Mingzheng can escape smoothly.

The man’s hand trembled, and he approached the unsuspecting sleeping body next to him.

The teenager was still quietly asleep, not knowing the danger was coming.

So quiet, well-behaved, and naive.

He never waited for Yin Mingzheng, but instead shared everything with his partner.

Yin Mingzheng clenched his fist, twisted his face and put his hand back.

Under the light yellow light, the man slowly got up, gave the boy a quilt horn, and silently left the Garden of Eden that had been trapped for more than ten days.

He didn’t know that An Ning opened his eyes slowly while he was asleep after he left.

With a wave of his hand, a light screen showing the spaceship map appeared in the center of the room.

Above, a red dot runs down the corridor and reaches the supply warehouse all the way. After taking the flying device, he quickly turns to one of the five exits of the spacecraft.

The giant machine guarding at the exit was scanning him, and at the same time, Shi Qing also received the picture transmitted by the giant machine.

Above, Yin Mingzheng was carrying a flying device, and his sharp eyes were alert to his perspective, that is, Giant Machinery.

“Ask for permission.”

Shi Qing made a trip back, raised her eyebrows gently, and picked up a cup of kung pao chicken flavor oil sent by the humanoid machine respectfully:



The exit door slowly opened, and Yin Mingzheng glanced at the silver behind him, guilt flashed in his eyes, turned his head, and jumped without hesitation.

【Ding! Yin Mingzheng Rejection Degree: 60100]

The author has something to say: Originally, I wanted to write that Da Yin sang Shi Qing’s heart, and then Shi Qing was injured. He ran away and suddenly thought something was wrong.

Then I fell on the cliff in time, I am really a good writer with a discipline.

Random little cute red envelopes, come and kiss one, mua!

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