The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 25 - Shadowy Emperor (4)

Because Zhu Anhe had swollen his face before he was slapped, Jing Yuanqi’s and his play could not be filmed in the afternoon.

He was also very happy, and learned Qing Dynasty one afternoon, and moved a chair to sit next to the film emperor.

The difference is that Shi Qing is watching other people acting, while he is always watching Shi Qing.

Jing Yuanqi has always been good at observing other people, and almost unconsciously analyzing the personality of the other party. He naturally also analyzed this film director who had targeted himself before. But after the pepper juice incident, he suddenly found that his analysis was wrong. .

This is Jing Yuanqi’s first analysis error.

He had a keen interest in Shi Qingxing.

Jing Yuanqi has always been a brazen and wanton person. Since he has become interested, he must of course study it.

So the young people who changed their costumes stared at Shi Qing one afternoon so generously.

It looks like a leopard who has never seen a creature in the water finds a river mussel.

He was not hungry and was not in a hurry to eat, so he shook his long tail patiently, and slowly and sharply retracted the sharp nails back to the meat pad, carefully turning around the mussel, trying to wait for the mussel to open hard The shell reveals soft flesh.

The more he turned around, the more Jing Jingqi felt that he had been too one-sided before.

His body staring at the Emperor was always slightly tight, and he was exuding indifference thousands of miles away, as if even glancing at others was his condescending alms.

But the delicate lips like the color of the other shore are still slightly stunned, which can only be done by one person under tension.

And he stared for so long. Although Shi Qing ignored him and looked at the court, he seemed to be lazily leaning.

It is naturally impossible for a normal person to remain motionless all afternoon, so if he does not move, there will of course be external factors.

Jing Yuanqi even attributed this external factor to himself.

Obviously, his unobtrusive naked sight obviously made the film emperor very uncomfortable.

However, what kind of person can make a debut for a long time, has long been accustomed to the film emperor who is watched and sought after?

One more answer came from the youth’s mind of the pepper sauce before Lenovo.

Shi Qing is different to him.

Because they are different, they will be arranged to give him chili sauce.

Because of the difference, he would not move at all under his gaze.

And why is a person who has nothing to do with it different from another person?

This conjecture succeeded in making Jing Yuanqi’s eyes secretly unknown.

He has always been excellent. No matter which aspect, there are naturally many suitors who have met from childhood to men, both men and women, but they are the same for him.

After all, Jing Yuanqi didn’t bother.

Either they dislike their looks and their minds, or they are too charming.

In short, he was quite resistant to such close contact with another person.

But this does not mean that Jing Yuanqi knows nothing about these things. Even, he is more proficient than most people. After all, he has a strong learning ability.

It was just that in the past, those things learned during the boredom had no practical object, so he couldn’t test the taste.

But now, Jing Yuanqi leaned loosely on the chair, a pair of peach eyes with a smile, like a cheerful big boy, his eyes fell casually on Shi Qing who was beside him.

The film emperor has maintained this action for a long time. Before Jing Yuan Qilai, he stretched his figure arbitrarily, but now he sits upright because of the existence of the youth, because the sitting time is too long, and the sweat gradually becomes clear Wearing white shirt.

The front is okay, but the original white fabric on the back is stained with sweat, and with a hint of concealment, it fits tightly on the back of Shi Shi.

From the perspective of Jing Yuanqi, he can clearly see the waistline that looms faintly with the sweat shirt, flowing down gently and smoothly, and extending to places that can no longer be seen.

As the filmmaker’s breath breathed, soaked fabrics followed.

Jing Yuanqi only thought of four words and felt good.

Why didn’t you find it before?

The high-profile, gloomy personality that made him hate the teacher of the Emperor’s Shadow actually turned out to fit his mind.

What most interested him was Shi Qing’s unavoidable attitude.

As I said before, Jing Yuanqi likes to go against others.

The more people like him, the more boring he becomes.

On the other hand, the more others want to avoid him, the more he has to get around.

He always likes to use all kinds of deliberate means. This big boy who looks cheerful and open is actually more ruthless than anyone. He can use anyone with a smile and any means. As long as the goal is achieved, who is this person? He doesn’t know.

And now, it takes a few seconds for the youth to decide on one thing.

Shi Qing is his new goal.

Jing Yuanqi didn’t get up, but with a smile on his face, he just sat on his chair, leaning slightly on himself, and when Shi Qing approached.

If this action is viewed from the back, it looks like Jing Yuanqi leaned his head on Shi Qing’s arms.

“Mr. Shi.”

The sunshine of the young man laughs, but his voice is completely different from the shape of the sunshine, with an indescribable magnetic charm. It seems to fall into the heart of people. “I forgot to ask you before, why do you want to Send me chili sauce? “

The emperor’s breath seemed to suffocate as Jing Yuanqi suddenly leaned over.

He remained silent for several seconds.

Jing Yuanqi was not in a hurry, only maintaining the original movement, smiling at him from the bottom up.

The youth is very good at showing his beauty. His eyes are typical peach eyes. When he looks at a person from the bottom up and smiles, he can absorb a person’s thoughts completely.

It is precisely because of this action that Shi Qing can look straight at him even with his eyes down.

Jing Yuanqi looked at the film emperor like this for a moment, his long eyelashes blinked several times quickly, and the cold voice sounded a little faster than usual.

“You like spicy food.”

Because he likes spicy food, people add devil pepper to his meal.

Jing Yuanqi smiled directly.

He didn’t laugh very much, but everyone could tell that he was very happy.

At first, he just laughed under the filmmaker’s somewhat helpless eyes.

Laughing and smiling, it is only natural that he really poured his head into the arms of the Emperor.

In the eyes of others, it was like the two had a good relationship to say something fun, so Jing Yuan Qi smiled and lay in front of the film emperor.

At that moment, Jing Yuanqi could clearly feel that his original soft body was suddenly tense because of his arrival.

But what’s the use, the meat was tight, but he could still feel the fineness.

Although through clothes.

Jing Yuanqi got up in less than a minute.

Then he blinked at the seemingly expressionless emperor who had been blinking quickly.

Pick your eyes and smile on your lips

“The director said earlier that I had a show against Teacher Shi at night.”

The young man reached out and gently helped Shi Qing buckle the button in front of his collarbone.

The slender fingers obviously can be fastened quickly, but the qg is biased. Slowly and gently, the button is fastened to cover the beautiful clavicle that was originally exposed.

The buckle was fastened, and Jing Yuanqi got close to Shi Qing’s ear again, his lips slightly raised, and his voice was deliberately lowered. “I really hope to come at night.”

After saying this, the young man got up again with a sunny smile on his face.

“Then I’ll go to dinner first. See you tonight.”

Shi Qing watched Jing Yuanqi silently away.

I waited until I could no longer see the young man ’s back

He’s so showy.

System? where?

Shi Qing bowed his head silently, looking at the place where Jing Yuanqi was lying before.

At this moment there was already a sweat stain on the white shirt there.

I can’t help but feel a sigh

It’s really good.

Although the system didn’t see anything, when he saw the host say this, he still did his due diligence to comfort the host. Don’t be afraid, he should not hit anyone.

Yeah, but he can bite.

System …

Really good show.

The system is not afraid or not, host I can cheat you …

However, before it finished speaking, I heard Shi Qing added another sentence but I liked it.

system? ? ?


Shi Qing was so beautiful, leaning back to the system, you found that he wanted to soak me.

It shouldn’t be. The system looked strangely at the rejection. The rejection was so high. It stands to reason that he should not like the host.

Shi Qing was not surprised at all.

You look at his degree of rejection of others.

The system tuned it out and looked at it, then there was a long silence.

How about Shi Qing?

The system … is 100% exclusive.

But he looked enthusiastic when facing others.

Clearly loaded.

He looks as if it is sunny and lively. In fact, it is just that it is fun to pretend to look like this, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, he has been pretending to look like this for a long time, and he has been used to using it.

After speaking, he continued to say that he was bored, and would have fun, seeing him like that, I was his next pleasure.

The system is a bit embarrassing.

Host, what should we do next?

Do whatever you want.

Leaning and leaning slowly, closed his eyes slowly.

We don’t have to do anything, just let Jing Yuanqi do it. He likes to manipulate everything, then I let him do it.

He enjoyed it anyway.

Looking for fun, he really wants to see when Jing Yuanqi will find out that fun is not so easy to find.

In the evening, the crew began filming the evening scene.

This is a fairy-tale drama, big production, Jing Yuanqi plays a big villain who likes the female indifferent boy in the early stage and blackened in the later stage.

In this play, in order to threaten the heroine to marry herself, the master villain seized the heroine master and threatened him with his life.

Shi Qing is the unfortunate Master.

Twenty minutes before the filming, he was wearing a flowing costume with an injured makeup on his face. He was putting a small blood bag in his mouth. When he was stunned by the villain played by Jing Yuanqi, he had to bite the blood bag and vomit blood. .

Jing Yuanqi, wearing a black robe representing blackening, came over with the script.

His makeup today is the classic black makeup of the villain, with a little blood between his forehead, the long sword eyebrows have been thickened a bit, and a pair of peach eyes have been painted with an eyeliner.

When this makeup was shot, it would look wicked because of Jing Yuan Qi cold, but in reality, when he smiled as sunny as before, it looked like a villain, but it seemed like a chance The charming fox is weird.

At this moment, the fox monster was approaching Shi Qing, and her lips, which were extremely bright red when she put on her makeup, were slightly raised. “Mr. Shi, shall we play?”

The partner asked for the show in the crew, so how could Qing not agree to this when there was a valid reason?

So Mr. Yingdi nodded his head, took the blood bag down first, and turned his face in an indifferent expression according to the film tonight.

“You are a delusional fantasist! How can you deserve to be a demon for a magical repair? If you do n’t damage my skill, you are already in a different place at this moment, and you will go down to the underworld to give birth to beasts!”

Jing Yuanqi seems to be in the show very quickly.

He froze, stretched out his hands, and cleared his neck when he stopped from the back, his voice was low and indifferent.

“It’s not worth it, but it’s not up to you.”

Looking to the screenwriter here, weirdly holding the script on the desk, and said to the assistant on the side, “Isn’t it written about face to face neck? Why did Jing Yuanqi stand behind when the teacher went?”

“It’s okay, it’s just a game anyway, but I can stand behind and see that they are facing one place so that they don’t have to be angled.”

The two were talking, and Shi Qing suddenly felt wrong. Behind him, Jing Yuanqi uttered the lines in a cold tone, relying on the cover of the wide sleeves, slowly left his clothes across the left hand, and climbed to the white belt of the elegant robe. .

As if a leopard with sharp nails in the meat pad, plucking the mussel shell in front of it.

The Emperor who was seriously showing suffocation on his face paused suddenly.

Helping them watch high-quality “Shi brother? What’s wrong?”


With a pair of peach eyes, the movement of the young man’s right hand, holding his throat in front of him, seems unchanged.

The thumb was covered by the long wig that Shi Qing wore.

It’s too light, like feathers.

Jing Yuanqi stood on the spot like this, gently leaning over his fox’s weird face, and turned his eyes towards the rigid, slender eyelashes who blinked quickly.

He gently lifted the corner of the belt while using his left hand covered by long sleeves to touch the increasingly rigid and tight body of the person in front of him, while suppressing the magnetic sound.

The tone is confused, as if the purest

“Mr. Shi, OK, what’s wrong with you?”

The author has something to say, Shi Xiaoqing

Three thousand nine! !! Mom, I’m awesome, it’s three thousand nine! You have to hug yourself! !!

Random little angels send red envelopes, tomorrow I will be even better!

You just wish to update tomorrow. I take the middle number, such as one thousand and five thousand. I choose three thousand!

Don’t rule out the possibility that I hide in the crowd and report it to myself. (Whispering jg)

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