The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 20 - The first world (20)

If there were no such humanoid machinery, the Zerg might have to fight for it, but watching Shi Qing and this pestle, where did they dare to do anything.

Seeing that Yin Mingzheng was about to take their worms, the one headed was lying on the ground: “I, we didn’t think, what, what … all this, human … all her!”

Does this human think that only she can shake the pot!

They will too! !!

With a lot of green sweat and a dozen Zergs with their arms cut off, they tried to overcome the stuttering: “This is this, this human, she said that she wanted to kill you, so she kidnapped the adults and adults, we, we … “

Behind him, an eight-eyed Zergling saw the boss stuck in his eyes, and quickly and carefully added: “We are passing by.”

“Yes! Yes, yes!”

The Zerg, headed by, seemed to have caught some life-saving straw, nodded desperately, and the flesh on the bloated neck was about to be thrown out:

“Passing by! We’re just passing by, take a look at it!”

Yin Mingzheng has never seen the Zerg gang before, and he has seen Zerg high-levels in previous battles. Each of them can’t wait to be dragged to the sky, and his eyes are full of the contempt of the indigenous people.

This is the first time I’ve seen this Zerg pose.

The human hero has not seen himself so high, he naturally associates with Shi Qing.

Shi Qing’s courage is so small that his appearance certainly does not have lethality. Although a bite of an adult, these Zerg will certainly not be afraid of him.

Could it be because of this humanoid machine?

Yin Mingzheng glanced at the humanoid machinery floating in the sky and thought it was very likely.

He only knew that Shiqing was the king of the mechanical race, and he also knew the habits of some mechanical races. He never asked about the status of the race in the universe.

It seems that it should be in a good position.

If you let the Zerg know what Yin Mingzheng is thinking, I’m afraid he will really underestimate the mechanical race.

This is a mechanical race.

Where to kill is not for the sake of fame, not for the benefit, simply to destroy an intelligent civilization.

There are many younger brothers, and they are highly lethal. They do not fear death and fight for the king. They also produce energy continuously.

Who doesn’t fear enemies who never stop.

They were afraid anyway.

If this adult is angered, I am afraid that the Zerg will be able to go extinct on the spot.

Several Zerg seniors trembled on the ground, the one headed was still racking their brains and thinking about what to do to escape the birth, but Zhao Miaomiao couldn’t say anything.

What should I say now, when Shi Qing saw her true face, Zerg splashed all the dirty water on her, and the sky-like humanoid machine blocked the back road with a cannon, and another stood in front of it and looked at with aversion Your first human being.

Whether it is up or down, it is a dead word.

Zhao Miaomiao has never felt such despair as now.

Look at Shi Qing, who is shrinking in the arms of a man, how obedient and oblivious he is, without looking at himself, and then look at those zergs who are afraid to lift their heads and stutter.

Zhao Miaomiao put the only hope on Yin Mingzheng.

“Brother Mingzheng! Brother Mingzheng, believe me, I don’t know anything, I’m also a brother Mingzheng who is bound!”

Her and General Zhao’s original plan was that after Yin Mingzheng came, she threatened Yin Mingzheng to stand with the Zerg by using Qingqing, and then broadcasted to the base to let the entire base know that human heroes colluded with the Zerg.

They didn’t think about killing Yin Mingzheng from the beginning. This man is too strong. If he really kills, the Zerg can’t hold him back, maybe he will be back bitten instead.

But destroying his reputation is not the same. Yin Mingzheng can fight against the Zerg, but not against humans. At that time, the human hero who lost all his glory will have no counterattack.

As for Zhao Miaomiao’s appearance here, the Zerg has more eyes and minds. They are worried that humans have set a plan to pit them, so they asked Zhao Miaomiao to be a hostage.

Zhao Miaomiao also thought it was a good hostage.

She was going to shave the small face with her own hands, to see how he pretended to be pitiful, and to personally make Yin Mingzheng, a ignorant guy, infamous.

But now, she can only cry poorly at the feet of Yin Mingzheng.

“Mr. Mingzheng, that’s the Zerg. How can you believe the Zerg, what kind of person am I? You don’t know? How could I do such a thing!”

She stretched out her hand to pull Yin Mingzheng’s trousers and cried, “Did we have such a long love, could we not reach one word of these zerg?”

Yin Mingzheng felt Shi Qing was **** his meat again.

He quickly hugged his little prince and moved his feet backwards, without letting Zhao Miaomiao touch him a little bit.

Human heroes have serious faces and correct postures: “We have no love.”

“Also, don’t touch me.”

While talking, the man’s slender hands also carefully guarded the young man in his arms.

This pair of cherished Shi Qing, but spurred Zhao Miaomiao’s appearance.

These days, she has tried every means to please Yin Mingzheng, but this ruthless man not only failed to respond to her courtship, but also avoided her.

She didn’t even let her go to the corner of the clothes. Every time she came to please, she said rightly that he already had a partner and had Shi Qing, and asked her to take her weight.

Even now, she is crying like this, Yin Mingzheng only cares about the good Qing who is guarded by him! !!

She died right before her eyes, and Shi Qing could be protected by Yin Mingzheng for a lifetime.

On what basis! !!

On what basis! !! !!

Zhao Miaomiao mad monster stood up and shook his hands, shaking his fingers to the boy who was in the man ’s arms: “Yin Mingzheng !! You have been cheated! He is not what you see! He is an alien ! “

Talking, she turned again and pointed at the humanoid in the sky:

“Did you see the aliens in the sky? These were all he called. Do n’t you know that they are different from my tribe ?! Do you believe him? Do you believe these zerg? “

Seeing Yin Mingzheng’s indifferent expression, without shaking the words she said, she laughed again, “Yeah, yeah, you were caught by him in the spaceship and returned with him, you must know that he is an alien Now. “

“You guys sent me there.”

The man finally opened his mouth, his eyes full of sharp irony: “Do you really think I can’t find out?”

Zhao Miaomiao froze.

Immediately reacted, Yin Mingzheng knew that it was General Zhao who sent people to attack him, and he kept shaking his head, “No, it’s not me, it’s my dad, it’s him, I like you, how can I kill you It ’s really not me … “

“It’s ok.”

There was not much emotion on Yin Mingzheng’s face, and even a smile appeared. Because of this smile, the handsome three-dimensional facial features looked much later than before.

He said, “I don’t blame you.”

Zhao Miaomiao had never seen him smile to himself like this, he was surprised at first, and then renewed hope in his eyes.

Yin Mingzheng said this to forgive her and let her go? !!

However, the next second, the man like a divine dropped his eyes, and the tender feelings fell on the young man in his arms. His good-looking lips were raised, and his whole body became tender because he looked at Shi Qing.

The human hero said, “If you didn’t want to put me to death, how would I see Shi Qing.”

Zhao Miaomiao: “…”

[It’s exciting, and it’s sweet talk. 】

Shi Qingting’s eyebrows smiled, raised his head around the man’s neck, and pecked at his tough cheek, which was counted as a reward.

The Zerg, lying honestly on the ground, saw this scene, and they all got a little cyanosis.

The Zerg have no habit of kissing, and they never bother to understand the native humans, so they are very puzzled why they should do this.

One zombie lying on his back whispered in a whispering voice, “Do you want to eat Yin Mingzheng?”

“Adult’s mouth is so small and there is only one. It should not be eaten. Should we slip away while he eats?”

“How to slip? There are so many machines in the sky, please show me one!”

The headed Zerg couldn’t bear it: “Don’t make a noise!”

He despised the group of people who did not do their homework to invade the planet. “Have you ever looked at the data? This is a human action before making love.”

“Adults want to have **** with humans? How do you have **** with racial discord?”

“What a fool!”

The head Zerg is another scorn: “The mechanical race has been multiplying, but I have never heard how they multiply. In my opinion, the multiplication of the mechanical race must be eating the reproduction object, making love first, and then eating!”

“It turned out that the worms after breeding will be more docile, and the adults should be the same. Do you say we can wait for the adults and humans to reproduce, and ask him to let go of our zerg?”

“I think it works.”

“Okay, then we are here waiting for the adults to multiply.”

They seriously discussed in insect words how to keep their Zerg, and listening to Yin Mingzheng and Shi Qing’s ears was:

“Uh, uh?”




The human hero tightened his eyebrows, and the black mist fell sharply in front of the Zerg. He asked coldly, “What are you doing!”

The Zerg were taken aback and quickly explained:

“Well! Nothing, nothing, we’re talking, chatting.”

He was so frightened that he couldn’t wait for a faint on the spot, but because of his ugly look, his eyes were full of green sweat (horror) and his mouth was looming with tusks looming.

Yin Mingzheng’s little prince seemed scared, exclaimed, and buried his face in the man’s arms.

He couldn’t care about intimidating the Zerg, and quickly patted Shi Qing comfortingly: “It’s all right, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

The boy’s body shivered slightly, and he obediently stretched out his hand and hugged Yin Mingzheng, looking still frightened.

In fact, Shi Qing is madly poking at the system: [ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! !! !! Tong baby, come baby! 】

Consciously the host is a big brother, Yin Mingzheng came again to support what he didn’t need to do on his own, and the system of the Tao Te Ching being studied in peace came out aggressively.

[Host? 】

Shi Qing: [Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! !! !! 】

After laughing, he learned the Zerg that he just heard: [叽叽, 叽叽 叽叽 叽叽! 】

System: [What? 】

[Well. 】

system:【? 】

Shi Qing laughed even harder. If it wasn’t for his face buried in Yin Mingzheng’s arms, he was afraid to jump out with a smile.

The man thought he was really scared. He looked at the Zerg coldly, and the black mist rose up as a threat: “Down.”

After speaking, he looked down at the man in his arms, his face softened again, and patted Shi Qing’s back gently, his magnetic voice was low and full of pity.

“Don’t be afraid, they just look ugly. With me, they dare not do anything.”

Not long ago, the Zerg who had witnessed the youthful bully silently and quietly …

-Lowered his ugly head.

The author has something to say: Second more!

There is one more, about nine o’clock, you don’t have to be too restrictive, just praise me for my diligence!

This chapter still randomly drops small red envelopes, huh? 3 =

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