The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 2 - First World (2)

Shi Qing sat expressionless on the throne, mechanized fingers hitting the handrails, and the words were mild and incongruous: [System, you come to tell me what makes you think, knowing that the world consciousness will repel the people who the protagonist hates. On the basis, put me on the star invader who almost killed the 100,000 fellow protagonist? 】

As soon as the system was passed, I knew the bad things. When I saw the host asked, I was horrified. [I and I did n’t do it on purpose. I also did the task for the first time. I have only heard that opening the biggest cheat will have an impact, but I do n’t know if it ’s the effect …]

It was afraid of being investigated by the host. Shi Qing was not so angry. What happened to be angry is of no use. Hurry to think of a remedy.

What’s more, this identity is really great. At least under the circumstances of human beings’ weakness, when a high-weight alien is good, it just arrived at Blue Star. Never hurt, can wash one.

[Okay, don’t do it again next time. One month is enough. Now tell me the degree of exclusion. 】

The system immediately switched to the working mode: [Yin Mingzheng Exclusion Degree: 100100]

As soon as the report was finished, it persuaded again.

One hundred percent rejection. It has never been seen in the archives of seniors. Only one month is enough.

It’s finished, this is the first task, the host of the pit deducted points ohh …

The system was still crying. Shi Qing had stood up and waved his hands. A humanoid machine immediately moved a mirror according to his ideas.

Standing in front of the mirror is a humanoid creature made of silver machinery. His body proportion is more similar to that of humans, and there is no trace of extra body. It looks more like a human being outside.

Shi Qing closed her eyes, and the silver machine on her body immediately turned into a liquid, gradually melting down, exposing the human face underneath.

A face of his own appeared in the mirror, followed by the body, limbs, and by the end, the person standing in front of the mirror was already clear of himself.

He was wearing a casual sportswear, a slender figure with cold and handsome features.

[Hey, host, are you going to pretend to be a human close to Yin Mingzheng? This is also the way. 】

[No, I have a better way. 】

Shi Qing raised his hand, and slender fingertips nodded his eyebrows. The original black pupil immediately turned to silver, and the ordinary clothing he wore turned to a silver uniform like the humanoid machine outside.

On the face, people looked cold and cold. Under the micro-Microsoft, the indifferent lips also changed slightly, and the shape changed a little. Within a minute, the person standing in the mirror was no longer watching. A youth who feels indifferent and elegant is a young boy who looks seventeen or eighteen years old and has not lost his childishness.

Shi Qing reached out her hand and felt a slightly soft belly, looking at herself in the mirror.

Alas, since he turned 20 and learned to go to the gym to exercise his abdominal muscles, he has never seen soft meat on his stomach.

At this age, he looked clear and pure, looking at people with a sense of innocence, no matter what age he was, he couldn’t help raising goodwill towards him.

None of the humanoid robots in the spaceship paid any attention to Shi Qing’s actions. They are all serious machines with no emotions and no thoughts. They are the most loyal subordinates of the original owner.

This is why the entire universe is afraid of the original race. It is a mechanical race. The mechanical planet will only give birth to a life, similar to Wang Feng. After life is born, it can build it with its own abilities. The Legion, and its mission is the aggression carved into the soul.

I would like to ask, who is not afraid of the invading race that has no life, no fear of death, and no end to killing, as long as the original owner is willing, it can create a continuous army of mechanical aggression, and according to its own mechanical army division, it will make an attack on the army Say the best strategy.

For example, this time when invading Blue Star, the reason why the original owner ordered to exchange 100,000 human lives for Yin Mingzheng is that its mechanical division has calculated that Yin Mingzheng will be the biggest threat to their invasion of Blue Star. It is recommended to use alienation to let Humans hand over Yin Mingzheng by themselves.

After all, it was just born shortly. Even if the aggression is engraved in the bones, the earth is the first battlefield of the original owner. Of course, for the original owner who has never shot, of course, he wants to be safe.

So this happened. When Shi Qing was just teleported, the countdown to the outside was persecution of human beings.

Of course, these things are not known to the Blue Stars. They can’t distinguish between the first and the second invaders. Anyway, they are all aliens.

However, it was precisely because the Blue Stars did not understand the race of the universe that Shi Qing had a good idea.

System: [Host, what are you going to do? 】

Shi Qing recalled the appearance of Yin Mingzheng she had just seen, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

[He looks so good, how can he not take advantage of it? 】

He looked at himself in the mirror, stretched out his hand, and the palm print fit to the palm print in the mirror.

“Pass me an order and withdraw.”

Above the crumbling protective cover, the machines that had been stationary since Yin Mingzheng was taken away by the humanoid machinery on the spacecraft suddenly moved, causing a scream in the protective cover.

In this scream, these tens of thousands of humanoid robots turned around, obeyed the owner’s order, and returned to the open door of the spacecraft.

They fly fast and without clutter, no more than five minutes, and there is only one large spaceship left in the sky.

Then, the spacecraft slowly moved, as if they were coming, leaving the human base silently.

The humans in the protective cover are still unbelievable.

The aliens really did, and they really did.

Suddenly, the cry spread throughout the base, I don’t know if it was for the rest of his life or for the human hero being sent out.


Yin Mingzheng was injected with a slow potion, which is a potion specifically targeted at the psionicist. It does not work for ordinary people, but makes the puppet’s action gradually slow. After one hour, he is conscious and unable to move.

Ironically, this potion was developed by him and handed to the upper base of the base. It was originally intended to restrain those who would arbitrarily kill ordinary humans after having the power, but now it is used on him.

The choice of 100,000 civilians and him alone makes it easy for senior management to make decisions.

But after they made a decision, none of them came to tell him and asked for his opinions, but just used his unarmed defense against similar ones and sent them directly to the plane after the attack.

In the process of being attacked, then getting on the plane, and then leaving the plane, Yin Mingzheng was always awake. He could feel the contempt of those people when carrying himself. When he was on the plane, he even took a seat. Nothing, just tossed to the ground like this, looking at a pair of shoes coming and going from their eyes like objects, and even someone kicked him.

Yin Mingzheng knew that human nature was terrible, but he did not expect that the same kind of people who had died and died and paid countless pain protection would treat him like this.

Even if he was sent to death, he did not even have the last respect before his death.

Yeah, he is going to die, there is no need to get any respect.

It ’s going to die. The overall situation that I have been insisting on before, to protect humanity, to forget my life, seems to be no longer necessary.

Yin Mingzheng closed his eyes, feeling that the humanoid was carrying him silently, and then put him on a soft bed. He sneered, even if it was an alien, he would be willing to give him a bed after capturing him. He Of their kind are unwilling.

Later, he felt that a cold manipulator approached him and injected him something. Yin Mingzheng didn’t mean to resist, even if he thought that he had been beaten by the slow potion.

He just remained unconscious, leaving the robot to move.

They threatened humans to send him out, but didn’t kill him when they got it. Are they going to dissect?

Yin Mingzheng guessed in his heart until the robot left and put him back on the soft and comfortable mattress.

Then, there was the sound of humanoid machines walking around the room. They seemed to be carrying something, and something was carried in from the outside. Yin Mingzheng slightly moved his ears. Then a heavy object fell on his bed.

Later, the sense of smell told him that it should be a plant, buried in the soil, and combined with the sound of heavy ground, it should be a potted ceramic plant.

But why did the aliens put a bonsai on the captive bed?

Are plants on their planet weapons or tools to insult each other?

Next, Yin Mingzheng heard the sound of the tool cutting the wall again, and the humanoid machine moved around and carried another heavy object, and then mounted it on the wall.

He was really curious about what these aliens were doing, and couldn’t help but open his eyes.

What he saw surprised him.

Humanoids are actually installing windows, which is the most common type of blue window sliding before the aliens invade.

In addition to glass windows, there were actually humanoid robots flying up and setting up a light blue curtain.

Elsewhere in the room, two humanoid machines were hitting the wall, trying to put things that looked like TV sets, and two humanoid machines carried a coffee table and placed them on the side of the room. The fruit tray and teapot and cup are being methodically placed on the coffee table.

Coupled with the carpets, hangers, tables and chairs, and humanoid machines that look like kitchen utensils behind them, Yin Mingzheng doubts that his identity today is not a captive, but a guest hosted by his host. .

Even at the human base, because he is always ready to go to war, he has no time and conditions to enjoy the daily life of any Blue Star resident before the invaders come.

What most surprised Yin Mingzheng was the strength that gradually recovered from him.

He invented the slow potion, and of course he knows how long this potion is effective. In order to have enough time to transport the power person to the person who can control him, a slow potion can make a power person weak. 24 hour.

And those people may be worried that his powers will break free, and he will be given five doses. He should be able to recover his strength after five days.

Yin Mingzheng immediately thought of what the humanoid machine had injected him, and then quickly overthrew it.

No, it’s impossible.

Humans and aliens are the relationship between the invaded and the invaders, how could they help him.

But the busy humanoid machine in front of him made him puzzled.

Yin Mingzheng’s strength recovered very quickly. When the two humanoid machines finally successfully mounted the TV in the wall, he shook his fists, felt the strength of his body filling up again, and slowly sat up.

The humanoids who were still busy seemed to feel the movement and looked back at him.

Being stared at by many pairs of silvery inorganic eyes, the long-term battle with aliens made Yin Mingzheng tautly subconsciously, looked at these humanoid machines with vigilance, and was ready to fight at any time.

But humanoid robots did nothing, no attack, no threat, they just looked at Yin Mingzheng and continued to do their thing casually.

The situation is unknown, and Yin Mingzheng will not attack rashly, only tightening his muscles, while watching the movement of these machines, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Yes, these aliens even covered him.

This treatment is a bit too unlike captives.

He tempted to the door, put his hand slowly on the door handle, and saw that the humanoid robot in the room didn’t look at himself, and then slowly opened the door.

Behind the door is a large and long corridor, silver-white ground, silver-white walls, everything is silver-white, including the humanoid robots in the corridor wearing silver-white battle uniforms, cleaning their health.

In this piece of silver, a figure came gradually from the other side of the corridor towards this side.

He looks like a human, but can appear on an alien spacecraft. Obviously he is not really a human. He wears a silver-white uniform and walks briskly. He is walking towards this side with a clear goal.

Wherever he went, those humanoid machines that were still busy stopped their hand movements, and compared with humans, the very short mechanical legs moved to kneel, clearly showing their surrender.

All this is silent and solemn. Yin Mingzheng can even realize the infinite loyalty of these humanoids to treat the people in front of them.

Yin Mingzheng is very sure that this alien looks exactly like humans, and has a certain status on this spaceship.

He lowered his hands calmly, his thumb rested lightly on the palm of his hand, which was his normal movement before using the power.

The teenager with silver-clear eyes seemed to fail to notice Yin Mingzheng’s tight body and alert eyes.

Seeing Yin Mingzheng looking at himself, a sweet smile bloomed on his face immediately, stepping forward, regardless of Yin Mingzheng’s subconscious defensive posture, holding his arm.

“You’re awake, my partner.”

Yin Mingzheng: “… what?”

Shi Qing did not answer, but pulled him and walked into the room. Yin Mingzheng tried to struggle, but found that the boy in front of him looked harmless, but his strength was very strong, no matter how hard he tried, not open.

In a hurry, he reached out and tried to push Shi Qing away with the power, but found that the power didn’t work for some reason, and the boy didn’t respond.

How is it possible that he has just experimented, obviously the power can be used …

With such a devastating effort, Yin Mingzheng has been pressed onto the bed.

He was lying on his back on the soft big bed, with a clear smile staring straight at him, with a sweet smile on the strange boy.

“and many more……”

Yin Mingzheng stretched his hands subconsciously, but Shi Qing easily grasped the wrists of both hands and pulled them directly above his head to hold them, completely turning into a slaughtering position.

“Don’t wait.”

The boy with an innocent face blinked, his tone was innocent and looking forward, but he was very strong in doing what the overlord did:

“Come on, let’s have a baby.”

The author has something to say: Not having children! !! No children! !! !! !!

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