The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 13 - First World (13)

Shi Qing never did other small moves after Yin Mingzheng talked to Zhao Miaomiao, An An shrank in the arms of men.

Yin Mingzheng felt itchy in her arms, and when she looked down, she saw that the juvenile might be guilty and was rubbing the place where he had twisted just now.

While rubbing, eyes still pretending to sleep.

The corner of his lips unconsciously evoked a slight smile, and did not pierce Shi Qing, so he hugged the teenager all the way and went back.

For Shi Qing’s temperament, Yu Yin Mingzheng is very easy to understand.

He was straightforward and understandable, and sometimes he was a little careful and did his best to hide himself.

Sure enough, when he returned, the boy was put on a soft bed, and the boy who had just “sleeped” immediately became energetic, like a newborn dragon showing his scales, and curled around the bed sheet. Yin Mingzheng, who had a long tone, was going to take a bath with him.

Yin Mingzheng went to inspect the three-layer guardrail in the outer city area today. The base has a total of eighteen layers of guardrails, one layer with one layer, to ensure that even the lower zerg can be brought in from the outside, and their low IQ can be trapped in Inside the fence.

The soldiers who monitored the guardrail 24 hours found that there were enough sleepy zergs to apply for cleaning.

During this time, Yin Mingzheng always felt that his mental strength had soared a lot, even with his powers, he had improved a lot. Today, he went to carry out experiments with the lower Zergs who tried to break in.

The Zerg are also a force to work. Although he never let these Zerg close, he sweated.

If Yin Mingzheng was sweating when he lived alone, it ’s okay to deal with it all night, then wash up the next day, but now he has a little quilt that he loves to clean and likes others to clean. Little leopard, this is absolutely impossible to make up.

So he could only coax the little leopard who was tired and crooked and crawled on himself, and coaxed that he would accompany him after taking a shower.

When a man was taking a bath, Shi Qing was just like a little fool. He was enjoying himself in the bed, playing a long and mellow tone, and shouting loudly.

“Ming Zheng, hurry up, I’m sleepy!”

“I’m hungry, are you okay!”

This is Shi Qing’s unique way of sticking people. Even if he can sleep with his eyes closed, he can get food from the bedside table when he gets up, but he doesn’t, just want to let Yin Mingzheng come to coax him to sleep And feed him.

Yin Mingzheng had to speed up the bathing movement under such delicate and delicate urging. Suddenly, he found that the humming sound that had not stopped since he returned was gone.

The man flushed with water, and just turned off the water and planned to put on a bath towel and take a look.


The curtain in front was pulled open.

The teenager with beautiful silvery white eyes got into his head with bright eyes.

“Ming Zheng, let’s wash it together !!!”

Yin Mingzheng spent almost half a second thinking, and took half a second to yank the bath towel hanging on the wall around him with the fastest speed of taking a bath towel in his life.

The teenager seemed to be startled by his fast movement, crooked his head, and looked blank: “What’s wrong?”

The man lowered his head, covering his ears that were red for a moment, and almost stumbled, “I’ve washed it, you, come in and wash it.”

After that, he just scrambled out around the bath towel.

Shi Qing stood in place, looking back as if still looking at his back.

[I bet he must be using abilities and run too fast. 】

The system didn’t understand it very much: [Everyone kissed, and hugged, why did he still look like this. 】

Although it sees the mosaic, it can still understand what happened in combination with the actual situation.

[Can’t see it, kissing and hugging are coaxing me, as long as nothing really happens, he will try to push me away. 】


His shocked voice soared: [It’s all like this, he still wants to push you away? The mosaic of you two every day, in order to endure this mosaic, every day I recite the Tao Te Ching, I can do it! !! 】

[You are not human at all, you can remember it after reading it. 】

The system was speechless.

But soon, it started to break up again and again: [… but, if he pushes the host away, what is your host ’s degree of exclusion, it is difficult to estimate the degree of exclusion of one person against another. Fifty percent itself is the degree of rejection of strangers walking on the road. If you separate, you will not mosaic it later. After two or three years, who knows if he will suddenly reject the host, even if he rejects such a one. Seconds, enough time for us to be ejected from this world without protection. 】

Shi Qing began to prepare for the shower in a hurry. [It is not enough to reduce the degree of rejection to strangers. It must be low enough to be absolutely safe. I say what do you call it to reduce the degree of rejection, and just say that it is not good to increase it. 】

The system is facing the mosaic full of screens: [As stated above, it is not easy for me to change my name …]

[Host, you and Yin Mingzhen are like that. He really intends not to have you, isn’t he afraid of you being sad? 】

[I’m sad to count ass. 】

Shi Qing finished foaming on her body, her hands gathered together, and a big bubble came out: [Seeing, I and Yin Mingzheng are in the current state like this bubble, looking at the colorful and beautiful, not really, actually …]

He reached out his thin white fingers and poked slightly.

The bubble burst silently.

[If I do n’t entangle him, I stick to him, do you think he can treat me like he does now? Don’t look at his appearance and speak well, in fact, the rejection can definitely be three times higher than ordinary people. 】

A system full of mosaics that can’t see anything: [… what to do then. 】

[See tricks and tricks, what else can I do? I thought you’d been on a spaceship before, and when he set up a heart for himself, he would know the situation. 】

The system is at a loss: [What is the situation? 】

[You don’t think that he coaxed me at that time, the same attitude as he does to me now? It was just that he was lying to me at that time, and now he was so sincere. 】

[Yes, let me remind you, even if it is true now, in the eyes of Yin Mingzheng, it is just a sense of guilt and responsibility to me, as if you accidentally stepped on a kitten in the street, carefully It is the same reason to take home and take good care of it. 】

After that, Shi Qing made a final summary with a particularly surprised tone: “I see that you have been quite quiet these two days. I thought you knew it. I didn’t expect you to be so simple. You are cute. 】


Therefore, it just stayed watching the host and the target object honey for so long to adjust the oil, and endured a lot of mosaics every day to worry that the host was really addicted to the fake drama.

In the end, both of them were acting? ?

Shi Qing flushed the foam on his body, [Well, did I just forget to bring a bath towel in? 】

The system is offline: [He is actually cheating the host, he is actually cheating the host …]

Shi Qing: [Well, don’t do that, you won’t be undercut if you are cheated. 】

System: [Cheating host …]

[Okay, you go back to the Tao Te Ching. 】

Soothing the system that seemed to be trapped in a maze of thinking, Shi Qing opened the curtain and stretched the sound toward the outside, the tone was sweet and greasy: [Ming Zheng, I didn’t take a bath towel. 】

Yin Mingzheng was wiping her hair. After listening to the boy’s words, hesitated. He stood up and found his towel. When he walked to the bathroom and passed it, he saw that Shi Qing had opened the curtain and was aiming at himself Lung smile.

Yin Mingzheng: “…”

His eyes drooped immediately, and he stretched out his arms and passed over the towel.

As soon as the bath towel was taken away, the human hero immediately turned around and walked away as usual.

Just sitting on the bed, he didn’t bother to wipe his hair.

At first Yin Mingzheng just wanted to stabilize Shi Qing, and asked him to take him back to the spacecraft immediately.

Being able to escape this time is also Shi Shiqing’s trust in him. If he is taken back again, he will definitely have no chance to return to the base.

Of course, killing Shi Qing is the best way now.

But Yin Mingzheng couldn’t.

Regardless of Shi Qing’s stupid and deceptive appearance, and always a pureness toward him, Yin Mingzheng couldn’t get rid of it.

But Shi Qing wouldn’t be willing to leave him, and he didn’t dare to force people away as coldly as Zhao Miao Miao. If he did, according to Shi Qing’s character, he would definitely cry and grumble. Then His subordinates were summoned to tie him back to the spacecraft, and every day he was pressed with a few tons of weight to let him go through the procedure.

It’s no use not to walk. Yin Mingzheng hasn’t refused before. The boy obediently said that he didn’t need Yin Mingzheng to accompany him and turned around to entertain himself.

Even if Yin Mingzheng ignored him, he could still play all day.

You can’t make it, neither can you retreat.

And he can still use the theory of 18 years old to cheat Shi Qing, but Shi Qing is now at the human base, and the surrounding information will be passed into his ears. When the real algorithm of age is figured out, it will be seen early and late This lie.

Even today, the two live together. He takes a bath. Shi Qing can break in to see him. When he takes a bath, he can …

The fair skin flashed in his mind, and the man’s reddish earlobe was even more dripping with blood. He reached out and rubbed the earlobe with anxiety.

Shi Qing must know the truth, it’s just a matter of time.

There is no chance of getting angry. It is more likely that you will directly press Yin Mingzheng to go through more stringent procedures.

But he just saw Shi Qing as a child …

Although most people do not go through the program with their children.

I don’t get bored with children every day.

Not to mention how to get rid of the child after doing almost what he should or should not do.

At this moment, Yin Mingzheng was sitting on the soft big bed and realized a little.

He is a scumbag.

Do not!


Such a day can’t go on like this. Shi Qing is looking for a partner who can accompany him who really likes him. Yin Mingzheng thinks he can’t do it.

Then you can only find Shi Qing in the base to find a better candidate than him.


The next morning, when Shi Qing was still sleeping comfortably in the bed, Yin Mingzheng got up.

“Shi Qing … Shi Qing, got up.”

He gently awakened the boy who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. When he sat up soberly and rubbed his eyes, Yin Mingzheng felt guilty for a moment, but soon recovered his normal expression.

“Do you remember the one who helped you yesterday, called Cheng Jun?”

Shi Qing shook his head blankly, his voice soft: “I don’t remember.”

And in consciousness:

[Remember, remember! !! The handsome boy in the hat, with big eyes and a big nose, smiled sunny and shy, he was a little younger. 】

Yin Mingzheng touched the boy’s head and coaxed him gently: “I have to go out of the base in the past few days, and it is estimated that I will be back at least five days. Will you play with him for a while? He will protect you. “

Yesterday, he found that Cheng Jun’s eyes were not right when he saw Shi Qing, but he didn’t feel anything at that time. It was also common for young Muai. Cheng Jun became an orphan when he was ten years old. People, it’s normal to be a little careful.

He’s almost the same age, with a good physique, powerful abilities, and he really likes the time, he is the best candidate.

Shi Qing nodded obediently, apparently before waking up.

Although he wanted him to agree, he nodded so quickly when he saw the boy, and the man’s heart was empty for a second.

Sure enough, as a child, as long as someone is accompanied, it doesn’t matter who this person is.

After washing, Yin Mingzheng quickly brought Shi Qing to Cheng Jun.

Cheng Jun learned such a good news early in the morning, and the excitement on his face was about to overflow. He blushed and twitched at the young man who took the man’s arm to snooze, and tried to cover his own awkwardly. Think carefully.

“Boss, don’t worry! I will take good care of the young master! Certainly !!!”

Yin Mingzheng was worried that he didn’t dare to think too much because of his existence, and nodded: “Well, Shi Qing is the person I am watching as my younger brother. You must take care of him.”

Dear brother! !!

Cheng Jun’s eyes lightened, and he nodded again and again: “You rest assured you rest assured !! I must take care of Shi Qing!”

“Shiqing, come.”

Yin Mingzheng took the boy and gently pushed him to Cheng Jun: “You have fun with Cheng Jun these days. Buy whatever you want, and the money will be transferred to your account.”


Shi Qing looked stupid and didn’t sleep enough, nodded obediently.

Seeing him was really reluctant at all, the man’s heart was a little sore.

It’s really a little conscience.

But this is also good, lest Shi Qing patronize and think that he will not cultivate feelings with Cheng Jun.

Thinking about it, Yin Mingzheng pulled Cheng Jun again and began to tell him in detail: “I have prepared Shi Qing’s food, and you can just send him back at dinner. In the evening … he can be with you at night. Sleep, but ca n’t get a bed. Also, he likes to hang out and enjoy shopping. When I ’m not there, look at it. Do n’t let him conflict with the second generation in the base, especially Le Youyuan. “

Le You was the first generation of the second generation in the base. He played the most happily and always jumped the most. He always claimed to be Yin Mingzheng’s deadly opponent. Yin Mingzheng was “sacrificed” and celebrated at the base. It was the head he brought up.

Cheng Jun nodded his head and said, “Boss, don’t worry, I will always be by Shi Qing, I will never let him get hurt a little!”

I haven’t got much close, so I cried when Shi Qing came.

For a moment, Yin Mingzheng felt a little uncomfortable, and began to wonder if the person he had chosen was wrong.

This Cheng Jun looks slick, not like a reliable person.

He seemed to deny it in his own heart, not at all as if he had boasted Cheng Jun’s calm atmosphere before.

But no matter how uneasy, Yin Mingzheng still took people out of the base.

He always wants to adapt Shi Qing to the days without him.

On the first night, without Baobaozi curled up in her arms, Yin Mingzheng lost sleep.

The next day, Yin Mingzheng began to reflect on whether he really chose the right person. Cheng Jun was too young, and Shi Qing was too simple. In case two people did something extraordinary …

On the third day, Yin Mingzheng, who had not slept well for two consecutive nights, became irritable. People in the squad were scared to speak when they saw him, for fear of inducing the fire-breathing dragon.

On the fourth day, Yin Mingzheng turned black, as if tirelessly, swept all the Zerg around, and then announced in cold voice back to the base.

The driving driver was urged by the boss along the way to hurry up, and hurry up, the forehead of the urging gave a cold sweat, almost drove the car out of the speed of the car, and finally reached the base door, and the whole person was lost.

God, the boss’s temper is getting colder and colder.

The human hero was the first to get out of the car. He was walking with long legs, holding a game machine to bring to Shiqing, and almost entered the base at an impatient speed.

He had to see what happened to Shi Qing, OK.

If he really develops a relationship with Cheng Jun these days …

Yin Mingzheng stepped on his feet and stood still for two or three minutes. The players who got off the train and followed them were afraid to squeak behind and stand together and the atmosphere was scared.

If any relationship really develops, Shi Qing is already tens of thousands of years old, no matter in the universe or in Blue Star, he is an adult and he will not interfere.

When I first thought of it, a car that could only be driven in the base was driven by a very strong sports car before the man and turned on the horn very arrogantly.

嘀 ——

Yin Mingzheng, a car with a red bag, is too familiar. It belongs to the most arrogant and hardest second generation in the base, Le Youyuan.

Sure enough, the next second, the familiar Diaoer Lang heard the voice from the car: “Oh, it’s been a long time since General Yin is back.”

Yin Mingzheng didn’t have time to talk with the second generation at this time, and looked away with a cold face before leaving.

The result was this look that set him in place.

In the red convertible of Sao Bao, his little prince was sitting comfortably on the co-pilot, seeing Yin Mingzheng looking over, and he smiled and stretched out his hand to say hello.


The game console in the hands of Yin Mingzheng.


Le Tour Original! Shi Qing is a tens of thousands of years old baby, he even lied to children! !!

The author has something to say: five thousand! !! !!

Wow, how can I be so awesome, it ’s a spiral bar, so awesome I ca n’t get the nutrient solution! !!

Random little angels give red envelopes?

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