The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 10 - The first world (10)

Yin Mingzheng brought Shi Qing to the room where he lived before.

Since he “sacrifice”, the base has closed the room. No one inside has moved, creating an appearance for them to respect Yin Mingzheng.

The man originally planned to settle Shi Qing in the room first, and then go back to Lao Huang to see if he needed treatment.

As a result, Shi Qing was obsessed with Yin Mingzheng to accompany himself to make up his sleep, and in the end he was not regarded as a medical therapist.

Shi Qing took his hand, pressed it on his heart, and asked him to feel the mechanical heart that was beating, a small grievance: “I didn’t sleep to find you.”

“I am a human body now, and it would be uncomfortable not to sleep.”

When the natural appearance of the boy with a weak voice softened his tone and showed a pitiful expression, Yin Mingzheng could not always refuse him.

In particular, Shi Qing also moved Yin Mingzheng’s mechanical heart out of him.

So the two of them fell together comfortably and slept together for a long time.

——For Yin Mingzheng.

Anyway, these days, Qing is spraying incense every night that faints people into himself and sleeps in his arms.

Yin Mingzheng is too tired.

Over the course of this journey, while feeling the condemnation inside, he was worried that Shi Qing was catching up, and at the same time, he was to guard against the nearby Zerg, almost tense every tense.

He could persist until the base had fallen, relying on his strong willpower, and then the rosemary that Shiqing gave every night healed his fatigue.

It’s just that the physical exhaustion can be cured, but the mental exhaustion needs to be adjusted by himself.

If Shi Qing does not show up, Yin Mingzheng will only bear it silently, and when he has done nothing, he will continue to do things with tense spirit.

But his little prince appeared.

Like a little leopard who would never give up if he didn’t achieve his goal, he whispered into his arms with a wolf howling.

Before he could react, the little leopard whipped his clothes again and again, and grieved grievingly. Not only did he not blame the prey for running away, but he was full of dependence.

I have to say that at this moment, Yin Mingzheng felt more guilty at the same time, and at the same time, he felt a great satisfaction in his heart.

That night, he was like a dragon, trapped his treasures, and slept beautifully.

Before going to bed, Yin Mingzheng made a decision.

Since Shi Qing gave up the spacecraft and came to him, he must protect him.

Shi Qing had weaknesses for his sake, which was his responsibility.

As soon as he felt refreshed, Yin Mingzheng remembered last night’s promise, and his memory began to return. He closed his eyes, thinking about Qing ’s weak and timid appearance yesterday, and raised his heart to pity.

Poor little guy, he must have been scared when he left the spacecraft for the first time.

He is just a tens of thousands of years old baby.

Yin Mingzheng decided to make time today to comfort Shiqing so that he should not be so scared. After making a decision, he was about to open his eyes and suddenly felt that something was wrong with him.

Feeling the familiar coolness of his men, Yin Mingzheng slowly opened his eyes.

Then, I saw Shi Qing, who was working diligently to explore with parts.

As if feeling the eyes of a man, the teenager looked up excitedly, and pouted, “You are awake.”

“Come on the program.”

Human hero: “…”

Under Shi Qingmang’s long-awaited sight, the man sat up resentfully.

-Walked for an hour program.

An hour later, the contented Shi Qing recovered her soft and tender appearance, lying on the bed with a pair of slightly round eyes and curiously looking at the contents of the bedside table.

Seeing the young man holding the glass trophy placed on the bedside table and looking up and down curiously, Yin Mingzheng had a rare embarrassed cough.

“Is this Mingzheng? What is it?”

Sure enough, the curious baby Shi Qing quickly turned and asked.

Yin Mingzheng’s face was a little uncomfortable, but she still answered, “It was the trophy I won in the competition before.”

In the peaceful era, he was just an ordinary person who was a little better and peaceful. This trophy was won by his parents when he was a teenager. After his parents died in a car accident, Yin Mingzheng This trophy served as a sustenance, and even after the Zerg invaded, humans did not forget to bring it with them.

Although, the trophy of the teens has been kept, it sounds a bit silly.

Fortunately, Shiqing is an alien and should not understand this.

Shi Qing thoughtfully held the trophy and looked back before putting it back.

This trophy is made of glass. After so many things, Yin Mingzheng can protect it so well. I can imagine how much he valued it.

I was satisfied when the alien boy was just like a curious puppy who just moved to his new home. He was tumbling around in the house and demolished the house and turned over the whole thing in the house. Lying back on the bed, a look of ease appeared.

“It’s all Mingzheng here.”

Although knowing that Shiqing was talking about taste, the old driver Yin Mingzheng, who was no longer pure, still flashed a picture that did not fit the values ​​of a harmonious society.

The human hero worked hard to get his mind back to normal, and began to ask business, “Shi Qing, how did you leave the spaceship, do you want to go back?”

“Of course, I’m here to bring Mingzheng back.”

Shi Qing answered happily.

Yin Mingzheng froze, and then the eyes end up suffering, “So … what if I don’t plan to go back?”

The alien boy looked back at him blankly, a pair of silver-white eyes narrowed, as if being abandoned, so he looked at the man without speaking.

Yin Mingzheng couldn’t stand his eyes in the end and asked, “If you like, Shi Qing, you can stay at the base and live with me.”

Shi Qing’s eyes flashed, but soon, stubborn pride raised his head: “The mechanical race will not help other races.”

“No need for your help.”

Obviously, there is a very heavy atmosphere, but the man was laughed when he saw the young man ’s action. He simply stretched his long arm and circled the person in his arms. See what the outside world looks like? Stay here, you don’t have to do anything, just live well. “

“I know you’re afraid I’ll take you away, forget it, you’re my partner, and I let you.”

The alien boy screamed in the same way, humming in Yin Mingzheng’s arms, and raised his eyes with determination: “The brain will not go wrong.”

He groaned and murmured in the man’s arms, whispering: “I’ll barely stay here with you until you are betrayed by humans, then you obediently go back with me.”

Yin Mingzheng’s eyes darkened.

Before that, he only wanted to protect the base, never doubting that some people in the base would want to shoot at him.

Even if he knew it now, he wouldn’t back down.

——If there are stubborn stones, kick away.

——If there is a villain blocking the road, just kill it.

Anyway, he was considered dead once.

The man bowed his head, looking at the boy who was rolling in his arms, and reached out and touched his little head. “Okay, let’s wait and see.”

Shi Qing: [How do I always think he treats me like a child? Isn’t the rejection down? 】

After reading for an hour, the system of the Tao Te Ching bubbling, the voice is soft, and the tone is charming: [It is reduced to forty hosts. According to the rules of universal exclusion, more than fifty is the standard exclusion, and less than fifty is the normal exclusion. Ming Zheng’s forty degree of rejection to the host indicates that he is friendly to you but not caring. It is recommended to kiss the host to continue to reduce the rejection, otherwise in case there is something, he will jump back up. 】

Shi Qing was goosebumps in a gentle tone of systemic nausea.

[What’s going on with your voice, go back quickly. 】

The system is confused: [Does the host dislike it? This is the first time the host has completed the reduction to 50 degrees of exclusion. I personally give you a reward. 】

[Change it, change it back! 】

The system was wronged and changed back.

Shi Qingwo was in Yin Mingzheng’s arms, playing with his cuff.

I didn’t expect Yin Mingzheng to look at him in every possible way, and the gentle eyes could drip the water. It turned out that he didn’t really consider him a lover.

Generally speaking, men who do this are either scum or flowers.

But Yin Mingzheng was obviously neither.

He is simply responsible.

And when something happens, if the guilt and responsibility for Shi Qing are overcome, his degree of rejection will still rise.

That said, this is still a strategy game.

The system is afraid of the time pressure, and comforted: [Do not be afraid of the host, in general, it is difficult to increase the degree of rejection …]

As he was talking, he suddenly remembered the scene where Yin Mingzheng’s repulsion soared last time and suddenly got stuck.

Shi Qing didn’t feel the pressure at all. He excitedly dived into Yin Mingzheng’s arms and almost didn’t laugh.

[Exciting, I like it! 】


There was Yin Mingzheng, a human hero with great prestige in the base, and Shi Qingshun smoothly and smoothly lived in the base.

His daily routine is to drink “tea”, watch TV shows, hold hands and go shopping, and then engage in serious human-mechanical communication with Yin Mingzheng.

After seeing the degree of rejection drop to forty, and no longer worry about being bombarded by the world consciousness, the system is happy, even if faced with mosaics every day, it is very easy to read the Tao Te Ching.

Shi Qing is undoubtedly very popular among the powers.

In today’s world, capable psionicists fight to defend the base. Even teenage teenagers are faced with wind and frost, and they look like adults.

The civilians are even more miserable. They are trapped in the base every day, numbly and tiringly operating. Once the Zerg attack, they can only tremble and hide in the house waiting for rescue.

In such a situation, Shi Qing, who is so tender and soft, will talk sweetly, but will not hinder others (he only hinders Yin Mingzheng). Of course, the little prince is very welcome.

In particular, he is still Yin Mingzheng’s heart. Even if it is for Yin Mingzheng’s sake, these abilities can’t wait to hold him in his palm and treat it carefully.

What’s more, the second day after arriving at the base, the little prince strolling around took a lap to enter the arms of Yin Mingzheng and announced to him:

“I want to have power too!”

The man hugged him in his arms skillfully, while helping him sort out some messy hair because he was too excited, he laughed and coaxed: “The power is not something you have.”

“I can have it. My body now has a human structure. I can have abilities if I want to!”

Yin Mingzheng froze, but he did not expect that.

But he had asked Shi Qing before, and Shi Qing refused to summon humanoid machinery, only so stupid to stay in the base with human’s weak body, obediently protected by Yin Mingzheng.

At some point, Qing was attracted by the worry that the machinery would force him away if he did not follow suit, and Yin Mingzheng also obeyed him and said nothing.

It ’s just that I do n’t have the peace of mind when going out to do tasks.

It’s like a person who has lived alone for a long time, and has a small puppies at home that are not weaned.

The little milk cat is too small, tender and tender, yet weaned, it only crawls, its voice is small and coquettish, it looks like it can’t live without people feeding.

How can I let go of my heart and think about what the little **** cat is doing at home at this moment? Is your hungry or not afraid?

Now that Shi Qing has the power, Yin Mingzheng is also relieved. He hugged the young man and asked him, “Can you control what power you have?”

“Yes, I can change my internal molecular structure to cater for the amount of air power in this planet.”

Although it sounds a bit crap, fortunately Yin Mingzheng has become accustomed to this **** that sounds very real.

He thought for a moment, and said, “You use the thunder ability, this is the most powerful, and you can also use the thunder in the sky to protect yourself.”


Shi Qing refused.

Yin Mingzheng coaxed him patiently: “Good, now is not a willful time. I am usually outside, and sometimes I cannot protect you.”

“I want to heal.”

The little prince raised his head proudly, and put his hand on the man’s heart.

“I want to protect you too.”

Yin Mingzheng froze.

To many, he is a human hero.

He is a **** of war with hundreds of battles.

It is the hope of restraining the Zerg.

But this is the first time, someone said to protect him.

Throbbing in the heart, Yin Mingzhen calmed down, “No, you must first confirm your safety!”

Shi Qing didn’t listen to him at all. She jumped from his arms skillfully, and Sarah ran. “Come after me! I won’t listen to you if you catch up.”

The back of the little prince Sa Huan is right in front of the man.

When Yin Mingzheng looked at him from time to time, he also sneaked his head and looked at his own appearance, but he couldn’t help but twitch his lips. How could there be such a fool who gave up his safety and wanted to protect others.

He smiled, but his eyes were full of tenderness:

“Really, little fool.”

The author has something to say: Ah, I can’t control the word count

New cover! !! I really like the dog on the cover.

I tell you, my book is really not tortured, really really, but I am very disciplined, say no torture, no torture!

Of course, I mean it’s not like the previous two fast-wearing.

Random little angels give red envelopes, why?

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