The Way of the Center

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 : We are the Tornado team

The fact that the stadium lights were turned off at midnight without anyone paying attention has been going on for some time. Except for Morris and Anjie himself, the only person who found something was wrong was Assakin. Poor Asakin, he thought that his starting center position was definitely not gone, but in the following training, he faced An Jie’s defense more and more difficult, and now he can’t occupy An Jie’s one-on-one singles. It’s a little cheaper.

“You absolutely took medicine, or used oriental witchcraft.” During the break, Asakin teased again.

“I have said that that thing is called Chinese medicine.”

“Take a few pieces of ordinary grass to cure diseases and strengthen the body. It must be witchcraft. Take me to Anjie, take me to find a Chinese medicine doctor to cast me some spells, so that I can also become stronger. “Asakin looked up and down An Jie closely.

“You go away, I don’t want to be misunderstood by others.” An Jie pretended to be disgusted and pushed Assakin away, then he leaned toward his mouth. Although they are competitors, both of them are relatively humble and friendly, so their relationship is very good.

“Look, these two big men are flirting again.” Mike Taylor wiped his sweat while walking up to Anjie and Assakin to sit down.

“Don’t think that I don’t know. Every time you defend the Cruze boy, you are always attacking others. You must be plotting wrongdoing. I think we should stay away from you.” Assakin responded with an uncompromising exit.

“The three of you are just so **** sick of me.” Morris on the side looked at the three sitting on the floor with disgust. Why does he like to mix with the three guys?

Because of the mutual appreciation on the court, they have become better friends.


Every three or four days, An Jie’s mother will call and ask how his son is living abroad alone. In fact, she wished to make three or four phone calls every day, just for fear of disturbing her son’s life. Mothers all over the world are like this, no matter how old their son is, they can’t rest assured.

As expected, three days after the last call, my mother’s call came again.

“Hey, Mom.” It was after seven o’clock in the evening, and An Jie had just come out of the training room, ready to enjoy the “rich” dinner brought in the lunch box.

“Anjie, are you busy?”

“I’m not busy, I just went out with my roommate and went back to the bedroom.” An Jie didn’t want to say that he just came out of the strength training room and is now half-tired, so his mother must linger on him for more than an hour. For example, telling him to pay attention to his body, telling him not to delay his studies because of playing ball…

“Tell you, I made your favorite spicy chicken last night, and I was thinking about sending you some of it.”

“Don’t bother, do you still have to worry about my eating well in the US?” Looking at the food in my lunch box according to the nutritious recipe: chicken nuggets that taste the same as chewing wax, noodles and a little fruit salad. An Jie was drooling thinking about the spicy chicken on the other end of the phone.

“Your dad is reading the newspaper next to him. I said Lao An, would you like to say something to your son. International long distance calls are valuable, so I have to say something quickly.” At this moment, she seemed to have forgotten that she was procrastinating. Ask a bunch of questions that are the same every time…

“What is there to say for such a big person, just tell him to play the game by himself and pay attention not to get hurt.” This is the difference between a father and a mother.

“Well, that’s it for your dad. Don’t tell me, take a good rest on your own. Don’t go out fooling around with your American classmates at night.” Before hanging up the phone, I didn’t forget to tell.

“I know mom, I’m hanging up.” Hanging up, An Jie continued to chew the tasteless chicken, and missed the home-cooked food that was a bit boring before. He swallowed the food quickly, not wanting them to stay in his mouth for a second. After a hurried meal, An Jie continued to immerse himself in the training…


Ricard knocked them out of the team again yesterday, because the gap between the two players and the others is getting bigger and bigger, and they can’t keep up with the rhythm at the ball training stage. Now Ricard will feel distressed every time a person is eliminated. Unlike the people who left halfway in front, the players left until now are at least hard enough, and Ricard appreciates all the players who are willing to work hard. If it weren’t for the ability really not up to the standard, Ricard would also hope to bring them to the NCAA arena.

As soon as he thinks of the two hardworking guys he just eliminated yesterday, Ricard is very popular. Because today, there is a person who does not come to train for no reason or ask for leave. This is not only disrespect for him, but also for those who are eliminated by him.

“Okay! Come here and we will continue with yesterday’s tactical talk!” Ricard’s voice is also exceptionally loud today. No one dares to talk to him. The players know that the coach is upright.

As everyone gathered in a circle and started the tactics class, the door of the gym was hurriedly pushed open. Knowing who it is without looking, Morris rushed in, breathing heavily.


Ricard ignored him, as if Morris was air, he continued to talk about tactics on his own.

“Coach, I overslept in my nap. You can do whatever you want me to do, please let me continue playing.” Morris knew he had caused a disaster, and he had never spoken to anyone in such a low voice.

“Mr. Morris, please leave my stadium.” Ricard didn’t even look at Morris when he said this.

Morris did not leave, he just stood by the basketball court. Ricard still ignored, he continued to explain tactics in the human circle.

Fifteen minutes later, Ricard had finished speaking. At this moment, he finally turned around and glanced at Morris.

“Yesterday, I eliminated Jack and Anderson from the team. They are definitely one of the hardest people on this team!” Ricard smashed the tactical board to the ground with a big stride. Reese approached.

“The people who worked hard were eliminated, and the people who didn’t come to train because they slept stayed. This is **** ironic, you really don’t deserve to play here!” Ricard pointed to Morris’ chest and shouted. “I regret my choice! In order to be fair to them, please leave my basketball court now and never come back again!”

“Don’t, coach, you can do anything, please let me return to the team.” Morris was anxious. He knew that Ricard was a head coach who emphasized discipline, but this time he violated discipline and hit the gun.

“Okay, you want to return to the team.” Ricard flew with his hands on his hips, thinking of a way to make Morris get out.

“Three thousand reentry runs and 1,500 push-ups. We will do them for me before the end of the training the day after tomorrow. I will let you return to the team when we are done, or you will get rid of me!”

The other players all shook their heads. This is impossible to accomplish.

Morris didn’t say anything or hesitated, he put down his bag, and immediately went to the bottom line to start his return run.

“Old Moore, you help me count him, one less will not work. Others! Keep training!”

During the training, Ricard would look at Morris from time to time, but he would always see Morris running. This usually unruly young man is now obediently completing the task according to the requirements, regardless of the cost, without complaints.

He was silent and didn’t care about what happened on the court, Morris kept running on his own, even if the vest was completely wet. If there is anything in common between Morris and Ricard, it is that Morris is also a strong person, and he hates being looked down on by others the most in his life. In high school, the star center of the school was kicked out of the basketball team because of sleep when he arrived in college. He couldn’t accept this kind of thing anyway. He also knows the seriousness of the matter. He really angered Ricard, so no matter what the price is, as long as he can continue to play here, he will not hesitate to implement it.

The next day, Morris arrived on the basketball court on time. He still failed to participate in training with everyone, but continued to repeat the reentry run and push-ups. Old Moore was careless at first, but now he counts him earnestly, and even cheers for Morris in his heart. He has been an assistant coach for so many years and has never seen such a persevering person.

Ricard made this request just to make it clear that he wants you to leave, but he perseveres in trying to complete this impossible task. What he didn’t know was that in addition to Morris, Anjie’s insistence on training would also surprise him. The people on this team are far different now than before.

Anjie also admired this teammate from the bottom of his heart. When he faced Morris for the first time, he really couldn’t figure out how there could be such an annoying guy in the world. But now, who can not respect him.

Ricard even softened a bit, but he couldn’t just stop the punishment like that. If Morris can’t do what he said, he will still keep his promise and kick Morris out. If he is soft-hearted this time, then all players will unscrupulously violate the rules in the future, and his prestige will no longer exist. If a coach can’t even control his own players, it would be even more fantastic to show results.

On the third day, Morris was the first to come to the basketball court and did not say a word to anyone. He has been running since the beginning of training and never stopped.

Halfway through the training day, Ricard walked towards Morris for the first time in three days. He could no longer ignore the player, and he admitted that he was moved by the player’s behavior.

“How much has he done? Old Moore.”

Seeing the coach walking towards Morris, the entire stadium stopped their work and looked at the corner where Morris was punished.

“Two thousand reentry runs, 853 push-ups.” Old Moore answered truthfully according to the record.

Morris stopped, waiting for the coach’s judgment on him. At this time, his vest could already carry a bucket of water, and sweat dripped on the floor along his chin.

“I’m very surprised by the results you made Morris, but now it seems that you can’t finish it anyway before the training is over. Go home Morris, don’t come again.” Ricard returned the record sheet to the old man. Moore, turned around and prepared to go back and continue training.

“I will help him run back and forth, coach!”

Ricard looked at the crowd in surprise, looking for who said the sentence.

“I can help him run some.” An Jie raised his hands and walked to the front of the crowd. He didn’t wait for Ricard’s approval. Like Morris, he ran directly to the bottom line and started running back and forth.

Ricard was very surprised, he didn’t expect this to happen. He looked at An Jie while he was running, and didn’t know what to say. Not to mention Ricard, even Morris himself couldn’t believe that An Jie would stand up for himself.

Watching An Jie stand up for his teammates, it’s really hard to justify other people not being moved.

“Damn, I’ll run some too.” Next, Asakin also joined the team in the return run.

“I…I can do a few push-ups.” Mike Taylor lay down on the ground.

“I will also run.”

“I do push-ups”

“I’ll make some for you. Remember to invite me to dinner.”


For a time, almost all the players moved. They are rivals for the position of the team, but at the same time……..

“Coach, you said that we are a team, and we must work hard for one person.” An Jie said to Ricard during the run.

At the same time, they are also a team. These young people represent the Iowa State University Cyclone team.

“Moore, count them!” Ricard finished saying that he left the gym and returned to his office. He doesn’t care if these guys can fulfill his request. He was extremely excited, Ricard smiled happily when the players couldn’t see him. Such a team that is willing to sacrifice itself for teammates will be full of unlimited hope and potential.

Why did Anjie help Morris? It’s just because Anjie regards Morris as a friend, and the friend is killed, and he can do it within his power. There is no reason to not help. The righteousness in the bones of the Chinese made him make this move that shocked the audience.


With the help of all the players, Morris passed the Ricard level and was able to stay in the team to continue playing. In fact, Old Moore didn’t count whether they fulfilled the requirements at all, and Ricard did not ask. This group of young people has already conquered their coaches with practical actions.

The training intensity in the next few days was stronger than before. Everyone off the court was already very good friends, but everyone on the court was merciless. They all know that there are still two people in this team who can’t go on with everyone. So everyone took out everything they had, hoping that they were not one of those two people.

Ricard is also very troubled. This team has become too united since Anjie made that move. No matter which two people choose to quit Ricard and the players, they are very reluctant. Although I can’t bear it, this is also a decision that must be made. The NCAA stipulates that each team cannot have more than 15 people, which is what Ricard has to comply with.

Finally, 15 days before the start of the new season in November, Ricard finally finalized the official team roster. Anjie, Morris, Taylor and Assakin are all on the list.

“Congratulations, you have survived these two months of training. It is my honour to have so many excellent players playing under me.” This is the first time Ricard has treated the players so respectfully in two months. speak.

“I decided to give you a full week of vacation This is the reward you deserve.”

“Yeah ” The scene suddenly exploded, and a week of vacation was simply a luxury for them. But An Jie didn’t feel too excited, regardless of whether Ricard gave them a holiday, An Jie’s extra training would not be interrupted.

During this period of time, Anjie’s weight has increased by seven kilograms. Even under a lot of training and strict dietary restrictions, this is already a remarkable result. Although this weight is still much worse than other inside players, due to the large amount of training, his upper and lower limb strength is much better than before. Although Anjie’s confrontation ability cannot be said to be an advantage, at least it will not let others take advantage of it too much.

“This week, you guys will relax for me. When you come back, we only have one week to prepare for the new season. Other teams are only allowed to train for six weeks, but we have secretly trained for almost two. Months! I want you to go to the court to prove that these two months have not been wasted in vain!”

“Don’t worry, coach, we are the ones who have come alive under your hands.” Everyone joked underneath.

“Alright, let’s disband.”

In this way, the players of the Iowa State University Cyclone team ushered in the final rest time before the start of the new season. Of course, all this is an exception to Anjie, his own training will continue.

There are 15 days before the first game of the new season on November 13th. Can the Tornadoes blow a storm on the NCAA arena? Can Anjie prove that he can stand on the NCAA arena Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile users Please go to read.

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