The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 198: Dark Demon's Great Harvest of Christmas Gifts 3 in 1

Dark looked at the sleepy and whining Dianna, shook the "Christmas candy gift pack" in his hand, and asked with a smile, "Does that mean you don't want the Christmas present?"

Dianna immediately covered her mouth and said in surprise, "Isn't the Christmas present the chocolate gift box I received just now?"

As she spoke, she licked the corners of her mouth, as if relishing the sweetness and bitterness of chocolate.

Dark said, "That's the gift that everyone in the class will get one. But this one is for you only."

"For Dianna only?" Dianna instantly caught the keyword.

She suddenly opened her eyes wide, and she no longer felt sleepy.


It was not the first time that Dark had come to Dianna's bedroom, the poor panda familiar spirit was still playing the doll in the corner, and the little dress on its body was getting fancier and fancier.

"Is this my Christmas present?"

Dianna grabbed the candy gift pack, her eyes full of excitement!

Apparently the candy gift pack appealed to her far more than the other gift in Dark's hands.

Dark looked at her helplessly, then picked up the button-shaped eye and waved it in front of her.

"Button? What's wrong with it?" She looked puzzled.

Dark could only explain: "This is the reward I got at the Halloween masquerade, the eye of a zombie bear doll. If you use it well, this may be a great way for you to get a four-star magical spirit."

"Four stars?" Dianna's eyes lit up, "Then I will try it now..."

Dark frowned sharply and said solemnly, "Study it carefully first before trying it! You shouldn't rush!"

Dianna: "Okay..."


After reminding Dianna in every possible way not to use that precious Bear Doll's eye casually, Dark took "Claire's Travel Diary" and left her room.

"Next one is Rose." He turned and walked over to Rose's room, knocking the door lightly.

The sound was transmitted into the bedroom through the vibration of the door.

Rose was noticeably quicker than Dianna.

Although she was also wearing pajamas, her bangs and other places have been tidied.

Dark didn't go into her bedroom, but took out the copy of "Claire's Travel Diary" and handed it to her: "The travel diary published by Professor Claire, signed edition."

Rose immediately showed great interest, and she asked, "Would you like to come in and sit for a while? I also have a Christmas present for you here."

Dark originally wanted to leave after giving the gift, but after a little thought, he walked in.

Rose's cat grass crawled over with its chunky body. Dark couldn't help but pick it up and place it on his lap to pet it.

This Garfield cat was very chubby, giving Dark a very good feeling when he pet it, and there was no need to worry about it being sick because of its weight; it was simply the best in the world!

Rose knew that Dark had three pots of cat grass in his bedroom and was a true cat lover.

She took out a gift box from the drawer and pushed it in front of Dark.

Dark took a closer look and felt that the gift box was roughly the size of two books, but it was clearly not books inside.

What could it be?

Guessing the gift before the Christmas present was revealed was probably one of the great joys of Christmas.


Dark guessed a few times, but Rose said they were all wrong.

She blushed slightly, preventing Dark's hand from trying to open the gift box: "You can open it after you go back."

Dark was puzzled, but did so anyway.


As soon as Dark went out, he saw Dianna poking her head out of her dormitory door.

Seeing him, Dianna immediately waved: "Dark, I haven't given you a gift yet."


Speaking of Dianna's gift, Dark couldn't help but recall the question Dianna suddenly asked last night: "Dark, do you like bears?"

This made him have some ominous premonition in his heart: "Is she really going to give me a bear doll?"

From entering to exiting Dianna's room again, Dark took two minutes in total.

There was no bear doll in his hand, but a bear body pillow!

Dianna gave him a life-size bear body pillow...

This is so ridiculous!

While there were no people in the corridor, Dark hurried back to the dormitory with the bear pillow in his arms.

If anyone saw this, his heroic image would be ruined!

When he got back to the dormitory, he threw the bear pillow on the bed and picked up the gift from Rose.

The gift box was flat and square.

"What is in here?"

Thinking of Rose's red cheeks as if she had drunk alcohol, Dark felt that it was definitely not an ordinary gift.

However, after he took it apart, he found that it was just a complete set of thermal underwear!

"One gave me a body pillow, one gave me underwear..."

While Dark was speechless, he was thinking about how to send Emma's Christmas present to Knight House.

"If only I could meet her in the library."

"But now it's Christmas. Even those who study hard will have time to rest."

"Perhaps it would be a good idea to let DemiDevimon fly to her balcony?"

He took a look at DemiDevimon, feeling that it would probably work.


The gift for Emma was a case of apple juice in bottles.

Very heavy!

Dark tied ropes to the box to make it easier for DemiDevimon to grab with its claws.

But DemiDevimon's strength was obviously not enough. It still couldn't lift up after making several attempts.

The solution to this problem was actually very simple.

Dark took out [Pride I].

Under the action of [Pride I], DemiDevimon would gain a quarter of an hour's increase in strength, which was more than enough to carry a box of juice.

Until then, Gatomon would be needed to help carry it.

After finalizing the plan.

Dark headed to the tower of the Knight House on foot.

When he was in front of the tower, he summoned DemiDevimon and used [Pride I] on it.

With that, DemiDevimon was finally able to carry the juice and fly up swingingly.

First-year students all lived on the second floor, so it was easy to find Emma's dorm.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, DemiDevimon completed the mission.

"You didn't make any mistake, right?" Dark asked worriedly.

DemiDevimon patted its chin and said, "This DemiDevimon has never made a mistake before!"

Dark: "..."


Emma had actually woken up an hour earlier.

She was reading a book on the balcony in her fluffy otter pajamas when DemiDevimon flew to her dorm clutching a case of apple juice and was terribly startled by it.

Afterwards, she quickly opened the grille on the balcony and carried in the box of apple juice with DemiDevimon.

"It tastes surprisingly good, is this really a handmade product?"

Emma tasted the apple juice and found it hard to believe.

Dark was almost omnipotent in her impression, but there must be a limit to omnipotence, right?

Why even juice made by him can be so good?

She felt like she was in love with the refreshing taste of apple juice.

But after drinking it, Emma had to face a serious question - what to give in return?


Dark, who had returned to the dormitory, checked the final gift list: "there are Professor Cazer, Professor Lily and Professor Silver left, I'll do it together then."

During this time period, the probability of professors staying in the teachers' dormitory was relatively high.

Dark summoned Gatomon again, and set off with three gifts!

He was already very familiar with the way to the professor's dormitory, and he still had the key card left by Claire in his hand.

All the way unimpeded, Dark first found Professor Cazer's dormitory.

He had always had a good relationship with Professor Cazer, but it was his first visit to his dorm.

"Knock, knock, knock."

"Who is it?"

The professor's voice came from inside, sounding fully awake.

Dark said; "It's me, Professor."

"Demon?" Professor Cazer turned the doorknob, showing a gap.

After seeing that it was really Dark, he was surprised: "Why are you here?"

Dark took a small gift box from Gatomon's hand and waved it at Professor Cazer: "Merry Christmas, Professor."

Professor Cazer scratched his messy hair and sighed, "Merry Christmas."

Then he opened the door a little more, just enough for one person to pass through.

Dark walked into the room and glanced around.

Professor Cazer's room was surprisingly tidy. It was just that every type of furniture was one size smaller.

He put the Old Knight On The Frontier on the table and said, "Professor, do you like reading novels?"

Professor Cazer shook his head: "I only read it occasionally."

Dark pointed to his head and smiled: "Then you should read it more, good novels are good for divergent thinking."

Cazer couldn't help grinning. "Are you saying that I have one track mind?"

Dark chuckled, thinking that the professor was really worthy of being a professor; he could actually understand what he meant.

Cazer shook his head and said, "I don't usually read novels, but since it's a Christmas present from you, I'll read it. Oh right, wait, I happen to have one thing here that I can give you in return."

Dark asked curiously, "What is it?"

Professor Cazer: "Wait."

Immediately afterwards, he began to rummage through boxes, and finally found a ring.

The ring was a small, black metal ring with three holes in it.

Seeing the arrangement of the three holes, Dark immediately thought of the magic ball!

Professor Cazer threw the ring over and said, "This is the magic ring, which can be used to train how to conduct magic energy through the air, and how to use magic energy to operate the Magic Ball through the air."

Dark took the ring and examined it carefully.

From the texture point of view, it was really similar to Magic Ball. But he didn't expect it to be a related item.

He hesitated and said, "Shouldn't the conduction of magic energy be a subject for the second year? Would it be a problem for me to study it now?"

Professor Cazer glanced at him: "I thought you like challenges? Don't worry, your magic energy is enough for training. As for the specific method, you need to explore it yourself."

"Okay." Dark put away the magic ring, "I'll go to the library to check."

Professor Cazer nodded with satisfaction and was ready to see Dark out.

Understanding the professor's intention, Dark walked out of the room first: "Then Professor, I'll leave now, I have to visit Professor Lily as well."

Cazer waved his hand: "Mhm."

Dark: "(^_^)/~~ Bye bye"


A novel for a magic ring.

It's such a great deal!

Dark's mood suddenly became better.

Professor Lily's and Professor Silver's dormitories were on the other side.

After walking a little bit, he found the room marked [♥Lily ♥].

"I don't know why, but I always feel like it's indulging her by giving her wine."

Dark shook his head and knocked on Professor Lily's door.

No surprise, no one responded after knocking for a long time.

Standing at the door, Dark muttered, "So, there are two possibilities now, one is that no one is in, and the other is that she is drunk again. The latter is more likely. DemiDevimon?"

DemiDevimon immediately obeyed the order: "Yes, master!"

Dark: "Go."

DemiDevimon wore its beloved scarf, flapped its wings and flew around, arriving at the balcony. Sure enough, it saw the fairy lying on the table as drunk as a dead pig.

"When will she make people stop worrying about her."

DemiDevimon shook its head in disappointment, and immediately went back to report.

Dark glanced at the door lock, struggling to make up his mind.

In the end, he reluctantly chose to enter.

"Professor Lily, are you okay? I'm in?"

"If you don't answer, I'll take that as yes."

"Magic summoning!"

Ditto universal lock!



Dark pushed open the door slightly.

A strong stench of alcohol rushed out from the gap of the door, as if it had finally found a vent.

Dark hurriedly covered his nose and bravely rushed in at the risk of being suffocated to death!

The romantic atmosphere of the Christmas ball was deadly poison for Lily.

Before the dance was over, she returned to the dormitory early to drink wine by herself while stroking the flower card until she was completely wasted.

It was not the first time Dark had dealt with this situation, but today's situation was particularly dire.

Not only did she get herself drunk, but she also tipped the bottle over.

On the table, on the floor, there were wine residues everywhere.

The wine on her body was already dry, making her dress wrinkled.

Dark frowned. He had no choice but to summon [Trash Slime] first to quickly clean it up.

After [Trash Slime] cleaned up the wine residues, he also placed all the wine bottles neatly.

It looked a lot more comfortable now.

"When can you make people stop worrying about you?"

Dark smoothed out Lily's crumpled dragonfly wings, turned to Gatomon and said, "So I'll leave the rest to you, okay?"

Gatomon replied; "Of course."

Dark nodded; "Then I'll wait outside. DemiDevimon?"

DemiDevimon followed immediately.

One person and one pet then stood outside the door.

Inside the door, Gatomon easily moved Professor Lily to the sofa, then took off her wine-stained clothes, and pulled out a set of pajamas from the closet.

Next, it threw the dirty clothes into the laundry basket, and moved Professor Lily into the bathroom to wash her.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, Gatomon finished washing her, put pajamas on her and threw her on her bed.

Little Lily, who had been roughly treated, was still as drunk as a dead pig and didn't react at all.

Gatomon sniffed, found the air freshener, sprayed it around the room, and opened the window to ventilate the room in one go.

When Dark and DemiDevimon entered again, the whole room was completely refreshed, and finally gave off a "warm home" feeling.

"Sigh." Dark sighed, put [Morning Dew] with the Christmas card hanging on the bedside table, glanced at Lily one last time, and helplessly exited the room.

It's time to go now.

"One more left, Professor Silver..."

Among so many professors, Professor Silver could be said to be the most difficult to interact with.

She had a sullen face all day, and liked to use the [Silence Card], with the words "difficult to communicate" written all over her body.

Dark's relationship with her was also quite ordinary, so he didn't plan to give her a Christmas present at first.

To be honest, it can be a little awkward to suddenly visit a teacher you don't know very well.

But since Dark took up the mission worth 3,000 credits, he still had certain professional ethics.

He looked at the bottle of green wine left in his hand, thinking about the relationship between Simmons and Professor Silver, and wondered if he would be cursed by the Spirit of the Wind after giving this bottle of wine...

But just as he was thinking about this, the door of Professor Silver's dormitory suddenly opened automatically.

A slightly solemn voice came from it: "Standing outside without knocking, did you do something bad and hesitate to turn yourself in, Demon?"


It turns out that Professor Silver would also tease people.

Dark suddenly felt that everything he had learned about professor Silver during this semester was wrong.

Is it because she always hides her true self with a rigid attitude?


Without thinking about it, Dark closed the door after entering.

"Merry Christmas."


"Merry Christmas. Mhm, it's been a long time since a student came to give me Christmas presents."

Professor Silver glanced at the bag in Dark's hand, feeling pleased.

Dark raised the magic ring on his finger and said: "They don't know what they can get from a blessing."

Professor Silver chuckled: "Then what else did you get besides this old ring? Lily's terrible breath?"

Dark could clearly feel that Professor Silver during the vacation felt like a completely different person. He said helplessly; "It's a huge loss, a huge loss."

Professor Silver crooked her index finger and said, "Show me what gift you got for me, and I will try to give you a return gift of equal value."

Dark took the [Green Fruit] out of the gift bag.

The green liquor swayed slightly, reflecting shimmering light in the sunlight.

Professor Silver's expression froze, and when she regained her senses, her face was stern again.

"Where did you get this wine from?"

Dark knew she would ask this question.

According to the previous agreement, Simmons only hoped that Professor Silver could drink the green fruit wine he brewed.

Dark couldn't have lied and said that he bought it from other places. After all, it was a cheap wine that could be bought anywhere.

But Dark didn't want to do that.

Because this was not within the scope of the mission.

He said solemnly: "Uncle Simmons from Traveller Street begged me to give you this."

Silver frowned sharply: "He's still in that stinky corner?"

Dark thought, and said, "He said he would always be there."

The corners of Silver's eyes twitched. She turned her face away, and looked out the window.

Dark couldn't see her expression anymore.

Then all of sudden, she snapped: "Take the wine back and tell him to get lost!"

Dark shook his head and said, "This can't be done. I've received his payment, so I can't take it back."

Professor Silver: "How much did he pay you, I'll give you!"

Dark: "Morning Dew, Eight Corners."

Professor Silver turned around instantly and said in shock, "He actually gave you both bottles of wine?"

Dark glanced at her and saw that the corners of her eyes were a little red.

Realising what was going on a little, Dark nodded.

Silver asked: "You gave them to Lily and Claire respectively?"

Dark nodded silently again.

Seeing this, Professor Silver's tone suddenly softened: "Fine, you can leave the wine, and this will be your Christmas present."

As she said that, she flicked her index finger, sending a wisp of breeze to Dark's palm.

Dark closed his hand and caught the breeze.

Professor Silver explained: "That is the blessing of the spirit of the wind, which can help you avoid calamity once."

Just as she was talking, the wisp of breeze got into Dark's forehead, leaving only a little coolness.

Dark suddenly found that his senses seemed to have been enhanced.

No wonder Professor Silver knew that it was him when he was just standing outside of her dormitory.

This breeze was priceless!


"The spirit of the wind should belong to the flying type, right? If I refine it, what can I get out of it?"

After leaving the teachers' dormitory, Dark couldn't help thinking like this.

But as soon as this thought came to him, he suddenly heard a gust of wind coming down from the top, which made him subconsciously take a few steps forward.

Then there was a cracking sound.

Seeing the broken bottle on the ground, Dark's brows twitched. It turned out to be green fruit wine!

Professor Silver first gave him the blessing of the wind spirit, and then smashed the green fruit wine from above?

If he hadn't reacted fast enough, wouldn't that priceless blessing of the wind spirit be wasted?

"Just what exactly happened that professor Silver hates her father so much?"

Dark had a lingering fear in his mind and decided not to intervene for the time being.

Anyway, the lifespan of elves is long enough, they can deal with it by themselves!

Thinking like this, Dark quickly left.


After noon.

Dark appeared in the tavern on the corner of Traveller Street again.

Simmons seemed to have been expecting good news from him.

But he could only bring bad news.

"You mean, she smashed the green fruit wine?"

Dark thought that Simmons would be furious, but he didn't expect that he not only wasn't angry, but also danced with joy.

"Good! Good! Good!"

After saying three "good" in a row, Simmons wanted to close the door and have a drink to celebrate it.

Dark couldn't help but ask, "How is it good?"

Simmons laughed. "You don't understand. This is the first time she had such a big reaction to something I gave her in many years. This is not only good, this is great!"

Dark: "great how?"

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