The Villain Just Wants to be a Salted Fish

Chapter 23 - 【2. 3】

“what’s the situation?”

“First and second? Did they rank last week?”

“Is Ye Zexi and Cui Yi???”

“No way?”

“Where is the news, is it reliable?”

“I don’t want to say anything, now the cost of spreading rumors is getting lower and lower.”

“Damn, I have a good impression of Ye Zexi, why is his personality so bad? It’s blacked out.”

At this time, it was at the peak of the evening traffic. In the blink of an eye, the post was topped as a hot post, and there was a lot of discussion in the post.

“Where is the host?”

“The host will leave after finishing talking!”

“Don’t find the host, there are already pictures on Weibo!”

“Give me a link!”

“The picture is here.”

Someone soon moved the pictures from Weibo.

The photo is very clear. From a distance you can see one person being pressed to the ground by the other with their arms cut back.

Ye Zexi’s iconic pink hair was so eye-catching that he didn’t even need to look at his face to recognize him. Cui Yi was pressed to the ground by Ye Zexi, with a faint blushing on his face.

As soon as the scene pictures came out, netizens who were still hesitant were instantly shocked.

“Really fighting?”

“Ye Zexi’s capture posture is a bit handsome.”

“Handsome? I’m sick upstairs? Isn’t this a bullying?”

“??? How did the upstairs spot bullying? Everything is still inconclusive now, even if it is a fight, maybe both sides are at fault. Are you convicted so quickly, are you a cyber policeman?”

“Ye Zexi’s fans came to maintain the whitewash so soon?”

“There are all the photos, it’s a stone hammer, right?”

“No, right? Don’t everyone know that Ye Zexi relied on his own background to suppress his younger brothers in “Time Puppet”?”

“Speak upstairs in detail?”

Immediately after the forum, a friend who claimed to be a eliminated player of “Time Idol” came out and broke the news:

“Ye Zexi has something to do with Director Li. They should be relatives. Director Li takes good care of him.”

“It is precisely because of this that many of the players in “Time Idol” have been bullied by Ye Zexi. It is a trivial matter to compete for a makeup artist. The most serious one was when Ye Zexi met a player on the spot at a party. It’s a fight.”

“What happened to that player? Of course he was retired! He was originally ranked quite high, but he didn’t know what was going on in that performance. His ranking plummeted and he was eliminated.”

Cui Yi’s fans were very angry that their brother was beaten, but now they see this post, they are even more angry, and they go to the program group Weibo to ask for an explanation.

“The show crew is still pretending to be dead?”

“Ye Zexi bullying others, do you really care about it?”

“Ye Zexi get out and apologize!”

“Today is Cui Yi, tomorrow will be other players! Please Ye Zexi get out of the entertainment circle!”

“Ye Zexi get out soon!”

“Don’t pretend to be dead!”

There was a lot of criticism from the outside world, and Ye Zexi’s fans were also under great pressure, but many fans still believed in Ye Zexi. Many fans in the fan group were also calming other fans’ emotions:

“The official explanation has not yet come out. Now the waves outside are full of rhythm. Don’t be led to the rhythm!”

“After chasing stars for so long, there have been a lot of dirty things in the entertainment industry. We must remain calm before the official and Ye Zexi have spoken out.”

“I understand everyone’s eagerness to defend, but the more slander from the outside world, the more we must be sober!”

“Wait for your brother’s explanation!”

But the watermelon leaves did not expect that they did not wait for Ye Zexi’s explanation, but they waited for Ye Zexi’s withdrawal statement.

One hour after the forum broke the news, Ye Zexi posted a Weibo—

@叶泽西: Thank you fans for your support all the way. Tomorrow is the finals, but I have to announce a very regrettable thing at this time. I decided to withdraw from the finals tomorrow. I am very grateful to all the tutors and staff for taking care of me along the way. I will see you later.

Fans were dumbfounded as soon as Weibo was posted.

The comment area was quickly occupied by angry netizens and Cui Yi fans.

“Is this a direct recognition?”

“Oh, I want to leave without apologizing? Please show your face, Ye Zexi!”

“If everyone is like you and announces their retirement after playing, then everyone is still unreasonable?”

“Please apologize to all the players Cui Yi has been bullied by you!”

“Don’t think that retiring will solve the problem!”

Ye Zexi fans were really confused this time.

Why did Ye Zexi retire without explaining anything? Is it possible that the online revelations are true?

Ye Zexi really beat Cui Yi, really bullied other players?

What is this, they have been preparing for tomorrow’s finals for so long, waiting for such a result?

Many fans collapsed on the spot.

They really feel that the people who have been chasing for so long are really the “bad guys” in the mouths of netizens?

But what surprised the netizens is still to come. Five minutes later, Tang Jing also posted a Weibo:

@汤景: Since joining “Time Idol” I have gained a lot, made some new friends, and learned a lot at the same time. Tomorrow is the finals, but unfortunately, I can’t stand on that stage again this time.

Here I want to apologize to all the fans who support me, sorry!

The sugars who have been watching the fire from the other side are instantly dumbfounded, what’s the situation?

Did Tang Jing also participate in the fight?

Or is Tang Jing implicated by Ye Zexi again?

After eating melon and eating it on his own head, he was almost sent away on the spot.

“?? Tangtang, what happened!”

“No, Tangtang, watching you come all the way, I really like you!”

“Another player who was bullied by Ye Zexi to retire?”

“Damn, I’m stupid. I just became a fan of CP?”

“The house collapsed…”

“Tangtang, don’t just retire like this! What happened?”

Just when countless Tangjing fans were in panic, Tangjing Studio finally made a sound and released such a video.

Netizens were excited about eating melons, and they waited for a statement so quickly. In just a few minutes, the likes and comments soared all the way.

Tangjing Studio’s Weibo is full of accusations and abuses against Ye Zexi.

“Okay, it’s finally a stone hammer, let me see how Ye Zexi washes it!”

“I thought that Ye Zexi was over-marketing, so let’s flip it down. It deserves it!”

“I seriously suspect that Ye Zexi has violent tendencies, and he simply blocked this kind of person directly. Don’t let him jump out again.”

“The players who were bullied by Ye Zexi before are miserable, and Cui Yi is even worse. Ye Zexi hurry up and get out of the entertainment circle!”

In the comments, there are not only netizens who eat melon, but also Cui Yi fans.

Anyone who sees his idol get wronged will blow up, Cui Yi’s fans are almost angry.

Now that there is more than one person bullied by Ye Zexi, Cui Yi’s fans naturally want to help Tang Jing get justice.

But gradually, there were more different voices in the comment area.

“…Those who scolded Ye Zexi upstairs, have you really finished watching the video?”

It was also at this time that netizens who were preparing to continue to insult Ye Zexi realized that something was wrong.

The video is not long, only five minutes, but not a fan who has the patience to watch it?

Netizens and Cui Yi fans who noticed something was wrong started the video with hindsight.

As soon as I opened the video, it was such a recording. The man’s voice was light, and he was a little familiar: “What kind of thing is he Tang Jing? It’s just a beep that was played badly by others, what kind of fake high in front of me?”

“Hey, but I have to say, Ye Zexi’s eyes are really good. It’s only fun for such an energetic person to play on the bed. Hahahahaha—”

“Palsy, pretend to labor and management, sooner or later, labor and management will beep, beep, beep, beep—”

Unbearable words flooded into the listener’s ears one after another. Even though the code was already typed in the later stage, the sordid tone still caused everyone’s physical discomfort.

The netizens who were busy spraying Ye Zexi before were dumbfounded.

“This… Ye Zexi’s voice?”

“It’s clearly not Ye Zexi’s voice!”

“Damn, what the hell, what kind of stupid thing is this spitting fragrance here?”

Cui Yi fans were also startled.

Unlike the confused netizens, they heard something strange.

Because this voice is very similar to Cui Yi’s voice—

Cui Yi fans only felt cold in their hands and feet, and prayed silently in their hearts, hoping that they had heard it wrong.

But soon, when the one-minute insult was over, a screenshot of the chat came into view, completely breaking their last illusion.

Right above the middle of the screenshot, there are only two words in the remark: Cui Yi.

The chat content is even more exciting.

Cui Yi: Appointment?


Cui Yi: Didn’t you split up with Ye Zexi? I can not?

Cui Yi: #图#

Cui Yi: Is it big? Don’t like it?

Cui Yi: #色##色##色#

In the later period, the photos were coded as usual, but the impact of this picture on netizens and fans is still not small.

“Mom sells batches, is it the one I imagined?”

“Wori, my eyes are dirty! Are there eye drops for sale?”


“Fuck it, vomit.”

“This the **** is XSR, isn’t it?”

“I really… can’t imagine that this was what Cui Yi said, because I still ate his face so much before…”

“I’m stupid… Is it really Cui Yi?”

“Crazy, isn’t Ye Zexi bullying the players and causing Tang Jing to retire? What’s the situation?”

“I don’t believe that Cui Yi’s brother must have been framed! Anyone can P for chat screenshots, so can I!”

Until the incredible Cui Yi fan saw a comment:

“I advise Cui Yi fans who jumped in the comment area to speak after reading it.”

Suppressing the panic in his heart, Cui Yi’s fans bite the bullet and watched.

In the next two minutes of video, the video completely restored the truth of the fight to fans and netizens—

Not only does this matter have nothing to do with Ye Zexi, it can even be said that if there is no Ye Zexi, the matter will only develop more serious.

Before the final of “Time Idol”, in order to make it easy for the players to prepare for the next game, the program team prepared a small gathering for the players.

At the party, Cui Yi walked up to Tang Jing repeatedly.

Tang Jing didn’t say anything a few times before, but took the initiative to walk away.

But the repeated tolerance has made Cui Yi even worse, and it has become a manual move when he develops later.

But before Tang Jing had an attack, the person who attacked first became Cui Yi.

With the crisp sound of a goblet hitting the ground, the two instantly scrambled together.

The surrounding staff quickly rushed over and separated the two.

Cui Yi suffered a loss, so he was willing to give up, screaming and rushing to fight Tangjing. During the dispute, Tang Jing was pushed to the ground again.

The staff couldn’t help Cui Yi who was crazy. Seeing that he was about to ride up to beat Tang Jing, Ye Zexi suddenly stepped forward and threw Cui Yi directly to the ground with a shoulder-crossing fall. At the same time, he quickly cut his hands back against him. Behind, Cui Yi couldn’t move.

Cui Yi just didn’t stop after being pressed to the ground, and the swear words in his mouth followed one after another.

At the end of the video, all the surrounding staff looked at Cui Yi coldly, no one stepped forward to help him speak, and all the muffled “beep beep” in the background sound.

Fans who saw Cui Yi here just felt cold all over.

The netizens who learned the truth were even more agitated.

They have been in rhythm before!

Ye Zexi didn’t hit Cui Yi at all, he rushed to help!

And what kind of stupid Cui Yi is?

Tang Jing’s fans were even more angry on the spot. Who would have thought that they would have been harassed|harassed for two months when Tangtang participated in a competition!

Tang Jing should be so wronged!

He repeatedly endured, and did not get a good result, Cui Yi instead bullied him more vigorously!

When Tang Jing was pushed to the ground by Cui Yi, fans noticed that Tang Jing first hit the table behind and then fell to the ground.

But maybe because he fell too hard, Tang Jing lay on the ground and didn’t stand up for a while! After being lifted up by the staff, his face was pale, and he had to rely on someone to stand firm.

Fans of Tang Jing burst into tears, trembling with anger, and couldn’t help but feel distressed.

They suddenly couldn’t imagine how much they would be wronged if Ye Zexi hadn’t gotten the job at that time.

The truth is revealed, and public opinion is completely reversed.

The netizens who abused Ye Zexi and Cui Yi fans who rushed to the front line before disappeared all at once.

“Okay, this is a real stone hammer. Where is the Cui Yi fan who jumped the most before?”

“Scum like Cui Yi get out soon!”

“I just want to know, did you call the police?! I was **** off!”

“Ye Zexi is miserable, and he has to be chased for doing good.”

“Oh, I really feel sorry for Ye Zexi. I watched this video and I burst into tears. He is such a good person, and he was so wronged for no reason.”

“I read that post saying that Ye Zexi did it, and I don’t believe it either. But now netizens are easily caught up in the rhythm. I hope Ye Zexi will not be affected!”

“Now it’s too late to say these things. Ye Zexi has retired. Should you guys be satisfied?”

Tang Jing fans also felt very sorry for this, and they went to Ye Zexi’s Weibo to leave a message to thank you.

“Oh, thank you Ye Zexi.”

“Thank you so much!”


“Cui Yi is stupid not to explain.”

“Where are the people who insulted Ye Zexi before? Did you apologize?”

“Brother fell over the shoulder is so handsome!”

“You helped Tangtang with Ye Zexi, I think I can help you for a lifetime!”

“Too man! Handsome!”

Ye Zexi’s fans also learned the truth at this time. For a time, fans were moved and angry.

Moved that they did not fan the wrong person, and at the same time was annoyed that Ye Zexi regretted to retire because of Cui Yi.

“Ye Zexi is handsome! I didn’t see the wrong person!”

“Let me just say, a man who can dance house dance is not bad!”

“It’s okay, isn’t it just a C position? Let’s not, you are a C position in my heart!”

“Brother is so handsome! A burst! I really hammered that shoulder fall! I want to be thrown by my brother once!”

“Big brother upstairs, you have enough!”

“I really wronged you for my brother. I have done a good deed and have to be scolded by so many people.”

“Fortunately, I have explained clearly now, hug brother, we will always be with you.”

“The heart of this CP fan tonight is just like riding a roller coaster. It’s ups and downs, and the heart really can’t stand it! You all have to give me a good one!”

“It really hurts too much, whether it’s Ye Zexi or Tang Jing, you all have to be fine!”

“I am so angry now! Why do you want to retire? That idiot didn’t retire! Why do you want to retire? Oh oh oh…”

The same person who felt that Ye Zexi should not retire was Tang Jing. After he came out of the police station, he immediately posted a Weibo, but Tang Jing never thought that he would slow Ye Zexi a step.

Tang Jing wanted to get off the car to find Ye Zexi, only to learn that Ye Zexi had been picked up by his agent.

“Why are you retiring?” Without hesitation, Tang Jing opened WeChat and sent a message to Ye Zexi.

This was the first time that Tang Jing took the initiative to send a message to Ye Zexi after adding Ye Zexi.

Ye Zexi quickly returned him: “Tired, I don’t want to play tomorrow.”

This is the truth, Ye Zexi’s training volume in the past few days is much greater than that in the previous period, which caused him to run out of time to read novels in the past few days!

Go back to the room every day and fall asleep after taking a shower.

It’s rare to go to bed early today. Ye Zexi got a little drowsy after getting in the car. At the moment, he was bracing for the news of Tang Jing.

Tang Jing didn’t think so.

Ye Zexi is the “Time Idol” deservedly the most popular in strength, and the debut position of the finals is also dependent on popularity. As long as Ye Zexi participates in the finals, he will definitely be able to make his C debut.

But because of helping him, Ye Zexi even gave up his debut position.

Tang Jing had mixed feelings in his heart. If it weren’t for him, Ye Zexi wouldn’t have to retire.

In fact, Ye Zexi didn’t need to help out at the time. Tang Jing decided to fight back today because he was mentally prepared.

It is nothing more than being hit harder by Cui Yi, but as long as he can ruin Cui Yi, his injuries are worth it.

Ye Zexi stepped forward to help him, which was not what he expected.

An unknown emotion spread rapidly in his heart, and Tang Jing’s eye circles were a little moist, and he forcibly resisted the trembling of his hands while typing.

“You don’t have to do this for me…”

This sentence was deleted by Tang Jing, and finally deleted, leaving only a simple sentence: “Thank you.”

Ye Zexi: “Yes, take a good rest.”

“So are you.” Tang Jing bends the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the message was returned, the car door was opened by the agent from the outside, and the hot air poured in instantly. The agent said to Tang Jing, “Don’t worry, it’s all handled.”

Tang Jingjing nodded, and after a long silence, he turned on his phone, first followed Ye Zexi, and then posted a new Weibo.

@汤景: The cause and effect have been explained clearly. I was impulsive but didn’t regret it. Thank you very much Ye Zexi today, thank you good brother @叶泽西.

Tang Jing fans saw this Weibo and burst into tears again.

“Tangtang, you have to be good!”

“Take a good rest baby!”

“We will always support you!”

“Thank Ye Zexi, thank you so much!”

“Woo, oooo, the first time I knocked on CP’s candy, it turned out to be crying, I’m so uncomfortable, babies must be good!”

“I feel sorry for the two cubs.”

“I really don’t want you guys, can you not retire?”

The “Time Idol” program group finally came out to make a statement.

@ “Time Idol” Official Bo: Regarding today’s “Cui Yi XSR Tang Jing” incident, the investigation is true and the police have been dealt with.

Cui Yi has been handed over to the police for being suspected of committing a crime, and the program team has also been delisted.

Here, we once again apologize to Tang Jing and the majority of netizens and fans. The program team resolutely safeguards the interests of the players and personal safety, and guarantees that such things will not happen again in the future.

At the same time, the program team is also actively engaged in the event that the two players Ye Zexi and Tang Jing retire, and sincerely hope that the two players will return to the stage.

Li Changjian also posted a Weibo immediately afterwards—

@李昌建: This time it was my poor supervision that allowed this to happen. I apologize to Tang Jing and all fans and netizens. I promise that there will be no similar situations in the future.

The program team gave a response and dealt with the results. Although Tang Jing’s fans understand that this matter has nothing to do with the program team, it is inevitable that they will still be angry.

“So just apologize for this?”

“I still feel wronged! It’s been two months, and it’s the last day. Tangtang will be able to debut soon, and all her previous work will be lost. But the most irritating thing is that if it weren’t for the Dongchuang incident today, the show crew didn’t know about Cui Yi’s Abnormal behavior, how do you care about the players?”

“I feel sorry for the two players now. I still want to watch the stage of Ye Zexi and Tang Jing! I’ve been looking forward to it for a week.”

“The leader of the show, let’s have a snack!”

But tonight, Tang Jing was like living on Weibo, and soon reposted the Weibo of Guanbo and Li Changjian, saying that this matter had nothing to do with the program team and the director. .

After all, knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, can’t blame the program group.

At the same time, Tang Jing also thanked the program team for the invitation and made it clear that he would not return to the “Time Idol” stage.

The most regrettable thing is to count fans and audiences.

“My two favorite players are gone all at once, I’m not crazy.”

“Oh, Ye Zexi! Come back!”

“Without the stage of Tang Jing and Ye Zexi, what else is there to watch?”

“Ye Zexi is sure not to return to the stage, QAQ?”

Fans also don’t know. Since Ye Zexi posted the retiring Weibo, he has never seen Ye Zexi’s Weibo online again.

Many fans wondered whether Ye Zexi was affected by those comments before choosing to retire.

Ye Zexi himself said: Of course not!

He just wanted to make an excuse to retire with integrity.

Ye Zexi had the idea of ​​retiring early, and the ready-made excuses are here. Will he really make his debut if he doesn’t leave?

Forget it, let this opportunity be reserved for players who need it more.

Ye Zexi is a person who has experienced it once, and he doesn’t need to rely on this debut position to enter the entertainment circle.

After all, he already has money!

According to the contract, Ye Zexi’s promotion to the top ten will be paid 100,000 yuan.

Although one hundred thousand is a small amount of money, it can also solve his urgent needs.

After a while, I finished filming the endorsements of Bulgari, and the endorsement fee was enough, it was millions!

Ye Zexi can spend one million a year for five years!

Besides, how can he spend one million a year?

Ye Zexi has planned everything, and when that happens, he will leave hundreds of thousands of petty items, and all the remaining money will be used for financial management.

Money makes money, not bad money!

And more importantly, Ye Zexi also has a cheap father as his strong backing!

It’s been several years, he doesn’t believe that this cheap dad won’t give the card!

The corners of Ye Zexi’s mouth couldn’t close at the thought of his future happy life.

After Gao Shu answered the phone, he looked back at the young man in the back seat, who didn’t worry him at all. He sighed in his heart and said, “Master, you just called me, you really won’t go tomorrow. Finals?”

Ye Zexi answered firmly: “Don’t go.”

Not only did he not go, he was also preparing to announce his withdrawal from the circle today!

Gao Shu’s eyebrows suddenly twisted, is it possible that the young master was really affected by the online comments?

It’s not impossible.

Gao Shu glanced at Ye Zexi in the back seat. The boy was almost lying on the seat. The phone screen was printed with shimmer on his face, the pink bangs were hanging down, and he couldn’t see his emotions clearly.

Gao Shu’s heart suddenly thumped.

The young master has not suffered any setbacks or grievances since he was a child, and now he is so silent, I am afraid that he was really affected by those remarks!

Of course, their young masters have also grown a lot, and they no longer vent their anger by yelling as before.

Looking at the appearance of Ye Zexi nestling in the seat, he was like licking fur alone with the injured kitten.

Thinking of this, Gao Shu was already distressed.

The driver’s speed was very slow, and Ye Zexi was already drowsy on Weibo.

When he was about to fall asleep, he heard Gao Shu’s choked voice from the front seat: “Master, I’m sorry!”

Ye Zexi’s pretty peachy eyes narrowed slightly, a little puzzled.

Gao Shu’s Adam’s apple scrolled, and continued: “I am to blame for what happened this time, because I didn’t handle the online public opinion well. You don’t need to look at the phone anymore, it doesn’t matter, I believe that fans who support you will always support you.”

“I contacted people for the rumors and deleted them. I will sue all those who spread the rumors and make them pay the price they deserve!”

“So, Master, you just…” Don’t be sad anymore.

The latter sentence is somewhat numb, and Assistant Gao, a tough 1.9-meter man, is really hard to tell.

Just when Gao Shu was entangled whether to speak, he heard Ye Zexi lazily replied a word: “Oh.”

“But there is no need to sue. There are so many false rumours on the Internet, and I didn’t take it seriously.” After saying that, Ye Zexi yawned, because he was too sleepy, a water mark appeared on the corner of his eyes.

Gao Shu stared at the red marks at the corner of Ye Zexi’s eyes, clenching his teeth.

The sad eyes of the young master are red!

Still speaking to the group of netizens who spread rumors.

Their young master is so kind!

Gao Shu took a deep breath: “Master, you don’t need to worry about these things, I will take care of them.”

That group of people, he agreed!

Ye Zexi was really miserable, nodded perfunctorily, put down the phone, closed his eyes, and prepared to take a nap.

Gao Shu looked at his young master’s quiet sleeping face, did not have the heart to disturb any more, turned around, and began to re-plan the development route for Ye Zexi in his heart.

Ye Zexi didn’t want to form a group, and it would be okay not to form a group.

After forming a group, there are a lot of things, and the development of each person in the team is also different, and the announcements received must be uneven.

Their young master’s own resources are good, but forming a group will limit Ye Zexi’s development.

After thinking about it this way, Gao Shu felt that it would be nice not to be a group.

Ye Zexi has already decided to retire, and definitely can’t go back to shoot the villa again.

Gao Shu asked the driver to send Ye Zexi back to the lakeside villa. Ye Zexi has lived here alone since he was an adult.

The lakeside villa has a good location and stricter security. Ye Zexi lives here and Gaoshu is at ease.

Seeing the villa in front of him, Ye Zexi was very satisfied.

Okay, now the money to buy a house is saved.

“Then young master, take a rest early today and call me again if you have anything to do.” Gao Shu said.

Ye Zexi nodded with a smile.

After leaving Assistant Gao, Ye Zexi began to visit this villa that belonged to him.

A three-story villa, a game hall, a board game room, a family cinema, and a huge swimming pool outside. Is this paradise? !

This is the life of the rich, which is enviable!

Ah no, he is this enviable existence now!

The corners of Ye Zexi’s mouth turned up frantically, and the previous sleepiness disappeared because of the power of money.

There was a thin layer of sweat on his body, and Ye Zexi first took a bath in the ten-meter bathtub, and happily lay on the soft bed, and rolled happily on the bed twice.





After rolling on the bed two more times, Ye Zexi suddenly remembered a very important thing.

Now that he has already decided to be drunk and addicted, he has to say goodbye to his past life formally.

Whether it is Ye Zexi who died suddenly after working hard, or the unlearned Ye Zexi, or the shining Ye Zexi on the stage, today should be a complete end!

Ye Zexi took out his mobile phone and went on Weibo again.

Two minutes later, a Weibo was posted, shocking the entire network.

@叶泽西: If you don’t meet in life, you move like participating in business. ① For me, “Time Idol” is the starting point and the final destination.

It’s a good time to meet each other, and I hope everyone will be well in the future.

“??? Is that what I imagined?”

“Isn’t it? Do you mean to leave the circle?”

The fans are a little confused.

Ye Zexi was in a rare mood, and actually replied to the fan: “Yes, I have to be obedient in the future.”

One stone caused a thousand waves of waves, and the fans exploded in an instant.

“Brother, don’t retreat!”

“Woo Ye Zexi, you can’t just leave the circle like this! Our fans are still waiting for you!”

“Brother, you are so great, why did you retreat?”

“Fuck me, I just cried… ohhh, Cui Yi’s stupid idiot hasn’t retreated, brother, why are you leaving us?”

“I can’t believe it! I don’t believe it! Ye Zexi unless you say it yourself! Sending Weibo is a fart retreat statement, I don’t believe it!”

“I am gone…”

But no matter how the fan stayed, Ye Zexi went offline after replying to the fan, and never went online again.

Fans became more and more flustered, and many fans began to madly privately write to Ye Zexi’s studio, asking what was going on.

These private messages are like sinking into the ocean, and fans have been unable to wait for a response.

One night later, the entry #叶泽西退圈# was also top searched.

More and more people are paying attention, and the waiting time is getting longer and longer. Without waiting for news, fans and netizens are almost dying.

Until a Weibo of He Jinyun appeared in everyone’s field of vision—

@贺锦昀: @叶泽西小朋友, there are new movies to be made, what are you doing?

fan:? ? ? ! !

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