The Ultimate All-Rounder

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: There’s a Bomb in the Car
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The police officer who stood in front of Xia Tian was none other than the Nike girl, Lin Bingbing, who was taken aback at the sight of him. He had assisted her in the completion of her assignment the night before and here they were, bumping into each other again.

“Everyone, back up to the two corners there. You lot, collect the evidence and take these witnesses away.” A policeman emerged from behind Lin Bingbing and started ordering them around with his hands on his waist.

“Officer, is there a need to detain any witnesses? You can just question us here if you have any concerns,” Ceng Rou said to the policeman.

“And which one of us is the police officer? I’m in charge here. You are found in possession of a firearm so everyone on site must return with us to undergo an investigation.” Lin Bingbing stood frowning behind the policeman at his unreasonable demand.

“Sir Xu, they’re the ones who called the police. This person took the gun from the suspects. They’re the victims. These five elders even gave themselves up, saying they’re the ones behind this.” Lin Bingbing did not want to make a bigger deal of things than they already were.

“And which one of us is the superior officer here?” Sir Xu looked at Lin Bingbing with discontent. “I suspect that this crime scene was staged. Everyone has to come with me for investigation.”

“You’re Sir Xu, right? My attorney is standing behind you. You can talk to him if you have any questions. We’ll be leaving if there are no other matters.” Ceng Rou pointed at her team of lawyers behind Sir Xu. Having a legal team in a huge company like Ceng Corporation was a given.

“Are you teaching me how to do my job?” Sir Xu shot Ceng Rou a vicious stare. “Seize them. I suspect they’re in on the crime.”

“Sir Xu, are you really going to do that? Everyone present here is a public figure. You lack an arrest warrant and yet you’re trying to make arrests before any questioning. We can sue you for this.” The lawyers all stood in Sir Xu’s way.

“Humph.” Sir Xu snorted. “Why are you people still standing around for? Arrest them!”

“Sir Xu, this is against protocol!” Lin Bingbing could not keep quiet any longer. She did not know what had gotten into Sir Xu today.

“I will take full responsibility.” At the wave of Sir Xu’s arm, the policemen behind him encircled the group.

“Fine, we’ll leave with you. I’ll see how you’re going to take care of things.” Ceng Rou took the lead walking out of the door and was followed by a dozen people behind her. Without uttering a word, Xia Tian, too, followed her out.

The moment the crowd went downstairs and were out the door, Sir Xu frantically dialed a number on his phone. “I’ve done as you’ve said, now let go of my wife and daughter!”

“Relax, you have to get them on the large vehicle and the Ceng elders in the smaller vehicle.” A deep voice was heard from the other end of the line.

“When are you going to release my family?!” Sir Xu blew a fuse.

“I will release your daughter and wife immediately once you have them in the car.”

After hanging up the phone, Sir Xu followed the group downstairs. There were four police cars parked and one of them was a large criminal transport vehicle. Dread descended on the group at the sight of the vehicle.

Did this Sir Xu foresee arresting this many people beforehand, and thus had chosen to send such a large vehicle?

“You five, into that car there. The rest of you into that large car.” Sir Xu pointed at the large vehicle.

“Sir Xu, we’re only leaving to assist you with the investigation. Why are we going into a prison van? We have our own if you don’t have any other cars,” Ceng Rou said after taking a glance at the prison van. Getting in would stir a commotion large enough to affect their stock prices.

All in all, they could not board the prison van at all costs.

“Get on the car or I’ll shoot you.” Sir Xu took out a gun and pointed at Ceng Rou’s group.

“Shoot if you will, but we’re not getting in that car!” Ceng Rou was fuming at Sir Xu.

“Don’t think I won’t shoot!” Sir Xu shouted.

“You can try.” A ghastly voice came from behind Sir Xu — It was Xia Tian. He did not follow them downstairs in order to head to the station but had done so to see what this Sir Xu was up to instead. Now, he had a clear picture. There was a bomb underneath the prison van. After Ceng Rou was on board, the explosive would blow up in mere minutes.

“You b*stard, where did you come from?!” Sir Xu aimed the gun at Xia Tian.

“I’m advising you to put the gun down,” Xia Tian spoke in a cold voice.

“What if I don’t?!”


Xia Tian struck Sir Xu’s face with his palm. The gun that was in his hand flew off into the distance.

“What are you doing? You’re assaulting a police officer!” Lin Bingbing frowned. Although she did not like Xia Tian, she did not want to see him arrested. Xia Tian did lend her a hand, after all.

“Everyone, get back,” Xia Tian told Ceng Rou and the other directors.

The group was puzzled as to what he was up to, but they still listened to him and backed away. They dared not challenge him after he did in the meeting room.

“Xia Tian, do you have any idea what you’re doing?” Lin Bingbing’s frown deepened on her face.

“There’s a bomb under the car,” Xia Tian casually remarked.

“What? A bomb under the car!?” Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Tian with shock written on her face.

Xia Tian walked towards the vehicle and felt about the fuel tank with both hands. Soon, a bomb appeared in his palms. On it was a countdown with three minutes remaining on the clock.

“Everyone, get back!” Lin Bingbing blurted.

“This…” Sir Xu was rattled. He finally realized what that person’s plan was. All this while, he had thought the person only wanted him to send Ceng Rou’s group to the station.

He did not know the person’s real objective was the bomb.

He thought that only his job would be on the line for taking Ceng Rou to the station, but if that many of them were to die, his life would not be enough for recompense.

“Xia Tian, take the bomb to somewhere with no people, there’s no time to call a bomb squad to defuse it!” Lin Bingbing cried in a panic.

The onlookers on the scene had already fled, even the Ceng Corporation’s directors took cover in the building, leaving Ceng Rou staring at Xia Tian with concern.


“What do you mean why? It’s an electromagnetic pulse bomb and it’s powerful! It’ll blow up everything within thirty-feet!” Lin Bingbing shouted. There must be something seriously wrong with Xia Tian for him to have a casual conversation with her while holding that dangerous thing.

“Why can’t I just pull one of these wires?” Xia Tian pulled out a black wire in the middle with everyone on the scene having their hearts in their mouths. How could he defuse a bomb with just his hands with so much at stake? Nobody would be able to escape if anything were to go awry.

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