The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Through the eye contact just now, Lian Ru Ning and Hao Jian had a good understanding, she quickly leaned to the back of Hao Jian to prevent Liu Shu from making any changes.

Although Xin Ting hadn’t fully figured out what happened, she naturally believed in Hao Jian and Lian Ru Ning more than a strange family, and she also grabbed some debris in her hand as a self-defense weapon.

“What are you doing!” Li Changdang called out angrily even if he stopped.

Li Ge also came back to his senses. Seeing that his own mother was being held hostage by Hao Jian, he was anxious and angry, and said, “There are zombies outside, are you sure you want to fight with us here?”

They don’t know when Hao Jian saw through their thoughts, but they can imagine that Hao Jian has been pretending to be weak in order to let them relax their vigilance and at the same time focus on others so that she can secretly use the Swiss Army knife. Get it.

This multi-functional Swiss army knife is sold in convenience stores. There are only two. He took one, and the other was in Liu Shu’s hand.

Thinking of this, he looked at Liu Shu. The latter was also at a loss. She touched her pocket and found it was empty. It was obviously stolen when she brought Hao Jian hot water to drink.

Hao Jian sneered: “Heh, have you ever thought about letting us live? If you have thought about it, you won’t find ways to keep us under your control.”

Although she found through observation that the brothers were indeed filial, so she chose to hold Mrs. Li instead of the two children, but she did not dare to be too confident in this conclusion, so she had to look around and listen to all directions. , To prevent the brothers from moving, you have to figure out the best escape plan.

“You let go of my mother, what can you say!” Li Ge said.

“Okay, you go out and solve the zombies outside, I will let her go.”

Li Chang approached them again with an axe: “I don’t believe she dares to move my mother!”

Suddenly, Old Lady Li wailed, only to see a trace of blood coming out of her neck. Li Chang’s eyes were red, and he stared at Hao Jian angrily and sullenly.

Hao Jian looked at him blankly, and at this moment, in her mind, the system seemed to be a little excited: “Does the host want to kill? The killing has 10 experience and 200 points! The host just exchanged a rice ball and a pack of compression The cookie used 15 points, and only 10 points are left. Are you sure you don’t consider adding more points?”

Hao Jian ignored the system, but for a moment, she really wanted to poke hard to cut off the beating artery.

The sharp point of the knife looked like it was about to pierce Granny Li’s neck, Li Chang and Li Ge were anxious, they didn’t dare to underestimate this innocent-looking woman.

“What do you want? I promise that I won’t move you anymore!”

Lian Ru Ning touched the goose bumps on her arm, and said, “Unless you bring our weapons back, everyone will die together!”

Li Chang and Li Ge both hesitated, there are zombies outside, can they go out? Going out is not a dead end!

“Why do you bother? We really didn’t intend to hurt you!” Li Chang’s slumped shoulders began to try to gain the sympathy of Li Runing, “You three girls, you have no power to bind chickens, no men. It’s hard to survive protection. Why don’t you stay with us? Isn’t it good for everyone to take care of me?”

Lian Runing used to be a kind person, but she was not ignorant. Obviously Li Chang had coaxed her as a simple student who had never left the school.

“No wonder you are in your thirties and don’t have a girlfriend.” Hao Jian twitched, “What makes you feel that we can only rely on men to protect you?”

Self-confessed timid Xin Ting also interrupted when she heard the words: “Um… we solved five zombies with our own ability. If it weren’t for you, we might have continued on our way.”

“And your original plan was, even if you want to leave here, you will find a woman for Li Chang first, and then you will go back to the country. If you die, you will have no regrets? This way, there are people who think like you. , I have seen more.”

The knuckles of Li Chang holding the handle of the axe were all white, and he really wanted to kill Hao Jian.

Originally, what he was after was Lian Ru Ning, and he didn’t care about the life and death of the other two.

Because Hao Jian is too strong to control; Xin Ting is too cowardly, it will only hinder her; only Lian Ru Ning not only looks beautiful, but also won’t be afraid of zombies, but she doesn’t have the ability to resist him.

But now their minds were exposed, and he wondered if he was going to abandon his mother’s old life. However, thinking of Hao Jian’s fierceness, it is hard to guarantee that she would not bring in zombies and have a fish-and-death with them.

“Why do you have to go to Southern City? The population there is already calculated in tens of millions. The zombies must be much more than here. If you go, it can only be regarded as a sheep’s mouth!” Li Ge is still helping Li Chang persuades them.

They were going to Southern City because he inquired from Xin Ting. Of course, Xin Ting didn’t know much about Lian Ru Ning and Hao Jian, so she didn’t say much.

Hao Jian interrupted him: “Okay, don’t bother with your tongue. Now I’ll give you three ways. Either give us the axe and the knife and let us go; or you can destroy the zombies outside and let us go; the last way, Everyone die together.”

“I gave you something, what shall we do?” Li Ge said angrily.

“Who do you think is the cause of this situation?”

Just as they were bargaining, there was a sudden noise in the shop window, and they looked around, but saw two zombies next to the shop window, making strange calls from their mouths.

“Ah!” The little girl was startled.

Seeing that the little boy was about to cry, Liu Shu hurriedly covered their mouths and pulled them into a corner surrounded by shelves.

“Don’t say anything, we’ll be fine.” Liu Shu comforted the two children.

Hao Jian was not in a hurry. She raised her eyebrows: “There are only two now, but soon more zombies will be attracted by their voices. Are you sure you want to give up the chance to live?”

Li Ge thought for a moment, then went to ask Li Chang for an axe. Li Chang refused to let go, and Li Ge persuaded him two more words before he let go. Li Ge handed the knife to Hao Jian: “Well, take the knife. If you want to leave, you must deal with the two zombies first, but you are afraid that your strength is not enough, so I will help you with this axe.”

Lian Ru Ning took the knife and looked at Hao Jian again, but the latter did not speak.

“I swear I won’t do anything to you again after I’m out of danger this time!” Li Ge quickly swore again.

Hao Jian let go of Mrs. Li, took the knife, and gave the Swiss Army knife to Lian Runing.

She swung down the sharp knife with a length of only ten centimeters, and said: “This place is big, but there is no back door, and there is no lounge, so there is only one exit. Now two zombies are guarding the door and surrounded by them. Something splashed and blocked our vision, so we don’t know if there are more zombies outside.”

“Then what do you say?” Li Chang asked angrily.

“Please enter the urn.” Hao Jian didn’t sell it. “There is not much in it, that is, there are many shelves and cardboard boxes. Put the shelves inside for protection, wrap the key parts with cardboard boxes, and then open the door to hold these two. The zombies are brought in, and we use the shelf to contain their movements, and we will start at their weak points.”

The situation did not allow Li Chang and Li Gelai to hesitate any more. They followed Hao Jian’s method suspiciously. Lian Runing and Xin Ting also wrapped their necks and arms, which are the easiest places to be caught.

Chang Li removed a cargo shelf and assembled a half-meter-sized shield with iron plates. He negotiated with Li Ge and said, “I will guard them when the time comes. Be careful.”

Li Ge nodded solemnly. Li Chang glanced at Hao Jian, took another breath, and then went over to unlock the door.

When the zombies heard the movement, they squeezed in the crack of the door and prepared to extend their minions to the prey. Li Chang’s heart trembled, and he pressed the door to prevent it from opening so fast that both zombies ran in.

The glass door slipped, and the surface of the zombie had also rotted. When it squeezed into it, a trace was left on the glass door, which was very disgusting.

Li Chang was only 30 centimeters apart from the zombie who was stuck halfway up. If he hadn’t blocked it with a shield, he would be caught by the zombie.

Li Ge quickly swung his axe and chopped off the head of the zombie.

Li Chang breathed a sigh of relief, but another zombie took the opportunity to run in.

“It’s coming in!” Hao Jian yelled, and Li Ge, who was relaxed, hurriedly swung his axe.

I saw the axe fall, but it only hit the zombie’s shoulder. Li Ge’s face turned pale, and he was about to retreat, Hao Jian rushed over from the side, grabbed his axe and Li Chang’s shield, directly locked the zombie’s movements, and then severely chopped down on its head.

“…” Li Chang and Li Ge collapsed to the ground. They couldn’t believe that they were almost finished just now!

Lian Ru Ning was used to such a scene, she quickly walked to the door to observe, and found that there was another zombie’s shadow outside.

“Another zombie is here.”

Hao Jian made a decisive decision and walked outside: “I will solve it, you and Xin Ting will pick up our weapons.”

Lian Ru Ning followed behind her, and just yelled out “Be careful” when she saw that she had already rushed towards the zombie.

Lian Ru Ning didn’t have much time to worry about Hao Jian. This was a critical moment of life and death. If she didn’t get the weapon back, then they would have to die here.


When the head of the zombie that Li Ge had chopped off just now rolled under Xin Ting’s feet, she almost didn’t scream. It is Hao Jian and the others who have figured out a countermeasure, but she still feels fear. This is an uncontrollable fear that comes from the bones.

When Hao Jian and Lian Runing both rushed out, she also wanted to go out, but found that her legs were a little weak.

She saw Li Chang who collapsed on the ground, Li Ge who was about to stand up to help Hao Jian and the others, and the old and weak women and children hiding in the corner, covering their mouths and daring not to speak out.

This short half-day has allowed her to experience the threat of death and the ugliness of human nature. If she still fails to change, then she will not be able to keep up with the pace of Hao Jian and Lian Ru Ning, and will be affected by Li Chang and Li Ge. I think she is a weak woman who needs a man to survive.

So she rushed out.


“Kill zombies, experience +5, points +10.”

“Kill zombies, experience +5, points +10.”

“Save people once, experience +1, points +2.”

Hao Jian solved the zombies, but two more zombies ran towards them without delay, and behind them, more zombies rushed to hear the movement.

“Hao Jian!” Lian Ru Ning handed the crowbar to Hao Jian, while she grabbed a paring knife and chopped off at the approaching zombies.

It was like an explosion of emotions that had accumulated for a long time, and it was like an enlightenment that was born after death, and the movements of practicing Runing were more determined and determined than before.

Li Ge secretly rejoiced in the back that his brother hadn’t had time to do anything against Lian Ru Ning, otherwise their fate should be the same as these zombies!

He didn’t have time to be in a daze anymore, while Hao Jian and the others were dealing with the zombies, he had to figure out the way forward. As Hao Jian said, there will never be a shortage of zombies here. After eating the things in the convenience store, they have to wait to die.


“Brother, let Mom and the others come out, let’s drive back to the country!” Li Ge whispered to the Li Chang who followed.

Li Chang wondered: “Where did we get the car?”

Li Ge smiled: “We promised to let them go, but we didn’t promise not to grab their things, didn’t we?”

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