The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 48

Chapter 46:

There are a total of seven people present, but there are only three tents. Everyone added up, Lu Yinwei and Li Lan squeezed together, while five men took turns to watch the night, and the remaining four squeezed into a tent to sleep.

Among them, Zhuang Yi and Wei Jin are the most familiar, and they naturally sleep with Wei Jin. Among the people, except for Li Lan, Zhuang Yi consumes the least soul power, so Zhuang Yi came to watch the night in the second half of the first night.

Randomly find a place to sit down, Zhuang Yi asked Lei Xiu to lie on his body, and he took advantage of the moonlight to examine Lei Xiu’s wound.

Over the past year, Lei Xiu has been fattened by Zhuang Yi. A whole chubby, black and shiny tiger hair, feels very good to the touch, but at this time from Lei Xiu’s neck, especially his hind legs. There are many small and dense wounds on the back. Although it is not deep, there are too many wounds. Lei Xiu can pull countless small wounds with a little movement of his body. A little blood oozes out and looks painful. It’s terrible, especially the wounds at the joints. If they are not treated early, it will easily cause the inconvenience of mine repair operations in the next few days.

If this kind of wound had a Healing Assistant Spirit Master on the scene at this time, it would surely be healed quickly. However, although there were three Healing Assistant Spirit Masters in the team at this time, none of them were of Healing Element. Zhuang Yi thought for a while, his auxiliary skill is transfer, maybe he can share Lei Xiu’s injuries a little bit to him, thinking of this, Zhuang Yi immediately used his soul power and began to slowly try.

Lei Xiu felt that Zhuang Yi’s spirit power was constantly running on its wounds, and was feeling very comfortable. He raised his hand and saw that there were some inexplicable wounds on Zhuang Yi’s arm. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he immediately struggled.

Zhuang Yi was halfway through, and seeing Lei Xiu suddenly not cooperating, he immediately said, “Lei Xiu, don’t make trouble.”

Lei Xiu turned a deaf ear, and stood up on his limbs, the spirit power in his body circulated, resisting Zhuang Yi’s spirit power.

It was the first time that Zhuang Yi transferred a wound from someone else to his body, and he succeeded all at once. Although his arm hurts, but seeing the effect, he was very excited, but he had just transferred three wounds, Lei Xiu Not cooperating, Zhuang Yi immediately pressed Lei Xiu’s body: “I will help you move the joint wound to my body, just a few shallow ones.”

Lei Xiu and Zhuang Yi looked at each other. Its body was pressed by Zhuang Yi, and it didn’t move randomly, but it still refused to get down.

Zhuang Yi had to lower his head and patiently persuade: “My skill is transfer, and I can barely be used as a healing spirit master. Now the seven people in the team, only I can temporarily deal with the wound. You give me a chance to exercise. If I can practice success in you, then I will definitely be able to do it in others, which will be of great help to the next battle.”

Lei Xiu still froze, staring at Zhuang Yi’s arm tightly. Zhuang Yi whispered a few more words, and finally Lei Xiu finally stopped using his soul power to resist, Zhuang Yi immediately used his soul power to transfer again.

Transferring the wounds around Lei Xiu’s joints and some deeper wounds to his arm, Zhuang Yi felt a burning pain in his arm, and bright red blood stains appeared on the smooth skin. He asked Lei Xiu to lie on the spot and stay still. He got up with the lamp and walked to a nearby place, looking at the plants, carefully searching for it.

This is the Forest of Warcraft, with a variety of vegetation growing all over it. Zhuang Yi once saw in the book that many common plants have anti-inflammatory effects and heal wounds. He patiently searched the neighborhood for nearly an hour, and barely found a few plants. Jatropha.

Using spirit power, he carefully picked off a few leaves of Jatropha curcas and smashed them, then brought them back to Lei Xiu, and cleaned up the wound with water and cloth together with Lei Xiu, and finally put the leaves of Jatropha curcas together on the wound.

Lei Xiu’s fur was black-gray, smeared with dark green juice, and adhered to his wounds. It looked a bit ugly. Zhuang Yi touched Lei Xiu’s head with fun. Seeing Lei Xiu staring at the wound on his arm, he didn’t even notice how his injury was. Zhuang Yi immediately stopped teasing it and applied the crushed leaves to his arm.

One person and one tiger leaned against each other. Zhuang Yi stared blankly at the dark woods around him. He was actually very tired. A sleepy intention kept hitting him. Seeing Lei Xiu lying on him because of his vigil. He didn’t dare to sleep next to him. Thinking of Lei Xiu’s battle with the Forest Elephant before, he exerted no less force than others. He immediately hugged Lei Xiu in his arms and slowly penetrated his soul power into Lei Xiu’s body. Repair and sort out the soul power.

It is an extremely common thing between Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu to transfer soul power between each other at any time. Lei Xiu was very comfortable by Zhuang Yi, and there was no resistance. He quietly closed his eyes and lay on Zhuang Yi’s knees. .

Zhuang Yi originally wanted to help Lei Xiu sort out his spirit power, so that Lei Xiu’s power would recover faster without making himself so sleepy, but when he put his spirit power into Lei Xiu’s body, he suddenly became energetic—

“Lei Xiu, are you about to advance?”

Speaking of it, half a year has passed since Lei Xiu was promoted to Level 4 Monster. It has only been a year since Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu met. Compared with the first half of the year, Lei Xiu’s current promotion speed has gradually slowed down, but Zhuang Yi still feels surprised.

Calculated according to the standards set by the Barda Academy for students, the fifth grade can be graduated. Although there are additional requirements for graduation from people with high talents, for the general spirit master, the Barda Academy gives everyone a full five years. Time, let the soul master become a middle-level soul master above level five.

However, it only took Lei Xiu a year to complete what humans can do in five years. You must know that the lifespan of beasts is mostly longer than that of humans, and cultivation is naturally slower than humans, unless some special species, such as dragons and unicorns What, and Lei Xiu, the little black tiger…how it doesn’t look like a rare species.

Could it be the reason why another plane was summoned?

Zhuang Yi was shocked, and couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to hold Lei Xiu in front of him and look up and down: “It looks like an ordinary monster in this world, the only difference is that the fourth level is a bit smaller.”

Seeing that Zhuang Yi did not forget to laugh at its size, Lei Xiu immediately lowered his head and bit Zhuang Yi’s hand.

Zhuang Yi touched Lei Xiu’s head with a smile, and then thought of something, the smile on his face immediately subsided: “Lei Xiu, you have an injury now, and your spirit power has not recovered to your full strength. Don’t rush to advance.”

Although Lei Xiu’s previous promotion seemed as easy as drinking water, for most spirit masters, promotion was a very prudent thing. Any accident that happened during this period was likely to affect the whole life. Zhuang Yi can’t be sure that Lei Xiu will go through every promotion easily, so it’s always right to be careful.

When Zhuang Yi’s voice fell, he also recovered the spirit power released on Lei Xiu. He sorts out the energy in Lei Xiu’s body, which will promote the enhancement of Lei Xiu’s soul power. Since he hopes that Lei Xiu will be promoted after he is cured, he is not in a hurry to make Lei Xiu’s soul power stronger, lest he feels uncomfortable when he suppresses the promotion. , So Zhuang Yi naturally stopped.

Lei Zhuang was comfortable with Zhuang Yi. Seeing that Zhuang Yi suddenly stopped, he immediately stopped doing it. He scratched Zhuang Yi’s hand with his paw. Zhuang Yi looked at the colorful spots on his body, and felt a little wanting to laugh inexplicably.

One person and one pet were warming, and suddenly there was a slight movement behind him.

After Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu’s movements, one person and one animal turned their heads at the same time, and they saw the tent where the two girls slept was opened. Soon, Lu Yinwei walked out of the tent and said in front of Zhuang Yi: “I have enough sleep. Let me come, you go back and rest for a while, and we will continue on our way after daybreak.”

Zhuang Yi looked at Lu Yinwei’s pale face and the dark circles under her eyes. This expression seemed a bit familiar. Zhuang Yi thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that when Jiang Xuan failed to advance, his expression was almost the same as that of Lu Yinwei at the moment. Zhuang Yi frowned immediately: “Your level…”

Seeing Zhuang Yi’s expression, Lu Yinwei immediately understood that he had seen through, and smiled bitterly: “I failed in the promotion.”

Zhuang Yi was taken aback. He and Lei Xiu were guarding outside just now. They didn’t feel any fluctuations in spirit power. Lu Yinwei couldn’t have been promoted just now. When he thought of setting up the tent before, Lu Yinwei had this expression, and he was dealing with the forest. Lu Yinwei once swallowed something when he was an elephant, and then his spirit power suddenly skyrocketed. Zhuang Yi looked at Lu Yinwei in surprise: “When you were fighting the forest elephant, were you trying to advance?”

Lu Yinwei stubbornly pursed her lips and nodded.

Zhuang Yi suddenly didn’t know what to say. After all, when Lu Yinwei yelled that she was the one who broke the post, Zhuang Yi still had a little admiration for her. Not everyone has the courage to sacrifice themselves just to make teammates. Evacuate safely. Zhuang Yi was silent for a few seconds before getting up and letting Lu Yinwei sit down: “You take a good rest, don’t think about it, it’s okay to fail in promotion, wait until your spirit power is restored, and then continue next time.”

Lu Yinwei sat where Zhuang Yi was sitting. Lei Xiu, who was lying on the side lazily, immediately jumped away and ran to Zhuang Yi’s side. Zhuang Yi immediately lowered his head and picked it up carefully, avoiding the wound on its body, and let it gently nest in his arms.

Lu Yinwei observed their small movements of one person and one animal, and said softly: “Zhuang Yi, you are different from what I thought before.”

Zhuang Yi looked up at Lu Yinwei and said, “What did you think of me before?”

“Because your mental power is too high, basically everyone in the school knows your name.” Lu Yinwei looked at Zhuang Yi and said, “Moreover, you are close to many people from the soul master family. You are very popular in the first grade. I often hear it. Some teachers mentioned you during the conversation between classes, and they are very optimistic about you.”

Lu Yinwei’s words immediately made Zhuang Yi feel weird. From realizing that now, Lu Yinwei’s hostility towards their noble-labeled spirit masters is so obvious. Probably Zhuang Yi never imagined that one day he would hear Lu Yinwei’s harmony. He speaks.

As if perceiving Zhuang Yi’s surprise, Lu Yinwei slowly lowered her head, her voice trembling: “I have heard that many people are very optimistic about you before, and feel that your calmness and judgment are far beyond your age. But I don’t want to believe it in my heart. I always think that, like you, like Shang Qingyun, it’s only because of your soul master status, so it’s been rumored in a magical way… So when I come, I will disarm you, ruthlessly I berate you first graders, let you be obedient, because I am worried that you will cause trouble for me… I didn’t expect that the real disaster in the end was caused by myself…”

Zhuang Yi looked at Lu Yinwei and mentioned the forest elephant just now. Lei Xiu’s joy that he was about to be promoted was immediately suppressed. Zhuang Yi was silent and did not speak.

“There are more than seventy soul masters, now there are only seven people around, and all the others are separated from us… If they all have accidents…”

“No.” Zhuang Yi said, “It shouldn’t be that everyone is as unlucky as us. As long as there is a helper in hand, the teacher will definitely be there in time.”

“What about the people who were injured by the forest elephant yesterday? The blood will attract the coveting of other monsters in the forest. They are seriously injured and can’t run away…”

Zhuang Yi understood that she was blaming herself, and whispered: “I used a help-seeking device at the time. If the teacher arrives, he must be the first to rush to the scene. As long as he is not crushed by the forest elephant on the spot, the healer at the college will definitely find a way. Heal them.”

Listening to Zhuang Yi’s comfort, Lu Yinwei’s emotions slowly stabilized: “Anyway, I didn’t analyze the situation well. You clearly reminded me, but I ignored it. I am not worthy to be a fourth-grade leader. Someone laughed at me before. I was a commoner in the fourth grade because there was no outstanding nobleman. I always felt that the other party was jealous of me. I didn’t know until today…”

“You don’t have to deny your abilities completely because of this.” Zhuang Yi looked at Lu Yinwei and said softly, “Actually, when I saw you the first time, I didn’t like you very much, because your hostility to us is really true. It’s too obvious, and your attitude towards the first grade is not very good. However, after these days of getting along, what kind of person you are, we all see in our eyes, your care for everyone, your strength, your Courage is something I admire very much.

You don’t want to agree that my thoughts are normal. I’m just a first grader. This is my first experience. We all lack experience. No one can guarantee that my words are correct. In fact, we are all wrong, but no one is perfect. In this world, no one is always right. The only thing we can do is to avoid making mistakes as much as possible, and after the misses, put ourselves in place and remember where we need to correct. ”

When Lu Yinwei heard the words, she looked up at Zhuang Yi in a daze. It was the darkest hour before dawn, and there was silence around her. Lu Yinwei lowered her head, smiled softly, and whispered: “Actually, I hate the nobility, I hate it. Warcraft, there is a reason.” Maybe Zhuang Yi’s comfort had just received a huge blow, and the distance between the two was narrowed invisibly. Lu Yinwei was in urgent need of a catharsis at this time. She was silent for a few seconds and whispered. Said: “I grew up in a family of soul masters, but my parents are not soul masters, but slaves serving the soul masters. In the year I was born, the soul master couple also gave birth to a little girl. Me and That little girl grew up together, but our destiny is completely different. She was educated since she was a child to call everyone to her heart and beat my parents at will, just because she was born noble, and I was taught since I was young to always be humble. She, even if my parents are beaten for all inexplicable reasons, I have to please her like a dog.

When we were thirteen years old, her mental power was awakened. Because of her curiosity, she abused her mental power and damaged her brain. Although she finally saved her life and came back, she never became a soul master again. Since then, her character has become extremely irritable, more cruel than before, trying her best to torture the servants in the family. I finally couldn’t stand her violence. Once again, I cried and begged my mother to take me away. My mother comforted me. As long as I become a soul master in the future, my family will be able to escape from slavery. As a result, she heard this sentence…

She deliberately designed to frame me, saying that I intended to kill her, and then asked her parents to send our family to another family of soul master nobles. That family of soul master nobles has been doing the business of selling beasts all year round, and the death rate of the servants in the family is very high. Soon after our family was sent over, my father was appointed to enter the World of Warcraft Forest. As a result, half of the body was eaten by the Warcraft that night. The Warcraft had private enmity with this nobleman, so he returned half of my father’s body and threw it in. At the door of the nobleman’s house…”

Lu Yinwei said, shaking uncontrollably all over.

Zhuang Yi looked at this strong and unyielding female soul master who was fragile and sad at this moment. As an ordinary person in his last life, he also tasted the warmth and warmth of human affection, but because Zhuang Yi did not have biological parents, all the viciousness was aimed at him alone. of. He couldn’t imagine what he would have become if he were Lu Yinwei after all this.

Lu Yinwei did not notice the ups and downs of Zhuang Yi’s mood, and continued tremblingly: “My father’s death made me terrified. My mother finally plucked up the courage to take me away. On the way to escape, we rescued a soul master, that The soul master was seriously injured and very weak. We all thought he was an ordinary person. He fell in love with my mother and stayed with my mother for three years. He tried every means to please my mother, and my mother and I gradually died from our father’s death. Walked out of the shadow of, and as a result, one day, his long-lost soul power, somehow, somehow recovered…”

Lu Yinwei said, her words were full of mockery, “He said that he is a soul master and a nobleman, and he cannot marry a slave who is fleeing away. In the end, he gave us some money and left without saying goodbye. My mother was in bad health. After these blows, I finally became depressed. As for me, I came to the Boda Academy to test my mental power. When I found out that I was a soul master, I swear that I must become stronger and will not let me in the future. My sons and daughters, endure the same pain as me. Because of these past experiences, I cannot forgive those ferocious beasts living in the Warcraft Forest, nor can I have a good impression of any false soul master nobles, but now I find that I have The idea of persistence is now very ridiculous…”

Zhuang Yi listened to Lu Yinwei’s words and thought of himself when he was just reborn. He was a member of the Soul Master class, which made him realize that the soul masters are not all bastards. Now, Lu Yinwei is in the same mood as he did before. Yi whispered: “There are good people among the nobles. Similarly, there are scum among the common people. For example, about half of the teachers at the Boda Academy are nobles. Can you say that they are not good enough? Go and see, don’t be blinded by the hateful past, otherwise, the tragedy will reappear sooner or later, and people will be unclear.”

“As for the monsters…” Zhuang Yi said, thinking of the forest elephant, and sighed in his heart, “The monster killed your father. It is natural for you to hate it. But this little elephant does. We didn’t do anything to us, but we actually hurt it… In fact, what is the difference between our approach and some brutal monsters.”

“But we are soul masters. Soul masters need beasts to become soul beasts to be able to advance. Not all beasts voluntarily become soul beasts. I vowed to become a powerful female soul master. If I didn’t kill the beasts, I How can you advance… Therefore, the soul master and the monsters are born on opposite sides… We are destined to fight each other with the monsters, and we will never die…” Lu Yinwei murmured, but his eyes were full of confusion.

Zhuang Yi was also lost in thought. After a long time, Zhuang Yi said slowly: “It’s not like this.”

Lu Yinwei looked up at him.

Zhuang Yi quietly looked at Lei Xiu in his arms, and said softly: “Humans and monsters can coexist. Many monsters cannot be advanced. After they become soul beasts, their souls are transformed into energy and used by humans. They still consciously exist in ours. The spiritual space grows up with us, so many monsters are willing to become soul beasts, such as those raised in the Boda Academy, aren’t they all like this? On the first day we entered the academy, the teacher taught us to Look for the beasts that are sensitive to yourself and let it become our soul beast. Only in this way can it exert its true power. Therefore, the soul master and the beasts should be complementary to each other, but most people are blinded by greed. At the cost of blood on your hands, you can force yourself to become stronger. Senior sister, we shouldn’t be such people… I believe that one day, the relationship between humans and monsters will change.”

“Will there be such a first day…” Lu Yinwei was shocked when she thought of the situation when she had just entered the Boda Academy to subdue the spirit beast. The expression in her eyes was complicated and regretful. She looked at Zhuang Yi in a daze.

“Definitely.” Zhuang Yi lowered his head and looked at Lei Xiu in his arms softly.

Lei Xiu raised his head and glanced at Zhuang Yi, then stretched out the mat and pressed Zhuang Yi’s face unceremoniously.

For some reason, Zhuang Yi laughed inexplicably, lowered his head, and kissed Lei Xiu **** the cheek. Lei Xiu stuck out his tongue and licked it for a while, then quickly moved his other face over.

Zhuang Yi lost a smile and flicked its forehead lightly.

Lu Yinwei looked up at Zhuang Yi’s smile. At this time, the darkest time had passed. When the morning came, the sun slowly rose from the east, waking up the entire forest clearly and softly.

The sun fell on Lu Yinwei’s face. She looked at Zhuang Yi, and slowly her heart calmed down.

“Zhuang Yi, thank you.” She whispered softly.

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