The Strongest Exercise Upgrade System

Chapter 36 - Xiaoyu Xianbao

The situation is the same as that of the Luo family. At this moment, the three ancestors of the Zeng family are discussing with Zeng Chuhan, Zeng Chuzhong, Zeng Chuping and other outstanding second-generation children of the Zeng family. The matter of the mysterious master.

The Luo family has reached a consensus. After this lesson, they should not dare to do anything to the Zeng family in a short time.

It’s just that the sudden appearance of a mysterious master made everyone present very puzzled.

“The third child, do you remember that among the second-generation children, is there a thin boy with a mustache?”

Zeng Chengfeng turned to look at the third elder of the Zeng family, and asked Zeng Chong.

The third elder is a chubby old man with a blessed face.

After hearing this, Zeng Chong shook his head with a smile, and said, “Big Brother, although I am in charge of the distribution of the family’s children’s welfare, but among the second-generation children I have seen, there is not a bearded brother like Chu Zhong described!”

It’s no wonder that everyone is suspicious. Zengjiapu has grown to four or five hundred people. With this number of people, it is not easy to know everything.

When everyone saw that even the third elder who had been in contact with the family’s children the most could not remember such a person, they all shook their heads in silence and showed doubts on their faces.

“No matter what, this person beat the Luo family and claimed to be my Zeng family.

Presumably even if they are not from my Zeng family, they have something to do with my Zeng family!

This person is a friend and not an enemy. His existence is always a good thing for my Zeng family!

For Luo Family, it is also a deterrent effect!

So why bother to worry about who this person is!

Since he doesn’t want to reveal his identity, let him continue to lurch.

When there is a chance, this person will come out automatically! “

The third elder continued to smile.

When everyone heard what the third elder said, they all nodded silently, thinking that the words of the third elder were reasonable.

In any case, a major crisis involving the livelihoods of the Zeng family was resolved after the mysterious figure took action, which also made the Zeng family secretly relieved.

When Zeng Yu returned home, his parents still did not come back from the ancestral house.

Zeng Yu had no choice but to make a meal and waited at home for the arrival of his parents, whom he hadn’t seen for a long time.

Zeng Yu’s relationship with his father Zeng Chuping and his mother Han Yurou is still quite deep.

He is not the kind of person who crosses halfway through the house, but is reborn in Han Yurou’s belly with the memory of his previous life, Han Yurou’s own birth.

Therefore, between Zeng Yu, Zheng Chuping and Han Yurou, there is a constant family relationship between them.

Zeng Yu prepared the food, hoping at home.

Looking through my eyes, I hope my neck is getting longer, and finally, when it’s dark in the evening, Pan comes to my parents.

The gate of the yard creaked and was pushed open. A burly, majestic man and a beautiful middle-aged woman walked in.

These two people were Zeng Chuping and Han Yurou who had just returned from the ancestral house.

“Father, mother! You are back!”

As soon as his parents came back, Zeng Yu, like a deer longing for admiration, hopped to his parents and exclaimed.

“You kid, you’re so old, you still look like a kid!”

Han Yurou stroked Zeng Yu’s hair lovingly and smiled.

Although the couple suffered some minor injuries in today’s battle, they have been dealt with and there is no major problem.

And for months, I haven’t seen my most beloved son.

Seeing it now also gave Han Yurou a lot of comfort. When Zeng Chuping saw his son, he was very tall and patted Zeng Yu’s shoulder. He smiled and said, “My good son, I haven’t seen him for a few months. He grew so tall. That’s too much! It seems that your martial arts have not fallen behind! I hear your grandfather, you have broken through to the fifth level not long ago?”

After Zeng Chuping, a pair of energetic big eyes stared at Zeng Yu closely.

This look made Zeng Chuping feel that his son has indeed made a lot of progress, both in terms of height and momentum, or from the perspective of his spirit, he is much better than a few months ago!

Zeng Chuping finally believed Zeng Chengfeng’s words, the fish had indeed entered the fifth layer!

Thinking of this, Zeng Chuping’s heart was very happy, and temporarily threw the depressedness of the fiasco to the outside of Jiuyun.

Zeng Yu nodded and said proudly: “Father, my recent progress is more than that! Don’t believe it, change the two of us to practice?”

In the face of her parents, Zeng Yu also became like a fifteen-year-old boy, without any concealment at all, and directly showed her true side in front of her parents.

Zeng Chuping didn’t care about Zeng Yu’s words.

After all, the son is only the second fifth layer now, where is his opponent, who has broken through to the second seventh layer for many years?

“Well, let’s find another time and try your martial arts!”

Zeng Chuping reached out and touched Zeng Yu’s hair, and the family of three walked into the house happily.

A few moments later, laughter from a family of three came from the room, and the scene seemed very warm.

After the meal, a family of three sat chatting together, and Zeng Chuping suddenly asked, “Fish, how did you break through to the last five in such a short time?”

Zeng Yu smiled mysteriously and said: “Daddy, you guys wait a minute!”

After Zeng Yu, he got up and went to his house.

The couple glanced at each other, with doubts on their faces.

Soon after, I saw Zeng Yu walking in with a large earthen jar in his hands.

“what is this?”

Both Zeng Chuping and his wife stared at the large earthen jar in Zeng Yu’s hand with doubts.

Zeng Yu smiled mysteriously: “Father, mother, the reason why I was able to enter the fifth layer so quickly is not only because I swallowed two strange things, but most importantly, I have the help of this pill!”

“Pill? What pill?”

Zeng Chuping and his wife were even more curious.

“Here, these are the pills!”

Zeng Yu opened the lid of the earthen jar and placed it in front of Zeng Chuping and his wife Errao.

“this is…”

When Zeng Chuping and his wife saw the pills in the crock, their eyes narrowed.

With their insights, at the first sight of these pills, they already knew how extraordinary these pills were.

The Zeng family ran a drug store in Daji Town. Zeng Chuping and his wife had already done a lot of research on medicinal materials.

This time, when I smelled the pill pill in the earthen jar, I was shocked, and I quickly got up and took it seriously.

The couple picked up a pill for breaking barriers and examined them carefully.

The more I checked, the more surprised the couple and Liangrao’s eyes were.

Zeng Chuping: “This is not made from ordinary medicinal materials! It is very likely to be made from elixir!”

Han Yurou: “The age of the elixir has reached at least two or three hundred years! And the ratio of the properties of this medicine is very reasonable! These pills have reached the top grade! No need to try, you can already know that these pills must be amazing!

After the couple studied, they both looked at Zeng Yu in shock at the same time, and asked with a trembling voice: “Fish, where did you get these pills?”

Seeing the serious look of his parents, Zeng Yu smiled secretly, and could only tell the story he and his wife had made up earlier.

Zeng Yu gave him a nose and eye on how he met an expert in the mountains and forests, the expert instructed him to practice martial arts, and even gave him a large pot of Pozhang pills before leaving.

Hearing this, the husband and wife did not doubt that he was there.

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