The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 9

Chapter 8 – Complement Mark

Guan Yunyu felt a little sleepy after asking for instructions in a tedious manner. She didn’t sleep well last night, but today she smelled ambergris, which calmed her down.

“Is there any proposal today?” The eunuch’s shrill voice sounded, Guan Yunyu came back to his senses, raised his hand, and shouted loudly.

“Yes. The household department has something to play.”

“The severe winter is coming in the north, and the grain storages in various places are in short supply. I implore Your Majesty to allocate funds for disaster relief as soon as possible.” Guan Yunyu stepped forward with her fists clasped. This was the first time she spoke from the court.

“My love, what do you think?” His Majesty leaned back in his chair and asked coldly.

“If it’s a severe winter, granaries everywhere are tight, why is it that the north provides disaster relief every time?” The Minister of the Military Department stepped forward to speak.

“Since the Ministry of Household Affairs has said so, then our Ministry of Industry has something to do. I would like to ask Your Majesty to allocate the funds for the reconstruction of the river in the south as soon as possible.” The Minister of the Ministry of Industry stepped forward and said.

Speaking of asking for money, many ministers came forward one after another. Whatever you say or what I say, they will ask for money. As the servant of the household department, Guan Yunyu knows that the national treasury is also tight now, so how can there be so much money to approve.

“Guan Aiqing, do the officials also want to ask for money?” Seeing Guan Herang take a step forward, Gao Yingmin pursed his lips and asked lightly.

“The severe winter is coming recently, and the national treasury is tight. I am willing to contribute 30 million taels to alleviate the famine in the north.” Guan Herang said lightly. The nurse madman Guan Herang, really, is a big deal. It is said that the second son of the Guan family is very fond of him, and it can be seen by looking at it today.

“I brought the disaster victims in the north to thank Guan Aiqing.” Gao Yingmin looked at Guan Herang with gentle eyes.

“Since Mr. Guan has contributed, I will also contribute ten million taels for disaster relief in the north.” You Ran followed suit slowly. After following suit, the other adults also bit the bullet and began to sponsor. Originally, they were looking for His Majesty Those who asked for money now paid for it themselves, this wave of blood loss.

When he turned down, Guan Yunyu followed Guan Herang, and when he reached a place where no one was around, Guan Herang looked at Guan Yunyu and said in a cold tone.

“In the future, don’t do this kind of thing that is used as a gun.”

“Isn’t it thirty million taels? I’ll give it back to you.” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows and said displeased when he heard that.

“Am I talking about the 30,000,000 taels?” Guan Herang shouted, his expression changed when he heard this.

“Isn’t it because you feel sorry for the thirty million taels? I’m out, and I have plenty of money.” Guan Yunyu said lazily.

“Nizi! Nizi!” Guan He clutched his chest angrily, and almost lost his anger. What did his Guan family do to give birth to Guan Yunyu to anger him.

“Yunyu, why are you still dawdling here?” Seeing Guan Yunyu strolling in the imperial garden of the palace, he deliberately walked slowly, and asked at a distance from him.

“Go back first, and leave me alone.”

“Which time, have you ever cared about me so much?” Guan Yunyu blushed like a cat whose foot had been trampled on sorely, and waved his hands, showing no good looks at Guan Herang.

“I advise you, don’t provoke people you shouldn’t provoke.” Guan Herang’s face darkened, and he said coldly.

“I provoked someone, I just want to blow some air by this lake.” Guan Yunyu felt her head was going to explode when she heard it. She and her father were not on the same channel at all, so I’m sorry to be online. Seeing Guan Herang leave with a black face, Guan Yunyu groaned twice towards his back.

At this time, she felt a cold light behind her, turned around, and saw Gao Yingmin standing under the willow tree with his hands behind his back, looking at her with unclear meaning. Presumably, I heard some conversations between her and Guan Herang.

“Oh, Your Majesty, why do you still like to squat in the corner?” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows. He was still full of anger with Guan Herang just now, and had nowhere to vent it. When he met Gao Yingmin, he couldn’t control his emotions. After finishing speaking, she bit her tongue, feeling a little regretful, was she just complaining about His Majesty?

“I really envy you. You have a father who loves you so much.” Gao Yingmin walked slowly, the frost dissipated, and there was a gentle smile in his eyes.

“If you want it, can I give it to you?” Guan Yunyu curled his lips and said leisurely. Ever since she was a child, what she heard the most was envying you, having a good family, enviing you, having a good background, being envious of everything, even being bitten by Gao Yingmin inexplicably, that Guan He made her feel so jealous. He also said it was the royal favor.

Bah bah bah! It’s all imposed love, nothing! In the name of your own good, control your thoughts. Terrible.

“In the future, he might also be my father.” Gao Yingmin walked to Guan Yunyu’s side and said meaningfully. As soon as these words came out, Guan Yunyu’s face turned red.

“Your Majesty, stop joking.” Guan Yunyu clasped his hands together, begging for mercy at Gao Yingmin. Damn, this is too suggestive.

“If you think I’m joking, that’s it.” Gao Ying said softly with a faint gleam in Min Han’s eyes. She could tell Jun Wu’s jokes to suppress Guan Yunyu, but that’s all, Guan Yunyu’s rebellious psychology is extremely strong, the more she wants to suppress her, the more she wants to resist, that’s all, that’s all, let her be a child.

“Hey.” Guan Yunyu was leaning against the stone pier by the lake, not knowing how to deal with the relationship with Gao Yingmin, his head was like a ball of wool. From the time when she was attracted to sex, to now, step by step, Gao Yingmin seems to be pushing her to the result she imagined before step by step, but the key is, she, she still enjoys it a little bit, self-strategy. It is really, unprecedented, the prey of self-throwing.

“Guan Shilang, how about I arrange something for you?”

“Okay, please tell me, Your Majesty.” Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin. He just had something to do now, so as not to think about it and not sleep all night.

“The 40 million taels of disaster relief money, I want you as a special envoy to personally send it to the victims in the north.”

“Your Majesty is worried. The relief money has been stripped layer by layer, and in the end, there is nothing left in the hands of the victims.” Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin and asked softly.


“Why trust me?”

“Intuition.” Gao Yingmin said lightly.

“Your Majesty, you are so funny.” These days people still believe in their intuition, Guan Yunyu smiled, and wanted to pat Gao Yingmin on the shoulder, raised his hand, met Gao Yingmin’s cold eyes, and froze back in fright.

“The humble minister has taken the order to do it.” Guan Yunyu put back his smile and said seriously. Turning around to leave, she heard Gao Yingmin say something softly behind her.

“Before you leave, come to my bedroom.”

“It’s time to make up the mark.”

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu’s body froze and her face turned red. She bit her tongue and almost passed out on the spot.

***************************************************** *****

After returning to the Guan mansion, Guan He ran around the house anxiously when he learned that Guan Yunyu was going to **** the relief money to the north.

“Father, why are you worrying about it?” Guan Yunqing returned home and saw the anxious Guan Herang.

“Your good sister, I picked up a hot potato.”

“The 40,000,000 relief silver will be escorted to the north.” Seeing Guan Yunqing, Guan He let the fire go down a little bit, but fortunately there is still someone in this family who can advise each other.

“Is it His Majesty’s will for her?” Guan Yunqing asked.

“Yes, His Majesty’s personal instruction.” Guan Herang replied.

“Father, don’t worry, or I will go with my sister, okay.” Guan Yunqing said softly.

“No, you are a dignified general protecting the country, go to **** the silver, and if the news gets out, you will also say that our second daughter of the Guan family is too noble, and abuse her power or something. Anyway, it doesn’t sound good.” big.

“If this is not the case, I will send a team of people to **** my sister secretly. If there is anything wrong, Feige will send a letter to us. We will find a way.” Guan Yunqing calmed down and said.

“Well. Right now, that’s the only way to do it.” Guan Herang sighed softly. His second daughter was always the one that made him worry the least.

Guan Yunyu didn’t know that the two of her family were worried about her, and she was going to leave tomorrow. She was going to Gao Yingmin’s bedroom tonight, and she was struggling with what clothes to wear to meet Gao Yingmin.

If she dresses too formally, will Gao Yingmin feel that she has ulterior motives, but if she dresses too casually, Guan Yunyu feels that she is not attractive enough, so she struggles for a long time.

Guan Yunyu was dressed in a long white dress, facing the bronze mirror, tied her long hair into a bundle, raised her chin, and looked at herself in the mirror. Her phoenix eyes slightly blinked, and her thin lips evoked a confident smile. White clothes are the prettiest, looking at her suave and handsome face, which girl is not fascinated by her?

Before setting off, Guan Yunyu tied two sachets for himself, which still smelled delicious, but when he went out, he realized that he had been twitching from dawn to dusk.

As soon as she thought about leaving early tomorrow morning, she hurriedly took advantage of the dark night and high winds, climbed over the wall of the Guan mansion, and ran out secretly. She often does the thing of overturning the wall.

When she was outside the palace, Jianrong met her at the gate of the palace, and followed Jianrong along the dark path, the more he walked, the brighter it became, the wider the path became, and after walking for an unknown distance, the lights in front of him were brightly lit.

“Guan Shilang, go in.”

“Your Majesty, I have been waiting for a long time.” Jian Rong raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Guan Yunyu. This Guan Yunyu has a handsome face. As long as he doesn’t speak, he feels like Gao Qingyao. She looked like her, and thought in a trance that the charming eldest princess had returned to the palace again.

“Thank you, Eunuch Jian.” Guan Yunyu bowed to Jianrong to thank him.

Guan Yunyu pushed open the door, and the magnificent palace blinded her eyes. She recognized this place as Gao Yingmin’s bedroom. I came here once before and soiled her quilt. Guan Yunyu holding his forehead is really a shameful memory. The tip of Guan Yunyu’s nose moved, and a faint ambergris floated by. The glands on the back of her neck naturally diffused a fruity fragrance. Two strong pheromones were intertwined, both of which were top-level pheromones.

Under the curtain, on the bed, Gao Yingmin was half lying down, and the golden satin dress was tied around her body, outlining her graceful figure. Guan Yunyu swallowed and opened the curtain, Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin, With her chin propped on her slender hands, she was aimlessly flipping through the scrolls in her hands, and the sweet ambergris exuded from her body, which smelled as if she had ascended to heaven.

“Your Majesty, I’m here.” Guan Yunyu bowed and said softly. The man didn’t raise his eyes, but only slightly raised his eyelids, closed the book, put it aside, and nodded with his slender hands on the empty bed beside him. Guan Yunyu took off his shoes and sat beside her naturally.

“I’m tired of waiting.” Gao Ying’s Min Han eyes were slightly sleepy, and there was a bit of complaint in his cold tone.

“Sorry for keeping Your Majesty waiting for so long.” Guan Yunyu’s ears turned red, and he sat up obediently, his phoenix eyes twinkling, under the candlelight, like starlight.

Gao Yingmin’s eyes fell on the back of Guan Yunyu’s neck, and the faint fruity fragrance hit her, which made her feel a little better, and her sleepy body reacted, she hooked her slender hands, and her tone was still calm.

“come over.”

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu leaned over obediently, and Gao Yingmin hugged her gently. Her soft body smelled like ambergris, and the small fangs popped out as if they were reacting. Guan Yunyu licked his small fangs, his phoenix eyes were full of shrewd calculations.

Let’s eat meat, let’s eat meat tonight, she is humming a little song in her heart, she is going to heaven happily.

But at this moment, she felt that the collar was being pulled, and a bad premonition came towards her. Her phoenix eyes were startled, and she instinctively wanted to hide, but the slightly cold hand had already landed on her nipple. Luckily, it was not dead, and he rubbed it lightly.

“Your Majesty.” Guan Yunyu’s phoenix eyes were filled with mist, and her body softened all of a sudden. Just when she wanted to hide, the soft red lips were already close to her neck, and she bit down gently.

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