The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 27

Chapter 26 – Test

“Well, there are many reasons.”

“Yunyu, what reason do you want to know?” Gao Yingmin asked softly as he looked at Guan Yunyu with deep meaning in his eyes.

“I, I, I want to know, why you didn’t choose Yang Yizhi?” Guan Yunyu asked cautiously with a little sadness in the corner of his eyes.

“Huh?” Gao Yingmin frowned slightly and asked softly.

“Me or him, which one do you prefer, Your Majesty?” Guan Yunyu’s phoenix eyes flashed, and she summoned up her courage and asked softly.

“I’m going to marry you, isn’t it inappropriate for you to ask me such a question?” Gao Yingmin lowered his eyes slightly and said softly.

“Your Majesty, I, hey, forget it.” Guan Yunyu sighed sadly, like a stray cat that no one wanted.

“Yunyu, did Yang Yizhi tell you something?” Gao Yingmin asked softly.

“En.” Guan Yunyu responded lightly, at this moment, his head was dizzy, feeling too fuzzy.

“Don’t pay attention to other people’s words, huh?” Gao Yingmin said softly.

“Then, if these words are true, do I believe it or not?” Guan Yunyu looked back at Gao Yingmin, with mist in his phoenix eyes, extremely wronged. She also knew that Yang Yizhi just wanted to provoke the relationship between her and Gao Yingmin, but, but those words he said pierced her heart, and she couldn’t just turn a blind eye and nothing happened.

“What did he tell you?” Gao Yingmin asked softly with his eyes flickering slightly.

“He said! Forget it! Let’s not talk about him.” Guan Yunyu folded his hands in front of his chest, his brows were red with anger. After a long time, he calmed down, looked at Gao Yingmin, and said sourly.

“I know that no matter what he says, he intends to sow discord between me and Your Majesty.” After speaking, Guan Yunyu bit his lip and rubbed his fingers back and forth, wishing to scratch the mark.

“So, even so, are you still so angry?” Gao Yingmin’s lips curled up into a faint smile. What happened to Guan Yunyu, who was so high-spirited and eager to put his eyes on the top of his head today?

“I’m angry, can I not be angry?” When Guan Yunyu thought of Yang Yizhi, he became angry, crossed his hands and hugged each other, his mouth bulged like a bubble fish, puffing out one after another.

“Yunyu, do you think you are worse than him?” Gao Yingmin asked softly.

“How is it possible? How could I be worse than that flower peacock.” Guan Yunyu curled his lips and said proudly.

“En.” Gao Yingmin replied softly, looking at Guan Yunyu with soft eyes. Her Alpha is naturally the best.

“Your Majesty, I, what I’m angry about is that I won him without even having a fair chance to compete with him. It made him look like I cheated and won the victory. In that way, I’m really sorry I don’t like it.” Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin and said word by word.

“You know everything.” Gao Yingmin looked at her with misty eyes.

“Yeah.” Guan Yunyu snorted softly and leaned back on the chair.

“I am the only one who can smell ambergris in this world, so you can only smell my fruit and wood fragrance, so you chose me. In fact, Yang Yizhi didn’t tell me about this, so I should have guessed it a long time ago.” Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin quietly. , there was a bit of displeasure in his eyes, and he didn’t know what he was displeased with, but he was very displeased.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin replied lightly, cherishing words like gold.

“Your Majesty, did you really choose me because of my pheromones as Yang Yizhi said?” Guan Yunyu stared at Gao Yingmin with his phoenix eyes, and couldn’t help asking.

“So, you care more about what Yang Yizhi thinks than me, don’t you?” Gao Yingmin raised his eyes, with deep meaning in his cold eyes, showing a slight alienation.

“I care about his ass!” Guan Yunyu couldn’t help swearing, meeting Gao Yingmin’s cold eyes, seeing her showing a hint of surprise, Guan Yunyu’s face immediately turned red. Damn, swearing in front of Gao Yingmin.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty.” Guan Yunyu bit his lip and clasped his fingers in embarrassment.

“Yeah.” Gao Yingmin replied lightly. Also no longer say anything.

“Your Majesty, are you angry?” Guan Yunyu noticed Gao Yingmin’s strangeness and asked cautiously. Seeing Gao Yingmin get up, Guan Yunyu followed behind her nervously, his eyes fell on the back of her neck, the horrific wound made her startled.

That day when she had her first climax and stayed on the roof of the full moon building with no one to rely on, it was Gao Yingmin who appeared like a ray of light and patiently accompanied her through the difficult night. At that time, she lost her mind and had no scruples. Gao Yingmin’s wound, after hearing the news that Gao Yingmin asked her to marry her, I was even more upset, I didn’t take it into account, now I see it, my heart hurts, it must be very painful to be bitten by her there.

“Your Majesty, I was wrong.” Guan Yunyu floated leisurely in front of Gao Yingmin, and carefully apologized.

“You’re not wrong, it’s only my fault, it’s this kind of physique.” Gao Yingmin looked at her lightly, with a little apology in his eyes.

“There’s nothing wrong with such a physique, anyway, only I can smell your pheromone.” Guan Yunyu raised her thin lips, blinked her phoenix eyes, a little smug.

“Yunyu, you have to know that no matter if he has such a physique or not, I will not like Yang Yizhi.” Gao Yingmin looked at Guan Yunyu, his voice was faint but determined.

“Really?” Guan Yunyu’s eyes flickered a little. If he could smell the top-quality cold plum fragrance from Yang Yizhi’s body, wouldn’t Gao Yingmin be tempted? That taste is a very pure pheromone, a pheromone that can make all Omegas fall in love with it.

“Yes.” Gao Yingmin said softly.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu nodded, she doesn’t care whether Gao Yingmin is sincere or coaxing her, in short, Gao Yingmin is hers, hers alone. This is enough.

“Your Majesty, I’ll help you apply the medicine.” Guan Yunyu took out Jinchuang ointment from his arms, looked at Gao Yingmin, and his eyes fell on the back|neck of her neck. Gao Yingmin turned around actively, brushed away his long hair, There are glands full of rich fruity aroma and deep marks, which probably make all Alphas who want to get close to Gao Yingmin feel chills.

The fingertips stained with the ointment fell down gently, and the faint rosiness ran along Gao Yingmin’s neck|neck and spread to the roots of the ears. She bit her lip slightly, restraining the moan||moan that was about to overflow her mouth, and there was a faint light in her cold eyes The water mist, subconsciously grasping the corner of Guan Yunyu’s clothes.

“It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt. Just blow on the pain and it will go away.” Guan Yunyu blew lightly, his eyes full of distress, and he whispered.

The moist and hot breath, carrying Alpha pheromone, poured into the mouth of the gland, Gao Yingmin’s eyes trembled slightly, his red lips parted slightly, and he shouted softly.

“Yun Yu.”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I shouldn’t have lost my temper with you.” Guan Yunyu pouted, like a child who made a mistake, and said softly.

“It’s Zhen, I should have told you this long ago, instead of letting you hear it from others.” Gao Yingmin said softly with mist in his eyes. The aloof emperor, in front of his Alpha, is as tender as water.

“I’m stupid! I should have guessed it a long time ago!” Guan Yunyu said, biting his lip and staring at her phoenix eyes.

“Pfft.” Gao Yingmin couldn’t help laughing. In this world, there are still guys like Guan Yunyu who constantly admit their mistakes. It’s so cute.

“Your Majesty, you are my Guan Yunyu’s daughter-in-law, and no one can take you away.” Guan Yunyu said seriously with firm phoenix eyes.

“So, you’re not running away.” Gao Yingmin blinked and asked leisurely.

“When did I escape?” Guan Yunyu’s eyes flickered and his face turned red. Indeed, her first reaction when she heard the news was that she really wanted to run away, but Gao Yingmin had gone through so many things for her, how could she run away, it was too inhuman to do so.

“Okay. My Alpha has always been a responsible person.” Gao Yingmin pursed his lips and said with a smile.

“Of course! Even if I risk the world’s displeasure, I will marry this relative.” Guan Yunyu raised her delicate eyebrows and said seriously.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin responded softly, looking at Guan Yunyu softly. At this moment, in her eyes, this little man was shining brilliantly.


Back in the secret room of Guan’s house, Guan Yunyu began to pour spices. She poured all night, and when she went to court the next day, she had big dark circles under her eyes.

“Guan Shilang, did you become a thief last night?” Seeing Guan Yunyu who felt like he was about to ascend to heaven, You Ran asked leisurely.


“No.” Guan Yunyu came to his senses, shook his head, with a smirk on his lips, took out a sachet from his bosom, and floated in front of You Ran, You Ran shivered with coldness, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. strange.

“Guan Shilang, you, why do you still have such a habit?”

“How, does it look like it?” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows, looked at You Ran, and asked with a smile.

“Hmm. It’s quite similar.” You Ran pinched his nose, he didn’t like the smell.

“Haha, and this.” Guan Yunyu took out another sachet from his pocket and waved it in front of Youran, whose complexion became even worse.

“Guan Shilang, you, what do you want to do?”

“Hahaha. I am simply a genius in the world of incense making!” Guan Yunyu put the two sachets back into his arms, head held high, and strode forward.

Above the court, Guan Yunyu’s gaze fell on Gao Yingmin. Gao Yingmin felt the man’s burning gaze and came up to meet him. The man blinked at her without hesitation, and raised his eyebrows triumphantly. , Gao Yingmin shook his head, a touch of shyness flashed in his eyes. He heard the man say to her in lip language that he would look for her next court.

“Your Majesty, I hope you will give your instructions on the decision just now.” The Minister of Industry asked Gao Yingmin softly after seeing Gao Yingmin’s silence for a long time.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin replied lightly.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry bowed his head and listened carefully, but there was only one good word, and His Majesty had nothing else to say. What does good mean? The minister of the Ministry of Industry was puzzled, but he didn’t dare to ask, otherwise, the holy will is unpredictable.

However, Yang Yizhi, who was standing by the side, saw it clearly, and there was a bit of coldness in his deep eyes. Gao Yingmin, who was rational and decisive, was dazzled just because of Guan Yunyu’s eyes. What the minister of the Ministry of Industry said just now , she didn’t listen to a word. Yang Yizhi looked back, his eyes fell on Guan Yunyu who was proud like a little skylark, and he clenched his fists secretly.


After the court, all the ministers gathered around Gao Yingmin to discuss state affairs. Gao Yingmin looked past the crowd and landed on Guan Yunyu who was standing quietly in the corner.

“I’m a little tired today, I’ll discuss these matters later.” Gao Yingmin replied lightly.

A group of courtiers are facing each other, and their fighting power has been beyond the mark. They can’t wait to drag their Alphas to fight at night. Gao Yingmin, who is dying and working overtime, claims that he is tired. Really, the sun hits the west, for the first time.

“Your Majesty has recently contracted a cold, and his body is a little weaker. Please go back, adults.” Jian Rong smiled and smoothed things over.

“Okay.” All the ministers bowed and retreated.

Seeing Gao Yingmin walking straight towards Guan Yunyu, Jianrong really didn’t shy away.

“Guan Shilang, what do you want me for?” Gao Yingmin asked softly with a faint smile in his eyes.

“Of course there must be something serious!” Guan Yunyu held back all morning, and when he saw Gao Yingmin, he burst into a smile, and his white teeth went behind his ears. I can’t wait to let Gao Yingmin see his own works right away.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin smiled faintly. This guy is always like this, and he is not good at it, but she thinks it is quite cute.

“Let’s go. There are too many people here, let’s go to the Imperial Garden.” Guan Yunyu looked around and said mysteriously.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin nodded, and followed Guan Yunyu to the Imperial Garden.

Walking under the willow tree by the lake, Guan Yunyu mysteriously took out two sachets from his pocket.

“Your Majesty, look, which one do you like better?” Guan Yunyu handed the sachet to Gao Yingmin, who lowered his eyes, smelled it, and tapped one of them.

The moment Gao Yingmin got the sachet, the bright smile on Guan Yunyu’s face suddenly disappeared.

The author has something to say: Guan Yunyu (smile gradually disappears): This is a day of horse racing on the head of the daily life…

Gao Yingmin (calmly): A day when you can’t figure out what’s in her little head…

Next episode preview:

The door of the imperial study room was opened by Gao Yingmin. The man stood in the sun and looked at her with a smile on his face. wrapped up.

“Guan Shilang, you.” Gao Yingmin’s red lips moved, and there was a faint mist in his eyes, and he was slammed by Guan Yunyu, who had long hands and feet.

“Your Majesty, don’t call me Guan Shilang, call me Yun Yu.”

“You made a mistake, and I have to punish you.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-18 11:36:40~2021-01-2021:41:53~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: HeroicBlack, Xinghe Zhimingyi 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Wu-10; 9 bottles of Nangong Xiaoshi; 5 bottles of Addicted to Sucking Cat Civil Affairs Bureau; 1 bottle of Qingfeng Xulai, Uglazy, Jiujiuba;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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