The Road Home

Chapter 7 - Wandering people (4)

This sentence made Gui Xiao stunned.

He leaned on the door, covered with snow on his shoulders, and face to face with her, looking at her eyes without any emotions, but the attitude of opening a mouth lowered even more: “Help me.”

It was like changing a person, and forgotten how stupid she was in a small restaurant ten minutes ago, hitting her, even apologizing.

“Return to dawn,” Xiao Cai returned to her soul, and went to speak to Lu Yanchen. “Just help me, I will keep this note on my account.”

More than ten years have passed, and he can’t live more and more back, and he is as suffocated as he used to be.

Besides … it’s not a boyfriend or a girlfriend, it’s okay to apologize.

“I will return to Beijing the day after tomorrow,” she clenched her steering wheel and slowed her tone. “This matter is not as simple as you think. Let me talk about it in detail. You can bring your child to Beijing as soon as possible. Don’t delay him in class during the winter vacation. . “

Wait to talk with a few friends first to see if you can make less.

If he didn’t … it would be okay to help him first.

“Just talk now.” He was welcome.

She suddenly said: “Now?”

Qin Mingyu followed early, and Zhunjun had a chance to talk: “Yeah, now. You see that you are so much help, it should be me who is the father to thank you. Or come in to drink and the bar, the road team will not touch tonight Wine, he sends you back! “

After one or two visits, Gui Xiao was persuaded to return by the partnership.

It was still the small table, Qin Mingyu rolled up the curtains hanging on the floor, knotted them, and tucked them into the gap between the heating pipe and the wall, which was neat. Lu Yanchen changed his attitude and dragged a chair for Gui Xiao himself.

He whispered in ins and outs. Because Qin Mingyu left the army early, Qin Xiaonan borrowed a second person in Erlianhaote. No one cares for him, which is very pitiful, so he wants to take his child back to Beijing to read a few years.

“I helped Xiao Cai once last year,” so Xiao Cai said the first time that she had a way. “You and her are different. There is no proof of guardian’s family registration migration, no proof of guardian transfer work, and even, You are not a guardian either. Give me some time and you need to find him a home address first. “

“That said, buy a house first?”

Where is it easy to buy a house in Beijing?

Gui Xiao was surprised: “Buy a house? Haven’t you registered your hukou yet? I can help you rent a house.”

He glanced at Guixiao: “I’ll fix it.”

Solve it yourself? He didn’t go back for eleven years, fearing that it would take a lot of time to solve his own problems.

But these seemed to have nothing to do with her, at least Lu Yanchen’s attitude was obvious.

“Okay,” Gui Xiao skipped the question, “I’ll go through the formalities in Beijing, and I will be able to directly adjust the files after I have issued a certificate. I need someone to do the follow-up procedures.”

“Here is my dear, I say hello to the principal in advance, and let people take it over at that time.” Qin Mingyu volunteered.

Almost finished, the only thing that can’t be settled is the time to take Qin Xiaonan to Beijing. Gui Xiao’s opinion is that the New Year is almost coming, so be sure to bring it before the year before to meet the principal. After the New Year’s procedures.

But Lu Yanchen still has urgent matters to deal with here, and Qin Mingyu has not retired, let alone can’t move around like this.

“Let me think about it,” Lu Yanchen didn’t say anything. “I’ll tell you in two days.”

Going back to the hotel, Gui Xiao hadn’t tasted yet, leaning on the bedside to be fascinated.

At first, it was very unfortunate that she was facing the middle school entrance examination. He was preparing for the college entrance examination. It didn’t take long for her to go to the district key high school to study.

The two were considered to be a long distance relationship from the beginning, and she could only see her by phone, but sometimes she felt really wronged. It was so difficult for me to find countless excuses to return to the town of junior high school during the winter vacation. She had just arrived in the courtyard that night, and she didn’t want to surprise him in advance. She went to the auto repair shop to find him in the evening, and when the place arrived, she was asked to ask him to come out.

After a while, he saw the tall and thin shadow. He took a silver wrench and came out, hunting in the cold wind, but wearing a shirt.

She ran over: “Frozen to death.”

He watched her hot little face because she was struggling to ride a car all the way: “Come in cold.”

She was embarrassed: “I said you were going to freeze to death and wear so little.”

When you follow him in, everyone will smile and ask: little girlfriend? He defaults.

She also whispered beautifully: “I will marry the local boss later …”

In those days, besides going back to his aunt’s house to sleep at night, he nestled in the cold room of his garage during the day, or squatted next to the suspended car, watched him lying under the car, and handed him the tools. It is often full of hands and arms with black paint, and it is shirtless when it comes out from under the car …

Fortunately, there is a face of Peugeot.

She is optimistic, thinking that every year there are winter and summer vacations, not just three years of high school? Just wait for her to go to college.

But not long after the winter vacation, Lu Yanchen joined the army.

Since then, Nanhaibei even made a phone call like a holiday. Even if she encountered any sadness, he didn’t even have time to listen to her cry. If she complains too much, he will also be impatient, who is the most disregarded age of a teenager, who will lose his temper? Originally, there were few opportunities to talk on the phone, and it was rare to be talking and quarreling. Thinking about it, it was not beautiful.

After falling asleep in the middle of the night, Gui Xiao always heard the wind, and couldn’t tell whether it was a dream or a window.

She got up from the bed and touched the glass window. It was really snowstorm, the street lights were all off, and only the treetops outside the window were shaking. After watching it for a while, I couldn’t sleep.

Gui Xiao touched the switch all the way and kept pressing, the light stretched from the bedroom to the bathroom. In the end, the whole person was stunned, lying beside the sink, turning on the faucet, there was no hot water, and it was cold.

She watched the water rush for a long time, and it was too tight for him to think about the matter in which he asked himself.

Think about it still wrong, dialed his cell phone.

The moment the call was connected, the wolverine-like background sound over there seemed to drag her back a few hours ago, in the space where he sat face to face with his eyes closed, and he could imagine his appearance and that The dark pupils were soaked in ice water.

The waiting tone disappeared and turned on … but she seemed to be blocked, not knowing how to start.

A long gap, neither of them spoke.

It turned out that he first said, “Not yet asleep?”

“Well,” she rubbed her eyes. “You can pack things for Qin Xiaonan. I’ll take him back first. The plane will be at 4.20 the day after tomorrow. I will give him a ticket later. You must remember to send him at three o’clock. Come here, don’t miss the plane— “



Only the sound of water flowing.

She remembered calling him when he was young, holding the handset, it was easy to hear each other’s breathing sounds being amplified, and when the mobile phone developed more and more mature, there was no such rustling breath.

“It’s deeper in the middle of the night,” Lu Yanchen estimated, again biting a cigarette, not clearly speaking, “Are you afraid of taking a shower when you’re cold?”

“I didn’t take a shower.” Gui Xiao turned blank and turned on the faucet.

It was clearly wearing pajamas, a thin layer of cloth, and the neckline, even the back waist and insteps were soaked with cold. But she couldn’t bear to get back into the quilt of the room, fearing that moving the half-step phone would disconnect the line because of poor signal.

It was a long quiet again.

“Hang up.” Lu Yanchen confessed and hung up.

Crossing more than half of Erlianhot, it’s still the small restaurant.

He opened the back door, pulled out a chair, threw it to the corner, and sat in the whistle.

In the past, when he recruited people into the squadron, he often crossed his legs on the table, turned over those mountainous personal resumes, and was most interested in everyone’s weakness. No one is indestructible, including him.

Straddling him in a chair, his back against the corner of the wall and the glass door, was silent, smoking one after the other.

By 5 o’clock the wind and snow became tighter, and everyone inside stopped, or three or two continued to chat with little effort, or fell asleep and fell asleep, he still leaned in the distance, in the wind Try to spit out a little smoke ring.

He narrowed his eyes when he heard the footsteps: “Give your son a pack, the day after tomorrow, and take him to Beijing first. She is afraid that it will be too late for us to send the child over.”

This is really “helping people to the end.”

“Really ?! The first love of the road team is really interesting!” Qin Mingyu sat on the steps with his buttocks next to Lu Yanchen’s feet, “I have helped you to ask, people are not married, and she must be so helpful. It ’s interesting to you. Take it away. “

The wind hurt my eyes, and it was probably smoked all night.

He laughed at himself: “It wasn’t a teenage hairy boy, what did he give? It was undressed, no money, no room, no car, no friends in Beijing for more than ten years. Another at home Do you take people to the fire pit?

Lu Yanchen narrowed her eyes, thinking of how long it would take to wake up some of them, and remembered that day.

She wore a plain white shirt without any patterns, dark red shorts and off-white canvas shoes, a pointed face, and her horns were wet with sweat. The boys all over the room looked over when she entered. It reminded him of the barefoot touch of fish by the river when he was a kid, the kind of small translucent shells rarely found in the hot sun water, clean and beautiful, spotlessly washed by water …

Especially the moment she saw herself, her teeth bit into the edge of her lower lip and her mouth rose. What a nice view.

Two days later, Xiao Cai and the rest went to Ulaanbaatar.

Gui Xiao taxied to the airport alone and waited for them at the checkin place. At three o’clock, Lu Yanchen appeared with a black travel bag. He was born unassuming and tall, and had an advantage in height. After 11 years of military service, people became even more upright. Just walking a few steps would turn ordinary passers-by. Dumped out a lot. It’s hard not to notice.

Lu Yanchen stood still and put down his travel bag. He dragged Qin Xiaonan behind him: “Passport.”

Qin Xiaonan immediately grasped the spirit and gave his hands to Guixiao.

Gui Xiao turned over and inspected, and found that Qin Xiaonan was just seven years old and was really a precocious child.

This was the first time she took a child on a plane, for fear of losing someone, the first thing would be to pull the child’s hand. Qin Xiaonan twiddled and kept on Lu Yanchen. Lu Yanchen was too lazy to take care of the “shy” emotion of his little broken child. When Gui Xiao completed the check-in formalities, he was sent outside the security checkpoint: “I have passed the year Back to Beijing.”

Gui Xiao nodded.

Later, the two didn’t talk much. After passing the security check, she quietly looked away by tidying up her computer bag.

Lu Yanchen still stuck his hands in his trousers pockets and stood beside the security checkpoint. Countless people walked inward, but he remained motionless. Suddenly, she had bad guesses, afraid that he would stay in Erlianhot forever, just as he had just said …

Fortunately, the child who took the initiative to hold her hand reminded her with her temperature that there was still a living person.

He will definitely return.

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