The Road Home

Chapter 24 - Inch Mountain Dream (2)

There was only such a light in the room.

A dozen degrees below zero through a glass of glass, the sheets were wrapped in damp and hot.

He arrived at the scene that night and watched people arrange for the crowd to evacuate. He smoked near the window on the corner of the corridor on the second floor. At my feet is a trash can filled with various domestic garbage. A puff of smoke is deeply sucked into the lungs, like a circle from the five internal organs. I was thinking of her, and I still thought it was a lively picture. Before I went down, I thought about it for a while, and I was content with it. After I went down, I didn’t dare to think about it for half a minute. I knew this name, this person, it was too disturbing.

Her hair, the smell of her hair, the radian of her lips, the tones softly touched in certain places, and a few inflections … and occasionally she couldn’t help herself, reaching out and touching his body. .

Can’t think, regret it. I regret that I didn’t make it to the end, from small to big, from little girl to big girl, and what it was like to have **** with myself, I do n’t know if it really dies, it is almost the biggest regret in this life.

Right now, if it’s not unlucky to go to the corpse, then there is nothing to worry about.

What to do is understood by adults.

When it’s true, it’s not as easy and beautiful as you think.

Lu Yanchen’s hair ends were wet with sweat, her shoulders were still bitten by Gui Xiao, and her right hand was resting on the wall on the bedside. Her throat was rubbed with sandpaper, sore and dry. I wanted to call it her name.

The irrepressible pleasure suddenly came up, for the first time.

Guixiao’s eyelashes were soaked, slightly fanned, and the fingers behind his neck were trembling slightly. His energy seemed to be suddenly drained: “Lu Chen … Lu Chen.” I didn’t know what to say except to call him.

Lu Yanchen bowed her face down and pressed her sweaty face, and whispered, “Is it really crying?”

“Hmm …” It hurt.

Fortunately, at this time, if I did it as a kid, I would cry until he was faintly scolded and ignored him for several days …

Gui Xiao turned over, and the frustration at the beginning of the serious illness was all about breaking all the bones and reconnecting it. It hurt everywhere, and I did n’t know whether it hurt more inside or outside. In short, she was sitting and waiting for him to cook and eat. Just responsible for selling the cute side to chat, just let go. Lu Yanchen put on her trousers and put it on casually. She walked around the bed with her upper body bare, washed her with a hot towel and wiped her from top to bottom, and wiped off the sheets as much as possible with a napkin. , And went to take a hot bath again. Back again, I saw Gui Xiao leaning against the bed and looking at the phone.

He twisted the cigarette, rubbed the filter at the end of the cigarette, and sighed softly. “I just didn’t dare to see you crying so hard. It seemed like a pretense.”

Gui Xiao’s eyes were red and glared at him.

She thought that Lu Yanchen was going back and forth that night. I didn’t expect that when I looked at the mobile phone, Xu Xi’s phone came in two, and she also sent a text message to ask if anything happened. A closer look at this has passed a long day and night.

Gui Xiao returned a text message saying that it was okay, people were in the field and waited to get back to contact.

Lu Yanchen took a few puffs of cigarettes and saw her bare arms pressed against the quilt. Her hair was half wet and a bit messy. She rushed behind her ears, only to feel her throat dry. Counting time, I can do it again, so I extinguished the smoke, and even when Gui Xiao was still playing with his phone, he leaned over and made it, Gui Xiao muttered that he was tired and not busy.

He took it and dropped it on his bedside table: “It will be resolved in forty minutes.”

After speaking, I turned her over and came again.

This time is over.

Gui Xiao couldn’t handle anything, and he obediently fell asleep beside him.

Sleeping till dawn, no one was around.

My mind suddenly cleared, I sat up sharply, and a dark shadow went to bed: “I didn’t go.”

Gui Xiaoxin was still jumping about, feeling his hand touching his shoulder: “Habit is getting up early.”

The smell of a cigarette should be just after I went out and smoked it. The shirt was chilly. Gui Xiao pushed him outward: “Undress and come up again.”

Lu Yanchen smiled, unbuttoned from top to bottom with one hand, and dropped his shirt on the nightstand.

The trousers were also taken off, but nothing was worn inside.

You can see the outline of Yomota’s body when the light is unknown, and when he is embraced by his chest, he whispered, “You don’t like to wear underwear?”

Then, when I was a kid–

She thought of two people wrapped in quilts when they kissed for the first time, and kissed them, and they were covered with sweat. At that time, he was wearing a pair of pants. …

Lu Yanchen didn’t know she was thinking about this. Just now, when he was smoking in the stairwell at the end of the corridor, he remembered the scene of the two breaking up. I was thinking, how to explain her real thoughts, which is completely different from the ideological education of the squadron members, each person’s values ​​are shaped in their own growth environment.

How long should this story begin.

“In the first two years of Erlianhaote, I had three choices,” Lu Yanchen put her fingers around her long hair. “The leader here went to two people. When he picked someone, he took all the people directly A classroom, full of three hours of video, is an internal documentary, anti-terrorist pictures of borders across the border for decades. “

A dozen soldiers were blocked in the compound by hundreds …

The fingers of the corpse with the back against the wall were chopped off, taking away the charge full of bullets | front | guns, because they couldn’t shoot …

“Seeing half of it, everyone couldn’t bear to let the leader shut down,” Lu Yanchen smiled. “Later, the most capable people in the room left with the leader who showed the horror movie.” Including him.

The two leaders laughed and said to them when they walked away that the times are good now, and the conditions were not so good before 1998. Not everyone has a body armor. Everyone is rushing to wear body armor. Why? Because the person wearing the body armor must rush to the front. One of the leaders who went to pick people that day later changed jobs and went to the Public Security Bureau. When he was in the position of Deputy Commissioner, he sacrificed to cover up the comrades during the hunt. Another one is his old captain.

Gui Xiao’s breath was sprinkled evenly and steadily on his collarbone, and he said softly, “You rarely say so much.”

Lu Yanchen continued to play with her hair and did not speak.

At the beginning, he insisted on leaving. Tiannanhaibei separated so far away without a return date, so that the little girl waited without expectation, and had to carry it by herself. At the critical moment, I even wanted a warm consolation. No … they all say that military entrenchment is difficult to do. Anyway, an adult woman has to deal with it, but she is a teenage girl. Why does he ask others to wait, tolerate others, and to hold them back when they are the most difficult? , Resist.

He just couldn’t bear it.

Before breaking up, tired and bitter, he thought of a little girl waiting for himself somewhere, but he didn’t feel anything.

But you ca n’t think more about it after separation. It ’s all about what her future husband looks like, and thought that maybe he would live in Erlianhaote one day, return to Beijing to visit relatives, and meet her in town. The beautiful child, or Weilong with small belly, ate at the Meng Xiaoshan Hotel, and they met …

Look at each other? He can’t do it.

Nor can he be required to be so high.

Whenever she thinks that she will marry someone, he feels uncomfortable and feels ridiculous. He has devoted his youth to his blood for many years, but his little girl is married to someone else’s woman. Girls, ca n’t read one more point, it will be unbalanced, and they will complain. No, it shouldn’t.

It is enough to think so many times a year.

One was the initial recovery from a serious illness, and the other was two nights without sleep.

I slept until three or four in the afternoon, got up, and Lu Yanchen went out.

Gui Xiao took a long time to look in the mirror in the bathroom, and looked at it from the east to the west to see the signs left by Lu Yanchen’s hand when he was heavy. There are really a lot of impressions last night. When the door rang, she immediately made the shirt, touched the lip glaze out of the makeup bag, and swiped lightly on her lips. Lu Yanchen shouldered her on the door frame and kicked her. She was like a little girl who stole makeup, even more uncomfortable: “Don’t look at me for makeup …”

“On the team, I want to meet you.”

Gui Xiao was stupid: “See me?”

“Aren’t you going to marry me?” Lu Yanchen smiled slightly. “They want to see the sister-in-law. This time, there is probably no chance to see you again.”

Gui Xiao thought of that night, that night in that bar: “Did you … have you seen it?”

“The last time you were aggressive, you didn’t realize that they were afraid of you and didn’t dare to come and say hello to you?”

Where is the aggressive: “You murdered me, and I went back.”

Lu Yanchen smiled: “Go? Or not?”

It was full of confusion, and the meaning was clear. Go and go. If not, go.

Gui Xiao froze her lips so that the color spread evenly on her lips: “… Can you wear a skirt?”

Lu Yanchen narrowed his eyes.

“I look good in a skirt,” Gui Xiao explained.

He would like to say, do you know what degree is outside now?

But looking at her slightly raised eyelashes and those flickering eyes, after thinking for a while, she felt nothing. The girl loved beauty and let her be beautiful, and she was also his wife who was so beautiful.

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