The Road Home

Chapter 16 - The road ahead is unknown (2)

Before Lu Yanchen returned, she was chatting with the grandfather in the communication room.

The old man was afraid of cold and bad heating, so he burned an old-fashioned coal stove for heating.

When Gui Xiaonian was in junior high school, each class had a heating coal stove placed next to the podium. At that time, she benefited most from sitting in the first row, but she also had to work, such as adding some briquettes and using fire tongs to pass through the fire. What. More than ten years have passed, and today it is still familiar with it. I just use the stove and listen to the old man talking about several wealthy families in the town.

Talking, it was Meng’s turn.

After Meng Xiaoshan’s marriage, they donated toilets to middle schools for several years, replaced the school’s water supply with direct drinking water, and donated new playgrounds … Everything was a Jide thing. The old man finished all those good deeds, turned to the marriage that shakes the town of Meng Xiaoshan and Qin Feng, and finally sighed: “The blessings repaired by the Qin family can find Meng Xiaoshan as their daughter-in-law. The Hai family is real No luck. “

This emotion seemed to witness the love and hatred of the three juniors.

Gui Xiao smiled, stretched her frozen fingers over the flames, and continued to cook.

It is not that the Hai family is blessed, but that Haidong is too able to toss.

Shengshengzao did not have a good marriage.

At first Meng Xiaoshan was marrying Haidong with all his heart, but Haidong was so enthusiastic that he couldn’t hold the flowery intestines. He liked to tease the poor with the little girls, eat and eat, and ambiguous. He felt that he just recognized a few sisters and did not do anything special, so he expected that Meng Xiaoshan would not break up. At that time, the two were in fact no different from ordinary young couples except for drinking and pulling cards.

But he still didn’t understand Meng Xiaoshan, that was a woman who could get down hard. In a breakup, it was a terrible break, and the whole town knew that Haidong knelt outside the Meng family’s door all night and talked to various people to do their best, but he did not persuade Meng Xiaoshan to change his mind. But after all, it ’s first love, first night, and so on. All the words with the word “初” are related to Haidong. It is not uncomfortable and fake. Meng Xiaoshan also has been decadent because of this matter. After two months, it is still too slow. In the game hall, he didn’t go home from morning till night.

At that time, Qin Feng, who was also the owner of the game hall, couldn’t stand it anymore and asked Meng Xiaoshan to leave him alone and dare not say anything else. He would never delay his family because of other women. Qin Feng is twelve years older than Meng Xiaoshan. Throughout the round, he dropped out of school and also served as a soldier. When he came back, he did business. He wrapped up all these small hunks in the town and took care of himself. This is Meng Xiaoshan’s understanding of Qin Feng. However, Meng Xiaoshan’s family was in good condition, and his father was the mayor at the time. He did not agree with life and death. Meng Xiaoshan was also frustrated and wanted to marry someone to find some warmth.

So Meng Xiaoshan, who had just passed the legal marriage age, marry to Qin Feng who hadn’t dealt with it. On the day of the wedding, Haidong was crazy and was taken away by Qin Feng’s former brothers and those “brothers” near several villages. He was locked in the house for two days and wrote a guarantee. come out.

After the wedding night, Gui Xiao asked Meng Xiaoshan on the phone: “Reliable?”

What Meng Xiaoshan gave to Guixiao was that Qin Feng had mixed well before he became a soldier, and he had mixed well when he returned, which proves that this man has the ability to feed himself, and besides, he is more than thirty years old and has been mixing for many years. I didn’t see any messy men and women, and I saw that this man had a good attitude towards the relationship between men and women. At the end, Meng Xiaoshan concluded: “Reliable and unreliable, if I can really separate it, I won’t be like Haidong. For many years, “and then Meng Xiaoshan again snorted with a nasal cry.” But I have really experienced my husband. The man who carried the gun is of good physical and physical strength. It is a pity that you and Lu Chen broke up … “

Finally, Meng Xiaoshan, who said he had “have”, said that he did not want to have children. Qin Feng had an older sister and two older brothers. There was no pressure in this respect.

Over time, the relationship between Meng Xiaoshan and Haidong has not been so rigid. Although they don’t have frequent exchanges, they can help each other when things happen.

Meng Xiaoshan’s self-assessment on this is: It is not how big she is, but when one is living a good life, naturally she can’t remember so many complaints. Although the two have not passed away that kind of feeling, but with the affection of the teenager, the people who can think of the most critical moment are still each other.

The coal did not burn too well, squeezing the fire.

Gui Xiao was sitting on a small stool, using iron tongs to remove the waste coal that had been burned, and wanted to set the fire a little higher.

On the right, the window was rattled.

She looked up to see him, and immediately threw the iron pliers back to the dustpan and left the transmission room.

Lu Yanchen carried vegetables and meat in three large plastic bags, one of which was still dripping water, and pooled a small stall on the concrete steps: “How come out?”

“Your mother is here,” Gui Xiao said, still worried. “I started wanting to chat with her, but she didn’t seem very happy … I was afraid to say something wrong and ran out without sitting too much.”

He smiled, “Did you get angry?”

“No …” Gui Xiao saw him like this, guessing that he was over-expressing himself, and hurriedly rewinded the words, saying good things for his mother, “Your mother is very good.”

Lu Yanchen didn’t speak.

Gui Xiao also said, “She asked me and Qin Xiaonan to go to your house for lunch before she left. Are we going?”

“do you want to go?”

Lu Yanchen saw the broken hair on her face fluttering with the cold wind, and wanted to help her smooth, but she just picked raw meat and shrimp in the vegetable market with both hands, and it was not clean. Just think about it.

After returning to the hesitant time, he raised a few bags in his hand: “Buy so much without eating waste, go in.”

Don’t go? Gui Xiao is not right again.

Although his mother had a bad attitude, since she opened her mouth to let her eat, if she didn’t go, it would be a thorn in the future. Or at least have to give a suitable reason to refuse, so ambiguous, unknowing will not go, in the eyes of any elders are very disrespectful, let alone his mother.

Gui Xiao was distracted and wanted to discuss with him again,

A big boy in work clothes, carrying a registration form in his hand, ran out and called Brother Chen Chen, where some of the guests were in trouble and were not upright. Lu Yanchen put the three plastic bags to the iron gate: “Wait a while.”

Gui Xiao nodded, and he went out two steps and said, “Don’t take the bag, it’s all dirty and dirty.”

After that, I followed the big boy into it.

From the beginning to the end, Qin Xiaonan was pretending to be on the side, and Lu Yan walked in the morning before she stood by Gui Xiao.

So the two of them nestled outside the transmission room and waited.

About ten minutes later, a black car drove out of the garage. The driver was a young repairman, because she had a pair of blue-rimmed glasses on her face, and she had a slight impression on that face. When the car passed by Gui Xiao, the man specifically lowered the window and said, “Sister, Chen brother wants you to wait, don’t go in. Someone inside has started, I will call two people who can control them.” After speaking the throttle, he walked away.

Hands on?

In Erlianhaote, I saw him with more than a dozen hooligans. He was afraid at the time, because he was injured. But here, I’m even more afraid that if he doesn’t know how important it is to hurt someone …

Gui Xiao wanted to see it, Fang took a half-step and kicked the plastic bag beside his feet.

The contents of the bag fluttered, and two big live fish rolled out, and the fish was dripping with water. After two turns on the mud, it was wrapped in a layer of dirty mud. Gui Xiao went to pick up the fish, and Qin Xiaonan helped catch it. The two men tossed for a long time before they put the two dirty things back in, but they also got full of water and mud.

Gui Xiao looks at his wolf, and then looks at the child: “Why did you buy a fish?” Isn’t there a small grass carp?

“Uncle Lu said he would buy it and keep it, in case you want to eat big fish, I’m afraid not.”

Gui Xiaoxin was light and silent.

The two entered the communication room and the old man asked for a basin of hot water, and cleaned his hands and mud. Then came out again, half an hour later, Lu Yanchen still did not come out, but two more cars came.

“Little aunt!” The man jumped down and called her.

Gui Xiao was so stunned that he almost didn’t recognize that it was Haidong.

The eyebrows and facial features have not changed much, but the spirit has obviously changed. Without the suffocation of that year, it is more like the kind of native boss that Gu Xiaoping met on a business trip. He didn’t seem clear about returning here, and was very happy to greet her with two words: “I’ll go first, a few thorns in our village are here to cause trouble, I’ll help Lu Chen education and education. Chat for a while! “

Haidong brought a few brothers together, and Lisuo dealt with the matter again.

Lu Yanchen came out like everyone else, and took a few bags with Gui Xiao and Qin Xiaonan to go in. Haidong was holding a cigarette, sitting across a temporarily moved bench at the gate of the factory building and going to see The three young men squatting with their hands in front of their heads in front of them: “It’s really exciting, don’t ask who this garage is?”

“Haidong, we just want to pick up the car earlier …”

“No **** nonsense,” Haidong was too lazy to talk nonsense, seeing Lu Yanchen passing by, holding his fingers in the smoke, “called Chen Brother.”

One after another “Morning Brother”.

Lu Yanchen didn’t tilt his eyes and stepped into the factory building.

Gui Xiao somehow couldn’t help laughing, as if there hadn’t been a picture of Hai Dong Gou fighting for hundreds of years, and Lu Chen looked on coldly. When Haidong saw such a joy, it seemed to involve memories of the past. He was in a good mood, and shaved the boy who squatted in front of him: “Not yet?”

As the three of them approached the amnesty, they nodded their heads, and kept saying, “I have time to eat, Brother Haidong”, “Haidong has done a lot of business recently, and don’t forget the brothers who are in the same village.” Say something to Chen brother, we set a drink to thank the sin, … Gui Xiao didn’t listen any further, and caught up with Lu Yanchen.

Qin Xiaonan was sent to the room by Lu Yanchen to make an exercise book.

She found the kitchen, and Lu Yanchen rolled up her cuffs in a hurry, poured the dirty fish into the sink, and washed them.

For a time, all kinds of monotonous sounds were left in the small kitchen, scraping fish scales, throwing scissors into the pond, washing vegetables, brushing the pot … Gui Xiao is just like the past, and watching him make these, he can’t get in.

She leaned her head against the door frame: “If I don’t go, say it to your mother yourself?”

Lu Yanchen turned on the faucet, tapped the tap water, washed the inside and outside of his palm with soap, took off the towel hanging on the rope, and dried his hands: “No, I will tell her . “

His forbearance was necessary, and Guizhi didn’t have to suffer a little bit of grievance on it.

“How do you want to eat fish?” He asked suddenly.

“what fish is this?”

“mandarin fish.”

Gui Xiao’s first thought popped out of his mind: Mandarin fish is so expensive.

Since he paid the meal last night, Guixiao has been uncomfortable. The meal was for her cousin to find a place that was too expensive, and she was willing to send it to the cousin’s husband for a serious slaughter. However, Lu Yanchen finally paid for it. Gui Xiao heard the waiter and immediately asked for the invoice, saying that it was to be reimbursed, in fact to see the total price. The invoice was taken, and the cousins ​​and husbands were stunned, boasting that the team was really generous. His cousin made her more uncomfortable.

But you ca n’t directly say: Lu Chen, you do n’t care about your money in the future, let me come and wait until you take it easy …

The fish that had gone to the scales and washed and drained was still waiting to be sentenced.

She temporarily withdrew her thoughts and thought, “Squirrel mandarin fish.”

It’s not too much trouble to pick your mouth like a kid.

Lu Yanchen seemed to sigh secretly, seeing Haidong who solved the small thorns outside, smiled, and touched the kitchen with a smile to invite the work. He pulled out a ticket from his pants pocket and threw it out: “Go, buy a bag of starch . “

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