The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 3 - Huaihe Apartment

As a high-end residential area, Huaihe Apartment has a perfect security system. After the card is swiped in the underground garage, the elevator directly sends people to the house.

However, this is Yin Dong’s private residence, and Yang Jiajia has come in a handful of times. Yin Dong gave him the door card just in case of an emergency. Most of the people who are responsible for picking up and transferring Yin Dong’s work are usually another life assistant, and that life assistant was also unfortunately killed during the flight with Yin Dong to Kenya.

“1806, this one,” Yang Jiajia gave the sensor key to Yin Chang, “you take this.”

After that, Yang Jiajia used the memory collar Yin Chang to find the guest bedroom: “The guest bedroom has a separate bathroom, so you have to wash and rest.”

Before he left, he explained again: “Yes, listen to Sister Yao said that your return to China has been exposed by paparazzi. Now Dongge’s news is hot. You can go out without going out alone these two days. Yes Call me directly for anything. It’s easy for me to come over. “

“I see.” After watching Yang Jiajia leave, Yin Chang fell to bed and fell asleep within minutes.

The sky was already bright when he opened his eyes again. Yin Chang looked at his watch and found that he had not slept for less than four hours. He got up from the bed and made a slap, then noticed that the bed was covered with sheets of Transformers, including pillows and quilts.

…… Is this room specially prepared for him by Yin Dong? He fell asleep last night when he saw the bed, but found nothing.

Yin Chang was obsessed with Transformers when he was a kid. Every time Yin Dong went to see him and asked him what he wanted, he said he wanted Transformers, which led him to bring him similar gifts in the following years. Later, the living room display wall in his foreign home They couldn’t fit it anymore, and the nanny set aside a room for him to put models and hands on.

But this was a long time ago, and his preferences have long since changed.

Yin Chang stroked the sheets and sighed softly.

Maybe many people would envy him for having such a dad, but Yin Chang has more than one fantasy, if Yin Dong is not the film emperor, then he can have more time to accompany himself.

However, cruel reality tells him that being a man can never be greedy.

In contrast, even if Yin Dong is busy with work, what if he can’t see him twice a year? It’s better than the separation between heaven and man now …

He was just eighteen years old last month, Yin Dong promised him on the phone that day, and went back to make up for his birthday after a busy day.

…… Dream-like, in the blink of an eye, people are gone.

Yin Chang raised his head, blinked his sour eyes, swallowed his bitterness, and got up to wash.

There is a cartoon toothbrush cup on the table in the guest bathroom, Yin Chang can’t help but grin … How old is he, is Yin Dong still a kid?

After washing his face, Yin Chang went out to find water to drink, and visited the apartment by the way.

The house is small, more than 100 square meters, two bedrooms and one living room. The house is neatly packed, but the fashion magazines and unstacked casual clothes on the sofa can also be seen here.

Yin Dong’s bedroom is connected with an open cloakroom and a study. Yin Chang looked around and remembered what Lawyer Wang said last night, and he was still worried about the “adoption”. He went into the study and wanted to see if his father would leave some “relics” related to his life, such as his mother’s personal belongings or letters.

There were several books on the matte nan wooden table, and Yin Changyu couldn’t help seeing the title on the top cover.

That is not a professional book related to acting, nor is it a book of philosophical chicken soup, but a book entitled “Adolescent Mental Health”. Yin Chang moved this one, and there are two more below, namely, “How to communicate with the rebellious boy” and “Parents’ wisdom” …

The book had obvious traces, and it was also folded inside. Yin Chang turned it over, just turning to the chapter “Rebellious Boy Needs to Be Understood”. There were many words in the book that were drawn by readers and marked.

“Adolescent boys are in the stage of perfecting their personality. Changeable temperament and emotions are normal phenomena …”

“Some children have some behaviors that do not conform to the rules in the eyes of adults in order to explore themselves, but more often, this is just a way to seek attention …”

Yin Chang has a black line. He has already passed the age of rebellion. Moreover, he has played the role of a good son since he remembered. Even Fiona, who has taken care of him for 12 years, said that there is no more obedient child in the world than him. Already. Yin Chang was puzzled. What did his dad read these books?

I was wondering, and Yin Chang saw a thick stack of rotten scripts on the side of the bookshelf. He flashed with light—ah, maybe Yin Dong was about to make a film about the rebellious boy recently, so I found some Do your homework with the materials …

Putting down the book, Yin Chang opened a drawer and looked at it. There was nothing in it except work related documents.

After a while, the phone rang and it was Yang Jiajia.

“Yin Chang, did you make you rest?”

“No, I’m awake.” Yin Chang closed the drawer and found no evidence of his own life. He was a bit lost, and he felt frustrated with what Wang said last night.

“I went back so late last night. I was worried that you were hungry. I ordered it early and did n’t know what you like to eat. I ordered a few Chinese and Western dishes. The apartment security will be there in about half an hour. You send it. After you eat, you can rest for a while, I will pick you up around ten o’clock. “Yang Jiajia said over the phone.

“Okay, thank you.” Yin Chang gave up searching, straightened up and glanced at the study, and went out with her mobile phone.

After a while, the security guard delivered the takeaway directly.

After receiving two paper bags at the door, he lowered his head and saw a pair of slippers worn by children at the entrance. He stretched his feet to compare the size, and felt that it was worn by a boy in his teens. .

Returning to the living room sofa, Yin Chang just sat down and was attracted by another thing-on the floor next to the coffee table, there was an unpacked box of Lego.

In foreign countries, Lego is not exclusive to children, and many adults also fight Lego to decompress, but Yin Changke doesn’t think Yin Dong has this preference.

He was thinking wildly as he opened the takeaway.

Yang Jiajia is very thoughtful. Two bags, one bag contains Hong Kong-style porridge, fried dumplings and soy milk, and one bag contains sandwiches and freshly squeezed fruit juice. Yin Chang peeled a sandwich and the phone rang again. This time it was not a phone call, but a call from a Skype friend.

Press the ON button, and a young blond with the same age as Yin Chang appears on the screen.

“Hi brother, have you returned to China? Where are you now?”

This man’s name was Evan. It was the boy who had had disputes with Yin Chang at the time. The two did not know each other and have become friends since then. Evan is also the only foreign student in Yin Chang who knows his true identity.

“Here, I’m at my dad’s house.” Yin Chang raised his phone and let him glance at the environment.

“It looks empty, is anyone with you?” Evan’s expression and tone were full of concern.

“No, it’s just me.”

“You look tired.”

Yin Chang did not deny: “It is very tiring.”

Evan sympathized with his face: “Poor brother, I’m sorry for what happened … But everyone has to look forward. You and your dad usually don’t see each other very much, you just treat him as he is, he just went to another One place, yes, he’s gone to heaven … you need to cheer up. “

“I know,” Yin Chang bit his mouthful of the sandwich, remembering those strange details, and couldn’t help telling his friend, “I think there’s something wrong with my dad’s house.”

Evan: “What’s wrong?”

Yin Chang glanced at the lego at his feet: “Here are some things that should not be used by adult men.”

“It shouldn’t be used by adult men …” Evan smirked. “So it’s for women? Does your father have a new woman?”

“No.” If it was a woman, Yin Chang felt relieved. He always felt that Yin Dong was too abstinent. He had been alone for so many years, not even a gossip girlfriend. Yin Chang would like Yin Dong to find him another stepmother. He used to think Yao Manhuai was a good target, but the two didn’t seem to call.

Evan asked, “What is not a woman?”

“Children’s things,” Yin Chang pointed his camera at Lego, and said, “There are slippers for children in his house, and cartoon toothbrush cups in the bathroom. I think those should not be for me.”

Evan laughed, “Well, shouldn’t your father have an illegitimate child behind you?”

Yin Changgang’s bite of the sandwich almost spurted out. Evan did say the suspicion that he was hovering in his heart for a moment. Yin Chang took a second for a second and thought it was funny: “These things are for children over six years old. Except for the Samantha (Yao Manhuai) you’ve met before, he doesn’t even have a woman. Where is such a bastard?

Yin Chang seemed to persuade himself and said to Evan: “Although there are these things in the house, this house does not seem to have children living for a long time, otherwise it will not be so deserted.”

Evan: “Well, maybe a child of a friend of your father’s?”

“Probably.” Yin Chang also felt that this possibility was even greater.

Evan asked, “When are you coming back?”

Yin Chang: “I can’t come back for the time being. There are too many things here. My dad is gone. Now I have to deal with it.”

Evan: “Congratulations, you can no longer be a carefree little boy.”

Yin Chang smiled bitterly: “Don’t make fun of me, I have never been a little boy.”

Evan: “Okay, you are very man … So, are you happier chatting with me?”

Yin Chang cold-faced his heart, “Thank you, no.”

Evan: “…”

After hanging up the voice call, Yin Chang did feel better. Although Evan didn’t give him any substantial help, a simple talk could also ease his unexplainable uneasiness.

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