The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 2 - Unexpected life

In Yin Chang’s impression, Yao Manhuai is not just an agent who accompanies Yin Dong to lay the country.

In the early years, Yin Dong was busy with his work and lost contact as soon as he joined the crew. No matter what happened to Yin Chang, he could only find Yao Manhuai.

Once, the Asian babysitter Fiona at home suddenly had a high fever and coma. Yin Chang, only seven years old, was at a loss. He called for Yao Manhuai. Yao Manhuai called the overseas phone for an ambulance. Later, Yao Manhuai arranged a temporary Chinese aunt to take care of Yin. Until Fiona is discharged.

On another occasion, Yin Chang stumbled over his classmates while playing football at school, causing the ankle bone to break. The foreign boy threatened to make him unable to eat and walked. He thought he had caused a big deal and was upset. The teacher could n’t contact Yin Dong, so he contacted Yao Manhuai. Yao Manhuai flew abroad and settled everything for Yin Chang. He also brought Yin Chang to the other party for dinner and let the two children shake hands at the scene to make peace. Yin Dong went from the crew three months later. Came out before I knew about it.

Of course, there are only a handful of such emergencies, and Yin Chang is self-reliant and rarely troubles his dad.

But a few times, Yin Chang, who lacked maternal love since childhood, had an illusion: Yao Manhuai was the only “relative” he could trust except his father.

This has not changed even after Yin Dong changed his agent.

For example, this time, Yin Dong was killed, and the first person to call him was still Yao Manhuai.

Yao Manhuai said on the phone: “Xiao Chang, I hope you can return home as soon as possible to deal with something related to your father.”

So he came back.

“A lot of people saw me at the airport.” Yin Chang recounted the experience of Cai Fang to Yao Manhuai.

“Your father is a well-known movie star. If he has such a big deal, you will inevitably be implicated.” Yao Manhuai hinted at Yin Chang that he could not get away from this circle. Instead of overprotecting, let him get used to it earlier.

Moreover, Yao Manhuai felt that Yin Chang’s performance tonight was very good. Facing the sudden spears and short guns, ordinary people have scared the six gods long ago, but Yin Chang has not lost his emotions and maintained a good manner.

Without telling more about the two, Yao Manhuai went straight to the subject: “I contacted your father’s agent and lawyer. Let’s meet them first to find out about your father’s work and assets during his lifetime.”

The three parties met at Yin Dong’s studio, and Yao Manhuai drove Yin Chang to the car.

Yin Dong Studio is in a four-storey commercial villa in the western suburbs of the city. After the news of the plane crash was broadcast, people outside the villa were filled with new flowers. Yin Chang saw a sorrowful wound. .

Yin Dong’s current agent is a man in his thirties who is slightly fat and named Yang Jiajia.

At that time, Yao Manhuai left Yin Dong to develop his career and left his most powerful apprentice. Yang Jiajia has followed Yin Dong for five years and has already cultivated to become an ace agent who can stand alone. But before Yao Manhuai, he respectfully called her “Sister Yao”.

It was almost midnight in the country, and the office area was dim. Only the meeting room was lit.

Yang Jiajia yelled: “Xiaolin they all stayed up all night, now they go upstairs to sleep.”

The day before yesterday, the plane crashed, and the entire company was in chaos. There were scattered documents on the table, as if it had been robbed. I saw the news of Yin Dong’s death on the screen of several unopened computers in the work area.

The three entered the conference room, and the long-awaited lawyer Wang stood up to welcome him. Yao Manhuai introduced the two to him: “This is Yin Chang, Yin Dong’s only son. He has just returned from abroad. This is Yin Dong’s property lawyer Wang Yan. “

Attorney Wang handed a business card to Yin Chang, and introduced himself: “For the first time, I have been managing the company and private property business for more than ten years. I will do everything I can to help you. Answer processing. “

Next, there were Wang Yan and Yang Jiajia, who introduced Yin Dong’s public assets and the company’s current situation.

Yin Dong has six state-owned companies in China with a total valuation of more than 500 million, mainly in the field of film and television culture. Yao Manhuai’s “Rising Star Entertainment” also has his shares. But there are only two Yin Dong involved in the management, one is a studio established in Yin Dong’s own name, and the other is a cultural company that recruits cooperative projects.

The studio was set up solely by Yin Dong. When Yin Dong was alive, many projects were decided directly by him. Once he died, someone had to take over management rights to ensure that most projects could continue to be promoted.

There are also some commercial endorsements and film and television drama performance projects. Now the news of Yin Dong’s death is still hanging on the Internet. Due to the affection, each family only sent a letter of sympathy. After the heat passed, someone had to deal with him.

This is why Yao Manhuai arranged Yin Chang to return for the first time. After all, Yin Chang is currently the only person who can take over Yin Dong’s position. Whether it is to hand over the affairs to a professional or take care of himself, Yin Chang has to decide.

Afterwards, Mr. Wang introduced Yin Dong’s private assets to Yin Chang separately, and Yao Manhuai and Yang Jiajia temporarily avoided.

According to Mr. Wang’s mouth, Yin Dong also has real estate worth more than 200 million yuan, 100 million current assets and 200 million charity funds. The charity fund has nothing to do with Yin Chang. Yin Dong signed an agreement before his death, and after he died, he transferred management rights to relevant agencies for free.

In addition, Yin Dong also bought a 30 million yuan insurance for Yin Chang alone, but this money is the special protection he provided for Yin Chang after considering his accident. But the accident had nothing to do with life and death, because he thought of the situation caused by his reputation damage or investment failure and bankruptcy. However, these 30 million yuan cannot be withdrawn at one time, and will only be credited into his personal account in a certain amount every year after he becomes an adult, which can almost ensure that he has nothing to worry about throughout his life.

After reporting a set of data, Lawyer Wang asked Yin Chang no time to digest, and asked him, “Do you know about your own life?”

Yin Chang asked faintly, “My life?”

Attorney Wang: “Mr. Yin has kept a copy of his domicile file with me. He does not have a spouse in legal relationship, and his relationship with your father and son did not begin in the year you were born, but one year after you were born.”

Yin Chang frowned: “What do you mean?”

Attorney Wang explained: “The file states that your reason for being registered by Mr. Yin was ‘adoption’.”

Yin Chang was shocked: adoption?

“Impossible.” Yin Chang instinctively refused to believe this fact, how could he be adopted by Yin Dong! ?

Attorney Wang calmed him: “Don’t be nervous, I just state the facts based on the information. Indeed, many adopters choose to hide the truth for the physical and mental health of the adoptees. However, Yin Dong is a well-known person and his spouse is unknown. With you, in order to protect your reputation, you may also establish a father-son relationship with you in the name of adoption. This does not mean that your father and son must not have blood. If you have information about your mother in private, you have the right to be a nonsense guess about me. I have no intention of offending. “

Mr. Wang’s words did not bring much comfort to Yin Chang.

Indeed, he did not know who his mother was. When he was a child, Yin Chang had questioned Yin Dong relentlessly. Yin Dong told him that his mother died of illness shortly after giving birth, and also said that because he loved him deeply Mother, afraid of seeing things, destroyed all the related objects and photos.

Yin Dong always mourns whenever he mentions this, so Yin Chang is convinced for years.

But now that Mr. Wang has mentioned this, Yin Chang has begun to doubt his words …

At this time, Lawyer Wang didn’t know what he thought, and hesitated again: “Another question, did your father mention” Shao Junling “to you some time ago?”

Yin Changping said: “Who is Shao Junling?”

When lawyer Wang saw Yin Chang look blank, he shook his head and said, “It’s nothing, it’s not a big deal.”

Although Yin Chang was a little puzzled, his mind was still a conjecture about his own life, and he didn’t have much interest in the strange name.

Attorney Wang also closed the file after asking this unrelated question, soothing Yin Changdao: “You don’t have to worry too much, no matter whether you and Mr. Yin are related, your father-son relationship is recognized by law. According to As far as I know, Mr. Yin has not left any will in front of him. In theory, you are still his sole legal heir. “

Beforehand, lawyer Wang had made a total asset estimate for him. He told Yin Chang that after deducting part of the investment loss, business interruption compensation and equity transfer tax, Yin Chang could inherit about 700 million assets.

In fact, Yin Chang, who was rich in material from a young age, didn’t respond much to this figure. Compared to how much money he could inherit, lawyer Wang revealed that the issue of “adoption” paid more attention to him.

It was close to two in the morning at the end of the talks. Yin Chang had hardly closed his eyes since he learned that his father had an accident.

Yao Manhuai commissioned Yang Jiajia to settle Yin Chang, let him rest for a night, and see you the next day, then leave first.

Yin Dong has an upscale apartment five kilometers away from the studio for his daily life in Haicheng. Yang Jiajia has a spare key and asks Yin Chang if he wants to spend the night there. Yin Chang said he can.

Yang Jiajia drove Yin Chang to the Huaihe apartment, and seeing Yin Chang’s strange eyes looking at the surrounding environment, he couldn’t help asking: “Have you ever been here?”

Yin Chang confessed: “First time.”

To be honest, before tonight, Yin Chang didn’t even know how many houses Dong Yin had in total.

Although he and Yin Dong are father and son, their lives are independent of each other. Yin Dong has created a safe and affluent living environment for him abroad, and he also understands his father’s work at home. Yin Dong wants to buy a few houses, where to buy, it is all Yin Dong’s freedom.

Yin Chang’s indifference also made Yang Jiajia feel a little bit emotional: This is the residence where Yin Dong spends most of his time. As his biological son, Yin Chang has never been there … Behind the halo of “The Son of the Shadow Emperor”, how much has this child endured? It was only loneliness that led to this attitude of independence.

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