The Pearl on the Emperor’s Crown

Chapter 17

Early in the morning the next day, Zhu Yi said to Xie Ying: “My dear son, you don’t have to follow me all day long. You can go to work if you have anything to do with you.”

Zhu Yi knew that there should be a lot of people who want to befriend Xie Yingpan overtly and secretly. Moreover, the roots of the Xie family have long been deeply rooted in the capital, and there should be a lot of people Xie Ying wants to meet.

Xie Ying looked at Zhu Yi: “What does the princess want to do, don’t you want the minister to follow? But the minister must ensure the safety of the princess.”

Zhu Yi said: “If you have a gentle face, just walk around with me. The gentleness of the face is so good, there will be nothing wrong.”

Seeing Zhu Yi’s eagerness, Xie Ying smiled and answered, she really led Shen Xingliu to do other things.

Rong Xiao had already been waiting there when Zhu Yi arrived at the cloth shop. He was the youngest son of Lord Cheng Guo. The eighteen-year-old boy wears a black embroidered dark silver bamboo pattern, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome and tall, but his temperament is far more calm than his peers.

Seeing Zhu Yi, Rong Xiao immediately got up and saluted. Zhu Yi motioned that he didn’t have to see outside. Rong Xiao looked at Zhu Yi deeply and said: “The princess came from the palace, isn’t it a princess who is escorted by someone?”

Zhu Yi said, “Xie Ying brought me here.”

Rong Xiao was taken aback: “Prince Wei Ning’s son? How could the emperor let him lead such a difference.”

Everyone seemed to think that Xie Ying was wronged by her as her guard, and Zhu Yi laughed slightly to herself.

Rong Xiao asked again: “Why does the princess come here in person and come here often?”

“Changlin and Mianfeng are still behind.” Zhu Yi didn’t say much, only said: “Last time you asked Changlin to bring me the letter, did it say that my father’s old department has been contacted? “

“Yes, these two people are very loyal to General Pei. They have stayed at Rongfeng after the general left. The minister knew that the princess would enter Longguo Temple in early July, and he had contacted them in advance. In two days, they should be able to reach the capital. .”

“Okay.” Zhu Yi was a little excited, she was finally about to see her father’s deceased. She looked at Rong Xiao and said, “Be careful on your side.”

Zhu Yi’s care caused Rong Xiao’s eyes to move, and said: “The minister knows that the minister is fine. It is the princess. Be careful about everything in the palace.”

Zhu Yi nodded and said: “Thank you Rong Xiao, I don’t know how to thank you.” Zhu Yi gave Rong Xiao Caibo, but the other party didn’t want it.

Rong Xiao smiled: “The princess doesn’t need to take it to heart. These are what the minister is willing to do.” He also deliberately said: “Princess, how is your relationship with Xie Shizi?”

Zhu Yi was stunned. She couldn’t tell the third person about the actual relationship between her and Xie Ying, so she vaguely said, “It’s okay.”

Rong Xiao said: “The minister suggested not to tell the elder son of what we are investigating. And…the princess should not go too close to Xie Ying. Xie Ying is a man in the city, and he uses all means for his own benefit. Many people are played by him. Yu Guzhang also digs out his heart and lungs for him, because the princess’s temperament is not suitable for too much contact with him.”

She was investigating the cause of the death of her biological father, the less people knew, the better, Zhu Yi nodded: “I know. Since you are doing this, I will not tell others.” Rong Xiao later said Xie Ying’s words and Zhu Yi did not answer. , She also doesn’t know how to pick it up.

Rong Xiao saw Zhu Yi in a very good mood, and said: “Princess, it’s almost noon. There is a Cuiping restaurant near here that has good dishes. Would you please ask the princess to have a taste?”

Zhu Yi smiled and said: “I will invite you. You are always helping me, let me express my gratitude.”

Xie Ying walked up to the steps of a restaurant, and as he approached like a red robe, a whip suddenly drew towards him.

Xie Ying grabbed the tail of the whip and poured his inner strength into it. The whip instantly hardened into a stick. As he sent it forward, the owner of the whip flew upside down.

“Ah! It hurts!” Yan Yuer Jiao fell to the ground, but raised her head, her eyes reluctant to leave the man who had pinched her to the ground.

After all, Xie Ying had a good sense, so Yan Yuer could stand up with the support of the guards. Yan Yu’er stared at Xie Ying closely, only feeling that the sun was shining above her head, but no one in front of her was as dazzling as the one in front of her.

Xie Ying asked: “What does the county owner do with me?”

Yan Yuer resisted the pain and smiled: “Xie Ying, didn’t you see the letter I asked the guard to send you last night?”

“I saw it.”

“Then why don’t you go to the Yaotai Pavilion for my appointment today?”

Xie Yingqi said: “I am not relatives to you for nothing, and there are men and women guards, why should I go to your appointment?”

Yan Yuer’s face paled: “Why are we not relatives? We almost became husband and wife.”

“The county owner said carefully.” Xie Ying scowled.

Yan Yuer sneered, “In front of me, don’t pretend to be serious. I have seen that woman. What is good about her? No matter how plain she is, she can’t cover the fox’s eyes.”

Xie Ying’s eyes were dim, and she didn’t answer her words, just said: “If the county lord follows me again and is injured by me as a small Xiao Xiao, don’t blame me for not thinking about friendship with your brother.”

The man’s voice was flat, but Yan Yuer was asked to fight a cold battle on a hot day. Since she was young, no one has threatened her, and immediately said: “…you dare!”

Xie Ying said: “The county lord can try.” After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the guard next to Yan Yu’er. The guard immediately understood that this elder son was warning him and was optimistic about his own lady. Otherwise, if she is injured and disabled, she is The guards are to blame.

“Xie Ying!” Yan Yuer looked at Xie Ying’s back, who turned and left, after all, she didn’t dare to catch up.

This restaurant was the Cuiping Pavilion. Wen Yan greeted Xie Ying in and took him to the box on the second floor. Xie Ying didn’t knock on the door, so he pushed the door and walked in.

Zhu Yi’s smile condensed on his lips, Xie Ying glanced at her with his eyelids down, and then at Rong Xiao who was sitting opposite her.

It’s not just women who are sensitive to rivals, but men too. Rong Xiao only noticed something from Xie Ying’s glance at Zhu Yi. He stood up and said hello: “My son.”

Xie Ying said, “Rong San, has your eldest brother returned to the official residence?”

Rong Xiao knew that Xie Ying and his eldest brother Rong Ting had fought each other’s lives on the battlefield, and the friendship was very deep, so he said: “The eldest brother is newly married. He has been in the princess mansion recently, and he has not returned to the mansion.”

Xie Ying looked at Zhu Yi again. Zhu Yi reacted and stood up and said, “Is it time for the son to have lunch? If not, let’s go together.”

Xie Ying smiled at her and said, “No.”

Xie Ying’s smile made Zhu Yi’s heart tight, and his gaze always made her feel that Xie Ying would punish her when he went back for a while. But she felt that she had done nothing wrong. Rong Xiao was a good friend of hers and helped her investigate the cause of her father’s death. It was reasonable for her to ask the other party to have a meal.

Zhu Yi said: “Sit down, too. Let’s add a few more dishes.”

Rong Xiao’s gaze went back and forth between Xie Ying and Zhu Yi, and he had a vague guess in his heart.

After Xie Ying sat down, she never saw Zhu Yi again. He kept talking with Rong Xiao, and the two asked for wine, and Zhu Yi ate silently beside him.

Just when Zhu Yi thought he would eat this meal silently, Xie Ying suddenly bullied her, so close that she thought he was going to kiss her, Zhu Yi leaned back a little in fright.

“Why do I get persimmon juice?” Xie Ying stretched out his right hand, gently tapped the corner of Zhu Yi’s mouth with his fingertips, and rubbed the delicate skin of her chin twice before retracting his hand calmly.

After Xie Ying retreated, Zhu Yi’s face was scalded uncontrollably. Rong Xiao’s hands on his legs were folded into fists. Only Xie Ying, as if his previous behavior was normal, poured another glass of wine and moved it to his lips.

Zhu Yi returned to her senses, and she said in front of Rong Xiao that she and Xie Ying were only in a “okay” relationship, but Xie Ying turned around and came out like this. She was so embarrassed that she was too embarrassed to look at Rong Xiao again.

Zhu Yi stared at the culprit who embarrassed him. Xie Ying looked back at her. Contrary to Zhu Yi’s anger, Xie Ying showed her a soft smile. The two of you look at me and I look at you, they seem to be flirting. Rong Xiao looked away.

When Zhu Yi said goodbye to Rong Xiao, Xie Ying stood by. Rong Xiao couldn’t speak bluntly. He just looked at Zhu Yi and said, “Princess, you have to remember what I said to you before about that person.” Although Rong Xiao also knew that the person Xie Ying saw could hardly escape the palm of his hand, but he still couldn’t help reminding Zhu Yi.

To make Rong Xiao not worry, Zhu Yi nodded. Xie Ying stood by and watched both of them, without urging them.

Back at the inn, Zhu Yi moved fast and couldn’t shut Xie Ying who was following him outside. On the contrary, after the door was closed, she was pressed behind by Xie Ying and couldn’t go anywhere.

Zhu Yi raised her hand to beat him, and then exclaimed, her body left the ground, and was actually picked up by Xie Ying with two small buttocks. She subconsciously went to hug Xie Ying’s neck to prevent him. One suddenly threw her away.

Xie Ying was obviously satisfied with Zhu Yi’s actions. He held her and pushed her back against the door again. He supported her not high or short, just as high as his shoulders. Xie Ying didn’t do anything else, but Zhu Yi’s two legs had to be opened, and Xie Ying’s waist was facing him.

Zhu Yi was almost ashamed to cry by this gesture: “How can you…How can you do this to me? Xie Ying, you can’t do this to me!” She was so wronged that she wanted to cry, and remembered that this was by the door and might be passed by in the corridor. When the people heard it, they closed their mouths tightly and only used their eyes to accuse each other.

Zhu Yi’s eyes were slightly red, and he wanted to cry without crying. He wanted to make a noise and was afraid that others would hear it. The expression that made Xie Ying from the negative concentration couldn’t help taking a deep breath. He kissed Zhu Yi. On the forehead, asked: “Princess, tell me, what kind of fairy did you change, you seduce the minister like this every day.”

Fairy is a bad word, and seduce is added. Zhu Yi has been teaching in Dishuiyuan since he was a child. She yelled angrily: “Xie Ying, what else would you do besides bullying me?”

What Xie Ying thought was that he had to take care of her. Zhu Yi now looks pitiful, if he falls into the hands of other men, he doesn’t know how much he will suffer.

Xie Ying suddenly said: “Counting the ministers, the princess had three guards, right?”

Zhu Yi was still angry and didn’t want to answer him, but said: “You let me go down.”

Xie Ying said: “Answer first.”

Zhu Yi said: “How can the elder son be considered a guard, but it’s just a trip to the elder son once in a while.”

“Since Rong Xiao can be a prince from the National Palace, why can’t I be?” Xie Ying asked without meaning.

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