The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 51 - Twenty four petal peach

After seeing this, I started to admire Miss Han sincerely. I don’t know what she insisted on. Being able to marry him so much without loving someone is a special skill.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I felt that I didn’t want to bother her or promise something that she could not be sure of, so I chose to ignore this news. Although it is necessary to return to the large size, there are still more than two million yuan treasures that are charged into the game, but there is still a little temptation.

After that, she didn’t come to me for the third time.

Two days later, my mother called me and told me that she had met her father, who was considering signing a contract with Uncle Wang.

It turned out that every time Uncle Wang tried to talk to us about this cooperation, my uncle was also the vice president. Uncle went to the detention center to contact his dad with his lawyer, so that the lawyer’s message was led by the company’s safety, and he repeatedly emphasized the risk of going bankrupt and liquidating or letting Uncle Wang buy the company. Because the company is in a mess now, and my dad is in the detention center, I ca n’t see anyone, and I ca n’t discuss with others. I may have lost some judgment, so I unconditionally believed in my uncle. right now.

I learned from my mother that my uncle is loyal to the company, but also has a certain selfishness to the company. He holds a share in the company. If I am caught, he will become a legal person. If the company is bought by a state-owned enterprise, he will definitely have no say in the company. Therefore, in the subsequent decision-making, he did not consider the situation of my father and me, but just tried to win people’s hearts to keep the company, so that we all got deeper in the mud pit.

In the blink of an eye, August ended and September came, and the scorching air gradually cooled, and the sunlight revealed the breath of late summer. At the beginning of the autumn, the wind and the river flowed through the university campus like fresh green leaves, rushing towards the newly refurbished teaching building, spreading the opulent red wine-like breath.

The time of the game is both relaxing and tense. I play so fast and I have not experienced walking in the wind for a long time.

Therefore, when the warm wind brought the fragrance of plumeria, Milan, and jasmine, shaking my wave-like skirt, I couldn’t help taking a deep breath and stayed there for a few more minutes. Then, I met my former classmates. They welcomed me with surprise and wished me a happy third year. They were also asked for directions by a freshman. She looked up at me and looked timid with eyelashes. There is a flash of autumn sun.

I stepped on white boots and carried a cowhide suitcase to the new dormitory.

I didn’t go to class for a year, I thought I would not be able to integrate into the group. I didn’t expect that the first day I entered the bedroom, I would easily mingle with my roommates.

One of my roommates knew who I was, and heard the reason for my suspension from my sister. I was a bit embarrassed. I wanted to explain a few words. Who knew that she didn’t care about the topic at all, but just asked me all kinds of painting questions with interest, and kept giving me a thumbs up, saying, “The big painter is too great. “

The roommates will also discuss some distressing things in the bedroom. For example, the former scum scummer, I used to be even more angry than them, and took my scum predecessor ruthlessly again. Now it sounds like they can be understood, but there is no longer too much emotional fluctuation. When they talked about small things like studying hard, arguing with their parents, arguing a lot with roadside aunts, and so on, I also felt like listening to the children crying, just feeling cute.

This is an experience I never expected.

After entering the realm from the illusory hell, it was like changing the difficulty of life from superhard to supereasy. Therefore, all the troubles in the world have become inadequate. Even if I still have debts and blacklists, I don’t take it too seriously, but I cherish the easy and simple life now.

But the only bad thing about our dormitory is that everyone except me has a boyfriend. I heard that I do n’t have a boyfriend, and they are interested in introducing me. I want to see the newly released blockbuster sci-fi movie, and they all said that they have already seen it with their boyfriend.

I asked in the class WeChat group if there were any girls who wanted to go to the movies. Eleven male students came to add friends.

I don’t go to the movies with guys other than my boyfriend, so after passing one by one, I refused.

Then I posted a movie poster in the circle of friends and asked if there were any younger sisters who wanted to go and watch it together. The girls did n’t have time for the day, they only had a weekend, but I just wanted to go that night and waited tirelessly for half an hour. Only a group of boys signed up to go. I responded one by one and asked them to castrate first, and they all responded to some ghosts that made people laugh and cry:

“Is it too late to be transgender now?”

“Boys are originally laborers, and you also demand castration. It’s too uncomfortable.”

“Actually I’m Miss Sister.”

As a result, it did n’t wait for the girl ’s invitation that night, and it seemed that the guy I responded to was the one I most wanted to see.

Finally, some girls want to go and watch it tomorrow night. I was wondering if she could move tonight, and the girl in my bunk suddenly said “wow”: “Look, there is a fairy brother Porsche downstairs !!!”

The other two girls also exclaimed:

“Porsche ?!”

“Immortal face value ?!”

I wasn’t interested in the car, but when I heard the handsome guy’s ears must stand up, he immediately poked his head out and looked out the window. However, when I saw the people downstairs, I almost fainted: the boy was wearing sunglasses and a pink shirt with low saturation, and the first button was unbuttoned to reveal the long white gold necklace on the collarbone. High-waisted trousers, but the shoes are stylish sports shoes-I have seen these shoes in his circle of friends, the golden bee embroidery, memorable.

He was as white as a beauty camera, his legs were pulled by a video long-legged tool, and the whole man lazily leaned on the door to make a phone call. He didn’t mind being photographed by passing students.

Then my phone rang.

“…” I took a breath. “Du Hanchuan, why are you here?”

The tone was cold, but the jasmine flowers outside the window came all the way to my heart.

“Come down, I’m at the door of your dorm.”

“I saw it. Why are you coming down?”

“Don’t you want to watch a movie, I’ll take you there.”

“I didn’t pack anything, you just killed me like this … I, me, have you ever been in love?”

“I haven’t talked about it, then how can you teach me?”

I saw him laughing from such a distance, and snorted with a twitch of his mouth: “Wait for me, come.”

After hanging up the phone, my roommates have cast me copper bell-like eyes and egg-like lips.

“Pina, is that your boyfriend ?!”

“No, just friends.” I waved, “I said that as long as the girl, I didn’t expect him to run directly, headache.”

I find myself sometimes a peculiar girl. Obviously what he was most looking forward to was that he came to meet me and saw that he was so happy that he wanted to set off firecrackers. When people asked him, he still had to look disgusting.

But when I got into Du Hanchuan’s car, I realized that no one could beat him more than he was. He was determined not to go to the movie theater I was going to, and forcibly took me to the fifth floor of his designated mall. I proposed to let him buy a ticket, I went to buy popcorn, came back with popcorn and cola, but found him empty-handed.

“The prince is sick, what do you want to do? The movie will open in five minutes.” I looked at him blankly, and my shoulders fell down. “Do you want me to pay for the ticket? Because I asked to watch the movie of.”

“Of course, in this situation, Master Ben will not pay for himself.”

“Okay, you take it.”

I handed him the popcorn and was turning around to buy a ticket, but he took my shoulders, turned around and went up the stairs, took me to a projection room where two staff members opened the door and picked them up. 3d glasses coming.

“This is it? Did you buy a ticket?”

He didn’t answer my question, but just took me in and chose two seats in the middle of the seat. No one else came in until the movie started.

I looked around and said to the empty theater, “What’s going on? This movie has a high box office …”

“This cinema is run by an uncle of mine.”


“Don’t two people look good?”

“You have so many uncles …”

In the light of the film, his snow-like nose and chin formed a beautiful arc, but what is even better is the arc of the corner of his mouth. Then, he pointed at me with 3d glasses and raised the armrest so that there was no gap between the two of us. Then he smiled and said, “Come, lean in your husband’s arms and look.”

I sat directly in the seat next to me.

He snorted angrily: “I’m going back to Beijing tomorrow morning. Are you still so repellent to me, sad?”

“This way …” There was a loss in my heart, but I still covered my little emotion with a smile. “Thank you for asking me to watch a movie. I’ll invite you to dinner next time I return to Shanghai.”

“Who knows when to come next time, you still have to compensate me today.”

He has been in Shanghai for a long time recently, and I almost forgot that he is actually different from me. Moreover, his hometown was not in Shanghai. Now his family and work are in Beijing. If it was not because he was still new to me, he should not fly to Shanghai so often. I still have two years to graduate from university, and I don’t really want to go to other cities in the future … I think about this, I am confused about his future relationship.

There is a good saying: a prince in the distance is not as good as a frog in the distance. One sentence proves how unreliable a long distance relationship is.

I was originally insecure about the relationship with him. If he was a little inactive and came to visit me more, we should soon be cold.

With these thoughts, I felt a little down and didn’t want to talk anymore, but Du Hanchuan didn’t feel this steel tube nerve at all. During the film’s playback, whenever he encountered a smile, he laughed like an angel.

He sent me back to school in the evening, leaning over in the car to kiss me, but I also avoided it.

The next day he reported to me that he had just landed in Beijing and I was very kind. He responded politely.

In the afternoon, my cousin brought two older sisters to visit me.

My cousin is 28 years old and looks handsome. He is still handsome and full of righteousness. His father, Uncle, opened a private hospital. Because of overwork and sudden death at the age of thirty-two, his cousin has been a doctor’s mother since his childhood. My aunt is also a very strong woman. She has always been very demanding on her cousin’s career, and she also told him clearly that his father’s only seedling was to stir up the beam. Therefore, my dad paid for sending his cousin to the UK to study. He used to be not good, but paid more attention to his career and was better at socializing than other boys.

At the age of 23, my cousin had a love relationship that lasted four years. The ex-girlfriend was three years older than him. He was beautiful, calm, and quiet, and formed a sharp contrast with his cousin. She loved him with no regrets. It wasn’t until she was 28 years old in the third year that she reached the stage of worrying marriage for many girls.

At that time, my cousin was almost 26 years old, with an annual salary of more than 500,000. He was among the best among his peers, but because his working resources and economic power were in the hands of his mother, he still had nothing. In order to marry his ex-girlfriend, he repeatedly called up the courage to negotiate with his aunt, who moved my dad out as a shield.

Sure enough, my dad immediately thought of my mother who was older than myself, and found that the love between my siblings was inconclusive, and the advice was: It ’s not appropriate for girls to suffer at the age of playing. “

My cousin certainly didn’t want to be separated, and this matter was temporarily put on hold. The two dragged on for another year. The girlfriend was 29 years old. Seeing that the youth at the beginning of the word was approaching the end, she once again mentioned to her cousin about marriage. My cousin protested with my mother again. The answer given by my aunt was ambiguous. In fact, she didn’t agree with her. She didn’t give money to the two people and slowly consumed it with her cousin. His girlfriend was so powerful that his cousin could only break through the boat and work desperately, thinking that as long as he was financially independent, he could make a decision for his life.

Because of lack of money, he once told her: “Will I buy you a cheap diamond ring first, after I get the certificate and I have the money, I will make you a more expensive one.”

She shed tears on the spot: “Is my life like this? Like all girls, I also want a grand and formal proposal, why don’t you prepare earlier?”

This answer hurt his cousin deeply. So this year, he promised to propose time again and again, saying “Give me two more months” time and again, while fearing losing her, he was also deeply afraid of marriage. During the time when he avoided marriage during work, she flew to her hometown once a week, and every time she returned to Shanghai, her attitude was colder than before.

Finally, the fourth year of their love relationship expired. After the cousin said the last time “I will definitely propose in January next year”, she gave a final verdict: “Sorry, I can’t wait.”

Then came a series of harassment operations that were completely contrary to her usual gentle image: deleting friends, pulling black phone numbers, and no audio.

Because she did not delete my WeChat, half a month later, I saw my prospective sister-in-law in the circle of friends drying her marriage certificate. Looking at the enlarged picture, the groom was not a cousin, and she returned to her hometown to receive a certificate.

It was last August, and I was crazy about games. Since then, my cousin was as painful as mad. This year, he hasn’t slowed down. Who knew that in May of this year, Zhunzi had another soul crit: a circle of friends drying her son.

I sent the screenshot to my cousin, and we both counted the time, and both felt that my ex-girlfriend had cousin somecolourseesee. The cousin collapsed again and fell into deeper despair. I originally thought that my cousin was a bit pitiful, but thinking that he was only 28 this year, he was not responsible for dragging the former prospective sister-in-law from 26 to 30, and I felt that he should be so pitiful.

Since then, my cousin began to play ambiguous with various girls, no one touched, and enjoyed the feeling of being liked by them. Just like the two beautiful sisters brought here today, they are both beautiful turtles, and they all have affection for him. However, when they went to the bathroom together, my cousin told me that both girls had explicitly hinted at him. Something, he didn’t know what was going on, and he couldn’t get interested.

“It’s because I’m still thinking about the former sister-in-law.” I said, “Don’t think about my brother, the former sister-in-law is a child mother.”

“Yeah. Yeah, she’s a child mother.” He sighed and shook his head. “I didn’t like her anymore, I felt like I couldn’t forget her and hated her especially.”

“Hate her because she’s green? But her favorite person is you.”

“If she loves me, she won’t green me.”

I know, this is just the cousin’s words to reduce his regret.

While waiting for his marriage proposal, he once wanted to break up because his mother and girlfriend were under too much pressure to stand against each other. The former sister-in-law blocked him with a sentence before he said: “I am 28 years old this year, thanks Destiny made me meet the boy I loved at the most beautiful age of 26. I feel very happy in the past two years, I have no regrets at all about leaving my youth to you. Even if I cannot marry you in the future, I will not regret You once loved this way. Don’t have any pressure, just be happy with me every day. “

Because of this remark, he relaxed and told her that he would marry her, but she was again waiting indefinitely.

Nowadays, this passage is undoubtedly a **** cousin. He will never forget this life.

I supported my chin and shook my head helplessly: “Oh, man, look forward, don’t you still have so many good girls around you. You should take a good look at them, not look for their former sister-in-law. Oh shadow. “

He snorted: “You little man, what do you know?”

“However, I still think that it is useless to have less game flowers. The factor that makes you forget one person is never time, but a better person. All forgetting is because it is not good enough later.”

“Everything can’t be forgotten not because of time, but because it wasn’t good enough later …” He froze, repeating this sentence several times, “Sister, how can you come up with such brilliant lines?”

I also stunned: “Isn’t this so?” But Du Hanchuan’s face had already appeared involuntarily.

“These girls are good enough.”

“Yes, they may be beautiful enough, rich, or highly educated, but as long as everything in your mind is” good “based on that person, these conditions are not good.

My cousin looked at me bitterly: “You are desperate.”

I laughed, but after saying these things, I fell into meditation-so, this is why I haven’t come out of the past for so many years? Not because time is not long, but because I have not encountered any better …

Is he the same?

Whether in the UK or after returning home, they tried different relationships, but then I appeared, and he immediately disarmed and surrendered?

This is a little narcissistic. After all, I re-encountered me as a decadent dregs. I just chose to be forced to marry by my fiancee, and no one was chased by my relationship. Now I find that chasing me is not easy, and I am back in Beijing.

But the words he used to say to me in the game made me feel that he was deeply trapped …

After thinking about it for a long time, I found that I fell into the whirlpool of “He loves me” and “He doesn’t love me”. I quickly stopped myself.

However, all the confusion was resolved the next day. Every day in the dormitory, red roses and pink lilies take turns delivering home, making roommates yell, and making my aunt in the dormitory show a mean and polite smile, saying that your young people are still in love Convergence, after all, it’s a little awkward when you break up.

During the class, a line of words “I love Pina” suddenly appeared on the slide, followed by “pianpianiloveyou” in English, which made the classmates uproar.

But during this period, apart from playing games occasionally, Du Hanchuan didn’t contact me at all.

When I got home on Friday night, I couldn’t help sending a WeChat message to him: “The projection you are asking for is too nasty.”

“It’s nasty, but it’s all true.”

“I do not believe.”

“So you still don’t believe it? How can you believe it?”

“If you come to Shanghai tomorrow and show up in front of me, I believe you love me.”

“Go downstairs.”



There is a fountain turntable downstairs in my house. The vehicles came and went, the night lights shone on the fountain, and the water shone, reflecting on the pedestrians and the vehicles. There was a striking boy standing by the fountain. I didn’t make any sounds, but it seemed like some induction. He turned his head halfway and saw me, then turned completely.

I walked slowly, some could not believe my eyes: “Why are you still in Shanghai? You didn’t fly that day?”

He put down his phone and shrugged. “I flew and came back.”

“You know I’ll find you?” I tilted my head, “No … did you come to see me?”

Du Hanchuan sneered, took out a business card from his pocket, and handed it to me. The light is very dim. In addition to the three characters “Du Hanchuan” and the logo of Lei Chi, other small characters are not visible.

“I am transferred to work at Leichi Shanghai.” He added.


“What do you say?”

“For, for me?”

“Yeah, but I’m a miserable man now. I was promoted very smoothly in Beijing, and I have to start at the grassroots level in Shanghai, otherwise my colleagues in Shanghai would think I rely on my father. I told my dad He came to Shanghai for his girlfriend. He was very supportive of me, but he still didn’t give me preferential treatment. Now my monthly salary is only 20,000, and my pocket money is gone. “

“Twenty thousand is fine. That’s what I want from my blind date.”

“What can you do in Shanghai, the company is still in Lujiazui, the rent cannot be paid, and the car was confiscated by my dad because he said that my position is not suitable for such a good car … I want to eat instant noodles.”

“It’s okay. I have two houses in my name. Although they have been sealed up, it is okay to leave one for you. If you have a car, there is nothing you can do and I won’t drive. Let us take the subway together.”

“The game is even more expensive. I can’t be a big brother to protect you.”

“It’s okay, your number is already very strong, and you can be invincible for more than half a year if you don’t have enough money. When you can’t keep up, we will be the salty fish scenery party together.”

“Well, I went back to China for two years and worked completely in vain. What I did for you, I’m crazy.”

“It’s okay, I support you.”

He hesitated for a moment, and then hesitated twice, not knowing what to say: “Cut, don’t want you as a debt girl to raise me. I’m still young, and I won’t be afraid to build another ten years. You should be a little wife at home and wait Just be lucky to be here. “

“That’s fine, I will learn to cook for you.”

He was completely stunned, and only a while later said, “Why are you so good today? I think it’s abnormal and terrible.”

I shook my head vigorously without explanation. He also fell silent. Then, another taxi carried the evening dress girl from the five-star hotel next door. The lights illuminated the small concrete floor and the shiny gate of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. When everything became quiet, only the lazy water like an accordion was left. Sound, I rushed forward and rushed into his arms.

He deliberately made a small step back as if he couldn’t carry my shock, then hugged me back and laughed.

I was very happy, but I do n’t know why, maybe it ’s because the night is too beautiful, maybe it ’s because I used to laugh and cry in the years when I fell in love with him, or maybe it ’s been a long time since I was tempted to this hug. For ten thousand years, I suddenly burst into tears.

He rubbed my tears with his forefinger: “How did you cry?”

I didn’t want to be too stupid and emotional, I used an excuse to pretend to the past: “Why are we so miserable. One is seized and indebted, and the other is poor.”

“It’s so poor, I’ll actually take the subway in the future.”

“Do you regret it?”

“That wouldn’t be true. You can find work again. I have only one person.” Just after less than three seconds of affectionate, he habitually adjusted back to the normal coquettish prince’s disease mode. At work, I really dare not imagine … “

I automatically ignored the complaints that followed him, and only paid attention to his previous sentence.

This is what I want to say.

There are countless outstanding boys and perfect boys in the world. Du Hanchuan is not the best or perfect.

But there is only one Du Hanchuan in the world.

All can’t forget because it was not good enough later.

Everything about him has long become the standard of “good” in my mind.

And what is above the “good” is probably to fall in love with such a good.

Life is so beautiful, it is so good to live.

We have all insisted, we have all given up, we have missed countless times, and finally hugged together.

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