The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 29 - Fourteen petal peach

Icheon Hansung’s interlude between the live broadcast soon spread, and various interesting things happened in other regions. The girl in the gang sent a screenshot of her friend in the new district. Someone pretended to be talking to Yichuan Han Xing. The content is as follows:

[World] Dancing lightly: Ask for a master.

[World] Yichuan Hanxing: Let’s go back to the top of the northern boundary. I know that you look down on the starlight dew of this small broken area 4w, you have to accept the starlight dew of the northern boundary 7w. I will go back and hang it for you, OK? my darling.

[World] I’m not a big brother for twenty-three years: dancing lightly? It was the idol who played Low Xiu Yue Xiu Dao Xiu and later conquered Boss Han! !! Is it real? I drop mom, idols, please take a photo with me! !!

[World] Lu Guangguang: Dancing lightly and fiercely, at first she said that she was a woman from the Han River, and hostilely mocked her. She also used this to provoke alienation from Boss Han. As a result, she actually conquered Boss Han, and now Boss pets his wife The mad monster did not explain, and it was a staged drama of the heroine of the Realm of Great Realms, slapping.

[World] Words Meibeibei: Hahahaha her hostility is okay hahahahahahaha!

[World] Lightly Dancing: Come to Master and take me boldly, then you will have the title of Lightly Dancing Master!

The sister said, this sister who pretended to be my trumpet paid homage to the master. The master played the battle of the five gods under the title of master and apprentice, and the players with high combat effectiveness all retreated.

It can only be said that Yichuan Hanxing is a situational figure. In fact, I have n’t done much with this number, and my biggest achievement is also his cp. Whenever I think about it, I feel regretful. Even Mai Shi told Yichuan Han Xing that it would be better if I did n’t sell the large size. The large size is the perfect match for you.

His answer is very chill: “You use megaphone with me cp, too equal, there is no pleasure you now have to commit to me while playing the trumpet, let me humiliate your pleasure.”

“Oh my god, what brain hole did you open?”

“I was humiliated by Feng Wu playing her trumpet, thinking about it, it was cool.”

“…” I opened my mouth for a long time, trying to find precise words to describe him, “Dear, you are the most frank person I have ever met.”

“Really.” He thought for a moment, “It’s really frank, in any way. So do you feel humiliated.”


Although we were happy together, the story of us in the outer area was also enthusiastic about how Boss Han saved me in the depths of the water, how to complete the abuse of the scum boy with me, and described our feelings as fairy love. But in the region, it is impossible for Rainstorm Alliance to be willing to be a cannon fodder, spraying us all day and night.

In action, the attacking side is mainly our side. Yichuan Hanxing’s gameplay is indeed very high-pressure. In addition to the crystals that attack them daily, he has pulled everyone from the Rainstorm Alliance to the blacklist, and took me, the official, and the elder brother to squat next to a npc npc Hanging on the red plane, when he met the person who was wearing the monogram of the Storm Alliance, he said nothing, and went to slaughter.

At this point, his number of blacklists is twice the number of friends. But there are still some people who talked about him in a trumpet, saying that I didn’t mess with you, why did you kill me, you are too bullying. He didn’t say a word and pulled back again. I also feel that it is not good to say that the gangster is not very good, and ask him if he wants to let go of the Buddhist players.

Yichuan Hanxing said that he didn’t care so much. As long as it was a wind and rain alliance, all those who counted as Mu Ming, Wan Wan Jiao, and Summer Cool would be beaten.

The official said, “Little angel, do you believe that there will be real Buddhist players in Fengmeng League? If they are real Buddhas, they should not have a common topic with the main force of this gang. The development policy of this gang in Tiandi Taoyuan It’s a tycoon zone, now it’s a zone, what is the reason for holding the red thigh, it is self-evident. Now that their crystals are broken every day, the Buddhist players saw that they had provoked Lao Han and ran to the gang to take care of them. It may stay? If the people who stayed have either feelings for the Alliance, they have benefited from the civil war and made them reluctant to leave. What more to say, just fight. “

[Team] No brother is me: “Just, don’t make me boring. I want to stay in the Rain Alliance and take advantage of it, but I don’t want to serve the tyrants. How can there be such a good thing? Being a good person on both sides, Lao Tzu Most despise. “

I thought about it for a while and felt that I had gained insight.

I used to have no brain support for the people I helped. Even if they betrayed the royal family and ran away in red clothes, they were reluctant to turn their faces. At that time, a large group of old friends who went to teach in red played privately with me and said that they actually felt that I was very good. I hope that regardless of the gang, they can continue to maintain and maintain my relationship with me. I feel very moved. of.

Now think about it, it was actually a group of people with two sides and three knives wearing high hats for me. It is beautiful to covet the benefits that the red clothes give them, but not to be caught on the list.

There is something very interesting in my impression: the four boys in red suits came to besiege me in the wild and were killed by my backhand. Among them, the one with the lowest combat ability told others that I can’t stay in this gang. The key to a man hitting a girl is that I haven’t beaten them before.

After reading it again, I felt that even if the enemy was on all sides, there was still righteousness in the heart.

So I ate their benevolent set of “Alms”, and when I fought, I really looked around and couldn’t help anyone. I could only choose to escape and entrust the number to the anchor. The anchor was very fierce. He played with Yichuan Hanxing in a style, and became popular when playing a large copy of the entire area, killing the entire Red Teach and half of the map players. Many people who told me in private that they wanted to maintain their friendship immediately revealed themselves, scolded me, scolded me, and helped Hong Yi speak, saying that they had mistaken me for something. The boy who was embarrassed by me was particularly angry. He said that Fengwu is so cute to you. It seems that it is not easy for a girl to be bullied. I still sympathize with you. Now I think that you have good faces. J.

I was furious, and said, “Auntie grandma needs 150,000 fighting power to sympathize with you?”

In this regard, the teachings of the Red Clothes even found counterattack rhetoric, such as “Feng Wuling, the rich woman has begun to bully people with combat power”, “The high war is great, we are so humble”, trying to drive the masses to hate me. The masses are not stupid. They just eat melon professionally and do not help on either side. Instead, our royal friends are very sad. One girl was crying with anger and said she felt wronged for me.

I don’t think it’s a person before and after. I can’t kill the angry old friends and traitors, but I don’t want to see the little friends I help help them be targeted, and I have the thought of shrinking. The more I flinch and guard the royal family’s hesitation, the more I can feel them. Such hesitation put me in a completely weak state, so that I had the urge to bring the remaining gangs into the old-age gang.

But the tree fell apart, and I asked the lord to talk about the gang, and even the gang did n’t want to accept us. The gang gang said, “Pina God is coming to help us, of course we are flourishing, but you know The current situation is very tricky … I personally tend to join forces, after all, Pina God and the demon boss are both great people, but none of the people we help believe that Pina God really wants to take care of himself, but just want to use us Eliminate the red clothes … It will take a long time to persuade them to join, so let’s wait until the limelight is over. “

The devil spokesman laughed after hearing this speech: “What useful value can these flocks of idle fish and eggs have. I don’t know what you are thinking. Although we are few, we are not afraid of them. My only worry is that Afraid that Hongyi will rely on Yichuan Hanxing to target you, then the royal family is very weak. In short, watch it change. “

Hongyi really worked hard to win the Yichuan Hanxing, and sent a screenshot of my chat to Yichuan Hanxing to Ruo Rujian’s management. If you don’t respond at first sight.

My hesitation did not come to fruition until the day when we and the Red-Teacher grabbed the boss in the wild.

That day, I and Red Dress fought each other. Even if there were many of them, she certainly couldn’t withstand my firepower output. Seeing her fall to the ground, the system prompts “The red suit has been killed by you”, and I hold back.

She was resurrected and brought people back to fight back. My mind was blank and the operation became dull. When “I helped the deputy gang Feng Wu to be killed in a mysterious fantasy in a mysterious fantasy” appeared on the gang channel, the friends in the gang also circled, expressing various expressions of surprise and doubt.

The militants have left, and the people who stayed are very Buddhas. When Buddha came to the red clothes and took away so many people, they all thought that they were just going out to play.

At that time I came to a conclusion: forget it, it was boring to play this game. I don’t have cp, gangs and girlfriends are the most important things. Since both are lost, I can bring peace to everyone when I leave, why not.

The first list is not only the first in combat power, but also the sense of responsibility.

Let me take the lead in ending this war between me and Red.

Now comparing the bear kid Yichuan Hanxing, I strongly realized that although I had reached the top of the battlefield before, I was not cruel enough. In the words of Yichuan Hanxing, the idol burden is too heavy. No way, I can be regarded as a small public figure in life.

At this moment, a gang of wind and rain alliance walked by us with a team. Yichuan Han Xing didn’t move a bit. He lost two skills and the man fell into the grass. Several other people were not from the Alliance, and one was killed by accident.

The official said on the current channel: “I’m sorry, we only kill the wind and rain alliance, and the accidentally injured buddies can come to see the welfare box as they did for the first time, it is our compensation to you.”

The injured man made a shy expression and ran away. And the man who lay down on the ground for a while, came to life at the resurrection point. Yichuan Han Xing ran to try to kill him again, but stopped and returned. I clicked on that person’s character and found that the gang to which he belonged has become “None”.

He silently pulled back several other teammates and continued to do the task.

[Team] Officer: Did you see that, a little angel, a real Buddha player, and a neutral family? When you encounter a war, you leave immediately. You do n’t need to communicate too much. Those who will stay quibble and want to persuade people with reason are all clothed in the skin of the Buddhist system and doing things that want to dominate the area. If you choose to join the fighting gang, there will be nothing out of the water.

[Team] Lightly dancing: I quite agree with this, and those who do n’t want to fight will not stay in the fighting gang, just like the Red Teach … Yes, I was curious about one thing, dear, why was the Red Tutor When it was just set up, you did n’t give any response when they pulled you in? Yichuan Hanxing

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Hongyi sent us a lot of screenshots of your private chat, I want to see more. I didn’t expect that before the 818 was finished, you would sell it at the speed of light.

[Team] Dancing lightly: You melon-eating crowd should be very dedicated.

[Team] Officer: Did I miss any important information?

[Team] No brother is me: … am I **** right?

[Team] Officer: You **** did not read it wrong, Yichuan Hanxing and Fengwu were together! It scared me to slap me on my Ferrari and pop out of Nanfu in eight quarters!

[Team] No brother is me: Really? Sister Pina is phoenix? ? ?

[Team] Lightly: Yeah, yeah.

[Team] No brother is me: I rely! !! !! Sister Pina, or my sister, are you back? !!

[Team] Dancing lightly: Before leaving, I changed the area to play, and the results came back together again, embarrassing.

[Team] Officer: Let me calm down. I said why Lao Han was so infatuated. It turned out that he was chasing Pian God! He was so attached to a girl in the outer area that I was not convinced! Now I serve, thoroughly!

It took a long time for the two of them to talk well, saying that they would keep me secret, but they both carried a lot of exclamation marks.

After a long time, Yichuan Hanxing replied.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Dropped. Whoever said that I was eating melon, I was planning to come to the royal family, but I asked you to meet you, but I was also wondering how to talk to you. It’s too bad to come directly.

[Team] Dancing lightly: offline? Are you still outside?

Two and a half hours ago he told me in WeChat that he was going to the company to deal with something.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Well, do you miss me baby?

[Team] Lightly dancing: Think.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Kiss.

[Team] Officer: Nausea ~

[Team] No brother is me: Sprinkle more dog food, anyway, I don’t want to live anymore.

[Team] Dancing lightly: ha ha ha ha ha ha!

[Team] Officer: I’m just a bit old in combat, but women in the old age want to stop me from eating. Pick up.

[Team] Fantasy joins the team.

[Team] Fantasia: Huh, husband, do you think of me, kiss you, kiss you, love you, love you.

[Team] Officer: Haha, I’m very happy, my wife is so active.

Click on the information column of Fantasy, and the name of the official appears in the spouse column. The girl got off to a good start, and how long did it take for the two to enter this sweet state.

[Team] Fantasia: Huh husband, women’s love is more animalistic than men. Man’s love is reflected in care, and woman’s love is reflected in wanting to sleep with him.

[Team] Officer: Really? I heard for the first time. Women’s love equals sleep?

[Team] Magic Qiaoer: Yes, my husband.

[Team] Officer: Does that wife want to like me?

[Team] Fantasia: Ah, ah, am I digging and jumping for myself ~~ My husband is so good ~~

[Team] Dancing lightly: ………

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing :.

[Team] No brother is me: I lie in a big slot, your uncle Xiao Qiao 0-9, I spit out yesterday’s breakfast …

The dignitaries and fantasies were originally at yours and mys, and suddenly a girl in a red dress taught to blow the horn.

[Speaker] Ruan Xixi: No brother is my man. Good night, you are really amazing. Yichuan Hanxing helps his wife and children to kill. Even if Fengyumeng hates you, you have to follow Yichuan Hanxing to kill them. ?

The girl was just in a one-on-one team led by Fengmeng League, but she was not accidentally injured, and the person who started it was Yichuan Hanxing, not without brother. The trumpet sprayed inexplicably, as if directed at no brother. I felt strange and asked my own question.

[Team] No brother is me: her girlfriend’s current cp is my seventh cp. He ate a little evil vinegar so he overturned with me and ran away with her girlfriend. These two couples taught me in red clothes and said bad things about me.

[Team] Dancing lightly: I was drunk by the anchor’s vinegar. Liang Xiaoxie didn’t even have his own number in our district. This little brother really has pursuit.

[Team] Officer: Really a stinky man.

[Team] Dancing lightly: How do you speak like a girl, big official, hahahaha.

[Team] Officer: You do n’t know Sister Pina, I definitely help girls, because men are a good thing for me.

[Speaker] Ruan Xixi: Are your seven ex-husbands okay, aren’t you good men in the North, now you are going to kill the boys in the world to find a sense of existence and find your eighth husband for yourself?

[Team] No brother is me: she is still entangled in me. Push back. You shouldn’t see her, it’s disgusting to care about her.

Having said that, I felt that Wu brother was a bit sad to help me, so I took out the voice-transmission order in the package and thought how to maintain her in a clear and orderly manner. Suddenly, another line of scrolling appeared slowly:

[Speaker] Listening to the wind: You are really nosy, no one loves to help whoever you help, and if you are unhappy, you come to fight with him, what do you say so much nonsense?

[Speaker] Ruan Xixi: I thought who is that man turned out to be a prostitute hear the wind licking dog. I love to say say what none of your business, you think you are Du Chi, Lei Chi your open house?

[] Light dance team dancing: Hey, there are just messengers appeared, great.

[Teams] No brother is me: Yun Cai, not a bit better. This is my sixth cp.

Originally, the boys hear the wind on the troops, but not the kind of impression we crisp type of Bing Gege. He also ate Liang Xiao Xie vinegar, and keep no old brother Ben now. No brother does not agree, he made all kinds of trouble Kill, also in the studio Liang Xiao Xie’s engaged in something. No brother that he carry clear, he forced out from, and the seventh was not long before marriage. Listen to the wind so fast that she could find the next one, because without his brother green, and claimed that he unjustly Liang Xiao Xie, continues to trouble, to no avail, sell number. After some time, probably still feel very empty life on the force, he bought a number come to play, such as strike back when.

At that time no brother and seventh cp already divorced. Ting Feng deliberately complex, she refused. She told him to stay in the gang may have three sister can not pull up, because they are her best friend. If only the game, before and after marriage girlfriends with a very strange guy. Therefore, listening to the wind and remembering her words, the other girls did not hesitate, so they took the three of them one by one, for unknown purpose. Now the capsize is underway.

Sure enough, she is a charming female gangster. When Jun sees the thunderbolt in the sky, every move sets off a storm.

And the top of the northern boundary is well deserved. This melon is still vigorously under way, and another melon is springing up in the WeChat group. Ding Dingdong’s continuous WeChat reminder sounded. I opened it and saw that the beauty burst and Yun Bei tires sent a bunch of screenshots in the small group.

The first is a screenshot of the account transaction online. Rain Forget is sold for 9,999 yuan.

The following are screenshots of Sherlock’s internal chat from Sherlock Holmes.

Qiuyue moon: “Did you see it, don’t forget to sell the rain.”

Ziyi: “It’s normal. The Yulinglong was sold. The girl who bought the number also used her to get together with Yichuan Hanxing. Yu don’t forget that she has been furious since she opened the service. Friends are all furious and probably do not want to go Other gangs, he has no game experience. “

The son was shocked: “Is it really hard for Miss Pina to be with Boss Han? I am in love.”

Ziyi: “Don’t make trouble, Mengmeng …”

White: “Is it necessary for Brother Yu to say a, it’s a pity. I always think others look good.”

Red: “What are you talking about, Xiaobai, you all have Uncle Tong, why is it so easy to have a good impression of a strange male high war? Control your love and be careful when you meet the King of Jumping Zone Guns.”

Ziyi: “So many things have happened recently. Fortunately, Feng Wu has gone away, otherwise she is here and I don’t know what mess will happen.”

Hong Yi: “Zizi, I haven’t understood why you tried so hard to drive her away? No one can fight now.”

White: “It’s better to leave. I always think she’s hostile to me. If she stays, I’m afraid she will kill me.”

Red: “I think Fengwu is best not to leave, and stayed and beaten by us, but beat again and again, it is not fun to play, this is only interesting. It will be boring to go completely.”

I found Bai Yizui’s sweet and cruel man always set it apart. It is said that she opened Taobao’s Meitong store. She is a model herself, has a little money, and is generally in operation. She knows how to use the emotional intelligence of the Internet to attract the attention and sympathy of men. She wasn’t named Baiyi at first, but she changed her name to teach in red. In the past, she was a gang lord of the Buddhist gang, the kind of official said, wearing the skin of a Buddhist pedigree player, doing things that want to dominate the district.

There has always been a law in the game: the battle gang fights you to death, no matter whether you win or lose, you will run to the Buddha to help the elderly in the end. Therefore, those buddhist gangs who helped the master to play the banner of good people, I have always felt more terrible than the fighting gangs.

Later, what Bai Yi did, indeed verified that she was a model of playing pigs and eating tigers.

Ziyi: “Baibai, where did you buy the necklace in your latest circle of friends, it looks so good.”

Putting a selfie of her in white, “Is this the one?”

When I saw that photo, I enlarged the picture and looked at it for a while. In the small group, I said, “Why do they call Cang Xuewutong” Uncle Tong “?”

Yun Bei tire: “Because Cangxue Indus is relatively old, it is said that he just passed his 30th birthday. He and the white line had been together, and the two were still celebrating online.”

Staring at the photo in white again for a long time, I confirmed that I did not recognize the wrong person.

She is Zheng Feiyang’s girlfriend.

At this moment, I think the dimension wall is broken. 2k novel reading network

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