The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 27 - Thirteen Petals

In the game settings, Penglai Island is a fairy island high above the sea, and will appear at different coordinates over time. Feng Yumeng was so overwhelmed by the angry dynasty that he chose such a safe base to hide the crystal. Unfortunately, Yichuan Hanxing caught its coordinates in two minutes. From this small detail we can see what kind of militant this man has been playing for less than five months.

I entered his group, followed the map of Penglai Island, and then retired and opened another group.

At this time in the game, it is dusk, the dark golden sunset shoots out from the clouds, and under the global real-time lighting technology rendering, the branches and leaves of the fairy tree on the island are particularly three-dimensional and real. When the wind blows, the leaves and grass in the same range The leaves will sway in the same direction as the wind. On the island, there are turbulent waterfalls, spraying clouds and mists, and even the water patterns and fog are vivid and beautiful, which is not beautiful. Twelve waterfalls fell straight into the sea, surrounded by lush vegetation, surrounded by stone buildings in the center and the huge blue crystal in the center of the building.

The preparation time of three minutes elapsed, and the men of Fengmengmen have already rushed to guard in front of the crystal. Looking away, the red name was densely packed.

[Gang] Yun Bei tires: There are a lot of people on the opposite side. I opened a trumpet and looked at them. They are currently online at 84, 囧.

[Gang] Napkins: To be honest, I was a bit shadowy in the last gang fight. Although the gangsters are very powerful, it is very difficult for Lei Chi to play alone and help each other … The base is set to fight together and there is another ten-minute time limit. Can we fight it?

[Gang] Clear book: Lei Chi game can’t be one enemy, but Boss Han is not alone. He is a hundred people.

[Gang] Napkin: We have a big gap with Fengmeng. Can Boss drive our entire gang?

[Gang] Dancing lightly: I think the problem is not big. Originally, we were the second gang of Taoyuan in Heaven and Earth, with sufficient strength. Brother Han also had a large range of long-range attack output. This is a crystal raid, not a gang war. It focuses on killing and setting fire.

Actually speaking that way, I’m also a little bit hypocritical. I used to be a competitive player. At the beginning, I played season-based gang-ups, which were also elegant and technical skills. By the end of the late royal family, all our fighters were hung up at the resurrection point until the end, and no one on the other side would come out. When I met Ru Ruyi at the first time, it was also Yichuan Hanxing who killed us, so I rushed out to confront him. He could not beat me in the early stage, and the gang constantly refreshed the crooked hint that “Phoenix dances to the end of the Yichuan Hanxing Strike”.

Therefore, I am not particularly good at this unscrupulous and popular attack. But looking back at the two large-scale angry battles, one rainy war wolf and one rain-forgettable dad, neither has the ability to output in scope. If the two of them are both magical, the gang fight after the alliance will not lose so badly.

[Gang] Yan Lan made a movie: Bored Prince’s disease, Chenchener, Jun Fengyun, Mu Yun, cool summer … There is not only a shortage of people on the opposite side, there are too many high-level wars, there are seven outputs of more than 100,000 light, prince Sickness and magical children are not much lower than Yu Geping. Boss Han, it’s not our own prestige. We are the only three of you in the high war. Now there are only 32 of them online. Half of them are not there. This crystal defense battle is the advantage of the defensive side and wept.

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing has completed 3 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 5 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 10 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 15 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 20 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Dancing lightly: When the drive is on, the fight is right.

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 25 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 30 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Dancing lightly: …

Although the number of consecutive kills is gradually suggested, most of these should be the trumpet number of a second or two of his skills.

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 35 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Son of napkins: God forehead!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 40 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 45 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: Dadao is indeed the king of teamfights.

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 50 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 55 consecutive kills!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing completed 60 consecutive kills!

No one spoke in the gang. I saw Hanagawa Ichikawa standing outside the door of the crystal stronghold and losing skills to the stormy alliance that swarmed out. The skills exploded in the crowd like dark ink bombs. Here refreshed the number of people he took. Occasionally one or two high wars ran out of the sidewalk and stole a few of our heads, and were quickly surrounded by me and Yu Don’t Forget. Occasionally, Yichuan Hanxing was attacked by his monster show control, and he quickly released the flash immediately. The two skills of the backhand were the second, and then he continued to clean up.

But Yichuan Hanxing didn’t break their crystal. When their crystals began to drop blood, and the nanny added blood to the crystal, he did not kill those nanny. He just flashed at the door and brushed his head. When he swiped to the system, the following prompt appeared:

Yichuan Hanxing killed 100 masters in a row in the resource plundering battle on Penglai Island. Everyone in the world changed color!

When this announcement appeared, a game avatar of Han Xingchuan appeared in the center of the screen. That’s the official portrait that a famous artist asked him to draw for him: the man turned his back to the painter, half face, the silver hair on the back hangs on the black, the hair ends float slightly, the bangs hang down on the narrow bridge Ticked, immortal. However, his eyes were cold and ruthless, his lips pale and colorless, and he had a top killer temperament.

[World] Xiong Wei: A person who was beaten by Boss Han to a small group of seniors said that now when I see Boss Han ’s head, I will be conditioned and shivering …

[World] Little Coach: Boss Han starts again, Boss Han is mighty.

[World] Dead Bowl: We Han brother has always been so simple and rude, saying that attack will attack.

Feng Yumeng said a few words, cool summer, refreshing sweetheart, Ning Xiaobai, Xuanyuan Baozi and others, especially taken care of by Yichuan Hanxing. When they were alive, they only protected the cd for a while after the resurrection. Other times they were either dead or on their way to death.

Therefore, it is rare for these yin and yang people to talk sourly, and they started to explode directly in the world. They also said that this was game bullying.

[World] Qingshu: “Low-combat players are part of the game experience of high-combat players”, but the words of the League of Legends themselves. When you used to bully low wars, how many of you did not feel like you were doing game bullying when you besieged beautiful women and hit other people’s equipment to explode?

[World] God: I can’t shut up now. Some people smashed a good hand, and some smashed a bad hand, and these fools just tore a bad hand to pieces, and I was drunk too.

However, when the fight is particularly severe, the world is quite quiet, even the Red Zone is no exception. Those few people continued to swipe the screen and curse, but the swear words floated in the world like this, no one answered, no one left the topic, only some Buddhist players calmly received living materials and released team recruitment information.

The gang members in the regiment and I also cleaned up some gang members who stormed, and took 50 consecutive kills. Mu Yan and Wanwan Sauce were hunted down by my screen. No one got them.

Seven minutes later, the system announcement showed this prompt:

Yichuan Hanxing killed 300 masters in a row in the resource plundering battle on Penglai Island, which is really the legendary God of War and is famous all over the world!

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing: Come hit the crystal.

He nodded to follow, all of us flocked up, and the people of the Storm Alliance near the crystal you slashed alive. Yichuan Hanxing no longer kills people, but outputs them to the crystal.

Probably because of Yu Linglong’s arrogant personality and concern for face, I checked the historical attack records of the angry dynasty, and there was no wind and rain alliance in it. For a gang like Fengmeng who relies on long-term anger to vent their emotions, such an assault should be the first experience. They had long lost sight of tactics, and all the nurses gave up treating their teammates, squeezed together in desperate milk crystals, and were all taken away by a magic blade of the One River Cold Star.

System Announcement: World’s Major Events, World Wars! The raging dynasty successfully completed a stronghold attack on Fengyumeng, smashing the town gang crystal on Zhi Penglai Island, and won a lot of gang funds!

The world was quieter and the scene was very embarrassing. Fengmeng League no longer scolds the streets, and even life players no longer receive materials, only a few super cute new players are still recruiting teammates to make copies.

The Penglai Island crystal has entered the protection period. Most of the gang members left in the fury. Only a few scattered people are still on the island. They hug, jump, and lose their skills happily. Fly around.

[Gang] Dancing lightly: Thank you, Han. Yichuan Hanxing

[Gang] God: It’s comfortable. Brother Xie Han!

[Gang] Maple leaves are my eyesight: Han brother v5, haha.

[Gang] Beauty explodes: Han brother gives power! Just followed the violent smashing of the male primary three, relieve the hate! !!

On the system announcement, the following content was swiped again: Yichuan Hanxing sprinkled red envelope rain to the heights of the world, I wish you all a lot of money, and Europe is full of gas!

It was easy to relax the atmosphere, and various words of thanks to the boss began to appear in the world.

[Gang] napkin boy: cool. Thank you Han! At first, the villain didn’t know Taishan, and felt that there were many high-level wars on the opposite side. He was afraid that Han could not beat them, but he thought too much. This is not a base attack, this is a resurrection point transmission war.

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: There are petty bourgeois players on the opposite side. They are not large and useless. Thank you, Brother Han, for doing so much for Pina Ping.

Don’t forget to talk when seeing the rain, I transferred the helper to him. But he immediately returned to me, and without explaining the reason, he chatted with a passing red-teacher **** the current channel.

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing: A trivial matter. Where I need my help in the future, though, the first time.

In the angry gang, they have blown Yichuan Hanxing to the sky, saying that they used to think he was a Gao Leng male god, and he didn’t care about anything. I didn’t expect him to treat others righteously, and to love cp seriously, he is a real man. Yun Beitai said, we haven’t said that we want to cp with Han brother. They all said, sooner or later, Ann, Ann.

After reading these words, I noticed for a long time that I had laughed so hard that I could not shut up. Then, I found a river of cold stars under a waterfall on Penglai Island, and said on the current channel: “Han, really thank you …”

As a result he immediately spoke over.

After I connected, I smiled a little embarrassedly and thanked him again.

“Huh? Thanks for what?” He suspected to be acting stupid.

“In the past, I misunderstood you so much that I thought you were rude, unreasonable, aggressive, and likes to kill people. I didn’t expect you to be so warm.”

“You didn’t get me wrong, that’s how I am.”

He was so frank and made me laugh: “You are not. You are very interesting to yourself.”

“Of course you need to protect yourself with no brains, especially those half-barreled water sprays, and it will be done. After that, remember that a girl said: ‘I don’t like others to pretend in front of me, only others fight. But when I was, I couldn’t put it on in front of me. So, I want to be the first in the full service. ‘I think it’s a bit interesting. “

This time I laughed out loud: “You have heard this sentence. Hahahaha, I said it. Then what do we do next, we are at war with the alliance of wind and rain, should we continue to fight?”

“Starting tomorrow, breaking their crystals every day is our daily task.”

“Will this gameplay be too intense?”

“That’s no way, I’m a high-intensity, high-pressure type of gameplay. They can’t stand it. They don’t have it. Otherwise, don’t fight, if you want to fight, you will die.”

“If you want to fight, you will die …?” I whispered.

“Of course. Weeds must be rooted and dried once and a hundred times in their nests. There is no difference in their hatred for us. Besides, you also saw that if you can’t hit them, they won’t stop beating. It’s better to hit them. Be cool and let them scold. “

“So it is.”

This time it reminded me of my mistakes. In the past, the lord of the royal family was a militant, with low combat power and old churros. He would engage in diplomatic and command group battles. He used the prestige of me and the red clothes to combine the high-level war in the next area with the royal family. However, he is good at fighting the world, but not good at defending the world. When the royal family is completely overwhelmed, he has no sense of existence, and he starts to engage in those people who don’t like him. He has paid a lot for the gang all the time, we all gave him face, we all opened his eyes and closed his eyes when he was arrogant; whoever he saw was unhappy, we followed the crystal that broke his old nest. Under his command, we often smashed three crystals one night, and later were joined by three gangs to counter our crystals.

During that time, the heroes were arguing, and the smoke was rising. We all helped the waves to fly, and the whole area brushed the horns to fight the battle books. There were fights every day, and resources were grabbed every day. Naturally hate was scolded in the depths. In the depths, the wild frame, the red, and the pursuit of assassination. . At that time, I fell into a state of invincibility and didn’t want too much. Every day, I took everyone to help the Lord to kill and shout 666. Someone paid me a lot of money for rewarding my head. Although no one dared to take it, I was always on guard when I was walking in the wild.

I’m so nervous as a leader, let alone others. Gang channels often have quarrels. Everyone in the world is spraying royal bullying. The two female demon heads are like moon invitations.

I always feel that the internal atmosphere of the royal family is not very good, so I asked them if they could not let it go. Don’t tear it up with the triad.

Ziyi was helping the lady at that time, and told me privately, flirty, this kind of game should not be naive, if you want to fight, you must be killed.

As a result, the gang broke the crystals for three days and something happened. This gang appeared in a medium-powered magic road, full of trumpet slaughtering the royal family. Red was also killed twice while hanging, and was chased thousands of miles to this magic road hoe. Although she was killed back in the end, she was a face-saving person and felt very irritable and ashamed.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, I persuaded the Lord to cease the war, and the Lord was helpless. From this incident, a rift formed between me and Red. She built a “Royal Girlfriends Group” in private, and pulled in people who had a good relationship with her, and uttered in the group that all my behaviors were not wayward behavior.

Then, she and the three-in-one gang management also said that she was very dissatisfied with the top one. If the top one continued to be so wayward, she would bring people together to play royal and phoenix dance with them. This gang is now taught in red.

But I didn’t know it at the time, I still treated her as my best friend, and shared all my little secrets in the game with her. When someone is dissatisfied with her, I will be even more angry than her; when the brother-in-law anchor defeats her, she is very angry. I help her to kill and kill brother, and diss without brother with her. She took all these screenshots and took screenshots to cover her remarks about the other party’s bad, which were all made public by her after we officially broke.

Of course, the most diss I have is Yichuan Hanxing. Including that I said that he was a mean and shameless villain, that the insignificant play was not a man, that a fat and fat man in his life would stare at me in the game to find a sense of existence, etc.

These records were also sent to her space. So even if I sold the number and left a lot of legends, if I first met the gang members, I would not like me too much.

After the red clothing betrayed the self-reliance portal, the top of the northern boundary stood on three legs: Ruoru, Royal, and Red Clothing. I offended two, singing everywhere.

Actually, I said that all those who are ill in Yichuan Hanxing are venting their anger. Because he never talked to me from beginning to end.

Finally, the day he won me, someone in the group told me that Boss Han was looking for you. He was waiting for you under the peach tree on the 1st line of Beijing. My mood was extremely low, and I knew that he had read what I scolded him, but I just thought he wanted to show off the results with me, and naturally he didn’t go.

Thinking of this, a gang of wind and rain alliance came to Penglai Island to do daily gang tasks. Before I could see his name clearly, Yichuan Hanxing’s name turned red. He flashed past and the two skills ended the person. Then, this person was not resurrected, so he lay on the ground and yelled in the world:

“Yichuan Hanxing, I **** you? I ca n’t see how lightly I am, so I do n’t want people to dislike her? I ’ve participated in your gang struggle? You **** are really the gods they say? Villain, bandit! Don’t be ashamed of the first name of the full service! Look at Feng Wuranran, and then look at yourself, the difference of character, the combat power can not be made up! You don’t even match her shoes!

These words made me very uncomfortable. I was most afraid that others would be sprayed for my early life, and quickly said to Yichuan Han Xing in my voice: “Don’t kill them, I don’t want you to be scolded.”

Yichuan Hanxing didn’t care at all: “Scolding, continue to abuse their nest tomorrow.”

That man continued to shout in the world, “Come on, kill me, do you think I would be afraid of you”, but he didn’t care.

[Trumpet] In red: Fengwu has no black spots? When the old people of the northern border are dead? Don’t be funny. In order to stabilize the position of serving the hegemony, I used life to make Yichuan Hanxing, and also called Lei Chi to plan to strengthen her ghost training. As long as someone formed a team with Yichuan Hanxing’s gang, she would blast her hair and drunk herself. Instead, he confided his true feelings and wanted to hit us with the Ichikawa Hansung group. Using the gang and abandoning it again, and looking for anchors to kill old friends, she felt ashamed when she broke the story. Really, I have played games for so long and have never seen such a wayward girl.

The drunken event was very awkward.

That day was a high school class reunion. The big-eyed frog girl knowingly asked me if I was still with Du Hanchuan. I had a very bad drink. I drank two bottles of beer that day, and I was completely dizzy. So I didn’t talk all the way. I went home and helped the owner to hack people around. A girl in the group asked everyone who was single whether they liked someone, and I said, “Even if he fails me, I am still very unproductive and still like him.”

Everyone was curious who asked. I drank too high, thinking about Du Hanchuan in my head, but the name was Yichuan Hanxing.

So, the screenshot is crazy …

[World] Lulu Smida: No way, who tells Feng Wuling to have no money at home. Everyone said that it was her pocket money. Acid is useless, and I am afraid that everyone here cannot reach it.

[Speaker] Ziyi: Hehe, if you see me for the first time, say this, aren’t you afraid that your cold brother will chill at you?

[World] Lulu Smida: We all say this to ourselves.

I blinked and said to Yichuan Hanxing, “Do you really say that?”

“Do you believe me if you are humble?

“Ah, you bastard!” I patted the keyboard and said angrily, “Did you beat me to the capital that day, did you just want to count me?”

“of course not.”

“What are you doing?”

At this point, a dialog box appears.

Yichuan Hanxing wants to do a two-person action with you: niches kissing. Whether to accept? 【whether】

“I want to do this.” He sighed softly.

After five seconds, the dialog box disappears. He didn’t order the duo immediately, as he did before, nor did he speak. There was a crisp sound of keyboard typing at the end of his voice, and he said, “Look at the private chat, I’ll send it to you.”

I opened my private mailbox.

[Private chat] Yichuan Hanxing: I know you are going to marry someone in reality. Your reality has nothing to do with me, I just want to get you in the virtual world, love you without reservation, and I’m satisfied.

I don’t know why, I feel the eyes are slightly warm, and I can’t breathe loudly.

Yichuan Hanxing wants to do a two-person action with you: niches kissing. Whether to accept? 【whether】

“Han, this has no other meaning, just to express my gratitude to you.”

With the last second left of the countdown, I clicked “Yes”.

At this moment, in the game, on the island of Penglai, the sound of waterfalls rang, and there was only silence in the voice. The water droplets were as thin as smoke and permeated the fairy mountain island. Hanchuan Yichuan pushed the dancing lightly on the rocks beside the waterfall. The two looked at each other affectionately for three seconds. Then he lowered his head and kissed her lips gently.

The picture quality of “Peach Blossom World” is the top level of domestic games. People’s eyes are bright, the surface of the pinch can scatter even water and light. After the direct sunlight, the ambient light shielding technology made these two figures hide under the rocks, as if they were truly enveloped by shadows in the closed date space. They were very close to the waterfall, their hair was wet, their clothes were like clouds, and even the grass and red flowers swayed in the wind. Yichuan Hanxing held one hand on the rocky mountain wall, and inserted one hand into the lightly dancing long hair. The details of each kiss looked so affectionate.

The game is really good, just like it really is.

I held my face with both hands and watched this scene that seemed to be related to me but had nothing to do with it. 2k novel reading network

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