The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 26 - Twelve petals peach

After having a relationship with Ichikawa Hansung, the kind of frequent apes always reminds me of my first love.

I still remember a month after I formally dated Du Hanchuan, I received a letter that changed my life. I was on a winter vacation and I was at my house in Chongqing. That letter was handed to me by my nanny, a4 size, kraft paper packaging, and the big red artistic font “beauty” was printed in the lower right corner, and the words of the National Art Association were written below. Take out the letter and see that there is only a flat certificate:

“20xx Chinese Art” Dragon Color Award “Award Certificate

Hao Pian Pian’s oil painting “Elf in a Bottle” won the 15th Chinese Art “Dragon Color Award”

Gold award.

Specially awarded the title of “Baijie of Chinese Art”. “

The words “Dragon Color Award” and “Gold Award” are bronzing texture. Below are the names and stamps of the four art associations.

Holding this certificate, I felt my hands shaking slightly. After shaking for more than ten seconds, I rushed from the third floor to the first floor, unfolded this certificate in front of my dad, and screamed like a little lunatic, saying, “Ah, ah, ah, daddy !! My painting Take the Dragon Prize !!!! “

Dad was watching the news. He took the certificate and looked at it for a while. He frowned and read every word on the certificate. His serious face was gradually filled with proud and happy expressions: “Yes. My daughter in the family can. “

“Dad, can I not do business in the future, I want to keep painting, can I be a painter?”

Dad thought about it for a few seconds, and finally nodded with closed eyes and smiled, “Okay, Dad approved.”

He used to expect me to be a strong woman and to train me as a company successor. Rarely he was so simple, but I hesitated a bit: “Then … what about the company?”

“My dad is still young. When he can’t do anything, he will ask a professional manager. You can rest assured to do what you want to do.”

“Okay!” I clenched my fists, shook the certificate carefully and excitedly, “I will become a nationally famous painter and I will not let you down!”

“Daughter, you have just won a big prize, the long march has just taken the first step, don’t be too early.” Dad rubbed my hair with a smile.

I smoothed my hair: “I see.”

Beginning that day, new paintings started and Weibo started to operate. Upload the certificate and change the certification information: “Emerging painter, Long Cai prize winner Hao Pina.”

I have published my work on websites and magazines before, and have a certain Weibo fan base. That time I sent the original image of “Elf in the Bottle” to Weibo with the text: “Thank you Longcai Award. Hello, my elf in the Bottle.” Many fans who did not find me quickly followed me and forwarded comments , Also wrote me a super enthusiastic private letter confession:

“Hao Pianping, the first time I saw your paintings in the Youth Art Circle, I knew you would succeed! At that time I couldn’t believe this little painter was only thirteen years old, and you were one year younger than me Years old! I especially like the portraits you draw, and I’m curious. How did you make your hair so lifelike? Just a few pens, it feels like there is air flowing, and there is no extra line. ,so amazing!”

“Pina, ah, a cute girl from Hunan sent a congratulatory message! I was not surprised to see you win the prize. After all, I have been following you silently for a long time. You are gifted and hard enough, so accomplished, famous Really return. We will always be with you in the future, watching you go further step by step, dashing ducks! “Finally with a dog head.

“Mrs. Pina, you are really awesome. I also draw. With the same brush, why do I draw dirty and dark, but you just go everywhere, without a trace of ink and ink, all in one go. Only the heart is extremely confident. Will be decisive and accurate. Give me my knee! “

On that day, I do n’t want to be too arrogant. I took the certificate and gave it to Du Hanchuan, but his response was not as excited as I thought: “Do your fans know that this little girl is a idiot in school?”

“It’s because I’m an artist, and I have an eye for beauty.”

“How many times have you said this, but everything you see is superficial. You can’t find the most beautiful thing.”

I didn’t figure out how to understand this sentence, but no matter how I tortured him, I couldn’t get any results. After school started, I asked him again in front of him, and he still didn’t give the answer. I was anxious, dragging his sleeves and rumbling, don’t tell me what the most beautiful thing is the soul beauty, it is too empty.

Du Hanchuan smiled and shook his head, touched my head, and stared down at me silently, but still said nothing.

At that time, we stood under the largest ginkgo tree in the school. Next to the cement basketball court, there are dense layers of trees next to the basketball, and there are countless young faces passing by under the trees.

Like knowing that youth is short-lived, like knowing that I and he will not have a future. At that time, I cherish every minute and every second I spend with him. Therefore, it was only a brief moment when I met him, the excitement and surging in my heart made my eyes warm.

Later, someone recalled the back of Du Hanchuan and I standing under the ginkgo tree, saying that we were like the heroine and heroine who came out of the girl comics and enjoyed them. I heard this sentence and went back for a long time.

At that time, we had broken up for a long time.

The reason for the breakup was about five hours and I could n’t finish it, but now I think about it, there are only five words: off-site, not enough love.

I still remember that after I got the results of the college entrance examination, I went to move my English assignment to the English teacher’s office. I heard that she and the senior teacher talked about Du Hanchuan’s college entrance examination, which played well. I said, did he fill in Fudan or Jiaotong University? The senior high school teacher said that his first volunteer was Peking University. I said, no, doesn’t he stay in Shanghai?

The teacher in Senior Three said with a smile that Du Hanchuan’s family was in Beijing. He came to Shanghai to study because of his parents’ work relationship. Now that his parents are going back to Beijing, he is admitted to Peking University again.

At the time, my first reaction was that the teacher was mistaken, because he and I agreed to take the university in Shanghai, and he could not regret it. Besides, after college, they have become independent. It doesn’t matter where the parents are.

I had no doubt at all and sent him a message. Congratulations, he did a good job in the college entrance examination, and then asked him if his first wish was Fudan. Because he once mentioned briefly that he wanted to be a doctor and open a hospital, Fudan Medical College is better than Jiaotong University Medical College.

After nearly half an hour, he replied to me: “It’s Peking University. But I won’t go to Beijing. I want to go abroad.”

“Going abroad?” I was almost in circles.

“Well. I got the offers from lse, ucl and Cambridge. I’m discussing with my family which one I’m going to. We’ll talk about it later.”

There is no such thing as “let’s talk later”. Since that day, he has evaporated like a human being, and has almost no contact with people.

Later, I heard the pineapple senior said that Du Hanchuan went to Cambridge to study for a few days, but gave up on the day of enrollment and switched to lse because he couldn’t read Cambridge. At the end, he also added that Du Hanchuan has been in a bad shape recently.

Du Hanchuan I know will never give up for reasons of “can’t read”, so I fully believe that he is in a bad state. So, during the National Day holiday, I told my dad to travel to the UK. He couldn’t get too busy and arranged for my aunt to take me and my cousin to play.

When I arrived in London, I made countless phone calls. Until three o’clock in the afternoon, I was almost worried that I was going to die, and there was a tired “hello” coming from the other side of the phone.

I could hardly believe that the sound as if a hangover was him.

“Is it Du Hanchuan? I’m in London …”

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

He finally agreed to meet with me, but after seeing him, the scene was different from what I expected.

The meeting place for the two of us was not the campus of lse, the red roadside covered with fallen leaves, the elegant and quiet restaurant, but a long line of nightclubs. There were two British women smoking cigarettes at the door. The skirt was short enough to reveal a small half of hips, because they had been drinking for a long time and would not tremble when standing on such a cold night. The three men in suits and shoes smiled at them with a smile, and from time to time they lowered their heads and whispered in exchange for their frivolous eyebrows and ambiguous smiles.

Such a scene is a bit too exciting for me at that age.

Du Hanchuan came out and found me. He is different from everyone else. White shirts, black trousers and white sneakers are the only clear stream in this nightclub.

He dragged me to the club to play around. The flashing lights inside made my eyes hurt, and the house music made me buzz even in my head. A fat white woman and a black man danced tights. They were all glued together from the waist down, twisted and twisted to see that the stomach was sore and their throats were blowing.

Watching Du Hanchuan drinking in it, I was so uncomfortable that I wanted to turn around and leave. Then he grabbed my hand and pushed me against the corner wall with one hand, looking down and trying to kiss me. I froze, don’t start, and rushed out of the nightclub with closed eyes.

Cars coming and going on the street, from time to time, Ferraris ran past and took away a deafening piece of rock music.

I panted at the mouth of the road and saw Du Hanchuan coming out of it, smiling at me like nothing. But he had just taken two steps, and the red sports car just passing by had stopped in front of him. The door opened and a pair of thin legs stepping on 12cm red high heels. Then there was a Hermes bag with a scarf, a red miniskirt and a white fur cape.

However, the girls in this suit are about the same age as me.

After she got out of the car, another girl with the same dress style followed her and walked in front of Du Hanchuan.

“Frank, sorry, I have kept you waiting.” The girl’s eyes were half-squinted because the false eyelashes were too thick, and her eyes were charming and confused. Then she turned around, glanced up and down, and continued to Du Hanchuan with a touch of pride: “We are going ahead, you come soon.”

After they entered, I looked at Du Hanchuan unbelievably: “What the **** are you doing? Is this the purpose of your study abroad?” I pointed to the nightclub behind him.

“Yes, don’t parents say so, high school learns well, but colleges play.” Du Hanchuan shrugged. “I have enough high school, now it’s time to enjoy.”

“What do these girls have to do with you?”

“I still have girlfriends, and of course they have nothing to do with me.” He dragged me towards the parking place. “Let’s go, I’ll take you back.”

He went to drive the car and took me back to the hotel. Neither of us said a word along the way. After arriving at the station, he lifted his chin in the direction of the door on my side and signaled me to get out of the car.

“Du Hanchuan, have you encountered any unpleasant things recently? I heard the senior pineapple said that you have recently …”

Du Hanchuan interrupted me: “You play too much, I’m fine.”

“Then you go back with me,” I said coldly.

His attitude was even more ruthless: “Don’t try to control me. I’m the one who bothers me most.”

“I’ll ask you again if you want to go back with me.”

He confronted me quietly for a while and whispered, “No.”

I shook my fists, trembling with anger, and finally opened the door and said lightly, “Let’s break up.”

He laughed, and indifferently watched me close the door and walk away.

Later, I heard a friend talk about a London student. A girl interviewed an international student on the streets of London and said, what is your job? International students say that my job is to kill all the good boys among international students in London. The girls said, but there are no good boys in London. The international students smiled mysteriously and said, “What do you think they don’t have?”

Du Hanchuan failed to study abroad, this is just the beginning. I didn’t want to mention what he did with the married woman later. It’s a nightmare.

Compared to men with similar names, Yichuan Hanxing looks so cute.

After the vest fell off, Yichuan Hanxing left the Lengyue side aside, but the one-stop mission would still call me. I always made a team with the people in the gang, so he ran to our team with a big official and said it was a “squad”, so the little cute people in our team didn’t dare to say aloud Only dare to speak carefully in the gang.

[Gang] Napkin: My mom, is this a dream? I actually teamed with the Devil King …

[Gang] Beauty explodes: there is Pina and Bo Han, brushing copies is just like flying! Cool!

[Gang] Yun Bei tire: Pina, are you planning to cp with Boss Han? What should Lengyue do? He hasn’t been on recently … Is there any reaction?

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: I said why Pina Phan was so anxious to divorce me. It turned out to be a heart or a cold star. Congratulations, congratulations!

His blessing was followed by his favorite sun smiley expression, and somehow, I saw a little hair on my back.

[Gang] Dancing lightly: Brother Yu, don’t say that, I just bought sister Yu’s number. You and Sister Yu are still a match made in heaven.

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: You and Yichuan Hanxing are a match made in heaven. No wonder he hasn’t gotten married for so long. It turned out to be waiting for you. I think I understand.

[Gang] Son of napkins: What are you talking about, Brother Yu, boss Han didn’t know Pina before?

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: Of course I know. Lengyue is his trumpet.

[Gang] Beauty Explosion: Hey! !! !! !! !! how is this possible! !! !! !!

[Gang] Maple leaf is my eye 涙 ℡: 噗.

I asked Yichuan Hanxing if he could tell everyone that Lengyue was his trumpet. After getting Yichuan Hanxing’s consent, I directly asked Yu Don’t Forget how he knew. This time, the gang channel began to frantically swipe the screen.

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: I had thought that Lengyue played like Yichuan Hanxing in the morning, but thought that it was only Lengyue who imitated him, but I didn’t expect to be a person.

[Gang] Napkins: How to play?

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: In the days when the Cold Moon’s combat power was raised particularly fast, I observed his panel. The crit and dodge were particularly high, and a Windfury beast was made. The first person to use the wind to anger the gods and beasts is Feng Wu Pingran. In an era when the whole people didn’t even have the right skills to treat the beast, Feng Wu Pianran’s gameplay can be said to be very fashionable. Moreover, at that time, the refining function of the equipment of the gods and beasts had not yet been launched, and the phoenix Wuran had a high blood and high flash, and was able to fight and carry, very invincible. Compare the attributes of the red shirt, not to mention, it costs a lot, but anyone with the same combat power can kill her in half blood. Yichuan Hanxing was a big brother who rose later. When he started to play, the beast equipment could be refined, and the amount of milk of the refined beast could catch up to a big tit, so Yichuan Hanxing gave up his blood and heeded his crit and dodge, relying on wind The fury beasts increase the output and the efficiency of team battles and low battles. They rely on high evasion and operation to reduce the seconds damage they receive. Think about the cold moon when he first arrived, how much combat power did he have at that time, do you need Windfury? Obviously not a low war gameplay.

[Gang] Yun Bei tire: … Am I listening to Tianshu … Thank you for speaking Chinese …

[Gangmen] Napkins: That’s true. I just looked at it. Yichuan Hanxing has less blood than red clothes. It feels like his number is superfluous.

[Gang] God: The creator of the “rotating output stream” is nb. In the past, Modao was recognized as a single-headed wastewood and was abused by melee. It took four months for the Great God to prove that this profession can also be the single-headed king. This is a milestone for the whole world, just like Huo Yuanjia kicked the plaque of the sick man in East Asia.

I smoked. The so-called “Proof of the Magic Way can also be the head of a heads-up”, isn’t it because they defeated me …

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: Yes, besides, who was your first reaction to mentioning Treasure Hunt?

[Gang] God: Yichuan Hanxing. A man who lost 500,000 a day and madly pursued the runes.

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: Yes, he has just come to our area, and he will do it all day long.

I have to admire rain’s forgetful observation. In fact, I also found out that Lengyue can play, but because I have n’t studied other people ’s play before, I do n’t know that this attribute combination was created by Yichuan Hanxing. I only know that he created a wretched output stream. As he flew up all the way, many players who were higher than him met him single-handedly, and they were smashed before and after.

[Gang] Beauty explodes: So, why is Boss Han, the king, mixing into the Bronze Show? Is it because of love! Lightly

[Gang] Dancing lightly: Hahahaha, don’t make trouble, he’s just bored.

[Gang] Magic Qiaoer: After reading so much, I just want to ask one thing: Does the official have no cp?

[Gang] God: Why, do you like big officials again?

[Gang] Magic Qiaoer: No, I just feel that others are good.

[Gang] God: Which battle do you think is bad?

[Gang] Maple leaves are my eyesight: Qiaoer, I urge you to give up this idea, the official is a famous savage wave, such as Lang Cheng, you do not want to send smoke in our village.

[Gang] Magic Qiaoer: OK, we need more **** again. Wait for my good news.

[Gang] Fantastic Koji has quit the gang!

[Gang] God: …

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain …

A few minutes later, I clicked on the information of Huanqiao Qiao, and it turned out that the gang had turned into “Ruo Rujian”.

[Team] Officer: Yo, we helped a beautiful girl. Did she help you before?

[Team] Napkin Boy: Um, yes, she just told us we’re going to you.

[Team] Officer: Why don’t you come here together? You do n’t know how lazy Lao Han was before. He did n’t do anything, but only charged and fought. I checked him on his taskbar, and the small red dot on the screen showed that my obsessive-compulsive disorder was going to happen. After I knew you, he hanged all of himself, which made me feel very scared.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Experience is enough. I don’t want to do boring small tasks, it doesn’t make any sense. Now it’s to be with you.

[Team] Officer: Lazy is lazy, so many excuses. Come and help us?

[Team] Dancing lightly: Brother Han didn’t invite me there.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Are you coming?

[Team] Dancing lightly: Don’t come.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing :.

[Team] Officer: What do you say is so cheap as the old Wuyou, you two should really worship.

After the end of the one, the beauty exploded with me to find a npc in Xianxiang Town to exchange some materials, and play with new fashion and new mounts. As soon as we stood still on the shore, we saw several Fengmeng League and the gang members in the red clothes gathered to chat nearby. A boy in red clothes came with a few sisters and talked on the current channel.

The son dreamed: “Sister Pina, I’m your fan, can you give me a hug of a fan?”

This man was the first war wolf of Red Clothes Education. After Red Clothes founded the gang, she was dug up by other gangs. A stop on the map is also a special effect shining, quite a pose. He would take the initiative to talk to me, which surprised me.

Little Red Riding Hood: “Me too …”

The beauty exploded: “Hey ha ha ha ha ha ha chi, come soon!”

Zhexing: “Call Boss Han. The magic blade is extinct to serve.”

Didi Dada: “Sister Miss, I am also your fan, little fan of love in the 42 area. We have all heard of your deeds, you are really cool.”

Lightly dancing: “Thank you for your appreciation, but I only hold girls.”

The beauty burst: “Haha, big fan meeting!”

As I said, a group of girls are desperately embracing. The two girls also deliberately sent voice to verify their true body.

The son dreamed: “Leave, hold a fart, a woman I can’t hold, don’t even think about it.”

As a result, he hadn’t disappeared yet. A black dragon descended from the sky. The young man in black and white hair came down from the dragon’s back and blocked in front of me. Coercion……

The son was shocked: “I was panicked.”

The beauty exploded: “Hey ha ha ha ha ha, the **** of cold is here!”

Starbreaker: “Ha ha ha ha ha! When you say the magic blade is extinct, the magic blade is extinct, and the anger value is brewing to complete ha ha ha ha!”

A few of them slipped away quickly, and those stormy alliances disappeared.

Yichuan Hanxing didn’t say much, applied for my team, and hung up directly behind me. I secretly sent him a voice: “You know I’m here …”

“Well. Someone told me.”

“Well, you have a lot of eyeliners.”

[World] Summer is cool: Haha, I heard that a cheap girl and a fan can’t make it. It’s great to buy a high battle number.

[World] Qiuyue moon: Hey, any high war hero who is also hurt and wants to swim, I also want to comfort her a few words, hug her thigh, and then received her number to install a wave of beeps.

[World] God: Are you sick, Summer Mother? Do n’t you all know that the number has been replaced?

[World] Summer is cold: Regardless of whether she has been replaced, she came to mess with me, but she was wrong.

【World】 Beauty explodes: Please have a little eyes, okay, who picked the thing first? What has Pina said from the time of purchase to the present, haven’t you been pestering her?

[World] Refreshing Sweetheart: Why didn’t she tell me the fact that the number had been changed? I’m really drunk with this new owner. Why not buy it when you buy it?

[Trumpet] Dancing lightly: I don’t say it because I promised the former number one not to say it, and frankly I’m free to buy the number myself, you can’t control it.

[World] Refreshing sweetheart: Oh, now you make the whole service scold Mu Mu and Wan Wan Are you happy? Really, beauties may be cheap, but you are hateful!

[World] Ning Xiaobai: Oh, sweetheart, what do you say to such a shameless woman? Bichi, who is angry, is doing this, doing everything to hold her thighs. You haven’t seen it. Fantastic how to meet Ruo Ru first, this is who you want to see. Don’t grab a guy with you just to have fun.

[World] Purple clothes: There are so many beautiful girls in your area. The girls in our area are straight daughters of steel. I only know that I have enough money to pay for them.

[World] Summer is cool: Ziyi, not in our district, except for the exquisite Yu Linglong who has been a, all women are either low-fighting or buying numbers, all so cheap. Especially the lightly dancing face, who didn’t know where she came from, played the rainy horn, and accepted the pursuit of others.

[World] Xuanyuan steamed buns: Maybe it’s cool to serve Boss Han these nights. Come and serve me anytime.

[World] Scissors legs explode your head: It’s really a cold sweat for these Mengxin Mengxin … You’re afraid you don’t know Han brother’s style of doing things …

I finally understand that this group of people will never stop. The small summer group hated not the beauties, but the people who overtook them. If I keep coming back without killing them and silently killing them, they will soon no longer remember and hate me. Maybe for a long time, and occasionally conflict with Mu Yanwanwan sauce, I still feel pitiful.

So watching them speak queerly, although I was a little upset, I didn’t talk back.

Huan Qiaoer saw Ruo Ruchu for a day. When I and Han Yixing teamed up, the officials were in the team, and they said that the girl was sweet and sweet. So, after the evening was over, I saw a small red dot on the gang application list, and I thought it was Magic Qiaoer who triumphed with the official. At the same time, I remembered that this number was still the helper, and planned to transfer the helper position to Yu Don’t Forget after passing the newcomer.

The results opened the application list to see, not the two of them:

Yichuan Hanxing, Level 120, Magic Road, [Pass] [Reject]

[Gang] Welcome to Yichuan Hanxing to join the gang!

[Gangbang] Beauty burst 😕 ? ? ? ? ?

[Gang] Maple leaves are my eyes: oh … oh my god!

[Gang] napkin boy :! !! !! !! !! !! !!

[Gang] Clear Book: Welcome Big Brother! !! !! !!

[Gang] Don’t forget the rain: Welcome big brother.

After a sensation, Yichuan Hanxing finally said the first sentence.

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing: Good evening, everyone. Puppy, give me a deputy helper.

[Gang] Dancing lightly: Oh, okay.

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing: Everyone joins the group.

In less than a minute, he formed a regiment.

I had an unknown hunch.

[Gang] Dancing lightly: Brother Han, don’t overdo them, I’m afraid it will affect your relationship with Hongyi …

[Gang] Yichuan Hanxing: Will I be afraid of red?

[Gang] The Deputy Gang Lord Yichuan Hanxing sets the Gang Mode to [Slayer Mode].

[Gang] The deputy gang leader, Yichuan Hanxing, set the gang enemy to [Wind and Rain Alliance].

[Gang] The gang [Furious War Dynasty] launched a stronghold attack on [Wind and Rain League]. Please ask all members to call and go to Penglai Island to break the town gang crystal and plunder resources!

The author has something to say: I was a bit busy today, a little bit late, and added a large number of fat chapters to compensate everyone ~~ 2k novel reading network

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