The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 27

Chapter 27:

“Come here.” Zhao Zhao said with a calm face.

Ling Wei moved over step by step, feeling unsure in his heart.

What’s wrong with this? How serious? Did he write something wrong? Or is it wrong that he wrote the enlightenment textbook? But the teacher didn’t say no before?

“Teacher?” Ling Wei was very nervous.

Zhao Zhao stretched out his hand and slapped Ling Wei’s forehead with a “pop”, and laughed heartily: “Hahaha, good! Wonderful! Accepting you as an apprentice, even as a teacher, I have a chance to stay in history! Let’s go! Go straight into the palace!”

“It’s so rare for me to ask for leave today and not enter the palace…” Ling Wei looked at Zhao Zhao frowning, and quickly changed his words, “I mean, um, teacher, you always want to change, right?”

“What to change?” Zhao Zhao glared at Ling Wei. “Do you know that as long as I change it, even if only one word is changed, in the eyes of outsiders, this is the main contribution of the “Three Characters” and “Thousand Characters” Is it mine? Huh. After you spread these two articles all over the world, someone will change it. But before that, no one can change it!”

“Yes…Is it?” Ling Wei didn’t know why, but the teacher is much better than him, and he is also familiar with the rules of this society. What the teacher said must be correct, “Then enter the palace now?”

“Wait.” Zhao Zhao thought for a while and said, “You ask someone to invite Qin|Wang, make an appointment, we will enter the palace together!”

Ling Wei nodded. Does this still need a witness? Is this “San Zi Jing” and “Thousand Characters Wen” so important? Isn’t it an enlightenment textbook?

Li Ying happened to be in a military camp in the suburbs of Beijing that day, and did not return until the next day. Ling Wei asked someone to bring a message, and Li Ying asked someone to reply, saying that he would come back early tonight and enter the palace early the next morning.

On the second day, it happened to catch up with the upper dynasty. The meaning of this morning was to let Ling Wei go to the dynasty with him, waiting for the emperor to retreat.

Zhao Zhao also wants to go to the court, as long as he stays after the court meeting.

But before that, Li Ying had someone pass a word into the palace to talk about it.

Ling Wei was a little unhappy. In the past, although I had to enter the palace on time, I only entered the palace after the morning, and I could sleep a little longer. In this morning, you have to get up at midnight, wait at the gate of the palace at three in the morning, and enter the gate at five in the morning.

Fortunately, Li Yin is a clan family, so he doesn’t need to wait at three in the morning, and his residence is close to the palace gate. They can sleep until three in the morning and then enter the palace slowly.

Three o’clock in the morning! Early morning! Three o’clock!

This time to wake up against the natural laws of human health caused Ling Wei to languish and yawn constantly.

Li Yin handed over tea with concern: “Jintang will drink strong tea first? Jintang will also have to go to court in the future, it’s best to get used to it.”

Ling Wei leaned in the comfortable carriage. Because it was cold in the early morning, he leaned against the place where the small stove was placed and the tea was warmed.

Li Ying saw Ling Wei sip the tea with a face full of reluctance and sip the tea like a bitter medicine, while murmuring and complaining, couldn’t help but smile: “Wait for Jintang to be a little older, say Maybe you won’t think so. It is the dream of many people to make a king and worship the image.”

“Everyone has ambitions, I want to eat together and wait for death, and stay rich and leisurely for a lifetime. There are so many people who want to be the king and worship me, so I won’t grab it.” Ling Wei smashed his mouth, this tea is really awful. . Does he really want him to try the fried tea himself? But where did he find fresh tea leaves? There is no tea garden under his name.

Li Yin smiled and handed a small jar: “Jintang really doesn’t like tea.”

“It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s that I’m not used to it.” Ling Wei took the small jar suspiciously, and when he opened it, it was actually white sugar that was not cheap at this time. It was a little embarrassing. Li Ying was treating him like this. Kid? But the taste in his mouth was really uncomfortable, and he still took a small spoonful of sugar into his mouth, which was much better.

“This is the improved icing method learned by Emperor Huang from Tianzhu. The output is not high and cannot be promoted.” Li Yin saw that Ling Wei was a little embarrassed and thoughtfully changed the subject, “As Jintang said, Other countries also have a lot to learn from the Da Yan dynasty.”

“Icing sugar?” Ling Wei thought for a while, this should be the earliest white sugar, right? Remember that the original white sugar was boiled and faded with yellow mud? This is indeed very time-consuming and laborious, and pure yellow mud is also very difficult to find. Later, the sugar was squeezed multiple times and then boiled, and then faded with lime, right? This process was later the basis of modern sugar making technology?

This is a good way to make money. Ling Wei thought. Sugar or something, although it can generate income for the country, it is not the foundation of the country’s people’s livelihood compared to food and cloth, so it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t share it with others, right? Experiment with how to make sugar by yourself. It is okay to make a fortune and then pass the sugar recipes out, right?

Now that he is separated, he also needs a small amount of money to ensure his standard of living.

Well, in addition to white granulated sugar, rock candy candies, and he can also open a candy store.

“Jintang? Jintang?” Seeing Ling Wei in a daze, Li Yin thought that Ling Wei was going to fall asleep. “It’s too sleepy. Now take a rest on the carriage?”

“It’s okay, I can hold it.” Ling Wei yawned unconvincingly as soon as he finished speaking.

“Let’s squint for a while.” Li Ying laughed softly.

Ling Wei rubbed his ears. This low-voice laughter was really foul, and he got goose bumps when he heard it. If this kind of voice is put on station B, it is estimated that a group of shameless girls will swipe the screen “Ah ears are pregnant and have a universe!”. Well, he is not a shameless person, so he just got goose bumps.

“Then I’ll squint for a while.” Ling Wei curled up in a corner of the seat, leaning on the soft fur cushion and closing his eyes, unexpectedly soon fell asleep unknowingly.

Li Yin watched Ling Wei quietly, seeing that his breathing was steady and he looked like he was asleep, and he quietly stretched out his finger and tapped Ling Wei’s nose. Ling Wei wrinkled his nose, and Li Yin quickly retracted his hand. However, Ling Wei did not wake up, but continued to sleep. Li Ying breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated for a while, then stretched out his hand and quickly rubbed Ling Wei’s face. At this time, the carriage suddenly bumped, and Ling Wei tilted towards Li Ying’s side. Li Yin quickly reached out to support Ling Wei, hesitated for a while, then put Ling Wei down and let him lean on his shoulders.

Li Yin tilted his head and looked at the sound of sleep. Ling Wei, who showed no sign of waking up, couldn’t help but smile. There was only a small lantern illuminated in the dim carriage, and the faint light illuminated Li Yin’s blushing cheeks and the two shallow dimples on his cheeks.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When Ling Wei woke up, Li Ying had already left. After asking the coachman, he knew that Li Ying had already gone to court, and let him stay asleep in the carriage, and then enter the palace when he woke up.

Ling Wei touched her hair. So why should he get up early in the morning? Just sleep until the usual time, and then go to the palace to meet the emperor who has retired.

I asked about the time, and at this time, it was almost finished. Ling Wei stretched out his muscles and bones. Although he slept for a while and was in good spirits, he did not lie down flat at home after sleeping comfortably on the carriage. He felt that his body aches as if he was run over by something.

Fortunately, he worked hard during this period, so he went down and walked, and he eased his discomfort a lot. After tidying up his instruments, he went to the palace.

At this time, when entering the palace, the little princes have already got up, right? You can also play with the little majesty.

When Li Li retired from the court, he heard the **** say that Ling Wei had led the little ones to finish Taijiquan several times, and was now giving lectures to the little ones. It’s nothing else, it’s really the “San Zi Jing”.

When Li Li took Li Yin and Zhao Zhao to the gate of the palace where Ling Wei used to give lessons to the little ones, Ling Wei was sitting among a group of little ones, reciting the “Three Character Classic”. He read a sentence, and the little princes shook their heads and read afterwards. Among them, the little black fat man was the most intoxicated, his eyes closed, shaking his head and shaking his head, especially the sour feeling he said.

“At the beginning of man, nature is good.”

“At the beginning of man, nature is good ”

“Similar in sex, Xi is far from each other.”

“Similar in sex, Xi is far from each other ”

“If you don’t teach, your **** is changing.”

“If you don’t teach, your **** will change ”

“This bastard, he has already started teaching my son and daughter before showing it to me.” Li Li scolded with a smile.

Zhao Zhao said in horror: “Your Majesty calms down, Jintang is a young man, a little frizzy.”

Li Yin looked at Ling Wei with a smile on his face, and his cold face couldn’t help but ease a lot: “Jin Tang was originally written for the little ones.

Li Li glared at Li Yin, and Zhao Zhao was frightened and sweated. He wasn’t like Ling Wei who had succumbed to the emperor’s temper. Even if he knew that the emperor was not angry, he still felt a panic.

“Father!” Jin Que was the most mischievous and the least focused. Although the mouth was also reading, but the little head always couldn’t help looking around, naturally the first to spot the emperor who was “peeping” at the window door.

“Long live your majesty.” Ling Wei hurriedly got up and saluted.

“Get up, I have read the “San Zi Jing” and “Thousand Characters Wen” you wrote. Very good, you can teach it first.” Li Li said vigorously, “I am going to promote it to the whole country, since you wrote it. The book, just give me a way to promote it.”

Ling Wei got up, got up and got close to Li Li, grabbed the tea that was poured by the **** and handed it to Li Li: “Your Majesty, let me tell the minister first, what should I do for the minister? The minister is still very difficult and very difficult to write this. hard.”

Zhao Zhao almost violently beat Ling Wei. How could he, a student, dare to do this in front of him, before His Majesty the Emperor? ! Really ate the courage of the bear heart and leopard!

“Well, what do you want? Gold and silver again?” Li Li admiredly took a sip of the tea, and snorted coldly, “Can you be a little prosperous?! I heard that you followed the youngest one this morning. I fell asleep on the carriage? I yelled before I fell asleep, and then I can not go to court if I become an official? I have gotten up so early!”

The corner of Ling Wei’s mouth twitched. Your Majesty, your last sentence is the point, right?

“Your Majesty, the minister doesn’t want gold and silver this time, but a few baskets of tea leaves, okay? Freshly plucked, the kind that hasn’t been made into a tea ball?” Ling Wei flattered, “Only tea! Nothing else!”

Li Li looked at Ling Wei with a weird color: “What do you want tea for?”

“This group of tea is really awful. The minister wondered if he could try out the tea that the Empire of China had drunk. But the minister couldn’t find fresh tea everywhere.” Ling Wei said pitifully, “Your Majesty, you don’t know. Tuan tea is so ugly. Not only is it bitter, but there are many inexplicable things in it. It’s uglier than medicine! At least there will be no fattening pork in the medicine!”

Li Li looked down at his teacup: “Well, what I am drinking now is what you said, which is worse than medicine, tea with fat pork.”

“Your Majesty’s tea is naturally different. Even if fat pork is added, it is also the finest fat pork. It should definitely be delicious.” Ling Wei said nonsense.

Zhao Zhao couldn’t bear to look straight and turned his face sideways. He knew that his students were favored in front of the emperor, and looking at it now, he was indeed favored. But is this look too silly? As a teacher, how could he feel really embarrassed.

“Enough! Flattering is nondescript!” Li Li scolded with a smile.

Ling Wei smiled flatly: “This is not flattering, it’s longing. Your Majesty, tea leaves.”

“If Jintang wants tea, why don’t you tell me?” Li Ying said, “I have a tea garden on the outskirts of the city. If Jintang needs tea, you can get it at will.”

“Huh? Really?” Ling Wei looked like you didn’t say earlier.

Li Yin looked away. You didn’t ask before.

“Okay, the tea was given. What else do you want.” Li Li smiled, “You don’t have to ask me for ordinary things, you just ask the youngest one. He has a lot of things, and he never wants to take care of it. Take care of it, it’s all mouldy. You can help him use it so as not to waste it.”

“Okay, okay, don’t be stingy, the prince, let’s go to the tea garden when we leave the palace, shall we? We will have a rest tomorrow!” Ling Wei climbed up the pole.

“I can’t be stingy. Just tell me what Jintang needs in the future. If I don’t have one, ask the emperor brother again.” Li Yin promised earnestly.

“Then, Your Majesty, I have nothing to want.” Ling Wei said with a smile, “What did you just say? Promotion? It’s easy. Your Majesty will write a preface for the “Three Character Classic” and “Thousand Characters”, and the teacher will do it again. Just write a preface, and then publish it for promotion. If you think the promotion is slow, you can let the officials at all levels adopt it first. However, if it is promoted, Weichen suggests that you should wait until Weichen is admitted to the Jinshi. Later, I will say that this is a Weichen. The secret of studying, and being admitted to the Jinshi in just a few years, there are definitely more people who take the initiative to learn.”

“Jintang’s words are very true.” Zhao Zhao also said, “Your Majesty can let Jintang teach His Highnesses in the palace first, and don’t promote it. After Jintang has passed the Jinshi examination, it will be promoted. But Jintang’s reputation is not obvious. Someone might suspect that this was not written by Jintang. Therefore, the minister courageously asked Ding Shilang to preface.”

“You found a good teacher.” Li Li sighed.

Zhao Zhao acted to avoid suspicion, and frankly told the world that these two articles were the credit of his students, and he didn’t even write the preface. If other people want to share a cup of pie, they have to weigh their own skins.

Zhao Zhao is to avoid suspicion, but to guard against others. Scholars don’t necessarily have a high moral character, especially when facing things that can last forever.

“The honor of the minister.” Ling Wei was confused.

Li Li stared at Ling Wei with hatred for iron and steel. Stupid like this, the blame has to dare to enter the court as an official. If no one is protecting, there will be no bones left by those old foxes? That’s all, as an elder, I should protect it more.

“Then you teach it first. Xuzhen and Ding Aiqing will write it, and it will be done by commenting on Zhao Aiqing’s writing.” Li Li said, “Zhao Aiqing doesn’t need to refuse, you are the teacher of Jintang, and you can understand Jintang better than others. Thoughts. If the comment is not done correctly, it will also waste Jintang’s efforts.”

“Chen Zunzhi.” Zhao Zhao said.

“You just study honestly, if you can’t pass the three yuan and the third, see how I deal with you, have you heard?!” Li Li stared at Ling Wei.

Ling Wei aggrieved: “The ternary and the third need luck, not the minister can get it if he wants.”

“If I speak, you can just follow the order.”

“Your Majesty, it’s not right to be pretentious.”


“Chen Zunzhi.” Ling Wei said aggrievedly.

“Brother Huang is just teasing you. As long as Jintang takes the test well, Brother Huang won’t blame you.” Li Ying said.

“Humph.” Li Li snorted coldly.

Ling Wei looked at Li Ying gratefully. What a good person! Little angel! When the tea is made, it will definitely divide you half!

“Okay, work hard!” Li Li slapped Ling Wei on the forehead.

“According to the purpose!”

“Write more similar articles to me to teach my children enlightenment!”

“According to the purpose!… Ah, your Majesty, this is not something you can write as you want!” Ling Wei said hurriedly.

“You have agreed.” Li Li said amused. “If you can’t do it, it’s the crime of deceiving the king, hahahahaha.”

Li Li laughed and drank the tea that Ling Wei said was awful, and then swayed away with his hands behind his back.

Zhao Zhao left with Li Li, looked at Ling Wei very speechlessly as he left, and sighed deeply.

Before Li Yin left, he said with relief: “Brother Huang is just joking, don’t worry too much about Ling Wei.”

“Lord, you are such a good person.” Ling Wei whimpered with tears.

“The lone is also a good person.” The black fat prince saw that everyone was gone, and pulled Ling Wei in a low voice, “Hey, the lone will intercede for you, Jintang don’t worry.”

“His Royal Highness, you are also a good person.” Ling Wei said moved.

“Yeah, Gu told the emperor that you don’t need to behead your head, just beating the board is enough!”

Ling Wei: “…”

Ling Wei: “His Royal Highness, look for a beating.”

“Ao Ao Ao Jin Tang, you are disrespectful!”

“Stop! Don’t run!”

“Great disrespect, big disrespect, hahaha, you can’t catch it!”

“Cousin and prince brother are quarreling again, are you still in class?” The little princess Ankang whispered with her fingers in her mouth.

“I want to play too!” Jin Que has already followed up with his short legs.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Zhangming accepted a good student.” Yu Zheng said sourly.

Although his close disciple Liu Qi also gave him a long face, Liu Qi was far from Ling Wei.

At best, Liu Qi is well-known in the world, and Ling Wei is a harbinger of history.

The “San Zi Jing” and “Thousand Characters Wen” alone were enough for him to stay in Qing history.

“Zhangming is also Gothe.” Yu Zheng smiled and shook his head.

Yu Zheng used to love Ling Wei only to cherish his talents. Later, Ling Wei was righteous, if it were not for being favored by the emperor, it was probably not as simple as punishing kneeling at that time. Yu Zheng is very grateful to this young man who saved his brother and helped the Yu family.

“Perhaps the old man should do something.” Yu Zheng said. Although he is upright, he is not unaware of flexibility.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ling Wei didn’t know that someone had dug a hole for him with the purpose of “repaying his gratitude”. He is now following Li Ying in Xiu Mu to visit the tea garden.

Of course, tea making is not taught in kindergartens, but the popular science channel has said that certain points will be written in detail in order to make up the number of characters. Ling Wei has a method in his memory, but he has not practiced it.

He wants to see how the tea here is made first.

Yan Chao’s tea is similar to that of the Tang and Song dynasties in the previous life. The tea is mostly made into tea cakes, which are ground into powder for decoction when drinking, and various spices are added to it. In the late Tang Dynasty, the practice of adding things to tea was gradually despised by the upper class, and the development of pure tea.

The tea at this time is familiar to modern people, the Japanese matcha tea ceremony.

Many people who sigh about the Japanese tea culture do not know that the Japanese tea ceremony was abandoned by China, because the tea made with tea powder is not delicious and inconvenient. After many years of improvement by many people, there is now convenient and delicious Chinese tea.

It can only be said that the introduction of tea ceremony to foreign countries is an elegant thing for elegant people. In China, both food and beverages are developing towards convenience and deliciousness. At least in the tea ceremony, it is better to say that China pays more attention to how to develop tea so that everyone can drink it, so that everyone knows how to drink it.

Ling Wei wanted to think about fried tea, naturally it was not a tea ceremony. He is a layman, and he naturally prepared to advance the tea making process to the point where everyone can drink delicious tea.

Although the current tea cakes and later generations of loose tea technology are very different, some steps, such as the preliminary treatment, are still the same.

Li Yin called the steward of the tea garden and took Ling Wei to watch the tea picking scene and the tea making workshop. Ling Wei also tried it out.

The words are simple, but when it comes to getting started, Ling Wei is still in a hurry. One day was obviously not enough for Ling Wei to fry tea leaves that he could drink, so he took a large basket of finely sieved tea leaves and went back to ponder slowly.

Li Yin didn’t know if he found it interesting to watch, and he was busy working with Ling Wei. When Ling Wei was frying the tea, he helped to dry the tea, and neither of them let anyone help.

Although there was only a small can of tea left in a large basket of tea, they were very happy to see the tea floating in the quilt that was different from the elegant look of the tea they usually drink.

Li Yin took a sip before the tea became warm, and sighed, “I finally know why Jintang doesn’t like tea. After drinking Jintang’s fried tea, I can’t drink other teas.”

“That is.” Ling Wei also tasted the long-lost taste. Well, it’s definitely not as good as tea in modern society, but it’s much better than the current tea.

So is it going to make a lot of money next, or do you make a lot of money? Ling Wei secretly glanced at Li Yin. The seller earns dividends to Li Ying. Presumably Li Ying is willing, right?

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