The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 5

5. The Evil Princess meets her brother-in-law

It’s depressing.

Today was the day my brother, Style, came to the castle.

Also, life is going according to the game.

I was really in a hurry when my father talked about my brother-in-law. I’m only eight years old, and I tried so hard to say no to my brother-in-law yet… but the heir to the throne is required to take a younger man as an assistant from generation to generation as a royal adopted son by the people.

Even though he is eight years old, if the right to inherit the throne has already been established, he must now wear his brother-in-law as an assistant. In fact, it is my side and the future Regent. If they had said that, I couldn’t have said anything either.

My brother-in-law, to be honest, is a special aide and squire dedicated to the heir to the throne.

Being a royal squire is conditional on having excellent special abilities, etc., but the heir to the throne must also adopt a younger man. The reason seems to be conditional on a person of gender, age that would not change even if given a royal position, so as not to plan assassinations, etc.

“I am…”

Ha… and sighed and murmured the name of my brother-in-law I hadn’t even met yet.

In the game he is a character who will be the protagonist, Tiara’s brother-in-law.

I’m sure he’s already hurt. Stripped off with her favorite mother by royal decree.

Stay Royal Ivy

He lost his father early in sickness, childhood and the exit of one common man, one mother and one son.

A special ability to transfer anything you touch to anywhere you want, including yourself. Would it have been a moment trip or a teleport or something?

He is used by pride and embedded in his desire to meet his estranged mother. “By entering into a contract of servitude, I cannot disobey her orders.” Instead, I become a complete slave to her.

Of course, I don’t intend to do that right now…. Even so, in the corner of my heart, I said, “Can you really listen to me properly because I’m your sister-in-law for a child elsewhere who is a commoner? It’s not like there’s no anxiety. I’m sure these places have demonized Pride, who just lost his father after discovering his sister’s existence.

And I guess I learned the pleasure of making people suffer because of the anger and hate reactions of Style at this time. Something that has made Stayle do irrevocably ever since.

I could hear Lotte, the samurai, thinking about that stuffily. My father wanted to introduce me to Style when he arrived.

“Pride. This is your brother-in-law, Stayle, starting today. The year is seven under one of you. From now on, I will be your assistant… a future regent. out of the common man, but with a very good special ability: instantaneous mobility. We’ll get along.

That’s what my father introduced me to. The boy was still shadowed by the style of the game I knew in my previous life.

Beautiful dark hair, black eyes, high nose muscles on white skin. He’s a cute boy now with a toddler face, but he’ll be an intelligent character with cool eyeglasses in the future… although he’s not equipped with eyeglasses yet.

My eyes focused on a point that was far more noisy than my glasses where I thought so, and I accidentally pulled a step back.

I guess my outfit and hobbies were minimally tidied before I came to the castle. But both shackles stand out extra because they are well-dressed. Paired with a dark look beneath you, you’re like a sinner. There is a chain of some extra length between the arms. It can also be seen in children’s eyes that things like bracelets are not normal materials from their gloss and jewel-like decorations.

“Oh, this shackle? It’s pathetic… just for a little while. He fled on instant travel many times until he got here, causing injuries to the guards… now he’s convinced me, but he’s letting me seal my abilities with shackles so he won’t be here again.

As it were, Father said, “Tomorrow, I will have the” subordinate covenant ”as you. Because then this shackle will soon be unnecessary,” he stroked Steele’s head.

I think it’s terrible because of the ethics of my previous life, but it was natural in this world. In order not to betray the heir to the throne, my brother-in-law is given a “subordinate contract.”

“Subordinate contracts are contracts only in this country. A contract made by a person with special abilities, with each other’s names, will not be able to break it for life. Even so,” Subordination “simply does not betray the Lord, leaving no more than a certain distance without the will of his master. Though it’s just a contract.

It’s just that the game’s pride turned him into a “slave”. “It is a binding thing that does not betray subordination, that besides being beside you, it will never disobey the Lord’s command. Pride secretly stole it from his late father’s library and made Steele write his autograph the night before he signed the” subordinate pact. “” I’ll make sure I can see my mother when I write my autograph on this, “he said.

Since highly binding contracts take precedence, they will not be painted later where “subordinate contracts” have been made. It was not until after finishing the contract that the seven-year-old Style, who was a commoner and could not read or write anything but his own name, learned the horror of that signature.

But I would never do that.

I grabbed both of those shackled hands all the time as I rushed over to the style where I just leaned down.

“It’s Pride Royal Ivy. It’s good to see you, Style. I’m going to be a family, thank you very much.

That’s what I said and laughed and showed her, and Stayle looked up as surprised… and when she leaned down again, she muttered in a small voice, “Yes…”

It’s like I saw it somewhere…

Slowly away from the style as the smile unwittingly draws. Yes, this is the same scene and dialogue I’ve seen in the game.

In the past, told by Stayle, young pride approached Stayle with a gentle smile, posing as a gentle sister that evening to make a servant covenant.

After all, it’s destiny as per the game scenario…

Filled with despair, taking a distance from the style, my father said, “I would be tired today. Rest in your room in preparation for tomorrow.,” he took Stayle to his room.

Speaking of which… this time, it was my father who introduced me to Style. Of your father’s assistant in the game… although I think people introduced you to it somehow. Is it because your father’s alive? That sounds like something happened to the auxiliary…

I don’t know because my father basically comes unassisted when he comes to see me, as I can remember. I’ve only counted as much as I’ve probably seen him.

… more style than that

Now it’s more of a style in front of me than a vague memory. I ran out to chase after my father and Style.

If you don’t know the room, there’s nothing you can do after this.

Style’s room was one of my lower floors.

My father found out right away in the footsteps. I was called by Lotte and Marie to put them back in their room as they said, “Relax and put them down today” when they only told me where they were.

But not that! Tomorrow, I need to talk to Style before I get a subordinate contract.

It was certainly night that Pride set the style in the trap in the game. Then, if it’s as the game goes, you’ll have a chance to talk to Style when it’s night!

When I was sent back to my room, I went to see my father after Lotte and the others were gone. In fact, not to Father, but to Father’s study. Your pride was sneaking in the game, and you can handle security, right? I could sneak in easier than I expected if I thought.

So when I found the item I was looking for out of the drawer, I hurried it in my clothes and escaped from the study before the guard arrived.

Go back to your room again and take a breath.

All you have to do is meet Stayle.

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