The Monkey King

Chapter 42

Chapter 41:

“Hehehe, hahahaha…”

It was that terrifying laughter again, unable to distinguish the true from the false, and resounded throughout the entire Taoist temple, making everyone shudder with laughter.

Everyone held their breath and was silent.

The solitary figure covered in blood was bathed in the moonlight, trembling, turned his head slowly, wiped the scarlet blood from the corner of his mouth, put his fingers into his mouth and sucked, from top to bottom, with those red eyes Looking down at this fellow cultivator who has completely lost his will to resist.

“Relax…don’t worry.” Panting quickly, he forced a sentence out of his slightly grinning mouth: “I…will not kill you. But other than that, there is no guarantee…”

Every word that fell into the heart of the one-eyed dragon caused a storm.

The will was defeated in an instant!

“No, don’t come here! Let me go! Let me go!” The one-eyed dragon slumped on the ground stared at the monkey’s legs slowly walking towards him with its only remaining eye, and stared at the monkey’s left behind. **** footprints, he didn’t even have the courage to look directly into the monkey’s eyes.

moved backwards in a panic, at this time, he even lost the ability to escape.

“Huh… let it go?” The corners of the monkey’s hideous face twitched slightly.

“Don’t come here! Don’t come here! It’s my master! It’s your senior brother Dan Tongzi who asked us to clean up you! We don’t want it either! Please let me go!” The one-eyed dragon cried loudly.

All in vain.

The wind blew past the monkey’s ears, like the urging, urging, urging of countless ghasts, eager to taste the blood of the one-eyed dragon.

clenched his hands slightly.

However, another voice in the monkey’s heart is stopping it. Compared with blood, this voice is more greedy for fear.

This is an unimaginable mood. Different wills are intertwined in my mind. It is too complicated to express, but it is so direct.

Monkey walked towards the one-eyed dragon step by step, but didn’t make a move, and even slowed down his steps deliberately.

To torture him, torture him!

A cry from the depths of his soul, let him enjoy the thrill of fear and listen to the desperate cry of the other party.

He likes this cry in despair, to the point of infatuation!

All Daoists are unmoved.

If Yu Yi hadn’t stopped it at the beginning, many of the Daoists in the Divine Realm who guarded the Sutra Pavilion might have gone to the monkey’s house to squat like the other Daoists.

In that case, maybe they are the ones who are sitting there struggling to survive today.

In the beginning, many people were still indignant at Yu Yi’s decision, but today, it seems that it is very wise.

This terrifying monkey is not something they can afford to provoke – it’s a beast, a monster!

He creates fear and is obsessed with fear.

There were bursts of footsteps in the distance, and the restlessness had spread to the entire Taoist temple.

Countless Taoist disciples came with torches, but they were all horrified and heartbroken when they saw the scene in front of them. No one dared to go up and rescue this poor begging begging.

At this time, there was a faint expectation in the monkey’s heart. He even looked forward to the arrival of more ordinary Daoists, expecting them to do something to himself, and looking forward to a fierce battle.

This is the anger that has been suppressed for more than a year, and he needs to vent it properly.

Yang Chan led the wind chimes from the roof not far away, watching all this with great interest. .

“What the **** did you do?! How could he become like this!” Two tears rolled in his eyes, Feng Chi threw his arms vigorously to break free, but was helplessly held by Yang Chan.

“I didn’t do anything, just amplify his emotions and let him do what he wants to do in advance.” Yang Chan smiled: “Xing Zhe Dao, that’s how he went. Only blood can help him prepare for the peak. the way.”

“let me go!”

“Take a good look at me and don’t do anything.” Yang Chan stretched out her hand to embrace the wind chime, covered her mouth, lowered her head, and whispered in the wind chime’s ear: “Don’t disturb him, let’s watch the show well. If you want to be by his side all the time, you should learn to stand far away and do nothing. Extreme walkers and cultivators are all lone heroes, all you need to do is to watch from a distance and shout to cheer All right. They don’t need friends.”

That voice was terrifyingly soft.

“Don’t…don’t come here…I beg you to let me go…” The seven-footed man actually knelt down and begged for mercy in front of everyone’s eyes, howling and crying.

The one-eyed dragon has lost all power, and the only thing left is helpless begging: “My master asked me to do it, not me… Uncle Sun… I beg you to let me go…”

He never thought of confronting such a demon head-on.

Why, why did you come this far?

He joined a famous cultivator, with a bright future unfolding in front of him, maybe one day he will become an Earth Immortal…

But the eyes of this demon in front of him were clearly telling the fact that he couldn’t survive tonight, and that glorious future had nothing to do with him.

Fear had overwhelmed everything, and he howled frantically, kicking his legs and moving back, using his only strength to maintain the ever-shrinking distance.

“No, all are my masters, all are Dan Tongzi, none of my business…”

“Really?” A cold voice came out of nowhere and was sent directly into everyone’s mind, making people shudder.

“If he is trash, then what are you?”

The one-eyed dragon turned his head and saw that Dan Tongzi had been standing behind him at some point.

That Taoist robe was as red as blood, and it was automatic without wind, showing the master’s extreme anger. Clenched fists, disgusted eyes.


“Master, I…”

Before the one-eyed dragon could finish speaking, he saw Dan Tongzi kicked him on the waist. In an instant, the one-eyed dragon flew up, and the blood spurted from its mouth splattered all the way, rolled over, and slammed into the wall beside him.

The sand and dust rose, and the hard blue rock wall was cracked by the rumbling sound.

The two Taoist disciples hurried over and turned over. The one-eyed dragon’s face was already bloody, and he fainted completely.

“Senior brother, why is this necessary?” Qing Yunzi had appeared on the stone steps not far away, but he was just standing without any other movement, his eyes full of crow’s feet showing helplessness.

Dantongzi glanced at the one-eyed dragon coldly, and hummed: “It’s not a pity to die for such a deceiver who deceives his ancestors!”

After that, he stretched out his hand to undo his wristbands, turned to the monkey with those eagle-like eyes, and sighed, “These **** are unreliable, in the end, I have to do it myself.” At this moment, his face was slowly blooming. With a smile: “It’s so murderous, it’s really nostalgic. Today, let me see what virtues and abilities your ten junior brothers are, and let the master treat you so kindly!”

A gust of vicious wind swept up from his side for no reason, tearing his clothes to shreds in an instant. Under that red robe, what was revealed was a dark green armor!

“Walking Road!” Everyone exclaimed.

Yang Chan’s eyes widened, and she involuntarily clenched her hand holding the wind chime.

The Way of the Walker, there are other walkers and cultivators in this Taoist temple!

It wouldn’t be surprising if you encountered the cultivators in Kunlun Mountains, those people would aim to become heavenly soldiers. But Xieyue Sanxingdong is famous all over the world for its modesty, and it has nothing to do with heaven, so there are other practitioners and Taoists under the seat of Subhuti?

“how so…”

The turbulent airflow raged violently around Dan Tongzi, and a leaf was involved, and it was torn to shreds in an instant.

Slowly spread his hands, Dan Tongzi stood against the wind.

The last smile on his face disappeared, covered with ice, he slowly stretched out his left hand, before throwing it away, he put on a defensive posture and said: “Two levels higher than you, today, the old man will let you one-handed. You My festival will be over tonight!”

A cultivator who accepts the cultivator of the spiritual realm, and the cultivator who is also a cultivator in the spiritual realm, no matter how great his aptitude is, even if he is single-handed, is there any chance of winning?

The answer is already very clear.

Everyone is sighing for the monkey, no matter how strong he is, if he accepts the Tao of God Realm and meets the Tao of God Transformation Realm, he will definitely lose.

At this moment, raising your hands and surrendering is probably the only wise move.

However, to everyone’s surprise, the monkey grinned and lowered his body slightly. The next moment, he was already galloping towards Dan Tongzi!

“He can clearly control…why…” Yang Chan’s hand unconsciously covered her mouth.

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