The Luck Child is Fascinated By Me

Chapter 26

Chapter 25:

before travel.

In the name of He Zhijun, Fu Xinghe met with Mo Huai.

Corner of the cafe.

“Disappointed? I’m not him.”

Xinghe rejected Mo Huai’s coffee and replaced it with a glass of juice.

“He doesn’t know these things.”

Stirring the straw, Xinghe stared at the small whirlpool in the cup.

“Everything you do, including me coming to you.”

“He Zhijun doesn’t know”

After seeing enough of the whirlpool, Xinghe finally raised his head.

“What do you want to say?”

Mo Huai’s expression was not good.

“A warning?”

He was a little disdainful.

“Do not.”

Xinghe stared at Mo Huai closely.

“It’s showing off.”

“Showing off that I got all of He Zhijun’s love.”

“I pity you for nothing.”

Xinghe picked up the juice and took a sip.

“What do you want to do next?”

“Continue to spread rumors and destroy He Zhijun’s reputation?”

“Bought the production staff to know his songs in advance.”

“Add your own adaptation and publish it before him.”

“Plagiarism is a good reason.”

“What do you gain by cutting off his artistic career?”

Listen to Fu Xinghe’s words.

Mo Huai squeezed the coffee handle tightly.

“Is it the perfect work that can lay the foundation for your Mo family heir?”


“One that you have secretly coveted for a long time, but you can’t ask for it.”

Mo Huai interrupted Fu Xinghe.


“what do you want to say in the end!”

After drinking the last bit of juice, Xinghe put down the glass.

“Just wanted to tell you.”

“Everything he’s been through, you’re going to experience it one by one.”

“However, you have nothing to lose, do you?”

“What you want most.”

“Past, present, Future.”

“All belong to me, Fu Xinghe.”

On the day that Fu Xinghe and He Zhijun went on a trip.

Mo Huai fell into a deep sleep.

I could clearly feel that my body was taken to the hospital, and I also heard the anxious conversations of my family members.

A picture suddenly appeared in Mo Huai’s dark world.

“Xinghe, where is our first stop?”

He Zhijun dragged his luggage and smiled stupidly at the people beside him.

“Go climbing, okay?”

“The head of the Five Mountains, Mount Tai.”

Xinghe rubbed He Zhijun’s head.

It was opposite to Mo Huai’s line of sight.

“Are you ready?”

Xinghe frowned and smiled.

[The moment He Zhijun passed away, the world collapsed.

So no one saw the video he left.

Scheduled for the second day after the song’s release.

“Hi, how are you all?”

The young He Zhijun greeted the camera with a smile.

“Do you like my new work?”

There was a little nervousness in his eyes, but also with anticipation.

“It has been said before that my music has no emotion.”

“I thought of a solution.”

“A virtual lover.”

He Zhijun bit his finger shyly.

“I was wondering what kind of person I would like.”

“He’ll have black hair and almond eyes.”

He Zhijun painted the man’s appearance in the air.

“When you smile, you show little tiger teeth, and your eyebrows and eyes are curved like the moon.”

“It will be naughty and well-behaved.”

“Not afraid of gossip.”

“Will join hands with me tenderly, spend long years together, grow old.”

He Zhijun’s eyes were firm.

“Even though I don’t meet such a person right now.”

“But I have a feeling.”

“He must be waiting for me in the future.”


He Zhijun’s eyes are full of expectations for the future and longing for a beautiful love.

“This piece of music has written such a story, let me tell it to everyone.”]

[My fantasy story, the first one.

Yes, we can go hiking together.

In fact, I don’t like climbing mountains, I’m so tired.

But he seems to like it.

Forget it, just get tired.

Every time I was out of breath, he would always reach out and pull me.

very nice. 】

“Can’t crawl?”

Xinghe sneered a little.

“I’m not physically strong.”

He leaned into He Zhijun’s ear.

“What about the energy to climb the bed at 3:30 in the middle of the night last time?”

“Forget it, I won’t laugh at you anymore.”

Xinghe stretched out his hand to Zhijun He.

“Pull me, let’s crawl faster.”

“Don’t miss the sunrise.”

The peak seems to be close to the clouds, and you can touch the sky as soon as you raise your hand.


Nestled in He Zhijun’s arms, Xinghe held the camera.

“Hey, this is the summit of Mount Tai, it’s a little cold.”

“But the view is beautiful.”

“I watched the sunrise with someone.”

“Who is that person?”

Xinghe kisses He Zhijun.

“Hello, my boyfriend.”

[The second story of my fantasy.

It is possible to ride a camel with him, with the crisp jingle of bells in his ears.

Although the sky is full of yellow sand, if you are with him.

Everywhere is an oasis. 】

Xinghe and He Zhijun were wrapped in sleeping bags, head to head.

Outside the tent is the sound of wind whistling, with the friction of sand and stones.

“I thought I could see the stars.”

“Last time we came, we also watched a bonfire party and had a barbecue.”

Xinghe was a little dissatisfied.

“It’s a pity that the weather is bad this time.”

“Otherwise, I can let you **** craftsmanship.”

He Zhijun rubbed Xinghe’s forehead.

“It’s okay, it’s fine here.”

“It’s my first time riding a camel.”

“But most importantly.”

“You are by my side.”

[The third story of my fantasy.

It is in Europe that they can walk down the stairs of the castle together and throw a coin into the wishing pool together.

Will we be blessed by everyone? 】

“Let me throw it away first.”

Xinghe acts like a spoiled child to He Zhijun.

“I can definitely throw it to the center.”

He closed his right eye and gestured a parabola.


Coins fall into the pool.

Xinghe folded his hands together, and he meditated in his heart.

“Please bless this idiot He Zhijun.”

“May his life be prosperous, safe and happy.”

“What did you wish for?”

He Zhijun’s tail was wagging behind him.

“Is it about me?”

He stared at the galaxy expectantly.



Xinghe teased the puppy.

“I wish my exhibition goes well.”

“Auction will get a good price.”

He Zhijun was not disappointed at all.

He still foolishly wanted to hold Xinghe’s hand.

“It’s okay, I’ll be fine.”

“I said, I hope we can be together forever.”


My wish, of course, is related to you.

“In addition to wishing you peace and joy, and a smooth life.”

“I want you and me too. Five years, ten years, twenty years, fifty years.”

“For a lifetime, until death.”

“They all love each other and rely on each other.”

[The fourth story of my fantasy.

Yes, you can skydive and bungee jump with him.

At the moment of breaking the limit of life and death, I want to tell him that I love you so much. 】

“Ah, I’m so scared.”

He Zhijun took a breath and hugged Fu Xinghe tightly.

“Really high, this cliff.”

He glanced outside the shelf and quickly retracted his neck.

“Wait for me upstairs if you’re afraid.”

Xinghe touched He Zhijun’s hair.

“It’s hard to make an appointment, I want to experience it.”

“If you’re afraid, just sit there and I’ll be back soon.”

Xinghe was unwilling to force He Zhijun.

The puppy was trembling with fear.

“No, I want to be with you.”

But no matter how persuaded, He Zhijun was reluctant to leave.

“Then hug me.”

Xinghe knew He Zhijun’s stubborn temper and reluctantly gave in.

The rapid airflow slid past.

He Zhijun firmly guarded the galaxy in his arms.

Couldn’t even make a sound.

But Xinghe felt the inner voice of He Zhijun.

“I really like you.”

[Finally, I want to go back to the time when we first met with him.

Where will we meet?

I think it must be a very beautiful and romantic place. 】

“When we first met.”

Xinghe led He Zhijun and walked on the cobblestone road.

“It’s blooming season.”

“It’s right there, here.”

Xinghe nodded forward.

“You’re painting, I’m watching you.”

He Zhijun was still fresh in his memory.

“That was the first time I saw color.”

“Later, I often made you angry.”

“But you didn’t blame me.”

Xinghe smiled lowly.

“You’re always mad at me, why don’t I blame you?”

“it’s just.”

“I just love you more.”

[As long as I meet him.

Even though the sea of people is vast, we are far apart.

I will also fall in love with him at first sight. 】

[“This is the story I want to tell.”

He Zhijun laughs in the short film.

His eyes are black and white.

“Do you like this story?”

“I really hope to meet him sooner.”

“My sweetheart.”

“Come on soon.”

“This piece of music will have your name on it.”]

Mo Huai followed the picture in his mind.


Galaxy taught He Zhijun to surf.

starry sky.

The two snuggled together to identify the constellations.


He Zhijun secretly offered incense and asked for a sachet for Xinghe.

Every piece of land they walk on.

All witnessed love and happiness.

They uploaded paragraph after paragraph of travel diary.

He Zhijun also attached the source of inspiration for the new piece and a progress report.

Half a year later, Fu Xinghe and He Zhijun’s trip ended.

Mo Huai also woke up from the coma.

“”The Stars” will be launched tomorrow.”

[In the original world.

Mo Huai has a secret.

When I was very young, Mo’s parents often quarreled.

Mo Huai, Mo Huai.

The most loved person in Dad Mo’s life.

Married into the He family.

Since then, Mo’s mother has asked Mo Huai.

Everything has to be fought for.

Especially the other party is He Zhijun, the child of the He family.

In the kindergarten, Mo Huai stole He Zhijun’s toys.

He Zhijun just looked at him suspiciously.

“Who are you?”

“If you like it, take it.”

In elementary school, Mo Huai tore up He Zhijun’s homework.

He Zhijun was sentenced to stand, facing Mo Huai who was standing in front of him.

“Who are you?”

“Don’t do this next time, forget it, you didn’t mean it.”

In middle school, Mo Huai spread bad words about He Zhijun behind his back.

He Zhijun was alone, and Mo Huai was blocked on his way home.

“Who are you?”

“It’s okay, I don’t care.”

Later, Mo Huai followed He Zhijun, was admitted to the same university, and then went abroad to study.

“Who are you?”

“Do I know you?”

“I do not like you.”

“Don’t follow me anymore.”

He Zhijun even forgot Mo Huai’s name again and again.

“Who are you?”

Mo Huai stared at He Zhijun for too long.

For a long time, the comparison turned into a liking.

Likes fermented into love.

Asking for nothing, love and hate.

“Evil fate.”

Mo Huai once again witnessed the quarrel between his parents.

Mo’s father likes He’s mother.

Mo Huai likes He Zhijun.

Covet priceless treasures.

“If I can’t get you, it will destroy you.”]

The author has something to say: I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year! May all go well with you! Make a fortune in the New Year!

[ ] is the plot of the past life and the psychology of the characters. This chapter alternates He Zhijun’s past life and future life. Everything he expects is realized by Xinghe together with him.

If I didn’t write it clearly, you can ask questions, so I can revise it according to everyone’s reactions.

Thank you for your support and companionship~

Next update: Tomorrow at 6pm

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