The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 195

Chapter 194 Extra one

Xia Zuoy set a rule for the plushs-whoever makes a mistake must wear a small skirt.

One morning, Segalot woke up in bed holding Xia Zoe, and he said: “Baby, is it unfair to wear a small skirt with fluffy mistakes?”

“We should treat everyone equally.”

Xia Zuoyi wondered: “Ah? Otherwise who wears it?”

Saigalote squeezed the tip of his nose and said with a smile: “What do you mean.”

Xia Zuoyi: “…have you premeditated?”

“I just made a reasonable expectation.” Saigalote’s slender fingers drew a strand of Xia Zoe’s curled hair, and his golden eyes seemed to be filled with intoxicating liquid in the bright morning sun. .

He whispered: “As long as Zoe doesn’t make any mistakes, there will naturally be no chance for me to punish.”

Xia Zuoyi confidently said: “I have never made a mistake, but…”

“But what?”

“Since Asai says that all people are treated equally, you can’t make an exception. If you make a mistake…” Xia Zuoyi hummed, “You can also wear women’s clothes for me.”

“Good.” Saigalote agreed without hesitation.

He doesn’t think he will lose.

Xia Zuoyi stretched out his hand and said, “Take the hook, don’t go back.”

Saigalote calmly hooked his pinky.


Xia Zoe didn’t think he would make any mistakes lately, because he was busy with the medical research institute-while medicines and drugs were widely sold, surgical procedures also needed to be promoted vigorously.

At present, many hospitals have been established in the Desinian territory, and the preparation of manpower is relatively sufficient. The most important thing is that the people are aware of the necessity of hospitals, and the profession of doctors is no matter from any point of view. They are all very promising jobs with very good benefits.

Therefore, many people hope that their children can become doctors in the future, and it is best to enter the Medical Research Institute, which is a medical center institution specially established and managed by the lord.

Master Chebman, Yin Ke, Fei Lifu and others are all inside, and they are the most important medical research team under the lord.

Not long ago, the Desinian Lord also officially divided the profession of doctors into professional divisions-divided into residents, attending physicians, deputy chief physicians, and chief physicians.

This is the division of clinicians.

Doctors at each level must be evaluated before they can be promoted. The evaluation is conducted every five years, and a judging panel is composed of several professional doctors to determine whether they are qualified.

Only after passing the qualification can obtain the practicing doctor certificate.

In addition to doctors, hospitals must also have nurses.

——The profession of nurse came into being when the number of hospitals and doctors increased, and the patient’s condition was so serious that it needed hospitalization.

Nurses, like doctors, have a uniform dress code and can only work in hospitals after learning and training. Nurses need to be prepared to assist doctors, have skilled nursing knowledge and skills, etc., to be able to solve problems for patients in a timely manner… It is also responsible for the management of hospital drugs or documents.

Usually, the candidates for nurses are women, but there are also men who will be involved in nursing work, but very few.

After that, institutions specializing in teaching women to become nurses and learning nursing were established. Under the propaganda of the Thorns Chamber of Commerce and newspapers, women have another opportunity to make money independently.

As doctors or nurses, although the income is considerable, they also need to put in more mental and physical energy.

Doctors in particular need continuous experimentation, practice knowledge learned on animals, and assessment before they can become a qualified doctor.

The assessment of doctors is not easy, and because of the special nature of the job, this industry even selects talents.

This is why even though medical institutions recruit people every year, they still face the problem of insufficient manpower every year.

Xia Zoe is busy researching new medical equipment and surgical procedures. Sometimes he does not return to the castle until late at night, usually falling asleep.

And the Pope is very considerate at this time, he will often wait in the Medical Research Institute, waiting for Sha Zoe to go back together after studying.

After returning to the castle, he would personally change the clothes for Xia Zoe, hug him to wash, and finally lie in the warm bed and knead his hands and feet for him.

While Udit was relieved, he was also a little depressed that his workload had become less.

After a few days of this, Xia Zoe did not let Segalote catch the wrong place, and he couldn’t help but slowly relax his vigilance.

——I will definitely not wear a small skirt!

Saigalot called for a tailor when Xia Zoe was busy at the medical institute during the day, and he told the tailor the requirements for making clothes-to make five women’s clothing according to the size of the lord’s clothes.

“No, five pieces are probably not enough. First make ten pieces. Each piece must be different. After drawing the finished product, I will make a decision.” Saigalote said.

He looked through the women’s clothing picture album in his hand.

The six tailors specializing in making clothes for Chazoi and the Pope looked at each other.

After a while, one of the old tailors asked cautiously: “Mianxia, ​​you… are you sure you are talking about making women’s clothing according to the size of the lord?!”

Isn’t it wrong?

Saigalote glanced at the six tailors indifferently, and the meaning was clear—yes, that’s it.

“Don’t ask too much.”

The six tailors nodded hurriedly, indicating that they understood, and would never ask or say more.

They immediately began to draw pictures carefully, drawing exclusive customized women’s clothing for the lord.

Two days later, the six tailors in a hurry handed over the finished paintings to the Pope for viewing.

Saigalote was very satisfied after seeing it, and asked them to make clothes according to the finished picture.

——The first piece of clothing made was taken by Segalot and hid it in the bedroom closet.

Almost all of the clothes that Xia Zoe wears every day are Segalote matched in advance and placed on the footstool at the end of the bed, and just wear them in the morning.

After a few days, Xia Zoe didn’t notice an extra piece of clothing in the bedroom closet.

On this day, the medical research institute was not very busy, and Xia Zoe stayed in the castle and did not go out.

It was hot, and he wanted to take a good bath, just outside the castle in Lake Pal, where a shallow area was dug out.

The shallow water area is close to the mountains and forests, surrounded by many flowers and plants, which have the effect of sheltering, while the shore is covered with pebbles. There is a small waterwheel, which rotates, and comes with clear water. From time to time, a few petals will fall on the lake, spinning in the warm water…

At this time, in addition to Chazoi, the plush people also like to jump into the shallow water and swim a few laps.

Xia Zuoyi also specially made a small wooden pot that can float on the lake surface for the smallest rice cake, Xiaopingtou, but Xiaopingtou is not interested in playing it a few times. It likes to roam in the mountains and forests.

I like rice cakes very much, and they sleep in a tub while Shazoi is swimming.

Xia Zoe has time to stay in the castle today, but Segalot has to go to the Holy Church to deal with affairs.

He got up in the morning and found out the swimming clothes that Xia Zuoy needed and put it on the footstool at the end of the bed. Then he walked to the side of the bed and stroked the person who was still sleeping in the bed.

Xia Zoe rubbed the palm of Saigalote dazedly, and asked with a nasal voice that had not yet woken up: “When are you coming back today?”

Saigalote: “Night.”

“The clothes have been found for you, remember not to play for too long, you will be back immediately at most an hour, you know.”

Xia Zuoyi nodded obediently: “I see.”

Saigalote grinned, pressed a kiss on his forehead, and then left.

Xia Zuoyi stared at the pope’s back. After the door was closed, he sat up suddenly, with a smile on his face that he could finally play happily.

He rolled over and rolled to the end of the bed, and then sat on the soft pedals-well, after confirming the clothes, he went out to play after Asai left the castle.

After the pope’s carriage drove away from the castle, Shazoi took a group of fluffy people to the shallow waters of Lake Pal.

He urged Udit not to tell the Pope about his long time playing in the water. If the Pope asks, he will be back in less than an hour.

“Udit, let others remember it too, don’t you know if you are wrong.”

Udit hesitated: “Yes, Lord, but…you still don’t play for too long to avoid catching cold.”

Xia Zoe: “No, I’m leaving, you don’t have to follow me.”

After speaking, he couldn’t wait to leave with the plushs.

The butler looked at Xia Zoe’s back and sighed.

The briquettes, snow balls, and egg yolks have thick hairs. In the hot summer, they like to jump into the lake to swim. The same goes for ice cream and brown sugar, but they prefer to enjoy the cold under the trees.

Xia Zoe lay on the snow group, swam from here to there under the leadership of a big black-striped tiger on a white background, and finally stopped on the pebbled shore.

He was lying on his back on the furry tiger, his ears were full of the sound of birds calling and cicadas singing, and the breeze blew over the leaves and the water. Even with his eyes closed, he could feel the leaves trembling and the water ripples…

The sun shone unscrupulously, and the dappled light and shadow made the whole body warm.

It’s already more than an hour.

Xia Zuoyi glanced at the wrinkled fingers in her eyes, and planned to swim around again and go back.

He dived into the water all of a sudden, feeling the comfort of the waves running across his body, and finally turned back, first climbed up on the wooden platform with both hands, and then emerged——

“Ah.” Xia Zoe let out a short exclamation, almost falling back into the water with fright.

Under the Pope’s crown, he didn’t know when he was standing on it. He squatted when he saw him popping up his head. He pressed his hands on the plank and turned it over to see-the belly of his fingers was soaked in white and wrinkled. The time he was here was absolutely absolute. Not less.

Xia Zoe retracted his hands with a guilty conscience, but was then taken out of the water by Saigalote and wrapped in a large, dry towel.

Saigalot helped Xia Zoe wipe the wet hair while smiling lightly: “Little Zoe, since you have made a mistake, you must be prepared to accept punishment.”

Xia Zuoyi opened his eyes wide and raised his head: “I made no mistake!”

“I said in the morning that you can only swim here for a maximum of an hour, but now it seems that it’s more than…”

Xia Zoe is indeed wrong about this, but he squinted his eyes: “But didn’t you mean to come back at night?!”

Phishing law enforcement? !

Saigalote raised his eyebrows: “There are a lot of things to deal with today. I do have to be busy until the evening, but when I think of you waiting for me at home, I will quickly settle it and come back.”

He squeezed Xia Zoe’s puffed cheeks and said, “Is it wrong to want to accompany you more?”

Xia Zoe: “…”


You are just unpredictable!

“Hey, we pulled the hook.” Saigalote kissed the humming big baby.

Xia·Big Baby·Zoe: “Just wear it…”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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