The Little Wolf Dog Keeps Getting the Money

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: City gate tragedy

Zhang Zhi helped and asked: “Why do you buy so much mineral water?”

Qin Chi sat in the driver’s seat and fastened his seat belt again, “We don’t have a water purifier in our car, and we can’t get together with Lao Yuan for a while, so we have to be prepared.”

Water is the source of life, and the consequences of drinking without water are much more serious than eating without food.

Zhang Zhi glanced sideways at the convenience store, showing a thoughtful expression, then took out his mobile phone and searched the map, “There is a department store in front, let’s go there.”

Qin Chi responded and drove the car to a department store tens of meters away.

After Zhang Zhi entered the store, he first bought scissors and latex paint, and then went to the cosmetics section to buy a bunch of very cheap foundations and various eye shadow plates and lipsticks, which surprised Qin Chi.

He remembered that Zhang Zhi should not have a habit of makeup, and even if he had to make up, it was impossible to buy such cheap makeup.

Is it possible to change your identity at any time and pretend to be another gender?

After paying the money, Zhang Zhi took the things and returned to the car with Qin Chi, without explaining the purpose of these cosmetics.

Anyway, when the time is right, Qin Chi will understand.

In the car, Qin Chi looked at the navigation map and didn’t know where to go for a while.

The four city gates and the four highways leading to the outside of the city are all closed, and the urban area is likely to have fallen, and no road can go through.

Qin Chi was in a state of discomfort, remembering the scene of Zhang Zhi escaping from Luocheng with them in a hurry in his previous life, and for a time he even spurned himself.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he already feels that he has nowhere to go. At that time, Zhang Zhigang had a miscarriage and had to endure the suffering of displacement, and brought their three white-eyed wolves around to find a way. How strong his heart is to be able to Can it be done?

Qin Chi tilted his head to see that Zhang Zhi was sending a message.

“Brother Zhi, who are you looking for?”

“An important person in the city, he wants us to go to the west gate immediately. The highway will open immediately and military vehicles will **** the citizens out of the city.”

Qin Chi’s spirits lifted up, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” Zhang Zhi turned to Lao Yuan’s phone and said, “If you drive, I will be responsible for contacting them.”


Qin Chi immediately turned around and drove towards the west gate.

However, just a few meters after driving, Qin Chi suddenly stepped on the brakes, Zhang Zhi jumped forward due to inertia, and was pulled back by the seat belt.

“Koike?” Zhang Zhi didn’t know why.

Qin Chi stared forward in a daze, with an expression of disbelief, “Brother Zhi, have you heard the sound in front of you?”

Zhang Zhi looked forward and saw pedestrians walking in twos and threes on the side of the street, and nothing else was unusual.

He told Qin Chi the result, but Qin Chi still felt something was wrong.

“Change the way.” Qin Chi always felt that there was a faint howling in front of him. He didn’t want to take risks, so he made a firm decision.

Although Zhang Zhi didn’t know what was wrong with him, he also used his mobile phone navigation to search for the nearest route to Ximen.

As soon as Qin Chi turned the car into a street next to the previous convenience store, he heard a sudden earth-shattering scream from behind.

Zhang Zhi looked back reflexively, his eyebrows frowned.

“what is that?”

Qin Chi also glanced in the rearview mirror, and suddenly stopped breathing.

On the farthest horizon, rows of stiff and slow-moving people are walking slowly towards this side. All of them were stained with blood, their heads hung down, their arms dropped in front of them, and they walked slowly down the street.

Qin Chi recognized at a glance what was going on with these “people”.


These walking corpses, who were not at all angry, either had their arms or their necks bitten off, broke through the city’s defenses so quickly and broke into the suburbs on the edge of the city?

But what makes Qin Chi feel strange is that they do not seem to have an aggressive tendency. When humans on the roadside or in the shop use their mobile phones to take pictures curiously, or scream out of fear of panic, they do not react at all, only in groups. Going forward in groups, I don’t know where I want to go.

People on the roadside talked a lot, some asked if it was a new advertising method for end-of-the-day mobile games, and some accused the current cosplay of becoming more and more excessive. What if the children are scared, there is no sense of crisis at all.

Qin Chi didn’t want to be reduced to food for zombies. He opened the car window and shouted, “It’s a zombie, hurry up!” Then he quickly stepped on the accelerator, and rushed forward regardless, trying to stay away from the group of zombies.

Even if the people on the street heard Qin Chi’s call, they couldn’t react for a while, and they were stunned for a while before they acted.

Some people hide in the store as quickly as Qin Chi, or get into the car and quickly slip away, and some are dull thinking, but don’t understand that the crisis is already here.

The old man sitting in front of the convenience store wiped off his presbyopic glasses, put them on again, then looked at the group of zombies, and said happily, “That’s my son, it’s my son!”

After speaking, he stood up on his crutches and tried his best to get up. Before the clerk had time to stop, he staggered happily towards his son.

“You little bastard, you still know that you are coming back. I waited for a day with your dad and you didn’t hear from you, and the phone couldn’t get through. Do you still have me and your dad in your heart?”

The old man said as he tapped his son’s shoulder with a cane, but the next second, his son suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the cane, looking straight at him with muddy eyes.

The old man was also taken aback. When he was getting closer, he realized that there was blood on his son’s neck. He was distressed and angry at once, “What did you do, neck…”

Before he finished speaking, his son suddenly rushed in front of him, opened his mouth wide, showing his blood-stained teeth, and bit his throat hard.

Blood splattered.

Soon, other zombies seemed to be activated by the smell of blood, and they rushed to the old man, screaming like a mad dog grabbing food, biting the body everywhere, ears, neck, shoulders, waist, abdomen, thighs, and even He didn’t let go of his feet, and then pulled them all together, and the old man was torn to pieces in an instant.

Among the group of zombies, a head with gray hair flew out, his eyes widened, with fear and confusion, he landed heavily and rolled into the group of zombies, being crushed and deformed by successive zombies.

This scene was too bloody, and the people around finally pulled out of their innocent cognition, screaming and fleeing all around.

However, it was too late, and this area was quickly occupied by zombies, leaving few people alive. And those human beings with complete limbs, just after being bitten, will also become zombies in the next few minutes or hours, join the army of zombies, and become terrible monsters who have no thoughts but only know how to chase human blood.

Qin Chi led Zhang Zhi to flee to the west gate. As soon as they drove the car to the main road, they saw a group of military vehicles evacuating from Luocheng with some residents. There were people patrolling and guarding sentries along the way. That kind of monster.

Zhang Zhi raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his face, then took off the glasses atomized by sweat, and wiped the lenses with his thumb repeatedly.

Even if the existence of that kind of monster has been known from the video, when the real threat of death on the spot, people will understand how terrifying it is. It is like a heavy stone weighing on the heart, making people breathless.

Will die at any time, will be torn into pieces by monsters, the fear of such extinction cannot be described in words.

Qin Chi drove the car onto the main road, and a nearby military vehicle made a gap for them, allowing them to leave Luocheng with the convoy.

In addition to military vehicles, there are also many people in the team who already have vehicles, each carrying a family of young and old to drive out of the city, and a heavy depressive atmosphere spread across the road.

Qin Chi inadvertently glanced at the car next to him, and saw that the man driving was the Omega wife sitting next to him, and there were two seven or eight-year-old boys in the back. If it were not for special circumstances, they looked like they were. A family of four couldn’t be more normal.

However, on the neck of the woman in the passenger seat, there was a bite mark that was not obvious.

Qin Chi felt tight and drove to the other side quickly.

However, the development of things was too unpredictable. Before they could reach the exit of the expressway, the group of vehicles in front suddenly stopped. Many car owners stuck their heads out to shout and shout, their tight nerves reached their limit.

The military vehicle also came to a sudden stop. I don’t know what the order was, and suddenly they used the loudspeaker to tell everyone to retreat.

However, the people on the verge of collapse did not buy it. Many of them were evacuated from the urban area. Naturally, they knew what kind of monsters appeared in the urban area.

The situation immediately got out of control, and many cars rushed forward regardless, and the armed men couldn’t stop it at all. Most of them had the same idea, thinking that they would be fine if they left the ghost place of Luocheng, but things would be far beyond their expectations.

Qin Chi was also thinking about leaving the city, but Zhang Zhi received a call from Lao Yuan.

“Don’t go to the city gate, there is already occupied by zombies, and there was only a dead end in the past!”

Qin Chi clutched the steering wheel tightly, “How many? Can it be done?”

“It’s a shit. In addition to zombies, there are people who can use guns. Occupy the toll station and shoot at people. Anyway, it’s not a good thing! Don’t go to the west gate, hurry up and find a place to hide first!”

They have enough supplies, even if they hide in the city for a period of time, they can fully support it.

Qin Chi obeyed Old Yuan’s words and immediately changed his way and drove aside. Earlier, a large truck ran out of control and hit the guardrail. He could just rush into the dirt and escape all the way to the forest trail.

The highway behind him seemed to have turned into a giant snake that swallowed living people, and the screams of countless people haunted the whole world, making the hands and feet of those who heard the sound in the distance chill and tremble.

This incident is simply too much to keep up with the rhythm. Zhang Zhi looked back and saw that there were repeated car accidents on the road. The small car was directly hit or crushed. The armed personnel on the military vehicle were frantically shooting at the zombie dead, stray bullets were like shooting stars. Flying around.

There are also some cars that diverted to the side of the road like them. Those who react quickly can escape the catastrophe, and those who react slowly will be dead.

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