The Little Wolf Dog Keeps Getting the Money

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Zhang Leyue for help

In the van next to him, the sleepy man carried the child to the public toilet to pee. When he came back, he saw Qin Chi standing outside the car. He kindly reminded, “Brother over there, don’t hang around outside when you are fine. Be kind of a monster, and be safer to hide in the car.”

Qin Chi glanced at him, “Did you see it too?”

The man put the child in the car, walked over and fumbled in his trouser pocket for a long time, took out a box of cheap cigarettes, and handed one to Qin Chi. Qin Chi smiled and declined.

The man didn’t care. After lighting a cigarette, he took a sigh, and then he said, “I went to the power plant to deliver goods and saw a group of monsters killing several soldiers. The monster that bites at the sight of people scares me.”

Recalling the scene at the time, the man shuddered, shuddering, and then said: “But even if I don’t say it, you should have heard some wind before escaping. Anyway, this time, it’s hard to do.”

The man finished smoking and went back to sleep in the car. Qin Chi didn’t stay outside too much. He got into the car and lay down beside Zhang Zhi, holding him tightly in his arms.

He had been tired for a whole day, and he had to sleep well and cultivate enough energy to have the strength to deal with the more terrifying end times.

The reason why Qin Chi can sleep peacefully is because their off-road RV is too sturdy. Not to mention the kind of zombies that can be thrown down by people in the early end of the world, even the zombies that have evolved in the middle and late stages can hardly damage the doors and windows.

As long as you don’t fall into the sea of corpses, it is undoubtedly safe to hide in the car.

The whole night was peaceful, without any accidents, but Qin Chi and Zhang Zhi were awakened by the ringing of the phone just as soon as it was light.

Zhang Zhi pressed the answer button in a daze, and a howling voice echoed in the car through the phone.

“Zhang Zhi, second uncle, come and save me, I am trapped in the hotel!”

Zhang Zhi was dizzy. It took several seconds to remember who called his second uncle. He barely recovered his voice, “What happened to you?”

Zhang Leyue cried badly, and replied intermittently, “I, we are in the Huaai Hotel, some people have turned into monsters, and also, they have been bitten to death!”

In the luxury hotel, Zhang Leyue and Wei Zhinan struggled to push out a zombie while shouting, “Second uncle, come on, there are all monsters outside, and I will die if you don’t come!”

When Zhang Zhigang wanted to help them find a way, Qin Chi snatched the phone and hung up with a beep.

Qin Chi pulled Zhang Zhi, who was in a daze, to lie down in the bed, and added Zhang Leyue’s number to the blacklist.

“Don’t worry about him, Brother Zhi, he is such a big person, and Wei Zhinan is there, so it is not your turn to worry.” Qin Chi knows better than Zhang Zhi what kind of person Zhang Leyue is, the wolf-hearted white-eyed wolf, there is no slightest at all. The need for rescue.

Zhang Zhi was resting in his arms, and it took a long time before he said, “But…”

“Don’t be wise brother, we can’t protect ourselves, and you just want to save people, and you can’t enter the city.” Qin Chi tightened his arms, sliding his fingers on Zhang Zhi’s waist, and said, “It’s still In the morning, you can sleep a little longer and wait for the highway intersection to open. Let’s get out of the city as soon as possible. Leave everything else alone, okay?”

Zhang Zhi still doesn’t know how cruel the future will become. It is normal to think about family affection and not want to give up Zhang Leyue.

Qin Chi re-entered his dreamland, and Zhang Zhi had no choice but to put aside Zhang Leyue’s affairs. Of course, he didn’t have to go to the urban area to save people in his mind. He just wanted to provide some help, such as planning a suitable escape route for the two people through satellite maps and existing information, or calling the police for help.

But since Qin Chi didn’t allow him to help, he could only forget it.

Less than two minutes after the two of them fell asleep, Qin Chi’s cell phone rang again.

Qin Chi slept in a daze, thinking it was Lao Yuan, and he answered the call without seeing the caller ID.

“Hey, Lao Yuan, where are you?”

“Oh, brother Chi, come and save me, I’m trapped in the hotel, please come and save me!”

A swine-killing wailing instantly drove off the sleepy bugs on Qin Chi’s body, and Zhang Zhi was also awakened.

Qin Chi sat up and rubbed his eyebrows depressedly.

Where is Zhang Leyue’s self-confidence, thinking that if he asks for help, he will help? Did that guy really forget who beat him to the hospital?

Qin Chi was about to hang up directly, and suddenly he became playful again.

Didn’t Zhang Leyue always hold himself up and treat him as a cash machine? In this case, he also used Zhang Leyue’s usual means to play well.

“Yueyue, where are you? What happened?” He squeezed a smile pretending to be panicked, and Zhang Zhi next to him knew what he wanted to do when he looked at his expression, and shook his head helplessly and laughed.

When Zhang Leyue heard Qin Chi’s voice still as gentle as before, the corners of her mouth collapsed, and tears fell even more.

“Woo, Chi, I know you didn’t ignore me deliberately, it was my second uncle’s **** who forced you, you love me the most and I love me the most!”

Qin Chi was both disgusting and funny. He glanced at Zhang Zhi. Seeing that Zhang Zhi seemed to understand what he meant, he became even more unscrupulous for a while.

“Hey, if it wasn’t for Zhang Zhi to completely sever the relationship with you, how could I give you up?” Qin Chi said and lay down again, lying face to face with Zhang Zhi, while continuing to flicker,” Zhang Zhi said, if I continue to follow If you are entangled, he won’t pay me living expenses. In order to buy you a new sports car, I have to obey him first.”

Zhang Zhi raised his hand and nodded on his forehead, his eyes full of non-threatening warnings.

Qin Chi smiled and took the person into his arms, but he “talked about love” with Zhang Leyue.

“By the way, you just said what happened to you?”

When Zhang Leyue heard Qin Chi say that he was going to buy a new sports car for him, the corners of his mouth burst into laughter, and it was only then that he finally remembered something serious.

“Brother Chi, I am trapped in the Huaai Hotel. The hallways outside are full of monsters that eat people like zombies. I’m scared to death. Come and save me!” Zhang Leyue cried again, her tender and soft beauty. The sound is enough for how many Alpha can’t hold it.

Qin Chi was not within the range that he couldn’t control, and asked lazily, “How could this be? Are you alone now?”

Zhang Leyue glanced at Wei Zhinan, who was sitting on the ground weak and feeble, and said with a guilty heart: “Yes, I am the only one.” He was not sure. If Qin Chi knew that he and Wei Zhinan were spending the night in a hotel, would he not Will accept him without any complaint.

After all, he has been taking the line of a cold male **** in front of Qin Chi, claiming that he is a pure virgin and has not been played by anyone.

With his big toe, Qin Chi could also think of whether Zhang Leyue was with Wei Zhinan, holding back his nausea and pretending to be anxious, “Hurry up and send me your location, and I will help you right away!”

Zhang Leyue was overjoyed, and immediately posted the location on his mobile phone, and repeatedly told him to go as soon as possible. He was afraid that the hotel door would not last long.

As for whether Qin Chi will encounter danger on the way, he doesn’t care about them.

Hanging up, Qin Chi pulled Zhang Leyue’s number into the blacklist, put his arms around Zhang Zhi and went to sleep.

Zhang Zhizhi said that Zhang Leyue was his nephew. He found the official assistance post issued by Luocheng on the Internet and sent Zhang Leyue’s geographic location.

This website is the latest release. It is said that all major institutions in Luocheng have been paralyzed and cannot operate normally, but the power system and network system have not collapsed, and the Internet can be accessed normally.

The official did not have enough manpower to search and rescue everywhere, so the survivors posted their own addresses, stating where they were, whether they were seriously injured, how many people were there, etc. The official people would organize rescues as soon as possible.

Zhang Zhi wouldn’t be so mentally disabled to go to the city to save people, but in terms of blood relationship, it’s okay to do a little favor.

It was almost six in the morning when someone got up in the park, and rustling footsteps were heard everywhere.

Qin Chi squinted for a while, and when he opened his eyes, he found that Zhang Zhi was still asleep, so he didn’t wake him up, and took a towel and a mouthwash cup to wash in the public toilet.

After spending a night in the park, all the nearby people looked heavy. Maybe they learned about the city from their respective contacts. They wanted to escape but couldn’t get out, so they were very anxious.

The reason why they are not allowed to enter the city is really worried that the zombie virus will be transmitted from Luocheng?

However, the same situation should be true for this meeting in Kaesong. Where is the origin of the virus?

When Qin Chi returned to the car after brushing his teeth, Zhang Zhi also sat on the bed looking at the phone in a daze.

“What’s wrong, brother?” Qin Chi sat in and closed the car door smoothly.

There may also be people infected in the park, so you have to close the door at any time, just in case.

Zhang Zhi’s face was terrible, probably because he didn’t get a good rest, he looked pale and haggard.

“I just received a call from an important official who said that an uncontrollable situation has emerged in Luocheng City and that we must never enter the city.”

The reason why Zhang Zhi was so sad was because the important person seemed to have revealed the news to him at a critical moment. Before the important person had finished speaking, Zhang Zhi listened to the howl from the phone, and then the important person screamed, and the phone hung up.

It is self-evident how the situation was at that time.

Qin Chi was also in a bad mood when he heard that, but even more desperate things were yet to come. Zhang Zhi should learn to accept all this slowly.

He hugged Zhang Zhi for a while, and when Zhang Zhi felt calmer, he asked people to go to the public toilet to wash.

After all, he was still worried that Zhang Zhi left his sight, hid the knife and pistol already prepared in the car, and went with Zhang Zhi.

Many people in the public toilet were waiting in line to fetch water to wash their faces and brush their teeth. Qin Chi had been vigilant around him, looking a little nervous.

At this moment, he heard the two uncles in front of the team chattering.

“That’s right, I heard that the city is closed, no one knows what’s going on inside, and I heard that a lot of people have died. Those monsters can’t kill the guns and the bombs can’t kill them, scaring people to death!”

Another person covered his mouth and whispered: “You said it’s all this far, and also blocked the highway to prevent us from leaving the city. What do you want to do?”

“Who knows, anyway, as soon as we find an opportunity, our family has to go out of the city desperately, and the fool stays in Luocheng!”

“You are not talking nonsense, now living in the park, who didn’t break his head and want to run outside?”

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