The Little Wolf Dog Keeps Getting the Money

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Material collection

At around five o’clock in the morning, Zhang Zhi was still asleep, and Qin Chi went out with Lao Yuan and the others. Seeing that the situation around the world was getting worse and worse, they had to hurry up.

On the way, Mu Zi held the iPad to watch the tubing video and was shocked to call out on the spot.

“Oh my God, Old Yuan, Brother Qin, look, this is too scary!”

Old Yuan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, took the iPad and yelled, “What is so fuss about?”

They have seen a lot of strange truths about the world when they traveled north and south along the way. Why did Mu Zi see that he was so nervous?

Qin Chi was driving and didn’t dare to look around. He only felt that Lao Yuan’s breathing in the next seat seemed to be getting heavier. He turned his head slightly and quickly turned his eyes to the road and asked, “Lao Yuan, what do you see?”

Mu Zi in the back seat said nervously, “I saw a video posted by a foreigner, and it looked like something like a zombie appeared in a church.”

Qin Chi immediately stopped the car on the side of the road when he heard the words, and went to watch the video with Old Yuan.

The video is only a few tens of seconds, and Lao Yuan has watched it over and over many times, his expression is solemn and majestic, and he doesn’t know what he is thinking.

When the video started playing, the background sound was very noisy, as if it was a funeral in a church. The priest holding the book was praying to the heavenly father for the relatives of the deceased. The sound of mourning was mixed with the sad and sad music, and the faint sound could be heard. Crying.

Next to the priest was a coffin with no lid on. The deceased was a young woman wearing a white dress. She was lying quietly in the coffin covered with white flowers, her face pale and lifeless.

In the first few seconds, there was no abnormality in the video. At about the tenth second, Qin Chi’s eyes condensed.

He had experienced cruel survival battles in his previous life, and he was very sensitive to corpses.


The corpse, which should have lost its bodily functions and could not move, was twisting a little bit, as if regaining life, first the fingers, then the wrist, then to the chest and thighs, really slowly moving at an almost imperceptible extent. .

Qin Chi narrowed his eyes slightly, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his mind.

Sure enough, in the next second, the corpse in the coffin suddenly opened its muddy eyes, turned over and sat up with a very agile motion, stiffened his wrists and pulled the corner of the priest’s clothes, making a body twice her size. The adult man dragged into the coffin easily.

The current situation of the priest cannot be seen in the picture, but he can hear his screams, and can also see the splashing blood and various organs. It seems that this person has been torn to pieces in the coffin alive.

The others in the church were stunned. When the priest’s screams stopped, they suddenly broke out with a louder scream, trying to escape from this strange place in a panic.

At the end of the video, the figure of the woman appeared again in the coffin. She stepped out of the coffin with one foot, her face was covered with blood belonging to the priest, her mouth was grinning to the base of her ears, revealing dense and sharp teeth.

The picture freezes.

Old Yuan’s chest was ups and downs, his modest eyes had already reached the peak, Qin Chi was much calmer than him, and watched the video several times over and over again, and he did not miss the message below.

Some people are very pessimistic, thinking that this kind of thing in the church must be a punishment given to mankind by God, and Noah’s Ark must be built as soon as possible, just in case.

Some people don’t take this kind of thing into their minds at all, and they say that they are just pranks used by humans to scare their compatriots and deceive the click-through rate. It is not uncommon for this kind of videos to be deliberately shot to get people’s attention.

Both sides argued differently, arguing under the video, but the person who posted the video never came out to explain anything.

Probably he was scratched or bitten while fleeing from the chaos. He went home and hid and posted a video. After a while, he also became a zombie.

At the very beginning, these zombies were still afraid of sunlight, and would hide in dark corners and dare not come out. After a while, they would evolve into a species that can adapt to sunlight and launch large-scale attacks on existing humans.

Mu Zi usually watched movies and TV series about zombies, which would be too nervous, “Lao Yuan, this is not really a zombie? How come there are zombies? I can still move when the zombies on TV are rotten like that. You won’t die if you’re scumbag, won’t it really become like that?”

Lao Yuan took out a cigarette and lit it, took a hard breath before saying, “I don’t know.”

That’s what I said, but Lao Yuan is also a person who is used to seeing **** scenes. He knows that the scene in the video is definitely not done with special effects. Then, in connection with the things Qin Chi told him at the beginning, Lao Yuan feels deeply about the future. Worry.

However, if it does become like that, they are not afraid, as long as they have enough supplies ready, are they worried that they will not be able to cope in the future?

Afterwards, Old Yuan called Wenjia and Ba Ping again, asking the two of them to prepare as much food as possible. Anyway, Qin Chi’s space box is very large, even if it is put in a department store, there is still a lot of space left.

If Lao Yuan was still distressed because he wanted to buy an RV, then he could not wait to plug in his wings and ask Qin Chi to quickly take him to buy a car. Once zombies really appear in the last days, the trouble will be big.

It’s a pity that the auto show has to wait another day. Today, Lao Yuan can only go to the warehouse with Qin Chi to wait for the manufacturer to deliver the department store, and Mu Zi simply goes to play.

When the factory arrived at the warehouse, the three of them did their own work before the manufacturer came.

Lao Yuan searches for the price and model of the RV on the Internet. This will tell him to replace all his property with a RV, and he is willing. Qin Chi and Mu Zi are downloading movies and TV series, in case there is no entertainment and pastime in the future, and they will be bored in the base.

After a short while, the department store finally arrived, and the three of them invited the people from the manufacturer to unload the goods box by box.

Lao Yuan’s materials were actually prepared for natural disasters. Although he heard Qin Chi said that zombies might appear, he was still skeptical. After watching that video today, he was truly aware of this.

Recently, various natural disasters have occurred frequently, and Lao Yuan has considered it thoroughly in accordance with reality.

In the department stores he bought, in addition to raincoats, tents, flashlights and other daily necessities necessary for survival in the wild, there are also technical equipment such as engineer shovel and gas mask, as well as lifeline binoculars.

Here are some items written on Qin Chi’s list. Old Yuan has added a lot. He even thought of radio stations and waterproof blankets. He also bought a lot of toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc., enough for a group of people. Used for decades.

Qin Chi also felt a headache looking at the piles of goods. Although Old Yuan was right, he bought too much.

It doesn’t mean that the space is easy to take. They can’t take things with their thoughts. If they want to take things from the storage box, they have to release a large three-dimensional projection first, and look for what they want in a small mountain. It’s too much trouble to tidy up when it’s messed up.

But after buying everything, Qin Chi had to install it in the space.

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