The Little Spider I Summoned Evolved Into a Pope!

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

Chapter 512 The manager’s action! (Please subscribe, customize!)

Chapter 512 The manager’s actions!

Shout out to the manager at the moment outside..

Now, after all, he is going to ask for people, so he still intends to bring some people there.

If you go there by yourself, not only will you not meet anyone, but you will also get yourself in, it will be exciting!


Hearing the manager’s words, the action outside is also very fast.

With a sound of reconciliation, the outside moved quickly.

Then… less than three seconds before and after.

The door was pushed open.

And outside, all of them were already standing and dispatched.

Those are all summoned beasts of gold-level police…

Headed by two or even two golden ninth-order existences.

It can also be seen from here, how powerful the so-called Devil’s Cave is!


Seeing this, the manager didn’t write any ink, just waved his hand and took the person out directly…

“Hold on!”

In my heart, the manager at the moment has only such an idea!

“Oh, don’t tell me~~?”

“I’m not asking you anything that can’t be said, right?”

“Or you are not at all from that Mr. Mystery…

“It’s Mu Qingfeng and Meng Fei?”

“If that’s the case, then it’s interesting. You said what would happen if the gentleman found out about it?”

Looking at Xiao Liu and Brother Hu in front of him, the man at this moment said indifferently.

And as he said these words, the tiger brother’s expression fluctuated slightly…

After all, what he said was on the point.

Because unlike Xiao Liu, he is really a gentleman.

And to be honest, now he feels a little baffling.

because of him…..

There is nothing at all between him and Tang Mo!

He doesn’t know anything!

If you want to know about Tang Mo, just look for Xiao Liu!

“Why are you looking for him!

What can he say?

“Sure enough game!”

Brother Hu’s current mood swings are naturally captured by men.

After all, this is what he was waiting for when he said that!

And now, Brother Hu really didn’t let him down…

On the other hand, Xiao Liu, it was a bit unexpected for him, this mouth is actually so strict.

Makes him kinda like this guy…

But if you think about it, what kind of simple existence can be brought by Tang Mo and others!

At least, sincerely, there must be no problem!

“々`Take him to me, and I will interrogate him myself!


Hearing the man’s order, the person who was waiting on the side immediately responded.

That was to take Brother Hu directly away!

And seeing this scene, Xiao Liu’s emotions that have been unwavering throughout the past and the present finally fluctuated.

Because, Brother Hu is unreliable! (Wang De’s)

Although it is said that he actually knows very little about Tang Mo, but no matter how little he knows, he still knows a little bit!

And these people, Xiao Liu doesn’t know what kind of attitude he has towards Tang Mo!

So come!

First update today!!!!

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