The Little Spider I Summoned Evolved Into a Pope!

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Chapter 507 Depressed manager! (Please subscribe, customize!)

Chapter 507 Depressed manager! (Please subscribe, customize!)

Without waiting for the woman to finish speaking, accompanied by a big wave of the man’s hand…

That was two strong men who came up directly and controlled the woman.

Then he threw the woman into the car with a wave of his hand!

As a neutral force like the Devil’s Cave, he actually knows about the invisible war in the ghost town.

But it was because he knew that “607” was so angry now.

Because if you want to make good money, don’t care about these things, and do your own neutrality well, that’s the most important thing.

But now…

My own people actually broke this unspoken rule.

Not neutral.

And it doesn’t matter if it’s not neutral.

Still blind….

Mu Qingfeng and Meng Fei now have the help of Old Nether.

Idiots know it..

This is going up.

It is undoubtedly the most correct choice to fight on their side now.

But his own people actually chose to help the other side.

This is without a doubt a very stupid choice….

Even if it is said that she was the opposite person from the beginning.

But do you still need to teach things like seeing the wind and the rudder?

After working at the auction for so long, did you not learn the ability to fall wherever the wind blows…

Anyway, now he has figured it out.

People must be taught.

It would be best if it could continue to be neutral.

If not, then he must fight firmly on Meng Fei and Mu Qingfeng’s side.

As for the other two sides, who cares to die for him!

‘Go…to the Meng House!

Facing his servant, the person in charge at the moment said solemnly with a dark face.


In this regard, this subordinate is obviously a little capable and a little discerning. Knowing that the person in charge is very upset now, he didn’t say anything.

If it were normal, he would definitely be flattering!

“What did you say?

“Liu was taken away?”

“It’s still by those two guys!”

At this moment, in the Devil’s Cave, the manager’s brows were also slightly wrinkled when he heard the subordinate’s report.

Although Xiao Liu has nothing to do with them… 0

But they already knew about Tang Mo’s relationship with the Nether old man, and the fact that he was favored by the Nether old man.

That is to say, the evaluation of Tang Mo has skyrocketed again.

Originally, it may only be that the highest B is A, and now Tang Mo can be upgraded to S.

And such a person…. is sure to win over and gain a good impression.

And originally they had a good card.

Although Xiao Liu is not a very important person.

But after all, it’s Tang Mo’s person, and now he’s been arrested, isn’t this a slap in the face?

If it was rescued originally, this would be a very good opportunity to brush your face…

but now!

4.4 “What a pity!” 5

The manager at the moment is also a little annoyed, but now things have happened…

Regret is no chance.

“Now we can only see if we can get people back!””

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