The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 56: Intense Sparring with Min Qing (1)

Although, they were both Elders, Min Rou wasn't conceited enough to think they were of equal status, even if she was the daughter of the Family Head, Min Tian.

Furthermore, Min Tian himself considered Elder Shin as a peer and bother rather than a subordinate.

Min Tian only nodded slightly at Min Rou's statement, but the thoughtful frown on his face didn't seem to weaken at all.

"Brother Tian, I have told you not to worry about any surprises the Wang Clan might bring. After all, worrying won't give us the answer, instead let's just prepare in advance for any surprises. Once we have that mindset, everything will be a bit easier to deal with." Eder Shin spoke.

Later on, Min Rou suggested that Min Hong and Min Qing should go and get any resources they might need in the library where the Min Family now stored all their cumulative wealth, as this made room for the three elders to discuss.

After returning from the library Min Hong and Min Qing entered their rooms and secluded themselves for cultivation.

Min Hong got a bow and quiver with about 50 arrows. He was then gifted the 'Houtian Blade' he borrowed from Min Tian back when he was going into the soaring cloud forest to train.

Moreover, he got to know that the sword actually had a twin, and as such Min Tian didn't even hesitate for a moment before gifting it to Min Hong.

After receiving these weapons, Min Hong headed straight for his usual training area to train his techniques, familiarize himself with his new weapons and also his archery skills.

Thus, the entire Min Family castle entered a mandatory lockdown and cultivation seclusion as a serene silence reigned within and outside the castle.


About a week later… it was a clear and sunny morning…

Min Hong had been training in his training area continuously without rest. He didn't cultivate, he just kept honing his skills and his familiarity with his new weapons.

The most significant change was the 'Eye of Myriad Universe'. His 'Eagle's Eye' ability has now evolved. Asides from its see-through ability, it could now cover a distance of about 100 kilometers.

Currently, Min Hong was standing there calmly, his eyes golden with green pupils. He steadied his breath and looked towards his house where Min Qing currently sat outside, alone again.

He looked up and saw a flock of Heaven Cleansing Pigeons, these spirit beasts were only in the 8 Star Qi Creation stage. They were as fat and huge as pigs, with wingspans of at least twelve feet across.

There were about five of them currently soaring across the castle. They were very quick and agile despite their huge bodies and were about to pass over Min Rou's residence.

Min Hong nocked four arrows between his five fingers and aimed… after taking a deep breath, his eyes glowed slightly as the birds slowed to a crawl in his eyes, then he released the four arrows…

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

The four arrows whistled across the sky like four heat seeking missiles, tearing apart the clouds and leaving a trail of white lines in their wake.

Immediately the arrows left his bow, Min Hong closed his eyes as if he couldn't be bothered with the birds anymore.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

Bulls eye!

The arrow pierced through the right eye of these birds and came out from their left eye, exploding their heads in the process. Then their headless corpse rained down from above before landing directly in front of Min Qing who jumped in fright.

Seeing that four of his buddies had been killed the fifth pigeon traced the lines left behind by the arrows to their source and saw a young boy of about twelve years standing there with his eyes closed.

The bird's eyes turned red as it swiftly changed trajectory and circled back in a perfect arc and made a beeline for Min Hong. It bared its sharp claws that were about 6 inches long, looking to shred him to pieces.

Min Hong still with his eyes close, turned around and backed the malicious incoming bird. Seeing this the bird's confidence grew as it increased its speed to the peak. It was so fast that Min Qing could hear it swish past their house.

The bird reached Min Hong in an instant, and as its 6 inches long claws was about an inch away from Min Hong's cloth, Min Hong took a single, lightning-fast step forward and in the same fluid motion rotated his body in a 360-degree turn.

Caught off-guard by the sudden movement of the seemingly oblivious Min Hong, the bird could do nothing but miss its target, as it whooshed straight past Min Hong.

Still with his eyes closed and during his 360-degree turn, Min Hong pulled out an arrow and nocked his bow once more in motion.

So, the moment he completed his turn the arrow already left his bow.

[Yes! It was the twisting shot…]

The arrow pierced through the bird's head from the back and came out from the front also exploding its head in the process as it fell headlessly and lifelessly to the ground.

Min Hong stored his bow in his ring as he approached the bird and retrieved his nearby arrow as he mumbled to himself. "I only used about ten percent of my body cultivation to fire these arrows and their heads still exploded."

"Taking into account that the physical bodies of beasts are very much stronger than Qi refining experts, if I should use my full cultivation base and the 'Eagle's Eye', I should be able to at least kill an oblivious 5 Star Dan Formation expert and severely injure such an expert who is at alert."

"I guess the existence of the 'Eye of Myriad Universe' within my Sea of Consciousness has drastically affected my mental strength. I can now sense everything happening around me within a 100-metre radius without even looking."

"The Eagle's eye also enables me to see the weak spot within both the physical body of an object and the Qi flow of any cultivator. I guess the greater my strength progresses the better the Eye of Myriad Universe becomes, which in turn grants me greater abilities.��

Min Hong was still scrutinizing his abilities and how to better make use of them, when four images attacked him from behind.

He swiftly turned and used his palms to welcome these figures as he executed the Willow Leaf Palm to absorb the force behind them, borrowing these forces to power four chaotic shadow steps backwards.

When he took the fourth step, he was already about ten meters from his previous spot. Then he looked at the figures and was shocked to find out that it was the four birds he had just shot down. Moreover, they were currently frozen solid, like grocery chickens.

He then looked towards the person who threw these birds and was stunned by who it was.

It was Min Qing, who was still about 100 meters from his position and was gently flashing here and there, executing the perfected version of the Chaotic Shadow Steps Min Hong shared with his family about a week ago.

Since, Min Tian, Min Rou and Min Qing were already cultivating the techniques, it was very easy for them to improve with the perfected version of the technique.

Despite the fact that they were shocked at the level of change that had been made to the technique, Min Hong just said that he had an inspiration when he reached the 'One with Dao' level in the art.

"If she could throw these birds from over 100 meters away and they could still contain a considerable amount of force enough for me to take four chaotic shadow steps, then how much force did she actually use to throw them in the first place?!"

"This was even despite the fact that she was also executing the perfected version of the chaotic shadow steps…then there's the frosty Yin Qi." Min Hong gazed at the monstrous Min Qing before looking at the pitifully frozen birds on the floor.

"Hmph! were you looking to frighten me to death…" Min Qing who arrived in less than five seconds later pouted in playful anger as she stood directly in front of Min Hong who could actually see the entire roof of her head.

"That was how I felt like saying good morning, today…" Min Hong still zoned out for a second before he swiftly recovered and smilingly replied her.

"Hmph! That little and vague type of apology won't do…" Min Qing continued as she turned her heads sideways and snorted like an elder.

It was a truly comical sight which made Min Hong nearly keel over in laughter. She was already young, bewitching and innocent.

So, when she acted in a more childish manner like this, it would naturally spark up laughter and love from within a person.

"Hmph! What's so funny? Am I that much of a joke to you?" her tone turned a little serious.

"How about a spar then? We haven't really decided the winner from our last bet…" Min Hong reminded her of a bet they had a little while before he went to the Mist Marshlands.

"Hmph! Sure! That way I can also serve your punishment as well. It would be killing two birds with one stone." She smiled before adding. "Don't forget whoever loses gets to do whatever the winner wants from now on!"

"So, whenever I call for you, you must abandon whatever it is you're doing and come to me. No excuses made!" Min Qing spoke like she had already won the spar.

She had come up with this idea a long time ago, when she usually felt ignored by Min Hong.

She was hoping that when she won, she would just use this as an excuse to be with Min Hong no matter where he went. That way she won't feel lonely or ignored by him anymore, since she would make sure they were practically together almost every time.

Since, the intentions behind the duel had been made clear, the duel began immediately…

Min Qing's 3 Star Dan Formation cultivation erupted outwards as her clothes fluttered without the presence of any wind. Even though she didn't use her Yin Qi as that might be lethal to Min Hong, her cultivation base power wasn't anything to joke about.

Min Hong's 6 Star King stage cultivation also surged. 70 dragon tattoos roared to life as they bulged under his skin. They radiated a golden glow within his body and resonated with his bones which also turned golden instantly.

Not wanting to lose out to their neighbors, the beasts on the 'Yuan Wonder Gate' also let out their own roars, as the gate swung open and massive amount of potent Yuan Qi flowed into his meridians. Min Hong's 6 Star Qi Sea stage cultivation then erupted.

Min Hong felt the competition going on between the dragon tattoos and the 'Yuan Wonder Gate' within his body and smiled to himself, as they battled for who could give their master the most battle power.

He also didn't use the 'Eye of Myriad Universe' or the 'Art of Myriad Seals' as that would be an absolute overkill.

So, now that their cultivation battle power was more or less equal, it was left to whatever techniques and martial arts they both had, and who had achieved greater mastery.

They simultaneously executed the shadow part of the [Chaotic Shadow Steps] and phased out of sight…then a violent shockwave rippled through the area as they both reappeared with their palms in a colliding stance.

Min Qing had opted for a soft style palm technique; [The Butterfly Touch], which was the bane of the Willow Leaf Palm which becomes an ordinary martial art in front of such fighting style…

But unfortunately for her, Min Hong had long decided that, unless he was sure that his foe was going to use a Hard style martial art, he would never use the 'Willow Leaf Palm'…so, he had opted for the Eight Vengeful Palms instead.

They both engaged themselves with full focus as their sparring intensity gradually soared.

After engrossing Min Qing in an intense hard style fighting pattern, Min Hong slowed down a tiny bit…just enough for Min Qing to find an opening on him…and sure enough, the very attentive Min Qing found it, like a light beacon in darkness.

"He is getting slower… But, could he really be exhausted?" she rapidly thought as she sent a glaring palm strike towards Min Hong's chest.

If this strike were to land, asides from winning the spar, Min Hong would also be blasted backwards and since Min Hong cultivated in the body refining path, she wasn't bothered by this.

"She really fell for it?" just as the palm was about to hit Min Hong on the chest, he abruptly swapped the [Eight Vengeful Palms] for the [Willow Leaf Palm] as he sent a palm to meet Min Qing's palm strike.

The moment they collided; Min Qing felt something weird about the collision this time around. The shockwave this time around was very weak and most of the force in her palm strike seemed to have been lost…as if something had devoured it.

"Oh snap!" She gasped in shock. "The Willow Leaf Palm… So, that opening earlier was only a diversion…Hmph! This changes nothing…" her face suddenly turned decisive.

Min Hong absorbed about 90 percent of the force within Min Qing's palm strike and added his own. Knowing fully well that Min Qing's physical body had been tempered by the Yin Qi and was equivalent to a 7 Star Warrior stage expert, he decided to go on with it.

He knew fully well that if he wanted to win, then he would have to use more force than he could naturally produce.

So, deflecting her palms to the side, Min Qing's flank became wide open and Min Hong sent the reflection palm strike which contained both their cultivation base battle power combined towards the side of her rib cage.

All this was long to explain but actually happened in the space of about three breaths.

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