The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Tragic Memory

“I want you.”

As the assassin spoke, he tore open Giuliano’s pants.

This guy is crazy!

Giuliano certainly understood what the assassin wanted – he wanted to **** him! He just escaped from the tiger’s mouth, how could he meet this pervert again! He arched his knees and aimed at the assassin’s lower abdomen, but the assassin had already anticipated his actions, grabbed his knee sockets, pulled his thighs outwards, and skillfully stripped off his pants. Giuliano gasped. His lower body was completely exposed to the assassin’s scrutiny, and his posture was pornographic. From the assassin’s point of view, he could completely see the most secret parts of his body.

He has never suffered such insults!

“Let me go!” Giuliano yelled hoarsely, his voice unconsciously turning into tears, “Madman! Pervert! Let me go! What do you think I am? A whore?”

“Of course you are not a prostitute.” The assassin replied calmly, “You need to pay for a prostitute, but you don’t have to.”

Giuliano’s voice caught in his throat. The wound hurt so badly that he really wanted to cry aloud, but he would definitely be laughed at by the assassin, so he bit his lip and told himself not to cry no matter how painful it was. He squeezed his eyes shut to keep the tears from flowing. His life changed dramatically in a matter of hours. Before sunset, he was the young master of the Sacon family, living in a peaceful and prosperous family; after nightfall, he lost everything. His parents were brutally murdered, their heads on the point of a gun. His beautiful mansion with white walls and red tiles was burned to ruins. He lies in the city-state’s most dilapidated and dangerous slum, about to be raped by a masked assassin. If he knew this earlier, he might as well die with his parents!

But… no. He can’t die. If he died, who would avenge his family’s grievances? Who will find out the truth and return justice to his parents? Who is going to catch Fernando Infonçon’s treacherous dog and make him pay?

He must not die!

Giuliano gave up the struggle. The assassin let out a “huh”, let go of the young man’s wrist, supported his chin, and let him face himself.

“You mean, my body can be used to pay off the debt?” Giuliano asked in the calmest voice he could muster, fighting the urge to sob.

“Well, more or less.” The assassin was noncommittal.

The young man’s eyes suddenly opened!

The assassin was taken aback. The pitiful emerald eyes just now were ignited with an invisible fire! Through the crystal iris, the flames almost gushed out, leaving a scorching mark on his heart!

“Then I don’t mind being beaten by you a few more times.” Giuliano said, “as long as you help me kill more people, help me kill Fernando, kill the city guard, and kill the murderer of my parents.”

The assassin’s movements stopped suddenly. Giuliano waited in silence for a while, but still didn’t notice any further moves from the assassin.

A muffled laugh came from under the mask.

“Interesting.” The assassin’s voice was full of interest.

The weight on his body suddenly lightened. Giuliano watched the assassin jump off the bed in confusion, grabbed the scarlet cloak, and threw it on him. The red-haired young man hastily covered his naked lower body with a cloak.

“I’ll go out for a while,” said the assassin.


“Don’t worry, I won’t betray you.”


“If you stay here, no one will come to catch you for a while-probably not.” He added, “If there is, it can only mean that you are destined to be like this. Think you are unlucky.”

The assassin held his mask up, as if to confirm whether it would fall off. Then push the door out. After the seemingly weak door closed again, Giuliano’s hanging heart finally fell.

He is alone again.

He wrapped his body in a cloak and huddled in a corner of the bed. His wound hurt like hell, and the assassin’s low-quality alcohol seeped into the wound, like an evil devil stabbing his claws into his body, ready to kill him. However, drowsiness gradually came up. He is so tired. If possible, he wanted to just sleep like this, and when he opened his eyes again, he was still lying on the comfortable and luxurious big bed in his own home. Everything is a dream. He hoped that time could go back to the afternoon when Fernando’s carriage had just arrived in Vanessa. Fernando is still the old and mature cousin who is kind to him. His parents entertained him for dinner, and then went to the study to discuss the family business. Giuliano’s father, Vito Sacon, was the deputy clerk of the Governor’s Mansion, and his mother, Olia, came from a family of merchants. She was shrewd and capable, and she took care of all the business of the Sacon family. Despite his youth, Fernando Infonçon was already the head of the family. The three of them must be planning the future of the family, and they discussed it so late that Giuliano couldn’t have a good reunion with his dear cousin. But it doesn’t matter, the next day, Fernando pestered him to visit Vanessa City. Giuliano showed him the newly completed temple and the city-state’s proud new docks. After a whole day of fun, they came home and enjoyed the chef’s special chilled pomegranate wine, feeling that they had never been so comfortable in their lives.

It would be great if everything could stop at that time.

“Juliano! Wake up! Giuliano!”

Young redhead woke up from sleep. The bedroom door was knocked open with a bang. By moonlight, Giuliano saw his mother striding into the house, clad in a silk nightgown, holding a crossbow.

“What, what’s wrong?”

“Something’s wrong! Get up!” The mother pinched Giuliano’s shoulders and picked him up like the disobedient boy when he was a child. “Go!”

Giuliano wailed: “Mom! What’s wrong with you? It’s so late, what’s the matter?” He stared at the crossbow in his mother’s hand, “Is there a robber?”

“No time to explain! Go!”

She grabbed Giuliano’s arm and dragged him out of the bedroom. The young man never imagined that his elegant mother had such strong fingers that it hurt him a lot. There is a corridor connected to the outside of the bedroom, looking out from the railing, you can just see the gate and courtyard of Sacon’s house.

Giuliano gasped.

There was fire everywhere. The courtyard was full of people, and the boiling voices hit Giuliano head-on like a tidal wave. The light of the fire comes from the torches in the hands of the people. The bright flames reddened the night sky, eclipsing even the stars. The fire illuminated the city guard uniforms on those people. There are also some people, wearing vests painted with the family crest of the Sacon family, indicating that they are servants of the Sacon family. But most of them fell to the ground, their lifeless bodies being trampled by the city guards.

There are two people standing opposite each other in the courtyard. One was wearing a bright blue uniform, and the other—Giuliano recognized as his father, Vito. Vito said something excitedly to Blue Uniform, but unfortunately it was too far away and too noisy, and Giuliano couldn’t hear anything clearly. Then, an arrow shot out from there, hitting Vito in the chest.

“Father!” Giuliano screamed.

Before he had time to mourn for his father, he was dragged by his mother to quickly leave the corridor and enter the backyard through the narrow passage dedicated to the servants. There was also a fire outside the back door of the mansion, and it seemed that they had already been surrounded.

“What the hell, mother! They…they shot father!” Giuliano yelled in horror.

“Hush!” Olia signaled him to silence, “They will hear!”


“I know, child, I saw it too.” Olia looked distressed, “It’s too late! We shouldn’t have allowed Fernando here! He betrayed our family!”

“Cousin Fernando…?”

“Don’t worry about it! Go away! At least… At least I will let you escape!”

There is an old dry well in the backyard, which has long been out of water. Aurea motions Giuliano to go down into the well. Only then did the young man realize that a ladder had been erected in the well.

“Under this well is a secret escape route leading to the Delan River. You go down first, and I will follow you!”

Unexpectedly, there is such a world in the dry well in my backyard. While admiring his parents’ ingenuity, Giuliano cautiously went down the well. When he got down to the bottom of the well, he raised his neck and shouted, “Mother! Come down quickly, too!”

He heard no answer save the echo that echoed in the dark passage.


At this time, he heard the sound of chaotic footsteps coming from above.

“Seize the traitor Vito Sacon’s family!” A familiar voice floated into the well, and Giuliano remembered the owner of the voice—a guard beside Cousin Fernando. Could it be that what mother said was true? Cousin Fernando betrayed their family? But what about “traitors”? Giuliano believed in his father, he was upright and would never treason!

“City Guard! Surround them!”

“Ah! This woman has a weapon! Ugh!”

“Women can’t let go! There is no need to show mercy to traitors! Kill her!”

Giuliano couldn’t take it anymore. Although he is young, he is a man! How can I let my mother fight desperately and run away with my tail between my legs? Even if he died, he would die for his family with dignity!

He grabbed the ladder and was about to climb up to the ground. Suddenly, there was a loud bang above his head, and stones and soil particles fell like a torrential rain. Giuliano jumped back nimbly, and a boulder fell in his place. It turned out that Olia planted explosives at the mouth of the well. As long as the wellhead was blown up, the pursuers would not be able to catch up.

“Mother!” Giuliano’s face was full of dust, and he beat the stone in front of him in despair. However, the stone was cold and there was no response. Tears overflowed uncontrollably. His life changed drastically in just a few minutes. Never in seventeen years had Giuliano felt so alone and helpless.

Someone stroked his cheek.

Giuliano jumped out of bed. The wound throbbed for a while, and he “hissed” and fell back on the bed. The bed board under him creaked, as if it would collapse at any moment. The musty, **** and dusty smell brought Giuliano back to his senses. He dreamed, dreamed of the desperate moment of escape from the mansion. The pillows were soggy. The same goes for the face.

It was daylight. The faint morning light spilled into the room through the gaps in the wooden boards. The assassin had returned at some point. He changed his mask again, and now he was wearing a black smiley mask painted with gold rims, and the clothes on his body also changed. For a split second, Giuliano wondered if the masked figure was the same assassin from last night. After all, he had never seen the real face of the assassin. But the assassin dispelled his doubts as soon as he opened his mouth. The sound is still the same.

“You are crying,” said the assassin. This is a statement without emotion.

Giuliano hurriedly wiped the water from under his eyes. He doesn’t want his vulnerable side to be seen by strangers. Although the stranger had already seen him in the most embarrassing state.

“None of your business,” he muttered.

“Huh?” The assassin laughed mockingly, his mouth now nearly as big as the mouth of the smiley mask, “Don’t forget you still owe me money. Everything about you is none of my business.”

Thinking of his rude behavior last night, Giuliano was angry and frightened, and couldn’t help but tighten the cloak on his body again.

“What do you want to do?”

“I’m curious, why did the city guard chase you down? Why did your father become a ‘traitor’? So I went to find out.”

Giuliano hurriedly interrupted him: “My father is not a traitor! He was framed! How could he do such a thing? Anyone who lives in the city must have heard his name and know that he has always been upright… “

“I know who he is.” The assassin said flatly, “I also know who you are.”

He tosses a roll of papers to Giuliano.

“See for yourself.”

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