The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 – Spider

“There seems to be something wrong…”

Antoine got into the tunnel dug by the viscount’s group, and said to Giuliano who poked his head out, “The number of guards seems to have decreased…”

They placed the remains of the scholars, and with the weapons they had seized from the dead soldiers, they returned to the stone chamber above where the hostages were held. I didn’t meet any giant spiders or other soldiers on the way, and returned safely all the way. Now they are lurking beside the stone slab that sealed the passage, discussing how to sneak attack the guards and rescue the hostages.

From the stone slab to the entrance of the stone room is a straight and inclined passage, illuminated by alchemy lamps every other section, making sneak attacks too difficult. Fortunately, they happened to be at the end of the ramp, so they couldn’t be seen by the guards, and of course they couldn’t see the guards either. Antoine volunteered, sneaked over to investigate, and ran back after a while.

“There are only two people left.” Antoine raised **** and said mysteriously, “I remember when we left, there were still many people guarding.”

“Could it be time for a shift change?”

“It’s possible. Let’s take this opportunity to kill him!”

Giuliano thought about it and felt that this opportunity couldn’t be better. The opponent is two people, and they are also two people. Even if they don’t sneak attack, but fight openly, they may not lose. After killing those two guards, they can explore outside, meet up with Enzo and Lei Xi, or set traps in the stone room, and wait for the guards who change their shift to come and catch them.

“That’s right, let’s go!” Giuliano crawled out of the tunnel, brushing the mud and dust from his hair. Antoine was full of confidence and seemed impatient to show his skills. Before Giuliano was ready, he drew his long sword, raised it high, and rushed towards the two guards at lightning speed.

Giuliano had no time to stop him! Just rushing over like this, it’s too messy! But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no other good way but a quick solution.

He drew his sword and followed Antoine. There were no obstacles in the passage, and the young swordsmen charged so loudly that they were spotted immediately. It was unknown whether it was Antoine’s imposing manner or the enemy’s inexperience, but the two guards were so frightened that they stood still on the spot, missing the best opportunity to stop Antoine. In the blink of an eye, the young swordsman flew in front of them at an extremely fast speed, holding the hilt of his sword with both hands, and swung it vigorously. A guard blocked with a sword, but lost to Antoine’s strength and the inertia of his charge, the sword was shot down! Antoine couldn’t stop and rushed past him for a while before slowly slowing down.

Another guard quickly put on a posture to protect his companion, but Giuliano arrived soon after. The two swords collided, and the impact made Giuliano’s wrist numb. The guard didn’t look much better than him. The young apprentice assassin gritted his teeth and slashed several times, making the guards overwhelmed. Antoine turned his head at this moment, and his opponent retrieved the sword. The two weapons collided, reached the gauntlet, competed with each other for strength, moved their feet, and switched positions. Antoine bumped into someone from behind. He turned his head and glanced out of the corner of his eye, only to realize that it was Giuliano. The latter nodded to him, and the two of them stood back to back, with Jian Feng facing the outside, and confronted the two opponents with an astonishing tacit understanding. It’s hard to imagine that these two young people who only had one experience in defending against the enemy would have such a close cooperation. Those who don’t know may think that they have been training together for a long time!

Giuliano swayed away the incoming attack, and the opponent had no time to return to the defense, and a huge hole was exposed in his chest. Without any hesitation, the apprentice assassin stabbed out with a sword, and with a “poof”, the long sword sank into the guard’s chest. According to Enzo’s instruction, this blow avoided all the ribs, hit the vital point, and penetrated the guard’s body.

The warm blood flowed down the blade to Giuliano’s hand, which surprised him. He hastily drew back the sword, bringing out more blood. The guard stared at the **** hole on his chest in disbelief, his eyes widened. His knees gave way and he knelt down. Then his body tilted and he collapsed at Giuliano’s feet.

The apprentice assassin was trembling all over, the blood on his hands was still hot, but a chill came out of his heart. He kills. This was his first murder, against the guards of the Vicomte de Ranchocourt. At this time, he realized that the person who died by his sword was still very young, as young as him, perhaps not long after he joined the army, he just died in an underground ruin far away from his hometown, in a man whose name he did not even know. in the hands of the enemy. Giuliano never imagined that taking a life is such a simple matter. It only needs a simple move of the sword, and a living person goes from birth to death, ushering in the only truth in his life.

This is what killing feels like.

He was cold. How did Enzo manage to kill so many people without changing his face? Is it like him, who is used to killing and will never feel horrible again?

He didn’t have time to think more, maybe Enzo could answer his doubts, but not now. The other opponent was still alive, trembling with Antoine, but was hit by the death of his companion, and his movements were obviously much slower. After a few rounds, the guard simply dropped his long sword and put his hands on his head in a gesture of surrender.

“Don’t kill me! Spare me!” he wailed, “I’m just obeying my lord’s order! I have to support my family too! I just got married, please don’t make my wife a widow! I don’t want to die yet, so please forgive me! “

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Antoine hesitated. Giuliano stepped forward and kicked the guard’s weapon aside to prevent him from surrendering, but it was true to take the opportunity to counterattack. The guard looked terrified, knelt on the ground trembling, and almost peed his pants. Antoine pressed his sword against his throat and asked sharply, “Where are the others? When will they come back?”

“I, I, I… I don’t know… The orderly came over just now and said that something happened above and urgently needed support, so most of them were transferred away, and only two of us were left to guard the hostages. As for what happened, I don’t know ah!”

Giuliano touched Antoine’s arm and whispered to him, “It must be Enzo and Rexi, they made a big commotion up there.”

“What should we do? Go up and help? But… what about the hostages? Let them go?”

“The situation outside is still unclear. If you let the hostages out rashly, everyone may not be able to escape. What if you encounter more soldiers?”

“Then let the hostages stay here first, and then let them go after the superiors are safe. I will inform everyone first, so that they can feel at ease.”

Giuliano nodded. Antoine turned to the soldiers who surrendered, and said sharply, “Say it quickly! Where is the key to open the door!”

The guard handed over the key tremblingly. The door of the stone chamber is blocked by a heavy bolt, and the key is used to open a mechanism that raises the bolt, which must have been designed by the ancients. Antoine stuffed the key into one of the front pillars, and with the rumbling sound of moving stones, the door latch slowly rose under the huge force of the mechanism. Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, the organs in the ruins are still operating as usual. The wisdom and technology of the ancient people are really amazing.

Giuliano led the guard into the stone chamber. The last time he entered this room, Giuliano was still a prisoner, but now he is held prisoner by his escort. This exchange of identities almost made the young apprentice laugh. The hostages in the stone cell were all stunned when they saw Giuliano and Antoine returning with great vigor. Some of them rubbed their eyes desperately, probably thinking they were dreaming. Antoine briefly explained the current situation to everyone, please stay calm, they will go outside to find out the situation first, and once they are sure it is safe, they will come back to help everyone escape.

Seeing that they were about to be free, the hostages all showed joy on their gray faces. Giuliano found a rope, **** the guard who surrendered, and handed it over to the people in the stone room for “guarding”. The hostages have suffered quite a lot under the hands of the Viscount and his group these days. It is self-evident how this guard will be treated.

After appeasing everyone, Giuliano and Antoine were about to leave, when suddenly, someone stood up from the corner, like a shadow rising from the stone room.

“You said it’s dangerous outside now, is that true…?” the man asked quietly. Giuliano recognized him as the previous businessman who offered to pay the ransom and begged the guards to release him, but was kicked away.

“Of course. The other soldiers are on it. As for what happened, we don’t know. Don’t worry, wait a moment, we will return immediately after we confirm it is safe.”

The businessman’s eyes were red: “I can’t wait! I’m going out now!”

Antoine made a gesture to stop him: “Don’t go! It’s too dangerous for you to be alone!”

“I’m safe alone! No one will notice me!”

With strength from nowhere, the businessman pushed Antoine away and rushed to the door of the stone chamber. Giuliano lunged at him, but he elbowed him in the face and nearly got a nosebleed.

“Go away! Damn, get out of my way!”

Cursing, the businessman ran out the door and ran into the passage facing the stone chamber gate. Giuliano ran after him clutching his sore nose. Before chasing one-tenth of the round, there was a shrill scream from the front.


Giuliano was shocked. The scream came from the businessman. He took a few steps forward, and something rolled to his feet, with a long dark trail trailing behind him.

It was the head of the merchant.

A group of soldiers quickly advanced along the passage, all of them described as embarrassed, as if they had just suffered a defeat and were in a hurry to retreat from the battlefield. What the **** is going on out there? Although Enzo is superb in martial arts and Lei Xi is unfathomable, it is impossible for the two of them to fight against all the guards under the viscount, right?

“The hostages have escaped!” Someone in the team yelled, “Kill them! We use the prison as our base, and we won’t be able to kill those disgusting things!”

Giuliano turned and ran.

Antoine and several hostages stood guard at the stone gate, waving desperately at Giuliano.

“Quick! Giuliano! Quick!” Antoine said anxiously. As soon as Giuliano entered, they closed the door immediately to resist the attack of soldiers. Damn it, did the captured guard lie? Otherwise, why did the brigade go and return?

Giuliano had already reached the intersection of the longitudinal passage and the horizontal passage, and Antoine was about to urge him, when suddenly, there were chilling rustling sounds from the left and right passages. They had heard it once before, the scraping of eight long, hairy legs on the ground. It’s just that this time there are not only eight legs, but tens of thousands… Countless giant spiders are approaching from the left and right directions like a surging black tide!

How come there are so many spiders! Giuliano paled. Dealing with a poisonous giant spider is enough. They can’t fight an army of spiders, they can only let them be slaughtered! The only way is to hide behind the stone gate and wait for the spiders to recede. But they are a group of monsters, they cannot be guessed with common sense, God knows when they will leave obediently!

Not enough time to think about it. Giuliano jumped forward and rolled through the door, while Antoine and the others tried to close the stone door at the same time. But the monster is faster! A giant spider squeezed through the door, incredibly agile on eight long, razor-like legs. Giuliano subconsciously drew his sword, only to realize that the sword belt had come loose when he was running wildly just now, and the long sword was thrown outside!

The giant spider ran straight for the bound guard, grabbing his body with its front legs. The guard let out a heart-piercing scream, and kicked his legs at the spider in despair. The spider opened its mouth wide, swallowed his leg in one gulp, and backed away with his body in its mouth. The upper body of the guard dragged on the ground. He screamed and clawed frantically at the ground, hoping to catch something that would save him from the monster’s mouth.

The spider just dragged him out of the stone room. Only the guard’s nails and bloodstains remained on the ground. Beyond the stone chamber, spiders overwhelmed the group of soldiers, like a sea of ink in a storm engulfs a solitary ship. Antoine, Giuliano, and many of the captives watched dumbfoundedly as they poured into the longitudinal passage and up. Not one spoke, not one moved, not one remembered to close the door.

Not a single spider broke in again.

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