The Last Creator

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

In this line of sight, Chen Xi smiled and greeted them, and then he saw the eyes of these orange-red robots flashed, and the handsome and delicate faces worked hard to smile at him.

This familiar reaction made Chen Xi relax at once. Well, although the color of her eyes is different, she is still a familiar machine family.

Later, under Jin Yi’s introduction, Chenxi learned that these handsome guys with orange-red eyes were a special group of robots. If you really want to describe them, they are all technicians, focusing on research and development. Most of the current research and development of the new technology of the machine family comes from their hands, while the rest is a small chance to appear in the general machine family.

Compared with those with dark red eyes, the number of R&D robots with orange-red eyes is much smaller, but the importance is self-evident, and they are also relatively homely on weekdays. Almost all of them are stuffed in research and development. Walk around outside.

But this time because of Chenxi’s affairs, they couldn’t stay anymore. They found the mastermind for the first time, believing that if Jin Yi didn’t let them come over, they could go on strike collectively.

And Jin Yi felt that their application was justified. Professionals were left to professional people. Human beings have disappeared for too long. Their various infrastructures that serve humans can’t keep up, and all kinds of situations can’t keep up. All need to be considered, and it is most appropriate for this kind of thing to be done by meticulous and thoughtful technicians, so I gladly allocated ten places to them, and let them form a team to be responsible for improving Chenxi’s quality of life.

Then these important technicians no longer cared about going on strike, instead they fought for the ten places. In the end, these ten kings stood in front of Chen Xi.

Chen Xi naturally didn’t know what kind of blood and blood had gone through these robot races who were standing in front of him with a smile and trying to release their kindness before they came to him. He looked at them curiously and started talking with them.

Chenxi knows what these machine races are doing, but he consciously feels that he is very satisfied with his life now. This is simply a fairy day. He can’t figure out how to improve, so he just wants to talk to them. Chat, and thank them for coming all the way, but soon, he found out that he was wrong.

“You see, this is the most popular speed car model and personal aircraft in human history. Of course, there are also these newly designed concept drawings. If you have fancy, we can send drawings for the base to build now. Waiting for you When you arrive at the base, you will be able to see all your favorite flying cars and personal aircraft…”

Chenxi saw the various models displayed by the other party, especially the powerful and cool styles. Every piece of scales on her body opened and closed like a breath, and it was accompanied by the roaring bionic car, so she couldn’t move her eyes at once. Up.

“Look, what style do you want for your residence on the base? Is it the architectural style of this sky garden, the style of the steel nest, or the more retro oriental palace style and the towering castle style…”

Chen Xi’s voice was silent.

“The starship you are riding on is just an ordinary starship. A customized starship is already in production, with various equipment specially built for you, and the internal space is wider…”

Chen Xi’s breathing stopped.

“Look at…”

“Look at…”

These orange-red eyed robots, although the process of distinguishing themselves from the crowd is very fierce, it is clear that the competition between technicians is very principled. At the very least, each of these ten robots has a great preference for human beings. Research on how to complete the task of improving Chenxi’s quality of life is absolutely qualified. What they each put forward is straight to Chenxi’s key points.

And Chen Xi finally recovered her voice after being stunned by the series of things for a while, but his subconscious reaction was, “I don’t need these, it costs too much…”

However, before Chenxi’s words were finished, a deep laugh came from behind him. Chenxi turned her head and saw Jin Yi’s smiling eyes.

Chen Xi glanced at him with some confusion. Is he wrong?

Then the next moment, Jin Yi took a step forward, stretched out his hand and gently put on Chen Xi’s shoulder, helped him turn around, and said to him: “Show you something.”

As his voice fell, the starship cabin they were in had undergone a wonderful change. It should be the alloy wall on the outside that slowly became transparent until it looked like glass, and the outside could be clearly seen. Starry sky.

Then a few minutes later, Jin Yi said to Chenxi: “Look, that direction.”

Chenxi followed Jin Yi’s point and looked in the direction he said. At first, he couldn’t see much. However, the speed of the starship was very fast. Gradually, the stars that were originally very small slowly enlarged, making Chen Xi was able to see more clearly, and at this time, Chen Xi realized that something was wrong, because he discovered that a very strange “planet” appeared in the direction Jin Yi had asked him to look at.

It was a “planet” with a very smooth surface and a metallic luster. The celestial bodies in space were full of strange sense of disharmony. As the distances continued to get closer, Chen Xi couldn’t help opening her mouth in astonishment. As the distance narrowed, he finally saw clearly that the so-called “planet” was actually made up of pieces of metal. Obviously, it was an artificial “planet.”

As for who made this man-made “planet”, there is no need to think about it.

Seeing the dense and small pieces of metal on that planet, Chen Xi couldn’t imagine how big the actual volume was. In short, this is definitely a big project.

But why did Jin Yi and the others bother to build a metal planet? And for some reason, Chen Xi always has a sense of immediate vision for that metal planet, and seems to have something to come out.

At this time, Jin Yi smiled at Chenxi and said, “Can you remember what it is? Let me tell you its name. Its name is Dyson Ball.”

wore! Mori! ball!

Chenxi’s pupils suddenly contracted. At this moment, the original faint sense of familiarity finally broke through because of the name. He all remembered it. Chenxi looked at the metal planet again, his eyes filled with weirdness.” Is that a Dyson ball?! You mean, it’s…the sun!”

Jin Yi nodded and said, “That’s right.”

The Dyson Sphere is a concept that was put forward long ago in Chenxi’s time. The concept is an artificial celestial body that completely wraps the star with a giant man-made structure in the imagination and obtains most or all of the star’s energy output.

Can you imagine, that is equivalent to using stars directly as a power source and having a natural nuclear fusion reactor in space.

Stars, which are celestial bodies like the sun, are known to have huge energy. The earth has only a small amount of energy sprinkled by the sun, but it feeds all life on the earth, so if you can directly capture all the energy of a star , How terrible it is. With high automation technology, energy represents everything, and that represents a steady stream of wealth.

It is a pity that in the AD era when Chenxi lived, this kind of thing can only be thought of, and it will only appear in science fiction works, but he has not thought that this kind of thing is now actually realized.

However, just as Chenxi watched the Dyson ball intently, Jin Yi whispered in his ear: “Do you know how many Dyson **** we have now?”

Chen Xi blinked and looked at Jin Yi dullly, “How many?”

“11822 stars.”

Chen Xi lost the ability to speak again.

Jin Yi couldn’t help but raised his hand and rubbed Chenxi’s black hair, and chuckled softly: “The Dyson **** we have are about 20% surplus to meet daily needs, so there are more than 2,000 balls. Within the scope of the Dyson Ball, you are free to splurge, really don’t save us, baby.”

With two thousand Dyson balls, Chen Xi felt a little dizzy. At this moment, he suddenly realized the feeling of the rich universe.

The author has something to say:

Zhihu Q&A: Excuse me, how does the rich universe feel?

□□: Thank you for the invitation. People are in space and just left the earth. It’s just the feeling of pocket money calculated by Dyson balls.

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