The Last Creator

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

In the completely unfamiliar star field, there was silence, a star beast that shouldn’t exist in the starry sky, mimicking the surrounding void, floating quietly.

The dozens of Star Clan inside the star beasts, their foreheads were already filled with cold sweat, but they held their breath and did not dare to move.

All of their eyes were unblinking, staring in one direction. And there, in the void of the universe, rows of giants stood silently, the cold silver luster, and the iconic appearance, which are the travel tools of the Zhizu.

The pupils of all the Star tribes tightened in fear, how could there be so many starships of the Zhi tribe?

Where did the spatial crack they encountered sent them? !

Seeing the surrounding starships, some small levitators appeared from time to time. Those red-lighted artifacts were scanned around, and all the Stars shuddered, although they didn’t know why there was such a thing. There are so many intellectual starships, what are these starships gathering together and planning to do, are they going to attack and annex another star field or race, but all of them are unusually unified in their response to the current situation, that is, escape!

Run away, run away quickly, run away!

The intellectuals are notoriously cold and ruthless, never wavered for any begging for mercy, and most hate the prying of other races. If they find their group of people, there will be absolutely no residue left, let alone they run into it. With so many starships together, it’s definitely the secret of the Zhizu to meet, maybe it’s a big action.

Therefore, all the Stars did not dare to get out of the atmosphere, leaving the star beasts in a mimicry state, quietly, moving slowly without making any movement, and staying away from those fleets. At this time, all the Stars could not help but be thankful for them. What he possessed was a rare mutant star beast, if it were ordinary, it should have been discovered long ago.

They stayed away quietly, until they could no longer see those fleets, they breathed a sigh of relief, and then moved on in the direction away from those fleets.

At this time, all the Stars who thought they had escaped to the sky did not know that they were not in the starry sky where they originally lived, the rare space crack, did not tear them to pieces, but sent them away. Entered a place that was more terrifying than being torn to pieces, and that was-in the nest of the Zhizu.

And the huge fleet they had just seen was not what they wanted to gather quietly and which star field they were going to attack. They existed here for the purpose of guarding.

Even these strangely lucky Stars, where they were sent in by the space crack, were not outside the protection circle, but inside the protection circle.

Therefore, they stayed away from the Zhizu fleet, in fact, they are heading to the core guarded by the Zhizu.

I don’t know how long time has passed, and the Stars, who have been highly nervous, showed fatigue. At the same time, they also received the signal that the star beast wanted to rest.

However, these Stars did not dare to rest rashly. After all, they kept the Star Beasts on their way for a long time, but the speed of the Star Beasts is simply incomparable with the fleet of the Zhi tribe. Not to mention that they are just now. To let the star beast run two star days away from those intellectual tribes is to make the star beast run dozens of star days, as long as it is detected by the intellectual tribe, it is easy to overtake it.

So if you want to rest, you can, but you can’t rest directly in the starry sky. Find a suitable shelter.

These Star tribesmen were about to find a suitable planet as a shelter. Suddenly their eyes lit up, because in front of them, a azure, beautiful planet appeared.

The leader of the Star clan immediately said: “Go to that planet.”

As a result, the star beast slowly swam to the planet.

As the azure planet got closer and closer, these Star tribes were full of admiration.

“Oh my God, this planet seems to have a mild climate, without strong winds, not far or near from hot stars, and the temperature is just right.”

“There are also many clean water sources.”

“It’s really suitable for life to multiply. There are so many plants and many small animals.”

“Is this a primitive planet? I haven’t heard of any race that has such a planet. A planet of this level is also the main star level of a powerful race.”

Some Star Clan licked his lips and said, “Boss, let’s remember this position. After the intellectuals have left, we will notify the clan, and then we Star Clan will come to occupy this planet.”

The Star Clan leader did not speak, but his heart moved. After a long time, he said: “We are still too close to the Zhi Clan. The advanced planet is hidden. Wait a few days for the Zhi Clan to go far away, let’s talk about it.”

In this way, the star beast approached the blue planet, attracted by the planet’s gravitational force, and slowly fell, and finally the giant beast sank into the deep sea of ​​the blue planet.

Hidden in the deep sea of ​​the planet, there was another barrier above it. These horrified Star tribes finally felt a little safe. They began to rest and eat and feed the star beasts.

After about one Star’s repair, both the Star Clan and the Star Beast were restored to their best condition, but they were worried that the Zhi Clan hadn’t gone far yet, so they didn’t rush out.

During this waiting time, the Star clan leader obviously thought of yesterday’s clan’s words again, and then his heart was moved. After all, he found that such a habitable planet was dedicated to the clan. This kind of credit can also make them gain. A noble title and countless wealth.

And this is secondary. The various races have always been cruel to fight for the habitation planet. After all, the environment of the habitation planet directly affects the quality of life of the entire race. Although the current habitation planet of the Star tribe is considered good among the various races, Obviously it is not as good as the one in front of him. It can improve the quality of life of the entire race and become the hero of the entire race. Who wouldn’t want it.

So while waiting for the Zhizu to leave on this planet, he decided not to be idle, using star beasts to conduct preliminary explorations on this planet.

To say that their mutant star beast is not a common grade. It can not only mimic the appearance of nothingness, but also when it is mimicking, the body will truly become a real surreal state, which can directly pass through tangible matter and lean on it. With this kind of ability, they have cared about the treasure house of various races in the universe, but they are still at ease in the starry sky.

It is also quite convenient to use the star beast to explore this planet. As long as the star beast maintains its mimic state and shuttles underground, it is enough to let the star beast swallow a little bit of material that may be valuable once in a while.

In this way, for several days, the Star tribe drove the star beasts and took some samples from the planet’s underground. Most of them were some natural ores, and some plant roots and fruits growing underground. There was also a nest sleeping in a hole in the ground. A strange little animal with long ears.

They didn’t know how far they had moved underground on this planet, until one day, they felt that the substance they penetrated underground was a bit strange, how to say it, gray, especially uniform, a bit like a man-made product.

The Star people who have visited the treasury of various races are no strangers to this feeling. Sure enough, in the next instant, they penetrated that layer of matter and came to a space.

When seeing the things in this space clearly, the Star people’s first reaction was stopped by the horrified heartbeat, and they almost ran away directly, because the things in this space were too distinctive in style, and at first glance they belonged to the intellectuals.

In the end, it was the thick dust in this space and the traces of time that made them brave enough not to escape. It seems that no one has been here for many years.

A space that seems to have been abandoned.

After realizing this, the Stars relaxed and looked at this space carefully, especially those artifacts with the Chi tribe style. You must know that they don’t have the opportunity to observe the Chi tribe’s equipment up close.

There are not many things in this space, and it looks a bit empty. Except for some of the countertops that are covered with thick dust and the Buddha is very delicate, but the purpose is not visible, the most conspicuous one is the one in the middle. Huge metal cylinder sealed.

That metal cylinder seems to be the core of this space, because they discovered that the other unknown things in this space are almost all connected to this metal cylinder. It seems that everything in this space is serving this metal cylinder. The magic is that the metal cylinder seems to be still working, because a small spot on the front of the metal cylinder is glowing with a faint green light.

“The things of this intellectual race can still be used.” The Star tribe who proposed to occupy this planet before licked his lips again and said: “We are developed.”

When the other Stars heard this, they couldn’t help becoming short of breath, looking eagerly at the metal cylinder. They were a treasure house that had cared for many races, but the value of all the things added up, They are definitely not as good as the products of the Zhizu.

I don’t know how many races are curious about how the sapiens made those inconceivable objects, those ingenious things, and that powerful starship, they are also eager to study.

However, the intellectuals rarely leave their products outside, making it impossible for all races to study it, and the starship that makes them greedy is bombarded into scum before they get close, making all races yearn for and fear.

Although the things in front of them are not starships, the things made by the Zhizu must have something in common. They brought this thing back to the Stars. Even if they can’t work out how to make it, they will definitely understand the weaknesses of the Zhizu. a little.

But when these Star tribesmen were excited, the leader of the Star tribe who had been in deep thought before suddenly said quietly, “But have you ever wondered why there are things left by the Zhi tribe in this place a long time ago? ?”

Silence, silence…

Yes, why on this planet, there will be things left by the Zhizu long ago?

Didn’t they happen to meet the Zhizu fleet, didn’t the Zhizu pass by here?

Since it is an unowned planet, and since the Zhizu just happened to pass by, why is there something left by the Zhizu not knowing how many years ago?

Cold sweat, unknowingly, left from the forehead of every Star tribe.

The leader looked at the tribe’s fright and didn’t dare to breathe. He sighed helplessly. He didn’t dare to frighten them any more. He forcibly comforted: “It might be something that the Zhi tribe accidentally dropped here before, but this planet We can’t stay for long, we take things with us and leave immediately.”

All the Stars nodded their heads like smashing garlic, even if the leader didn’t say anything, they didn’t want to stay on this planet for a moment, did they? How courageous is it to stay on this planet for so many days?

However, since they have stayed for so many days and have not been discovered, it is possible that this planet is not important to the intellectuals.

At this time, the Stars can only comfort themselves in this way.

The star beast obeyed the orders of the Star tribe and swallowed the metal pillar in the room and the unknown artifacts connected to the metal pillar in one bite, and then maintained its mimicry state and began to leave the planet.

The Stars, who were highly nervous, watched the surroundings in the star beasts tremblingly. Fortunately, they could see the starry sky through the dense fog, and they did not see the shadow of the Zhi starship. All the Stars were He was relieved.

They should be able to escape smoothly.

However, at the moment when the star beasts were completely out of the atmosphere, the litter was swallowed by the star beasts, and the small long-eared animals that had long been forgotten by the Stars continued to emit signals. At the same time, a dazzling red alarm The ray, instantly covered the starry sky!

At the same moment, those starships standing on the periphery, guarding this starry field like an iron barrel, sounded a sharp alarm, “Alarm! Alarm! The native species in the special protection zone of the earth has been stolen and has now been taken. From the atmosphere, the coordinates are 102.560745 east longitude and 28.964958 north latitude.”

Accompanied by the sharp siren, the delicate faces in all the starships lifted up at the same moment and looked at one direction in a unified manner. The countless pairs of dark red eyes were slightly narrowed, and the eyes looking at that direction were extremely cold.

The author has something to say:

Star tribe: Boss, let’s occupy this planet.

Earth:? ?

Star tribe: Boss, let’s take this metal pillar away.

Earthling:? ?

Robot Race: What did you TM say?

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