The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 4

4 Worst Obedience

My marriage to Prince Rain was broken, and then it was even more mayhem.

Although guests from other countries were somewhere interesting, Mistrian humans are in a state of panic.

There’s a big deal going on and there’s nothing I can do. I don’t even know what’s going to happen. Bureaucrats and samurai are running around with blue faces, crying and trembling. Kawaiso.

Prince Rain and Miss Emelda, who began the noise, seem to have been taken near the king’s side. If I touched it, it would be ashes and I was about to collapse.

Looking forward to seeing what happens to those two.

The prince is cautious for a while. I don’t think we can go as far as deportation because there seems to be hope for that, but depending on our attitude in the future, there can also be deprivation of the right to inherit the throne.

Whatever you do, you’re gonna make a big mess of it and you’re gonna tell it to the last generation. Feels good.

On the other hand, Miss Emelda… can you get out of the King’s Capital alive?

I don’t mean to be executed for this one. The problem is where she declared herself to be predictable.

You probably don’t seriously believe anyone who was on that spot, but you can’t just not verify it.

The prophet has the power to move history.

If Miss Emelda’s powers were real, the kingdom wouldn’t let her go. Even if the predicted median is about half, if it’s going to hit half, it’s going to make money. It’s hard to replace anything if you know beforehand about disasters, famine, and the forces of resistance to the state.

From now on Miss Emelda will have experimental pickling days for a while.

If it’s fake, it’s getting worse and worse, but if it’s real, it’s worse. I’m sure I can’t get out of the castle until I’m dead.

Yeah, but if you pretend to run away, they could kill you, right?

There seems to be enough people with ideas to give it to another country.

Would it be safer in the castle? I want everyone to have predictive skills. They just want me to go outside.

… As far as I’m concerned, you’re in trouble to be honest.

Because if Miss Emelda’s powers prove real, suspicion will reignite.

Oh, I want to kill you right now……

I won’t do it, though. I’m immediately suspected.

Besides, there are other things to worry about.

I glanced at the seat where His Majesty the King was sitting and snuck out a sigh.

Yeah, let’s not worry about what’s ahead.

For now, I no longer have to worry about being convicted of being an evil witch any time soon.

I did my best, I have to reward myself.

By order of the Chancellor, I rushed to a mansion near Wangdu. It’s a luxurious mansion well maintained, only managed by the kingdom. Behind the woods, not popular around. Perfect for a secret conversation.

I can’t disturb the castle any more than I’ve become the center of all that commotion. I also wanted to take a look at the couple’s room after the marriage, but I can’t resist thinking about the person who prepared it for me. Some people will shelter the prince, and I feel absolutely narrow shoulders when I’m in the castle.

If that’s true, I’d like to go home to Cruju right away, but I have an engagement cancellation process.

Unlike that of ordinary people, it is a promise made by the kingdom and the witch. My body and Prince Rain’s have contract magic involving engagement. That it will take more than a day to prepare to disarm it.

Let me stay at this mansion tonight.

Change from a wedding dress to a white piece, remove the sticky makeup, and replace it with a thin one. Then I asked the servant to put hot water in the bucket and have it delivered to the room. I’m tired of standing in unfamiliar shoes. Maybe I was more concerned than I thought.

As I sat back on the bed and indulged in foot water, a modest knock sounded.

“Go ahead.”

Ville, who came in silently, turned away blatantly. I don’t know, I think so. The Chancellor said to me, “Be as forgiving as your own house”.

I take a serious look at the young man standing in front of the door.

Tall, masculine figure. He has unconstructively tied dark hair that stretches out to his shoulders. The cleaver’s eyes are mysteriously golden, making people anxious with wonder.

She is tightening her lips and wrinkling between her brows. Maybe you’re a little nervous.

A man who is supposed to be fiercely hostile in the original “Aftermath”.

The man I kill and who causes me to be killed.

It would be most pleasant to have those two face to face as subordinates. I can’t stand loose cheeks.

“Name me again.”

“… Ville Obsidia. First Prince of the Kingdom of Mistria, headed by the Knights of Kingsguard.”

“Ex, you’re the leader. From this day forward, you are the daughter of the Red Rin witch, the servant of Sonia Carnelian.”

Ville skewed her face just to say it was humiliating. Honest human.

“Though I am the daughter of a famous witch, as you can see, I am not born particularly noble. If it’s not the right place, you can call me whatever you want, and I don’t need any respect. You don’t have to put your body up and protect me. Just never disobey what I ordered.”

After staring at me to speculate on my sincerity, Ville shrugged.

“depending on the content of the order”

“For example?”

“… even if I let go of my badge, I am a Mistrian knight. I’m not going to lend a hand in criminal activity.”

“Hehe, you’re not trusted at all. Am I a good witch?

All Ville had to do was flaunt his face.

But yes… if it’s not against the chivalry spirit, you’ll listen to everything I say?

“Ville, wipe it”

When I offered him my wet feet, he solidified.

“What are you doing? It will get cold. The towel is there.”

There was no reply, but Ville moved out cursorily. Kneel before me and wipe one foot at a time. I can see you taking great care to avoid touching your fingertips directly on your skin so that you never look at my face.

“A little more gentle, please. My skin will get scratched. Don’t forget between your fingers.”

It must be humiliating. I can’t believe I let a witch do this to me.

I can see the frustration happening.

I asked him a few questions again after he had the bucket cleared. I’m going to know a lot about Ville, but there may be some discrepancies with the original, and it’s boring to run and be suspicious of something strange to know.

Age is twenty.

I knew Prince Rain when he was ten years old and have served as a knight since he was sixteen. He accompanied the prince who flew out of the castle following a strange incident that made the kingdom noisy, and had been rolling around the place for the past year or so.

“So when and how did you get to know that kid named Emelda?


I’ve been talking frankly and honestly until now, and I’m stuck as soon as I get that kid’s name out.

“Answer me, Vil. Orders.”

“… listen and what do you do”

“I won’t do anything about it. But you’d be curious, wouldn’t you? The one who thinks I’m a wicked witch.”

“If Emelda says so, I guess so. He’s not a lying bitch.”

“Nothing. I didn’t say she was lying. But yeah, it looks like you might be losing your mind, swinging by unpredictable abilities that don’t match your length.”

Ville’s eyes are killing me. I continued my cheap provocation, enjoying the room temperatures dropping.

“For her, I’m an obstacle to love. Didn’t you tailor me to evil to get rid of it unconsciously? If you don’t do that, you can’t break a marriage by naming your country. How much you like the prince.”

In the original, at this point, Emelda and Prince Rain already thought both ways. And Ville is just trying so hard to give up. As far as his reaction in front of him is concerned, it seems to be the original. Looks very painful.

I can’t believe you’re in love with another woman in front of me. There’s going to be bullying.

“But both the prince and that kid are idiots. My assumptions are too intense.”

“… don’t insult those two any more”

“Huh? Why? ‘Cause I wish you’d told me first. I’m a good witch, so I won’t stand in the way of the two people I love. I’d be happy to help you if you wanted to break your engagement.”

In fact, I waited. But they never showed up.

“What have you guys been up to? Come and see me for now. Discussion will be fundamental for a peaceful settlement.”

I didn’t live in hiding.

Could it have been a hassle coming because Kruge is in the country?

I would have entertained you with a special herbal tea if you had come to see me.

… I can’t believe it. Let’s finish the play with this much.

“I wouldn’t have been that ashamed if you’d taken proper steps, and I would have been parted with the ‘minimum sacrifice required'”

“… don’t be ridiculous!

Ville’s eyes opened slightly. I just stepped through the mines on purpose, and I’m seriously angry.

“You said earlier… that Aronia Carnelian plotted the raid with minimal sacrifice”


“At that minimum and how dead you think you are! What my parents have seen……!

Momentum remained, and Ville revealed her birth.

Cross Obsidia, the father of Ville, who was young and headed by the Knights of the Kingdom. He was a genius of the sword, and his call with the strongest of kingdoms was high.

But twenty years ago, during a raid on the King’s Capital, the witch kills him casually. Because they took my beloved wife hostage.

The slain knight was drained of blood all over his body, dragged out of his bowels, hung upside down against the castle gate, and exposed for three days and three nights.

The humiliation of the kingdom’s most powerful knight became a sign of the witch’s terrible power.

“My mother went mad at the figure of her changed father and tore her lunar belly apart. That’s how I was born and my mother died just like that!

The golden eyes are grudging with hatred.


Like a full moon that drives people crazy.

“You think this is a discussion? Don’t be ridiculous! Something that can bring princes and emerdas closer to the nest of witches who are brutal, cunning, and don’t even think of people as people! Not that I know what a despicable trap to put up! That’s why I waited for you to come to the king’s capital! I was supposed to reveal the nature of you and Aronia and let the idiots who believe in coexistence with witches know!

… Heh, I see.

You’ve been thinking quite a bit.

Behind that cathedral was the elite of the Knights of the Kingdom withheld for security, as was the escort of dignitaries from other countries. If I had to, I would have gathered too much power to hold one witch down.

Speaking of which, the prince had chosen a rather provocative word. To piss me off. Oh, you did.

It is true that the witches who caused the strange incident in “Aftermath” were very clean with all of them. Especially when they uncover the plot and say, “You’re the killer!” As soon as they say…

I thought that was a promise, but maybe a witch is impatient? That kind of recognition?

I don’t think so, me or the country witches.

Speaking of which, even in the original, until before the wedding ceremony, the Emerdas were put in adversity. In a country that glorifies Aronia as its Savior, it is difficult to absolve Aronian daughters. Finding out the culprit in the weird case was a witch didn’t convey wonders and threats to people.

The princes came today ready to die.

Even without conclusive evidence, you really had to strangle me.

That’s how much I was cornered, and that’s how much I believed Miss Emelda’s predictions.

Only humans were invited to the wedding ritual in favor of the Red Rin witch. That kind of guest should be chosen to worry about me, and anyone who hates your mother would refuse to attend in the first place.

You also put flipping the public opinion in the calculations.

… Really good. Watch “Later”.

Otherwise, like Ville right now, he could have left it to anger to be manipulated the way the enemy thought.

“I hate witches. I want to kill and rip your intestines out without one left… you too, Sonia Carnelian”

Ville had his hands on the Hip Sword – the witchkiller, trembling. Looks like you’re fighting the urge to slash and dump me.

Anyway, there’s one thing I should say.

“I’m sorry. I made an inadvertent statement. Withdraw. I apologize for your parents, too, if you want to be one witch.”

“Don’t be stupid…… are you going to beg for your life? And if you’ll forgive me…”

“No. If you hate enough to write it off with one apology, you won’t have a witchkiller. That’s all I know. Don’t get me wrong.”

I looked up to Ville to try.

“You don’t have to forgive me. If you want to kill me, I’ll let you try. Still I’ll put you by my side”

“Why… you know what I’m trying to do”

Why did Ville honestly become my squire?

To grab proof, of course, that I am an evil witch and save the prince and Miss Emelda in distress. And to give you a just judgment.

If you kill me here and now, the spearhead of responsibility will turn to Prince Rain and become a stubborn blow. Is that why you can’t get through the sword?

“I know. But I can’t plead not guilty no matter how much I hate you without proof. You can’t kill people with personal feelings. Even if you let go of your badge, you are a Mistrian knight.”

Ville, who was breathing bitterly, took his hands off the sword for a few beats.

“You seem a lot more confident…”

“Yeah, I’m a good witch, a good lord”

“Where is it!,” he threw up and Ville jumped out of the room.

… That’s it.

Once you explode your anger with your thoughts, yes, the next eruption won’t come.

You don’t have to worry about getting your back slashed for a while.

Besides, you wanted to apologize first.

The birth of Ville is pathetic, no matter what the witch side looks like. From now on, it’s not funny that you can’t feel the burden and bully out of your mind. It’s not funny that I’m a witch and they resent me until what happened before I was born.

“But Ville… you really know that, don’t you?

That your father was in command of a witch hunting unit.

And he said the humiliation he suffered after the murder was the same as that once received by his fellow witch-hunted compatriots.

If you do it, they’ll do it again.

You and I need to be ready, right?

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