The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 24

24 Exploring the Tree Sea

I stayed overnight at your brother’s mansion and came back to Kruge.

I put up with wanting to spend a lot of time, and I gathered everyone together to talk about the demonic epidemic rumors.

“I hope you’re ready. That’s because it’s hard when a witch falls.”

“It’s time to make money…”

“It’s a good opportunity to finally sort out your medicinal herb inventory.”

I’m glad we’re all motivated.

On my own, I fall on my way. It’s hard to get all the ingredients together to treat demonic diseases. Two thousand day radishes, gear grass, thunder salt crystals and circular moon swordfish wings are hard to get.

Besides, this time the disease of the demonic disorder seems to be a new species, so I should have to change the formula depending on the symptoms. Keep a wide variety of materials in order.

In the meantime, the plant-based material was to be planted in the fields inside and allowed to grow in magic.

“I’ll leave the management of the field to Coral and the apprentices.”

“Leave it to me. I need to make some money and buy Frana some cute clothes. It’s gonna get bigger soon.”

Phantom was also motivated by the words. Coral is good at magic of local attributes, and Phantom can take care of herbs and apprenticeships for his mama, so don’t worry.

The rest are lightning salt crystals and yen moon swordfish wings.

I have to go pick this up. Fortunately, I can get it deep in the twisted tree sea.

… It’s pretty far away. It’s a distance you can’t take a day trip, and the Warcraft is nasty.

“Let’s go get it with me and Ville. I have some personal business behind the tree sea.”

When he told him to spend the whole two days exploring the tree sea, Ville gave him a complicated look. “Me and you are alone day and night is a problem, but you don’t feel like leaving it to anyone more than you’re in danger,” he says. It’s as easy to understand as ever.

“Okay. I’m a squire. Obey the Lord’s command.”

Ville has changed a little.

My eyes directed at me are either heartless or sparkling.

Is this, like, respect?

I wonder if I was reviewed for sheltering Miss Emelda. If so, all I can say is simple.

“Thanks, Ville”

“Huh… oh”

And then when I saw each other, I rushed off. Being conscious is round and cute. My heart is finally leaning towards me?

Emelda from “Aftermath” hadn’t noticed how Ville felt at all, but I wonder if it’s real. If I hadn’t noticed at all, I’d be pissed off with other HR. How much I didn’t know about Ville.

Anyway, I’m glad Ville misses it steadily.

So far, there is no strong feeling about Wang Du. I hope you keep exploring and don’t let me think about the prince or her.

A few days later, carefully prepared for exploration, we set out for the back of the tree sea.

“Not heavy?

“I’m fine. Lighter at noon.”

This time, Ville is carrying baggage for two.

Unlike the previous trip, Unica could not be brought. There’s almost no flat path, and what you might not be able to protect when the Warcraft targets you. I mean, I want to put on a perfume excluding warcraft, so I can’t take him with me.

He’s carrying a backpack, putting a witchkiller on his back, lowering a cage in one hand, and it looks like it’s tough, but Ville’s only a heartbeat.

There’s a big lunch box in the cage. I woke up early and made it because I can only eat decent food for lunch today. It’s a picnic day, so I felt like it.

Even though I tried to make it a lighter lunch to reduce the burden, Ville has pinched my mouth wanting to eat as much as a bite. I’m lost, but I don’t want Ville to have a crush on me. As a result, it turned out to be a very heavy lunch box.

…… get a lot of work done so you don’t get fat.

“Don’t forget to bring back the material.”

“Wow, I haven’t forgotten. And I really can afford it.”

Ville is emptying her right hand pulling out the sword so that whenever she comes across the Warcraft, it’s okay. The area looks floating and doesn’t fail to be alert to its surroundings is just fine.

Only weak warcraft can be kept away by perfume. Strong warcraft there shouldn’t come to sell fights feeling the strength of me and Ville. Well, there’s a chance we’ll run into each other accidentally, and the Warcraft might attack us with no bother because it’s ferocious.

Nothing in particular, hours later.

“Is it time for lunch”

He proceeded with directions and maps, and reached an empty flower garden in the tree sea. I took a break here when I got here before.

Colorful flowers bloom, with a sweet scent. Like a paradise on earth. It’s an increasingly picnic. Spread the rug in the shade of the tree, put up a simple junction, and then wash your hands in the creek before you start eating lunch.

Ville cheeked a pale sandwich.

“Is this… orange mustard? Don’t go with chicken. Delicious.”

Chew and eat well, not just meat, but vegetables, the word was big, but I stopped because I was like a mother.

No, my mother didn’t say that, but that’s how mothers used to pay attention to me in my past life. When I was in adolescence, I was like, “Whatever you want. If you want to eat and die, you look forward to it!” And the other way around, it made me sad as I was in my previous life.

Drink tea after a meal and straighten it out. I’m kind of dying to sleep. I don’t think I should stop collecting material and take a nap and go home. What a thought, Ville, who finished packing, asked hesitantly.

“Sonia…… don’t you use that hair decoration?

Today, I tied my hair together and came with a white string. It’s a subtle assortment of Ville and different colors, but I don’t think I’ve noticed that.

Those golden flowers and butterfly hair fastenings… haven’t shown Ville where I put them yet.

“Yeah, I won’t use it”

“Because it’s cheap?

I nod a little thinking. Then Ville looked disappointed.

No, Vil.

“It’s cheap, so it could break right away. That’s why I can’t follow you without you.”

Ville blinked her eyes as surprised.

“… that’s surprisingly poor”

And I loosened my mouth just a scratch.

Smiled face…… unusual. Or maybe it’s the first time since I met him that he laughs during a conversation with me.

What’s this sense of accomplishment?

My heart flutters.

“I bought it because of it, so you should use it. If it breaks, now, the…”

He doesn’t quite say the words that go on. A burning human.

I asked like a prank.

“Maybe now Ville will give it to you?

“! Oh, my God, that’s crazy.”

“I don’t think it’s funny. So… will you pick with me this time?

Ville lay down her eyes and said in a voice that seeped through her strays.

“… I can’t promise”


That you’re not willing to go to Wang Du, but you’re also not willing to stay by my side for long?

Just a little bit, I know how your mother feels.

I picked white flowers at random in the flower garden and took them to their destination.

The tree sea breaks and the valley appears. I saw something scary and peeked down. Deep enough to remember the glare, there is a river of torrents.

It’s not a distance you can jump across, and the bridge isn’t crossed.

“I guess there’s a thunder salt crystal ahead of us?

“Yeah. I’ll cross by magic. But before that – [Ignitzard]”

I unleashed the magic of fire attributes toward the valley walls. Along with the firepillars, the high squeal that pierces the heavens rises. The black shadow cuts off the wind and dances at a slight speed.

“Here, at this time, it’s a nest of yen-moon swordfish.”

“Tell me first!

Hand control Ville trying to pull out the sword in a hurry.

Air warfare is not for swordsmen. Plus, if you fall out of the valley while you’re obsessed with the sky, you’re dumb.

“I’ll do it. Ville, protect your back.”

You felt responsible for keeping your back, and Ville nodded with a serious look and bowed down heavily.

Circle moon swordfish have a glossy black body and a white stomach. There is a pattern of gold on the forehead.

The flat-sized swordfish flee into the sky, leaving one individual the size of a flying dragon, swirling over my head to intimidate me. Mr. Boss Tsubame. They’re angry at me for burning the house, and even if they feel my magic, they won’t run away. Interpretation, birdhead.

The yen moon swordfish are troublesome because of their speed, but they’re not that strong. Killing is easy. It’s just that my purpose is to take the wings. If you split it up, if you drop it in the valley, it doesn’t make sense.

Remove bird wings from life to life for medicines that save human lives.

The point of using the life you took is no different than the rose jewels.

What is right and where is evil from? I had a time when I was worried about that.

… I’m sorry. Humans prioritize their lives. Be sweet to yourself and those close to you.

The boss swordfish jumps up high, wrapping a blade of wind around him and descending suddenly. I combined the chants.

[Spinning wheel, tangle weak neighbors, be a vortex of loss – Silgirins]

The wind of the beating swirled violently, flirting with the swordfish that cut the wind and flew. Eventually, the swordfish crashed into the ground, scattered their wings and died.

The swordfish, who were a little far away, were scattered on all sides at once. Don’t chase me. One boss gets enough material.

Looking cold at the debris and wondering where to start, Ville stepped forward.

“I’ll do it.”

Looks like Ville will do the dirt on the wings. I decided to pick up the relatively clean wings that fell to the ground.

He did the work silently and finally restored the carcass with my funeral technique. The bone with the nucleus would not be a great sum, so he threw it in the valley and offered a silent prayer.

“… sounds really more upstream, but I’d love to be here already”

I threw the white flowers I had picked in the flower garden to the bottom of the valley in the same way. Ville is leaning her neck.

“You’ve been picking for the swordfish?

“No. Father…… for Ambert”

I pointed all the way to the bottom of the valley.

A slightly darkly colored river twists up and swallows white flowers.

“Because I feel bad if I don’t come by every once in a while”

Though the tomb of the Savior’s mother is constantly supplied with red flowers, your father does not even have a tomb without proper mourning. Exactly sympathetic. I need to remind you of me as much as my daughter once in a while.

We don’t know the cause of Ambert’s death.

Were you sick, were you used by your mother to experiment, or were you killed in a crazy fight? I just heard you flushed the body out of here.

Your mother didn’t tell me about my father. I couldn’t even ask because I was in a bad mood as soon as I gave my name. The witches inside the Bubbas didn’t know anything either.

It’s just that once the slave witches have told me to whisper. “Your father was playing with his young daughter and bought Lady Aronia’s wrath,” he said.

… Your mother most likely killed you because you seemed fine when you looked at it in the past. Though I don’t think the reason was sanctions for cheating.

Or maybe even a man you don’t love didn’t want others to take it from you?

What crap.

I’m not gonna be like your mother. But I know how you feel.

I wonder what to do. I don’t want to lose anything important, but I also don’t like being dominated by ugly desire to own it.

“Ville, let’s go. We need to get thunder salt crystals before sundown.”

When I smiled and offered my hand, Ville returned to me. You were thinking of the words to call. But you don’t have to say anything.

Ville took my hand with horror.

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