The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 32 - Performance draw

Everyone queued forward to draw lots with anxious feelings, hoping to get a simpler one, not asking for much brilliance, just asking not to be too embarrassed.

“What did you draw?” After returning to their place, the classmates whispered to the companions next to them.

“I got the little witch in” Witch Lily “, how about you?”

“I got the clown in” Witch Lily. “Another said with a frown.

“Then we are performing the same script. Fortunately, this script is not too difficult. At least we are more fortunate than Lin You.”

“What did Lin You draw?” The girl asked curiously.

“The villains in” Aoyama Records “need to be reversed.”

“Okay, I’m balanced.”

“What I got was Lin Xiaofan in” Spiritual Domain “. I was so sad that this character was so hard to play.”

“Dude, you’re happy. I picked a female character. God is going to die.”

“These we have drawn are all films that Qian Dao has made before. Do you think anyone will be out of luck in” The Immortals “?”

“It must be there. I suddenly felt a lot more balanced in my mind.”

“…” Everyone talked about their chosen role, and some people were happy and worried.

Luo Lingxing just checked Qian Xuewen’s information, and knew that “Xian Mo Xiu Zhen Lu” was a milestone in Qian Xuewen’s career, a classic that has never been surpassed so far. He glanced silently at his hands Holding a note, silent.

“Then let’s start acting now, and now some classmates who have drawn” Witch Lily “come forward.”

“Whoever sees me will be blind.” Witch Lily said painfully.

Chen Yihang said firmly: “Then I see your whole body discomfort to be wiped out?”

Chen Yihang: “Unexpectedly, kindness is also a flaw.”

Lily: “He is kind-hearted? I ask you, if one day, Li Wushuang wants to shovel the misty, can you teach him to be merciful? And, if one day, we let the alien rule, and kill all the people, you Can you use your kindness to touch them? This is the so-called Jianghu rules, so you have no choice. “

Chen Yihang: “Yes, I can leave the rivers and lakes.”

In each script, only a few small excerpts from the show were selected for performance, and the performance was quickly finished, and the students participating in the performance were all very nervously waiting for Qian Dao ’s evaluation. This feeling is definitely more than a transcript. It’s a hundred times nervous.

“Lily’s performer performed pretty well, but she didn’t have enough tone and attitude to grasp it, and it was still very tense. You need to train your facial expression a lot to try to do more. Chen Yihang’s performer doesn’t speak enough. Firmly, the last sentence can be expressed like this: “Yes, I can leave the rivers and lakes”, which may be better. “Director Qian Xuewen commented next to each other, and even some small problems were taken out and corrected with everyone.

“Thank you, Teacher Qian, we will continue to work harder.” The students who received the review were as if they had got the treasure, and they returned to their positions.

“Then the students from” Spiritual Domain “stepped forward.”


The acting class is a total of two major lessons. These two classes are all used for performance. Commenting. During the performance review, everyone listened very carefully and earn a lot.

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