The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 23 - New student

“Although there is no such hard-and-fast rule for our performance majors, every student has a star system. This is the default rule. It is also for the sake of the students’ future. All students with other systems are transferred to other corresponding majors. “The director said.

“Those who change majors are voluntary. If students are not willing to transfer majors, we can’t force them.” An Zhiqun said, then turned to look at Luo Lingxing and asked, “Are you willing to transfer majors?”

“I don’t want to.” Luo Lingxing replied very directly.

“Then you know, without the help of the star system, you will encounter more difficulties and obstacles in the performing arts career in the future. It is very likely that you will not be famous in your entire life. You can only be a silent person. An Zhiqun looked at Luo Lingxing and said.

The corner of Luo Lingxing’s mouth slightly raised an imperceptible arc, and said confidently: “I will not do nothing silently.”

An Zhiqun didn’t expect Luo Lingxing to answer so, frowning slightly, and felt that this student was quite interesting. This was the first time he heard someone without a system answering his question so firmly, as if there was no system. He can also create his own world in the entertainment industry.

An Zhiqun suddenly looked forward to the miracle this student would give him in the future, but now.

“Then you remember what you say now, the entertainment circle is never just talking.” An Zhiqun no longer looked at Luo Lingxing after he finished speaking, but turned his head to the teaching director and said: “Go through the formalities of re-learning . “

The director of teaching said that when he saw the dean, he didn’t say anything, and quickly completed the re-entry procedures for Luo Lingxing.

“Because you have been off school for a whole year, you ca n’t stay in the previous class, you can only re-take the class with this year ’s freshman. This is the name of your class and class teacher, you can go to your class teacher You go to the new class. “The director of the teaching handed a card to Luo Lingxing and said.

“Thank you Director, thank you Dean, then I will go first.” Luo Lingxing took the card, thanked the two of them, and walked out calmly.

“The dean, if he doesn’t have a system, it will definitely be difficult to go in the entertainment circle in the future, why should he continue to study acting major?” The teaching director was very puzzled.

“The system is just an assistive skill. Even if there is no system, a person may not be able to go further in the entertainment industry and in the performing arts career, but people nowadays are too dependent on the system. Now there is a need for someone without a system to tell everyone that the system is not necessarily the most important thing. “Dean An Zhiqun said, with a smile on his face, but …

“The premise is that this kid can really bear the disregard of those who regard the system as life. If even this little setback can resist, the previous words are all nonsense.”

The teaching director heard the words and thought a little, but still didn’t quite understand it. After all, the system is already a part of life for them. Since it is their own, it is naturally helpful.

Holding the card, Luo Lingxing found his class teacher, Li Chengwang, and came to his new class to perform class 1.

“Everyone be quiet, we have a new classmate in our class, let the new classmates introduce themselves.” Li Chengwang said.

Luo Lingxing walked generously to the podium without any cowardice. Today he wore a white shirt with casual jeans underneath, not too formal or too lazy, giving a clean and handsome little guy Image.

Although his appearance is not too outstanding in the performance of handsome guys and beautiful women, but his clean temperament has left a deep impression on everyone.

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