The Identity of the Real Rich Man Can’t Be Hidden

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Lifesaving Medicine

Chapter 14 Life-saving medicine

Li Rongan’s driving skills are not very good, because he is not driving steadily, which makes An Yan a little confused. I don’t know if he is doing it on purpose, or if he has this skill originally, and asked: “Otherwise, let me drive.”

“Don’t be afraid, I’ve never had an accident while driving, I just love to play.” After Li Rongan said that, he slammed the steering wheel, causing the car to reverse to the other side, as if it were about to turn over at any time.

An Yan held the handle of the car roof and saw a big truck coming in front of her. The lights of the car were bright enough to blind her eyes, and a particularly harsh horn sounded in her ears.

The driver of that truck rolled down the window and shouted at them, “Mental illness, can you drive?”

“You did it on purpose.” An Yan thought that she should have guessed correctly.

“You shouldn’t make Lina angry, and you don’t deserve to come to our Li family.”

“She is Li Rongsen’s fiancée. What does it have to do with you? He is not angry and wants you to come forward.” An Yan snorted coldly and punched him in the jaw when she saw that he was going to drive in the S-type again. , and then grab the steering wheel to operate.

But not to be outdone, the man held the steering wheel with both hands and refused to let go. He made a corner and drove into a small road. When he drove to the end, he slammed on the brakes again.

An Yan was about to open the door, but found that he had locked it, and saw a slender piece of iron dangling out of his hand, he said, “Look at your pretty face, that’s why To seduce men.”

“I advise you not to mess with me.” An Yan warned him, and calculated the distance between him and herself, so that he could knock out the weapon in his hand when he was not prepared.

Li Rongan’s technique is quite skilled, poking An Yan’s eyes.

But An Yan was more agile than him, and turned to the side, causing the iron piece in his hand to poke the glass, and opened the car door, throwing him straight out, making him face down and gnaw a mouthful of mud.

An Yan also got out of the car, dragged one of his hands, and patted the car heavily. He cried out in pain, and the iron piece in his hand fell to the ground.

Li Rongan refused to admit defeat. He grabbed An Yan’s clothes with his other hand, trying to tear it off.

But An Yan was more agile than him, she stepped back, lifted her leg and kicked him in the chest, and kicked him three meters away.

Li Rongan realized that he was too weak, he couldn’t help coughing, and when he saw a car approaching in the distance, the high beams were so dazzling, he immediately closed his eyes.

Li Rongsen got off the car. He first looked up and down at An Yan and asked, “How are you, are you alright?”

“I’m fine, he doesn’t have the ability to hurt me.” An Yan said with disapproval.

“Would you like to continue venting?”

“It’s really still a little warmer.” An Yan didn’t intend to be polite to him anymore.

Li Rongsen turned around, looked up at the sky, felt that the stars were very bright tonight, and he could still see the Big Dipper clearly.

An Yan on the other end walked to Li Rongan’s side and said, “Your mouth is so dirty, do you want to fan yourself, or do you want me to come?” Yu Yu picked up a brick on the ground.

“I’ll do it myself, I’ll fan it myself, I was wrong, I won’t dare again next time.” Although Li Rongan said such words, his tone was kind of forbearance.

But An Yan didn’t care, she wasn’t afraid of trouble coming to the door, and there were some ways to solve this kind of rottenness. She got up and walked to Li Rongsen’s side and said, “Can you lend me a car?”

“I’ll take you back.”

“No, I can drive.” An Yan told the truth.

Li Rongsen pointed to his car and said, “You drive my car, I drive that car.”

An Yan got into the car generously, started it and walked away, while Li Rongsen got into another car. When he was about to close the door, he saw Li Rongan get up and said, “Cousin, take me with you.”

“Go back by yourself, cousin.” Li Rongsen closed the car door and followed An Yan’s car away.

He still intends to watch An Yan get home and return with his own eyes, so as not to encounter any mess on the way, and he has already developed a sense of disgust for Wang Lina, why didn’t he find her so annoying before.

An Yan on the other end had already noticed that a car was following her, but after seeing that it was Li Rongsen’s car, she put down her guard, thinking that he really is a gentleman towards women.

When she got downstairs, she didn’t go upstairs immediately, but waited for Li Rongsen’s car to come.

Li Rongsen rolled down the car window and asked her, “Why, do you have something to tell me?”

“Here’s the car key. I’ll return it to you now, so that I don’t have to pick the time to deliver it later.” An Yan put the car key in his palm before going upstairs.

Li Rongsen didn’t leave right away. He wanted to rest for a while. He turned on the radio and planned to listen to a song before going back. It is estimated that Wang Lina hasn’t left yet.

He wasn’t bothered before, but now he can’t even listen to half a sentence.

Who would have expected that he had not even finished listening to half of the song here, and saw An Yan hurriedly come down again. She looked anxious, so he naturally asked her, “What happened?”

“My dad is sick, I’m going to buy medicine.” An Yan didn’t hide it from him.

“Then go to Wancaotang, there are all kinds of medicines.”

“Less the most important thing, Snow Lotus Purple.” This medicine is what An Yan needs most, but she also knows that it is hard to come by, so she temporarily uses other medicines as a substitute, but it is not a long-term solution after all.

Li Rongsen knew that this herb was the only one in the world, and it was not so easy to get. His whereabouts are still unknown. All the people who love to show up say they have seen it, but he doesn’t really care about it. After all, he doesn’t need it. .

Although his family’s Myriad Herbs Hall is only short of this flavor.

For An Yan, this thing is equivalent to a life, and she has heard about it in previous lives, saying that it was passed on from generation to generation, but I don’t know who should pass it on in this life.

She must have him, or his father’s illness will not be cured and his life will be in danger at any time.

She didn’t sleep that night, looking for information on the computer while taking care of her father.

Before she knew it, it was the second day. She first went to An Cheng’s bedside to see him and asked, “Dad, how are you feeling today?”

“It’s good, better than yesterday.” An Cheng’s body is still very weak, although he has tried his best to make himself look better, and then said, “I’m the one who has troubled you, let you worry about me.”

“Don’t think about it, it will all be fine.” An Yan comforted him, and then went back to check the information.

The target is locked on three people. They have all talked about Xuelianzi, and there are rare famous doctors in their family backgrounds. One of them also said that only he has seen the real Xuelianzi.

After all, there are many medicinal materials pretending to be snow lotus purple in the world, and the bidding price is more than one million.

She needs to think about how to find him and get him.

(end of this chapter)

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