The Holy Maiden of Light Wants To Change Jobs

Chapter 21

Facts have proved that Sylvia has the soul of gourmet, and does not have the hands of gourmet.

When cutting meat:

“Uh, isn’t it a little uneven in size?”

Seeing that the big one was the size of her fist, and the small one was only the size of her thumb, Sylvia felt that she was being rude.

Obviously, before I started, I thought it should be this size. Why is it different?

Sure enough, it is because the bones are more difficult to control!

In the end, Barlow couldn’t see it, and took the knife, “What is the approximate size?”

Sylvia gestured.

After brushing, the sharp knife light made Sylvia feel like a flower in front of her eyes, and then the neat and homogeneous pieces of flesh and bones stayed there peacefully.

Papapa, it was Lan’s applause.

After the meat is cut, the next step is the mushroom. Fortunately, there is no need to cut it, just wash it.

Sylvia was going to stew a pot of soup with mushrooms and meat. Recalling the steps in her memory of the mother’s stewing soup and the countless food shows she had watched, she started again with confidence.

“Appropriate amount of water? Well, it’s soup anyway. It’s fine to put more water.”

“Uh, the right amount of salt…”

Sylvia looked at the salt jar that Lan handed over and felt worried. How much salt should I put in such a pot of soup?

Barlow: “…”

He looked at Sylvia, who was distasteful once, disliked twice, and was hesitating whether to increase the weight three times. At this moment, there was a silly spirit beside him who was fanning the flames and sighed heavily.

“Put a little more, you see so much water.”

“Still put it? What if it’s too salty?”

“Then add more water, it’s soup anyway.”

“Yes, it seems reasonable.”

Barlow grabbed the salt jar fiercely, “You guys, stay here!”

Sylvia was stunned. She wanted to say that you wouldn’t know how to do it, but when she saw Barlow’s dark face, Guguo and Lan took a back seat.

Can Barlow cook?

In fact, I can’t talk about whether it will or not. It’s just that the mother didn’t care about them when he was a child. He always tried his best to find something to eat, and for the sake of his sister, he tried to make the food a little bit better.

Later, when those things happened, in order to get revenge, he didn’t care what to eat.

Food, for him, is just a life-sustaining thing.

Naturally, he didn’t make anything delicious anymore. Now that he picked up the salt jar again after more than ten years, Barlow actually had a feeling that he had passed away.

“Is your brother okay? Why hasn’t he let it go?”

Lan asked “quietly”.

Sylvia doesn’t know if it’s okay, but Barlow is her brother at this time. As a good sister, she is of course…

“Okay! Why can’t my brother, just wait and see!”

Barlow, who had heard everything: “…” He suddenly felt that it might not be a good thing for Lan and Sylvia to meet.

Although the process was bumpy after all, the ending was perfect.

“It smells so good~”

Sylvia, who drank another big bowl of soup, patted her round belly with satisfaction, and burped comfortably.

As expected of the top ingredients, even if they simply put a little salt, the cooked food is better than most of the delicacies that Sylvia has eaten in her previous life, and it is the best one she has eaten since she came to this world. pause.

“Brother Barlow, your craftsmanship is incredible!”

Lan also gave a thumbs up. He had never eaten meat very much, and he ate several pieces today, but in Sylvia’s view, he was definitely tortured by his own craftsmanship.

After the three of them had a full meal, Sylvia was about to go to sleep in the tent, but Lan took out three white and soft things, and then a green light flashed in her hand, and the thing quickly enlarged, looking like a physical cloud.

“What tent are you sleeping in, come and sleep here, let’s watch the stars together!”

Sylvia didn’t recognize what this thing was, but it looked extremely soft and comfortable, and it must be very comfortable to lie down on.

I couldn’t help but look at Barlow. At this time, it’s better for him to call the shots.

Barlow recognized that this was a popular alchemy product among the nobles. It could be enlarged by inputting magic power, and it was very soft and comfortable. It was something they liked to bring when they went out.

It’s just that the price is a bit expensive, and ordinary civilians can’t afford it and won’t know it.

Therefore, when he received Sylvia’s sight, Barlow did not object, and he could just put Sylvia next to him, just in case something happened.

Seeing Barlow nod, Sylvia didn’t say anything, Lan Xian jumped onto the soft cloud and patted the soft cloud, “Come on, come on, it’s super comfortable.”

Sylvia: “…” If it wasn’t for Lan’s appearance of that holy and inviolable type, she really doubted whether this guy had been to some place before.

She also jumped on the bed following Lan’s appearance, and the soft touch instantly made Sylvia fall.

God, she must also do something like this when she has a chance, it’s too comfortable.

Soon, the three of them lay side by side and looked at the sky above their heads. Because they chose an open space, there were no other obstructions in their sight, and the bright stars could be clearly seen.

“So lovely……”

Sylvia couldn’t help but sigh, in the previous world, such stars could only be seen in TV movies.

“Still not sleeping? Don’t get up tomorrow.”

I don’t know if it’s because the environment is too peaceful, and even Barlow’s tone is inexplicably softer.

He hadn’t looked at the night sky so calmly for a long, long time.

“By the way, do you have any wishes?”

Lan’s voice is very ethereal, in this atmosphere, such a voice seems to come from another time and space, more like a **** listening to your wishes.

Sylvia and Barlow didn’t know if they were affected by the atmosphere, but they both thought about this issue seriously.

After a few breaths, it was Sylvia who said, “I want to go home.”

No matter how good-looking and talented she is in this world, she is more likely to be under one person and over ten thousand people in the future, but Sylvia… still feels homesick.

Then came Barlow, his eyes were a little hazy, “I…I want to…see her again…”

After the two finished speaking their wishes, a strong drowsiness surged up immediately, their eyes closed quickly, and they would not notice anything strange when they woke up.

Lan, who was on the side, didn’t look at the two of them, just stared blankly at the sky above her head.

Home and sister.

They are the obsessions of Sylvia and Bennett respectively.

Once people have obsessions, they can always burst out with the potential that even him marvels. Sylvia’s can be released for the time being, but Bennett’s words…

His younger sister, perhaps, would be very happy to meet this older brother too.

Lan slowly stretched out her right hand, her palm facing the sky, her fingers slowly twisting half a circle.

Something amazing happened.

The starry sky above his head twisted with the direction of Lan’s hand twisting, the arc was not bad at all, and then Lan twisted half a circle in the opposite direction, and the stars also rotated together.

The distant holy star, now in Lan’s hands, is like a small toy that can be manipulated and played at will.

“Really, boring…” Lan said to herself.

Even though this was the world he had created, he was a little tired of it.

Or, chat more with the soul of another world and create a world in her mind?

It seems to be interesting…

[Hidden Mission: God’s Gift, Completion Degree 10/100]

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